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The Sheikh's Tempted Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 13)

Page 8

by Cara Albany

  Becca looked quizzically at Erin.

  Erin sighed, leaned against the balustrade and gazed out to sea. "Qazhar men can can I say it?" Erin glanced at Becca. "Demanding," Erin added, after a moment.

  Becca paused. "Really," she drawled. "I would never have believed that," she said with just a hint of sarcasm

  Erin lifted her head. "Okay," she said slowly. "I can see you already know what I mean." Erin squinted at Becca. "Zaheer?"

  Becca nodded thoughtfully. "I've noticed that when Zaheer wants something he usually likes to get it. No matter what it takes."

  "That sounds awfully familiar," Erin said with a knowing grin.

  Both women exchanged glances.

  "You get used to their demanding ways, though," Erin said brightly. "Once they know who is really in charge, they soon come to heel," Erin added with a tilt of her head.

  Becca snorted and Erin looked at her in surprise.

  "I'm not convinced," Becca said eyeing Erin skeptically. "I get the impression sheikhs like to be in charge."

  Erin nodded. "They can be like that sometimes. But, you'd be surprised," Erin replied. "Once they know who's boss around the house, there is nothing quite like a Qazhar sheikh for a husband." Erin sounded proud as she said those words. She also looked incredibly happy. Who wouldn't be, with a life like this, Becca asked herself.

  Becca gazed around at the palace building. "Some house," she observed.

  Erin laughed. "I know." She gazed up at the side of the building. "And this is the smallest one we have," she stated.

  "How many palaces do you and Karim have?" Becca asked.

  "This and the main one just outside Qazhar city," Erin replied.

  Becca could hardly comprehend what it must be like to live in places like this. To be the head of such a household.

  Erin leaned back against the balustrade. "Once these sheikhs are tamed, they're fine," she joked and winked at Becca. "Just ask my sisters," she added.

  Becca laughed awkwardly, but in reality she was shocked. This was the last thing she'd expected to hear from Erin. Maybe first appearances had been deceiving. Karim had looked strong and dominant, even during their brief introduction. Like Zaheer, Karim exuded a quiet sense of authority.

  Zaheer tamed into becoming a dutiful, responsible husband?

  Becca couldn't believe that. Not for one moment. She recalled Zaheer's dominating ways and tried to figure out how someone like him could possibly be tamed.

  Erin glanced at her watch. "Is that the time? I must get downstairs and make sure the dinner is being served," she said.

  Erin leaned forward and rested a reassuring arm on Becca's shoulder. "Never mind, Becca. Karim and I will be gone soon after dinner. His plane will take us back to Qazhar. It's only an hour away. And then you can have Zaheer all to yourself." Erin laughed excitedly and started toward the suite. She paused at the door. "I'll see you downstairs in a little while, okay?"

  Becca nodded. "I'll just shower and get changed."

  "Okay," Erin said with a smile and then left Becca alone on the terrace.

  Erin had given Becca plenty to think about. Not least of which was the prospect of becoming yet another American wife of a Qazhar sheikh. Erin made it all sound so easy, so attractive. So inevitable.

  But was it? Everyone's circumstances were so different, but it seemed as if the sheikhs in this country all shared one important characteristic.

  Once they decided they wanted a particular woman to become their wife, there was nothing on earth which would stop them from claiming that woman.



  "Your brother has disappeared again," Karim said to Zaheer.

  They were seated on the sofa in Zaheer's suite. The terrace doors were open and the sound of the waves hammering against the rocks far below mingled with the soft sound of the overhead fans.

  "Again?" Zaheer responded. It wasn't as serious as it sounded, he told himself. "He's probably taken off into the desert again. I wouldn't worry too much about him. He knows how to take care of himself."

  Karim leaned back against the back of the sofa and sighed. "Surely your parents must worry about him, though."

  Zaheer scoffed and shook his head. "That's the worst part of how my beloved younger brother acts. He knows my parents worry, but he keeps on going on these crazy escapades."

  "Why does he do these things?" Karim asked.

  "Riaz loves the desert," Zaheer replied. "And he's got this notion that he belongs there. That, to be a sheikh, means he should be like our ancestors. He's always been interested in tribal lore. Sees it as his duty to preserve traditions."

  Karim shrugged. "That doesn't sound crazy to me." He sighed and stretched his legs out. "I have to admit, there've been times in recent years when taking off to the desert sounded like a great idea."

  Zaheer frowned. "But then you'd have missed the chance to have a wife like Erin."

  Karim nodded sagely. "You're right. I don't think she's the kind to enjoy living in a desert encampment. No matter how romantic it might seem to someone who doesn't know the reality of it."

  "What? The heat, the smells, the discomfort? What's not to like about that?" Zaheer said and laughed.

  "And you, Zaheer?" Karim asked, suddenly earnest. "Why have you brought Becca here? Or is that just a dumb question?"

  Zaheer peered at his friend. Was it such a silly thing to ask? How much could he tell Karim about why he'd persuaded Becca to come all this way? Zaheer knew he wouldn't share the details of Becca's cousin's problems. He didn't want to cross that line.

  Apart from which, he knew that Becca wouldn't be happy for Zaheer to be giving out such a lot of information that was, strictly speaking, private. But there was no need for Zaheer to hold back when it came to telling Karim how much Becca meant to him. If anyone would understand what it meant to fall for a beautiful American woman, it would be Karim.

  Zaheer sighed and smiled appreciatively as he thought about Becca.

  Before he had a chance to say anything, Karim spoke: "I know exactly how you feel, Zaheer," he said.

  Startled, Zaheer looked at Karim. "You do?"

  Karim nodded. "Of course. She's a beautiful woman. I can tell you really like her. And that she likes you."

  Zaheer didn't know what to make of that at first. He knew Karim was trying to be diplomatic. He pretended to find it merely of casual interest. "You think so?"

  Karim gave Zaheer a knowing look. "I could tell by the way she looked at you on the stairs outside. And the way she looked back at you when Erin took her up to her room."

  Zaheer furrowed his brows. "About that, Karim," he said. "Why the separate rooms?"

  Karim scoffed. "You're telling me Erin would have put up with you arriving and taking Becca straight to a room you'd be sharing with her?"

  Zaheer shrugged and grinned. "It might have been worth trying. Judging by what you said just now, I don't think Becca would have objected."

  "Maybe not Becca, but Erin would have been furious. She's quite prim and proper that way."

  "Really? I'd never have believed that she'd rule the roost like that. Not with you around," Zaheer said mischievously.

  Karim bristled slightly at that, but Zaheer could tell it was done with good humor. "I'm the man of the house in our relationship," Karim objected with a grin.

  "Sure, Karim," Zaheer teased. "I believe you. Just like all the sheikhs who've married American women. They all say the same thing. But everyone knows the truth," Zaheer concluded, lifting a brow. "Everyone knows the women are the ones who're really in charge."

  Karim admitted defeat and shrugged his shoulders. "What do I care? I married the most amazing woman. I'm more than happy to give her the freedom to be the way she wants to be." Karim sighed. "Let me tell you, that takes real patience, sometimes. But it's worth it."

  Zaheer thought about that for a few moments. Wasn't that one of the barriers he had to break down? Didn't he also need to show Becca that,
if she did agree to be with him, that Zaheer would give her the same level of respect Karim obviously showed toward Erin?

  In fact, wasn't that one of the keys to persuading her that he'd changed? Zaheer knew he hadn't been exactly sensitive the first time around. He had to be grateful that Becca had granted him a second chance, even if it was under these difficult circumstances.

  Zaheer could tell that Karim and Erin were incredibly happy together. He could only dream of achieving such happiness with Becca. Maybe it wasn't such a forlorn dream, though. He'd done the right thing bringing Becca here. He figured it might give her a chance to see what it really meant for a Qazhar man and American woman to share a life together.

  "How long are you staying?" Karim asked.

  "A couple of days, maybe," Zaheer replied. "Depends how things go." Zaheer tried to hide the concern in his voice. Did Karim think Becca might not want to stay? Had his friend noticed something that Zaheer just couldn't see?

  "And Becca? How long is she planning to be here for?" Karim asked.

  Zaheer frowned. "Now, that's the real question," he said. "That's down to a whole lot of things. Some of them not in my control."

  Karim lifted a brow. "You not controlling something? Now, there's something I never thought I'd hear," he said.

  Zaheer shook his head. "Times have changed, Karim." He paused and then continued. "I've changed," he said in a heavy voice. Even as he said that, he still felt doubt tug at him.

  Karim reached across and took hold of Zaheer's shoulder and shook it reassuringly. "I think you're right, Zaheer. You and I have known each other a long time. And, I can tell you, I've never seen you like this. Not the way you are when you're next to Becca. You look like a different man."

  Zaheer lifted his brows doubtfully. "I'm not so sure."

  Karim shook his head and laughed. "Take it from someone who knows what it means when a woman walks into your life and changes everything. You'll get the message, soon enough," Karim stated firmly. "Have patience and do what your sense of honor tells you is the right thing."

  "That hasn't always been a good guide in the past," Zaheer objected.

  Karim snorted. "The past is history, my friend. You're a sheikh. Seize this opportunity like the man you are."

  Zaheer nodded. He could see the wisdom of his friend's advice. He was glad he'd come here. Karim's guidance might well be the difference between success and failure. The sanctuary of this island might well be the place where he could finally break down the barriers which stood between him and the indescribable joy of a future with Becca.

  Karim slapped Zaheer on the shoulder. "I'm hungry," he stated. He stood and looked down at Zaheer. "We need to eat. And then Erin and I will be heading off, back to Qazhar." Karim smiled. "Leaving you two love birds alone on this island. Now, what could be bad about that Sheikh Zaheer Al Shirah?"

  Zaheer laughed, his mood instantly improved by Karim's determination to make the most of things. Zaheer stood and shook Karim's hand. "Thank you, Karim," he said.

  "What for?" Karim asked.

  "For making me see sense," Zaheer replied.

  Karim waved a dismissive hand at Zaheer. "Bah! Never mind. Everything is going to work out. You wait and see," he said. "I'll see you downstairs for dinner."

  Karim turned and headed toward the door. He paused and turned. "And, please. For my sake. Don't be late." He glanced at his watch. "Half an hour. No later. Or else Erin won't be happy. And we don't want that, do we?" he added. Then Karim burst into a loud laugh and left the room.

  Now that he was alone, Zaheer wondered if he should go find Becca's room. See how she was settling in. Maybe personally take her down to dinner.

  However, he quickly changed his mind, thinking it might send out the wrong signal. Before arriving at the island, Zaheer had decided he'd give Becca as much space as possible to get used to this new place. Even if she was only going to be here for a short time, it was vital she feel relaxed and at home. Everything must seem strange and alien to her.

  Zaheer unpacked and got ready to take a desperately needed, calming shower. He needed to take the edge off his mood. Plunging himself beneath a cold shower would probably go a long way to dulling that sharp edge.

  Zaheer stripped off and went into the shower. The cold water was a shock to his system, but it was one he knew he'd needed. He let the sharp needles of shower water awaken every one of his senses. Rivulets ran down his naked body, and he was grateful to finally be rid of some of the tensions that had been building in him since leaving America.

  Finally, minutes later, he felt as if he'd regained some sense of control, an urgently needed return to reality. He stepped out of the shower, grabbing hold of the large white towel. He started to towel his wet hair as he walked naked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom. He left a trail of dripping water on the marble floor.

  Zaheer dipped his head to one side. He caught his own reflection in the full length mirror on one of the walls facing the entrance to the bedroom. He started drying himself and then froze.

  Zaheer heard the gasp of a female voice. He saw a face in the mirror. One that was not his own.


  He whirled around and faced her. She stood in the center of the main room of his suite. She was looking straight at him.

  Becca's mouth was wide open and her gaze was fixed, steady, disbelieving, as she took in the sight of Zaheer's still damp, naked body. Zaheer clutched the towel tighter.

  He was completely exposed to Becca. Thoughts whirled in his mind but instinct immediately seized control.

  The impulse to cover himself passed quickly, and his hand drifted slowly down to his side, the end of the long towel bunching on the floor.

  For a moment, Zaheer was lost for words. Becca still hadn't moved a muscle. Then he saw her gaze drift down the entire length of his body. Her cheeks flushed and he heard her draw in a sharp breath. As her gaze moved downward, Zaheer submitted to a dangerous and tempting thought. He felt his body react, heat coursing through his every sinew.

  The moment seemed to last forever, as she seemed to drink in the sight of him, transfixed. Becca looked as if she was enjoying some kind of guilty, illicit pleasure. He felt himself stir, desire flickering into life as he stood there, completely open to her.

  Then she seemed to come to her senses. She moved, turning suddenly away from him, obviously intent on leaving and he called out. "Becca!"

  She halted, but didn't turn her head to look at him. He took a few steps, but the sound of her voice stopped him in his tracks.

  "No, Zaheer," she said, her voice cracking with emotion. He saw her swallowing hard as she tried to maintain her composure. She was breathing fast. Seeing him naked like this had had an immediate effect on her. He was sure it had awakened a long lost desire.

  It certainly had in him. He realized seeing her reaction had affected him in a primal, visceral way.

  The effect of the cold water in the shower had completely worn off now. He was no longer calm. His being was fired up, ignited simply by the way she'd looked at him. By the expression on her face. He felt his desire rising, his need becoming impossible to ignore.

  The water pooling at his feet, Zaheer lifted the towel to his middle, covering himself.

  "I thought we could go down to dinner together," she explained. "So, I just came along to see if I could find you."

  Zaheer tried to smile, but it wouldn't come easily. "Well, looks like you found me," he said.

  "Maybe, it's better I make my way down to dinner on my own," she concluded.

  He ran a hand through his damp hair. "I can be ready in a minute, if you want to wait," he suggested.

  Becca shook her head. "I don't think that's such a good idea," she said slowly, smiling wryly.

  After a long moment he said: "Okay," he murmured, conquering his impatience. His jaw tightened and he sucked in a deep breath. Of course, he didn't agree with Becca. He wanted to go over there and sweep her up in his arms and throw her on the bed behi
nd him.

  The prospect of taking his pleasure tempted him dangerously. Now that he was naked and ready for her, the thought of letting her walk away triggered a defiant impulse. Wasn't that what she wanted, now that she'd had a reminder of the promise his body held? He'd seen the look in her eyes, the obvious desire, the appreciation. The familiar longing.

  Zaheer groaned almost inaudibly and tightened one of his fists into a hard ball. Was that his old arrogance rearing its ugly head, again? The impatience which had caused so many problems for him in the past?

  Frustration surged through him. Hadn't he just talked about that with Karim? Why was it that words were so weak in the face of real, physical temptation?

  "I better go," Becca said, giving him one last glance.

  And then she was closing the door and leaving him alone in the middle of the room. He spun around and hurled the towel onto the bed. He lifted his head, gazing up at the ceiling, his body tight with frustration, every muscle straining.

  He sighed heavily and just about managed to restrain the urge to roar like a wounded animal as he picked up the towel and made his way back into the bathroom.


  For the next couple of hours, all through the meal, Becca couldn't stop thinking about Zaheer. How his glistening, naked body had looked. The sheer, masculine beauty of it. The strength in his muscles; the broad chest; the tightness of his abdomen; the matted dark hair across his chest; his long powerfully muscled legs.

  The burning need in his dark gaze as he'd turned to see her looking at him. No doubt she'd looked like a shocked schoolgirl.

  And, of course, there had been the obvious, visible strength of his desire, on full display. It had been so long since she'd felt the power of his need. As if she had to be reminded of that, she chided herself.

  Seeing his visible need like that had stunned her into silence. Gazing at him, she'd sunk into a dream-like pool of memories. Nights of indescribable passion, with his nakedness a delicious source of ecstasy.

  She'd been naive, of course. Thinking that going to find his room wouldn't lead to some kind of situation.


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