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Carnal Series 1 - Carnal lesson

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by Harper Vonna

  “So what’s it going to be? More of your leg hauled up behind you or something else?”

  By this point in their abduction a fair number of subjects had sunk deep into fear and depression which, surprisingly, make things more difficult for him. This one still shivered. Her muscles were knotted which told him she was a long way from giving up. He still couldn’t understand what she was saying. What mattered was that she’d stopped trying to get away.

  “That’s the choice I would have made if I was in your situation, which I’ll never be. First things first. Getting you to pee.”

  He untied the rope hooking her leg to what he’d wrapped around her waist but left the restraint on her ankle. She groaned when he straightened her leg. She smelled of sweat and fear all right, but a hint of expensive perfume remained. From the feel of things, she’d recently shaved her legs. He already knew she kept her pussy bare. Yeah, she was a bitch all right—just waiting for him to change her ways. With the thought, his cock entered the equation.

  “Pins and needles, right?” he asked as he pressed his erection against her thigh. She squealed into the bit. “Okay, another decision for you to make. Either you find your way to the ground or I’ll yank you out of there.” He made his point by pulling her closer to the edge.

  She shook her head and muttered. He stepped back. There was just enough light so he could watch her struggle to sit up. Too bad he couldn’t see the look in her eyes. She didn’t take her attention off him. For sure that bit of cock nuzzling had made its impact.

  The pickup was high enough that her legs dangled. He slapped her thighs. “Hurry the fuck up.”

  His encouragement got her going. Because she didn’t have use of her hands, she nearly lost her balance but after swaying back and forth a little, she managed to stand. Breathing rapidly, she stared up at him.

  Holding off shoving himself into her holes wasn’t going to be easy.

  “Waiting for your marching orders are you? I’ll give them soon enough, but first I’m going to do something to make sure you stay with me.” Not taking his eyes off her, he reached back into the truck bed for his equipment bag.

  “I know you don’t own a dog, but what’s the most important item if you were taking one for a walk?” He held up a leather collar and leash. Staring at the items, she whimpered. Damn but he loved that sound!

  He positioned himself so she was between him and the tailgate, then started to wrap the collar around her neck. Sobbing, she tried to turn away. Bracing his legs against hers, he slapped her cheek so her head whipped to the side.

  “You know what they do to misbehaving dogs? They punish them. Put them in tiny cages and lock the door.”

  Watching as she resigned herself to the inevitable made his cock ache. He rubbed himself against her middle.

  “Things getting clearer for you?” He kept rubbing, grunting as he did. “Don’t worry. Your time for getting fucked is coming, but you haven’t earned a piece of me yet.” He brushed the collar over her cheek where he’d slapped her. “You aren’t a feral bitch dog. Don’t act like one.”

  She again tried to say something. Impatient, he gripped the metal collar end and lashed her shoulder with the other. Gurgling, she lurched against him, prompting him to shove her back against the tailgate. He collared her while she was off-balance then hooked the leash to the ring at her throat.

  “You’ve pissed me off.” He yanked on the leash. “Believe me, you’re going to wish you hadn’t.”

  Who knew how much she comprehended. At least she had the good sense not to resist any more as he hauled her into the oaks. Freeway traffic occasionally illuminated the area making it easy for him to decide on a spot behind one of the larger oaks. Holding the leash in one hand, he unzipped, pulled out his considerable cock and aimed at a dark trunk. The smell of hot pee wafted.

  “Your turn,” he said as he tucked himself back inside. “Wait. We have a problem. You’re wearing what passes for panties yet lack the ability to get them out of the way. Seeing as before much longer you’re going to be naked, those damn things are more trouble than they’re worth.”

  He loved messing with captives’ minds. Feeding them bits and pieces of the nightmare was one of his favorite techniques. Reaching into his back pocket, he extracted his knife.

  “Please, no.”

  All right, she didn’t actually say that but he had no trouble making sense of the sounds. She tried to pull free.

  “Naughty, naughty.” He yanked down on the leash, forcing her to lean over. “Look bitch, I’m going to teach you how to walk on a lead. The less you resist, the easier the lessons will go.” He didn’t add that he preferred resistance. Beating the spirit out of a captive was so damn rewarding. Keeping the pressure steady against her neck, he slid the knife blade under the G-string near her ass hole and sliced. The garment started to slide down only to hang up between her legs.

  “Time’s wasting.” He jerked so she stood upright. “Squat and get it over with.”

  The bitch all but pranced in place.

  “What? You’re modest? Too damn bad. You have two seconds to do what I brought you out here for or you’ll have to hold it for another five hours.”

  She whimpered, spread her legs, and started to crouch. After retracting the blade and slipping the knife back in his pocket, he grabbed the G-string in front and pulled the worthless fabric from between her legs. Then, because he didn’t want her to fall and delay their leave-taking, he held onto her elbows as she lowered herself even more.

  She whimpered again. The sound turned into a sob, then she cut it off. A moment later she urinated. When the sound stopped, he hauled her up.

  “No toilet paper now or maybe ever again. You haven’t earned it.”

  Dragging the ankle rope behind her, she trudged back to the pickup with the leash tight between them. What was left of her G-string hung down like an undersized loincloth. She looked toward the lighted restroom.

  “So near and yet so far. Sucks doesn’t it.” He started to lift her into the truck only to reconsider. Sometimes a man needs to take chances.

  Stepping behind her, he spun the collar around and hooked his finger through the ring to keep her in place. He patted her right ass cheek, chuckling when she tried to get away. After a moment she set her legs but any thought he had that she’d given up evaporated when she kicked back. He easily dodged her sandal.

  “You’re going to wish you hadn’t done that,” he said with his mouth close to her ear. “Here’s just an example of you’ve let yourself in for.” Pulling back on the collar, he grasped her ass cheek and squeezed. She yelped into the gag. He could have forced her to remain in one spot but entertained himself by letting her twist this way and that. Finally, because he didn’t want to draw blood, he let go of the firm and intriguing flesh.

  Cursing for effect, he grabbed her around the waist and threw her into the truck belly down. He climbed in and straddled her with his weight on her butt. She dug her shoes into the carpet and pushed.

  “What’s that? Trying to slide out from under me? Now that’s a fool move if I’ve ever seen one.” He grabbed a handful of hair and forced her to lift her head, arching her back in the process. Shit! Her ass hole was so close and his cock so hard. “Pay close attention because right now you’re getting a lesson in what happens when you displease me.”

  The sounds she made trying to breathe was music to his ears. He saw no reason not to cause her discomfort but it went deeper than that. Mastery was a powerful and beautiful thing, a role he’d all but been born into. He never went at it by half. When she started to wheeze, he let go of her hair. Her head dropped. Leaving her to deal with getting enough air into her lungs, he climbed off her but kept his hands on her legs until his fingers reached the rope around her ankle. Grabbing her other ankle, he crossed it over the tied one. He’d run a loop over both ankles before she caught onto what he was doing and again tried to kick.

  “Damn bitch.” He slapped her buttocks as hard as he could. H
is body practically sang in excitement.

  “Ah! Ah!”

  “What’s that? You’re telling me not to hit you? I’ll do whatever I damn well please.” Delighted, he hauled off and struck her ass three more times while keeping the rope taut. Leaving her to whimper and shake like some just-punished child, he roped her trussed-together ankles another three times before tying a knot.

  Switching her arms from behind to in front called for speed and timing, but he was used to catching captives unawares. Besides, if he was reading her right, she still couldn’t wrap her mind around everything that happened to her since she’d left work. In the world she’d always taken for granted and took advantage of, she called the shots.

  No more.

  When he’d secured her wrists against her belly, he pulled on them to make sure she understood they were tethered to her waist. She made a lovely sight, a calf ready for branding.

  “You’re going to learn to thank me for whatever small kindness I bestow on you. You have to admit this is easier than the earlier strain on your shoulders. However, because I don’t want you getting the impression I give a damn about your comfort, I’m going to make sure you stay where I want you to.”

  The leash had wound up under her. After pulling it free, he secured it to one of the truck’s tie downs, leaving her with no slack.

  “Back on the road,” he told his prisoner as he got out. “I suggest you start wrapping your mind about what’s going to happen once we reach our destination. Here’s a hint. You’re going to be taught the error of your self-centered and selfish ways. The lessons aren’t going to be easy, or forgettable.”

  Chapter Three

  Even with the carpet under her, Cheri felt every bounce and jolt as the truck rejoined the freeway traffic.

  God, she hated thinking about what she’d been forced to endure at the rest stop!

  Where was he taking her? If his intention was to kill her, wouldn’t she already be dead? Maybe his plan was to hold her for ransom. He’d released her once enough money had been handed to him.

  A sob escaped as she acknowledged the holes in that insane hope. Norman, Ed, and Platt showered her with gifts and showed her off, but they didn’t love her any more than she did them. She was their trophy girlfriend, their kept woman if she’d let them, that’s all. Uncle Stevie was wealthy because he knew how to hold onto his money. Just last week when she’d threatened to quit if he didn’t give her a raise, he’d told her she knew where the door was. Her argument about how many men she brought to Top Lounge had fallen on deaf ears. Back when Aunt Alisa was alive, Uncle Stevie wouldn’t have said anything like that. Now, however, his true colors were coming out.

  Oh God why hadn’t she quit? If she had she wouldn’t have been at the Lounge tonight.

  The tears she’d been fighting again leaked out. She was so damned scared.

  And mad.

  The bastard who’d leashed her to the truck as if she was a misbehaving dog had no right! He’d ruined her skirt and underwear, messed up her hair, forced her to squat and pee before him, prodded his considerable cock against her.

  Where was he taking her? What did he mean about lessons and being shown the error of her ways?


  Daylight was starting to come in the canopy’s small windows when her captor again stopped. Judging by the smells and sounds, Cheri guessed he’d stopped for gas. Desperate to draw attention to herself, she banged her feet against the carpet and tried to rock about, but he’d left the radio blaring. All too soon they were back on the road. She had no idea what direction they were going or even what state they were in. Warm as it was getting, she surmised they hadn’t spent the night heading north. The humidity that went with this time of year pressed in around her.

  Her stomach growled. Surprised to realize she was hungry, she pressed her hands against her belly. She didn’t touch her ruined G-string because she couldn’t handle any more reminders of her vulnerability. The only thing left of what Ed had presented her with last month was the elastic next to the rope around her waist. What would Ed think if he saw what her captor had done to it, how close she was to being naked?

  Not yet, she forcefully reminded herself. Her blouse and bra were still in place.

  Oh God, why had she dressed so provocatively? If she’d worn the kind of clothes her aunt had tried to talk her into, she wouldn’t have drawn a pervert’s attention.

  She was going to be raped. Raped. Taken against her will for the first time in her life.


  The word forced echoed inside her. To her disbelief, hot fluids filled her channel. She must be crazy for the nightmare to turn her on. Just the same, the longer she thought about what awaited her, the more she squirmed. Damn her hot-blooded nature! She’d long used her sexuality as a tool to get what she wanted, to have her insistent itches scratched. Now she was going to be used—repeatedly and frequently.

  Her captor intended to fuck and fuck and fuck her. That’s why she was still alive. Heat licked through her pussy. She pressed her hands against her belly.


  When the truck started slowing, she made the mistake of trying to sit up. The collar tightened. Defeated, she collapsed. Every inch of her hurt, especially her forced-open mouth. If only she could flex her muscles, move her arms, separate her legs.

  The slowing continued until she guessed they were going about twenty-five miles an hour. That continued for maybe a mile before they stopped. Panic assaulted her. Her captor would come for her and do what? To her relief, the truck started up again. After that there was a series of stops and starts and several mostly right hand turns. Staring up at the window, she spotted telephone poles and signs advertising businesses. What town were they in and was this their destination?

  Her desperate hope that there’d be people—potential rescuers—around died when the truck picked up speed again. They still weren’t going as fast as when they’d been on the freeway which meant what?

  After some five miles, her captor again put on the brakes and made a sharp right hand turn. Immediately the truck started bouncing. The tires made crunching sounds that told her they were on gravel.

  What was their destination?

  When he stopped and turned off the engine, she bit the horrid wooden gag to keep from screaming. Fear had her shaking so she vibrated, and she again had to pee. How could she have been looking forward to sex?

  “Destination,” he announced as he opened the back. “I’d call it home sweet home, but I’m certain you won’t see it the same way.”

  He climbed in, running his hands over her legs and hips and awakening her nerves as he did. For the first time she noticed he had a pleasant masculine scent. He fingered the leash but didn’t untie it. “First things first. You’ve going to be walking which means I need to make some adjustments. For the record, this little jaunt explains why you’re still wearing those sandals.”

  He untied the knots that had prevented her from separating her legs. The instant the strands around her ankles loosened she started to bend her left knee.

  “No you don’t!” Gripping her calf, he jammed a hand between her legs and gripped her shaved mons. A finger rested dangerously close to her pussy. Please don’t let him discover I’m wet there. “Remember how I pinched your buttocks. One wrong move on your part and I’ll make that feel like a love tap.”

  Sucking in a breath, she forced herself not to move. He was hurting her but it could be so much worse.

  “Wise decision.” Shifting his hold a little, he rested his finger against her vaginal opening. “Behave yourself and it might go easy on you.”

  Might? What if she angered him? What if he exploited her earlier irrational arousal?

  Trapped by the questions, she barely noticed what he was doing as he hobbled her ankles. At least his hand had left her sex.

  “One more task and we’re out of here,” he said.

  His big, competent hands freed her neck so she was no longer tethered to the truck. He dr
opped the leash onto her breasts, then backed out of the truck and pulled her after him. Like before, she briefly hung suspended between the tailgate and the ground. Then he forced her to stand.

  Thank goodness she still had on her sandals she thought as gravel crunched under her. Hating what she had to do, she looked around. They were in a small parking lot surrounded by vegetation so thick it made her claustrophobic. The road they’d been on was too narrow to accommodate more than one vehicle at a time. Except for a white SUV with blacked out rear windows, there were no other signs of civilization.

  “For the record, you’re looking at a casualty of the housing downturn. The developer got as far as putting in utilities, the parking area, and one condo.” He jerked his head, drawing her attention to a footpath that looked as if it was heading into a jungle. “The organization I’m affiliated with buys the occasional foreclosure that serves our purpose. Its value lies in its seclusion.”

  Seclusion. Isolation.

  As if reading her mind, he pulled her close so her breasts pressed against him. “I don’t suppose you like that. Tough shit.” He reached into the truck for the gym bag.

  Tossing the leash over his shoulder and wrapping his hand around it, he took off, giving her no choice but to stumble after him. He’d left her with maybe two feet of space between her ankles which was just enough for her to keep up as long as she concentrated on what she was doing. Was anyone looking at her naked ass and denuded mons? Watching her drool?

  Warm, damp air pressed against her. She heard countless insects in the bushes and spotted several lizards on the path. They’d been walking only a few seconds when she chanced looking behind her. She could no longer see the truck that had been her prison.

  Oh please, oh please, someone, oh please!

  Walking seemed to numb her. Either that or she was too exhausted to fully process what was happening. In a strange way she was grateful for her captor’s presence. Without him leading the way, she’d be hard-pressed to stay on the path. If she got lost—


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