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Carnal Series 1 - Carnal lesson

Page 6

by Harper Vonna

  “Besides, trying doesn’t do you any good. I’m going to give you some time to think about where things are headed from here. Then I’ll be back for another lesson.”

  Chapter Nine

  No more lessons. I won’t survive them.

  Cheri lifted her head only to let it fall. The collar branded her neck, and it barely mattered that he’d unsnapped the chain. Reno had released her wrists but only after looping rope around her elbows and pulling them so close they nearly touched. That done, he’d slipped a hook through the elbow tie and attached the hook to a chain looped through a ring in the ceiling. As his final act, he’d pulled on the chain and forced her arms high before securing the chain to the wall.

  She didn’t know how long she’d been standing here like a creature waiting for slaughter. Except for her elbows she was free, all but naked. Only the collar remained. Pain rested on every inch of her, more in her straining shoulders than where he’d beaten her. She was alone and yet she wasn’t.

  Too tired to try to shake her hair out of her eyes, she kept herself turned so the camera installed in a corner of the ceiling couldn’t lock on her face. The damnable thing swept slowly up and down as if caressing her helpless form. Was Reno watching her, waiting for her to start begging?

  Maybe images of her were being sent somewhere so whoever was responsible for her being here could watch.

  When she’d first noticed the camera she hadn’t been able to dismiss her hurting body long enough to concentrate on it. However, she had nothing to do but take in the too-small space where she’d been imprisoned.

  Imprisoned but not broken.

  At least not yet.

  Fighting exhaustion, she faced the camera. “I know you’re watching, laughing at me. Are you proud of yourself? You’ve accomplished what you set out to do. Now what? Will you say you’ve won when I’m dead?”

  The question took too much out of her, and she once more sagged. Waited. She wasn’t used to feeling sorry for herself. Always before she’d known how to work a situation and people to her advantage.

  The door opened, sending ice to her heart. She had to clench her teeth to keep from whimpering as Reno, Damek, and the woman walked in. Reno was still shirtless, and his shorts had dried. He had a hard-on. Damek was dressed all in black while the woman, like her, wore nothing except for a collar. Her hands were tied in front, and she was gagged. Cheri wondered whether fear or hopelessness kept her from removing the black ball jammed in her mouth.

  “You know what you’re supposed to do.” Damek shoved the woman toward the bed. “And what’ll happen if you don’t obey.”

  The redhead appeared to be in her twenties, but the way she moved reminded Cheri of someone much older. When their gazes briefly met, Cheri knew she was looking at a defeated soul. The other woman plodded over to the bed. She returned with two ornate silver objects connected to a maybe two-foot long silver chain.

  Nipple clamps! Like the ones Norman had tried to get her to put on.

  Undone, Cheri pushed back until the strain in her shoulders stopped her. Silently cursing her world and everything in it, she struggled to accept the inevitable.

  “Do it, slave. It isn’t as if you don’t know how the things work—or feel.”

  I’m sorry, the other woman’s eyes said. What looked like devil’s teeth touched Cheri’s left nipple.

  “No!” Cheri spun away. “Oh please, no!”

  Unintelligible sounds let Cheri know the other captive was trying to speak.

  “Rein the filly in,” Damek said. “It’s about time she learned her lesson.”

  “I know my job,” Reno shot back. He grabbed her hair and forcing her back around.

  The redhead was still trying to make herself understood, but Cheri couldn’t concentrate. Her eyes watered and a little urine dribbled out of her. The clamp’s teeth again hovered over her nipple.

  “No, no, no.”

  Pain latched onto her nipple, and she screamed. More urine escaped.

  Damek chuckled. “Gotta work on her bladder control. One down, one to come.”

  Terrified of being caught unprepared again, she stared as cruel silver locked onto her right nipple. She screamed. The chain dangled between her breasts. Trying to draw away from her breasts served no purpose, but she couldn’t stop herself. Ropes and a collar were nothing compared to the small, cruel monsters attached to her.

  “Why?” she managed. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  Grabbing the redhead’s hands, Damek hauled her out of the room. Now it was only Reno and her—helpless captive and cruel owner.

  Owner? No!

  “You asked why the jewelry?” Looking stern, Reno hooked his forefinger over the chain and drew it toward him. “Fortunately I’ve decided it’s time for a bit of an explanation. Otherwise I’d let you spend the rest of the day pondering the question.”

  Was he saying the nipple clamps would stay in place indefinitely? She couldn’t stand it. She also knew begging would fall on deaf ears.

  He used the chain to turn her so she again faced the camera. “This is a live feed. There’s another in the bathroom as well as the one that kept an eye on you when you were outside.”

  Damn it! Someone could have watched her being tortured in real time. Now she understood why the other woman had looked so defeated. The enemy followed them everywhere.

  “You pissed someone off enough that he’s willing to pay Carnal’s rates to beat arrogance out of you.” Running his free hand into her hair, he forced her to stand as straight as possible. “Unruly dogs are sent to obedience school. Think of this as the equivalent for unruly females.”

  “It’s humane. Illegal.”

  “A lot of what goes on in the world is illegal, including a niece who steals from her uncle.”

  Uncle Stevie wouldn’t—he’d never—

  “You got careless,” Reno said as if reading her mind. “You thought he wouldn’t notice that the business receipts came up short when you were working, Didn’t you think he’d check his security cameras?”

  She had no choice but to acknowledge her self-confidence and selfishness.

  “Think of me as big brother.” He let go of her hair only to apply downward pressure on the chain. Tears flooded her eyes. Despite her resolve, a sob escaped. “I see all, know all. More to the point, I control all where you’re concerned.”

  She couldn’t argue with him. Besides, whatever she said might anger him and she wouldn’t survive another whipping. Was whoever was behind her capture taking inventory? Maybe he was counting every mark and bruise, leering at her suffering breasts.

  “You’re going to be taught humility and obedience. Surrender.”

  And then?

  Almost as soon as she pondered the question, she tried to deny its existence. Reno could spout nonsense about humility, obedience, and surrender. He could do awful things to her, but he’d never change who she was. Never destroy her mind.

  “So far,” he said, “it’s been all about you. Now—“ He ran his free hand over his cock. “I start to get mine.” He drew the chain toward him, forcing a squeal out of her.

  “I’ve been given permission to handle you as I see fit. Having to hold back in any way compromises what I want to accomplish.”

  The pain was all-consuming. She repeatedly lifted one leg and then the other while trying not to move her upper body.

  “My employer’s getting an eyeful all right.” Reno nodded at the camera. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t jerking off watching you squirm.”

  Anger overrode pain, and she glared at the camera. “You bastard,” she hissed. “You God damned bastard.”

  “Hey.” Reno slapped her breasts. “That’s enough of that!”

  Chapter Ten

  As Reno pressed the mouth spreader against her teeth, Cheri acknowledged that in some respects she was getting what she deserved, at least within the context of the world she’d entered. She’d cursed whoever was paying to have her tortured, and now she
was going to pay for it. The spreader prevented her from shutting her mouth or do more than garble. At least he’d unhooked her from the overhead chain and freed her elbows but not before cuffing her wrists behind her. The horrible nipple clamps were still in place, and she shuddered every time his fingers came close to them.

  “Lesson time again,” he told her. “I’ve already demonstrated a beating’s effectiveness in getting your attention. As long as you behave yourself, we can put that behind us, for the time being. I need to assess your sexual responsiveness because that’s an important component in your education.”

  Was he crazy? He had to be.

  “Over to the bed, bitch.”

  She’d do whatever she could to keep him from picking up the whip again. No matter how careful she was, every step she took made the chain sway, sending searing sensations through her breasts. She couldn’t imagine feeling more trapped than she was at this moment and yet…

  Strange as it seemed, having him tell her what he was doing and why comforted her. Maybe anything was better than the unknown. When he picked up a leather contraption, she waited for an explanation. Instead he pressed it against her belly.

  “Figure it out, bitch.”

  She studied the object clutched in his too-competent fingers. He shook his head. “For someone who could have gone to college on a scholarship if she’d applied herself, you act pretty stupid.”

  What do you want from me? I can’t—In the middle of her silent rant, a question hit her. How did he know about her lack of interest in higher education?

  “Enough with the game. I have work to do.” Before she could guess what he had in mind, he snagged the breasts’ chain and lifted. Gasping, she rose onto her toes. “Things will go faster if you comply, but if you don’t, it’ll still take place. And there’ll be more discomfort, got it?”

  The bastard asked questions he knew she didn’t want to hear let alone answer. Defeated by pain, she nodded.

  “All right.” He shifted his weight as if he had all the time in the world to stand here tormenting her. “For the moment I’m taking you at your non word. If you make me doubt your compliance—“ He glanced up at where yet another chain and hook dangled. “that’ll keep you in place.”

  If she did anything to displease him, he’d slide the hook under the chain and tighten the chain as he’d done with her elbows. Leave her there with her poor breasts stretched upward.

  Loathing both of them, she nodded.

  “Good decision. For the record, this piece of equipment—“ He rubbed the leather contraption over her stomach. “is a chastity belt.”

  I don’t care, she longed to tell him as he strapped it around her waist so a thick length dangled in front of her legs. Thank goodness he’d let go of the chain. No matter what he did, she wouldn’t resist. Somehow. Save herself from more pain. Somehow.

  “Legs wide apart.”

  Looking at a spot beyond his shoulder, she complied.

  “That the best you can do? I don’t think so.”

  Widening her stance left her off-balance but probably that’s what he’d intended. He reached for something else on the bed, stepped behind her, and clamped a hand around her right ass cheek. He kept her in place while he slid what she recognized as a dildo over her labia. To her disbelief, her pussy warmed a little. Reno spent a long time teasing her sex before working the dildo into her vagina. Moments ago she’d been starving. Now she felt full—invaded. After letting go of her buttock, he reached between her legs and drew the belt toward him. He positioned it firmly against her sex, trapping the large dildo within her.

  “Almost there,” he announced as he fastened the leather to the belt in back. “Okay, what do you think?”

  Damn him and his phony conversational questions! Even if she could speak, she’d wouldn’t admit how all-intrusive the leather felt. The dildo was deeply buried. As long as she didn’t have use of her hands, it would remain in place, wedded to her.

  “Turn around. I want your audience to get the full effect.”

  Having no choice, she complied. The leather followed her every move. Owned her. As for the dildo—

  “Feels like crap, right,” he said as she finished her humiliated circle before the camera. “Like the nasty rubber cock wants to come out through your mouth.”

  Not quite but close. It ruled her. Commanded her.

  “On your knees, bitch.”

  Sick at heart, she stared at the area rug under her feet.

  “Damn but you’re slow!”

  The way he closed in on her, she was terrified he’d attack her breasts. Instead he reached for something else on the bed.

  “That isn’t just a hunk of rubber in there,” he said as he held up a remote. “You’ll be delighted to learn this triggers the not-so-little tool.” He waved the box before her face. “Demonstration time.”

  He depressed a button. A second later, the dildo started pulsing. Gaping through her permanently-open mouth at him, she relaxed a little because the sensation was light and manageable. Her already-heated pussy was lubricating, but hopefully he wouldn’t discover she’d found something enjoyable about what was taking place.

  “That’s first gear.” He pressed again. “Now I’ll introduce you to second.”

  The pulsation kicked up. It still wasn’t uncomfortable. Quite the opposite, she could happily spend the rest of the day being vibrated this way.


  The next level was more of the same only faster-paced with energy behind the movements. She could no longer ignore its impact on her nerves. Sucking in a breath, she tried to stare down at herself, but her enhanced and imprisoned breasts got in the way.

  “I haven’t mentioned how many gears are in this sucker. For the record, it’s a hell of a lot more than the collection in your top dresser drawer.”

  How did he know about that? Had he been in her place?

  On the brink of trying to ask, she clamped her thighs together. None of her battery-operated toys had this much punch. Movement and sensation built in her vagina and radiated outward. She was now definitely turned on and panting.

  “Like I said—“ He again depressed a button. “Lots of gears.”

  A monster invaded her. The tireless beast was exploiting her, keeping her off-balance. Whimpering and drooling, she began rocking back and forth. Unfortunately, the movement caused her breasts to jiggle. Scared and hurting, she stopped.

  Don’t do this! I’ll do—whatever it takes to make you stop, I’ll do it.

  “I spent some time on a horse ranch where I observed stallions brought in to service mares in heat.” His finger descended once more. “Have you ever seen a stud with one thing on his mind? If a mare doesn’t want to be mounted, the handlers tie her. Then the stallion’s brought to her rear end. He sniffs and snorts. Sometimes his hair stands on end. He rears and plows into her. If he’s much bigger than her, he might knock her off her feet. He gets his way.”

  Fire. Flames. Her body dancing to the forced tune.

  Holding up the remote, Reno sat on the side of the bed and leaned back, looking as if he had all the time in the world in which to watch her suffer. “I’m trying to make up my mind about something. If you were a mare in heat, would you try to get away or ram your ass against the stallion’s nose so he gets the message?”

  She wasn’t an animal, damn it! Yes, her juices were tracking down her inner thighs, but that was because she had no control.

  “Here’s the deal.” His finger hovered over the knob. “We’re going up another gear. Then I’ll leave things as they are. When I believe you’ve had enough, we’ll move onto the next phase. As for what that is—“ His smile made her think of a cougar standing over a crippled deer. “let’s call it choice time. Either it’s onto the next gear which has been known to drive bitches insane or you try to close your lips around this.” He stabbed a finger at his erection.

  The vibrations attacked so she couldn’t hold onto what he’d said. There’d been something a
bout another gear and sucking his cock. Hating his relentless domination, she awkwardly turned her back on him which left her facing the closed and maybe locked door. Sunlight broken up by the bars streamed in through the window. No air conditioning was on in the room that had become her prison. Awareness of how hungry she was only occasionally penetrated her fragmented thoughts. She drooled yet fierce thirst clawed at her.

  Taking in her surroundings and touching base with her body gave her something other than sexual stimulation to think about, but what about when the next wave hit? Would she try to weather the assault or dive into sensation?

  She stared at what she could see of the thick vegetation outside. Then comprehension of what she could no longer have become too much, forcing her to try to look elsewhere. The person she’d always been reasserted itself, and she glared up at the camera.

  You haven’t won, she said with her blazing eyes and proud stance. You’ll never beat me down.

  As if determined to make a lie of her resistance, relentless power slammed her pussy. Desperate to escape the pummeling, she fought her cuffs, turning this way and that as she did. She pranced while squeezing her thighs together. She again struggled to see beyond her now wildly bouncing breasts to her under-attack pussy. Drool ran from her open mouth, forcing her to lift her head and swallow as best as she could. She faced her torturer.

  “I’m a little unclear on which gear this is,” he said in a conversational tone that stood in sharp contrast to the pleas and profanity she longed to spew. “But I imagine you don’t much care. I like the way you dance, and I’m sure whoever is responsible for putting you in this fix feels the same way.”

  He wasn’t going to grant her any relief. Perverted dominating beast that he was, he loved watching her suffer.

  What her body now experienced was a world away from the pain of being beaten and yet the similarities were frightening. One thing was at the core—he was in charge.

  “Yes.” He sounded so calm in contrast to her frantic grunts. “I believe that’s the perfect level to leave you at.” Standing, he started for the door. “Well, I don’t believe you’ll be bored in my absence.”


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