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Page 14

by Marcus LaGrone

  “Then why wouldn’t Lynn also be part of that? I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather have as a Second Mother beside me. And it would be really awkward for her to be our family’s Second Mother if you didn’t really like her! ”

  “Yeah, that would be difficult,” he weakly joked. Gavin regained some of his color, just enough for Dawn to tell he was still terribly uncomfortable.

  “So, what is the problem with my father? If he is pushing you too hard, he does apologize for that. He just sees a lot of potential in you and wants you to reach your full potential without making all the mistakes he made.”

  “There is so much weird with what you just said.”

  “Okay, let’s start from the top. Do you like being around my father?”

  Gavin laughed, “There is nothing wrong with your father. He is just seven flavors of awesome! And that is just it: in the last few months I have spent more time with your father than I have with my father my entire life. My dad is always off traveling with my first mother, and when he is around, he has very little time for me. Meanwhile, your father is always happy to have me around. Do you know what kind of heel that makes me feel like? Should I try to reach out more to my father? Does he even care? I’m becoming like a son to your father and I’m not sure if I’m trying hard enough with my own.”

  “Well, first and foremost, I can tell you Dad doesn’t see you like a son. He sees you as a young version of himself. He is busting his furry butt to make sure you don’t repeat all his mistakes.”

  “Mistakes? Your father is just amazing! What could he possibly regret?”

  “Actually? Most everything that ever happened off world.”

  Gavin was struck dumb by that statement.

  Dawn continued carefully, “I’m still not all certain why Dad did leave initially, but he left Afon when he was eighteen, and he spent the next five years going from one military hot spot to the next. He made great friends amongst the Altshea, Kulpgurie, humans, and the Shukurae. He also buried a fair number of them. By the time he was twenty two, he was banned by treaty from visiting two planets. That may sound like an ego rush, but what is it like to have people fear and hate you so much when they have never even actually met you? He has seen things in war that are best not seen, and he chose to do it all over and over again. Not only did he outlive his oldest sister, but he also outlived one of his younger brothers. It all stopped only because his friends were such good friends that they got him out.”

  “I’d never thought of it that way…”

  “When he rescued me,” Dawn continued, “he went out of his way to make sure I didn’t see anyone actually get killed. Several guards got in his way and he knocked them out cold. He did that for my benefit; it would have been far easier for him to kill them. When I moved here, I had nightmares almost every night for about a month. Two things helped me. One, Maria was always there for me, staying up way late at night to be with me. Two, I found out my dad had nightmares too. Under all the beautiful fur and glory of old, he is haunted by what he has seen and done. And he doesn’t wish any of that on you. He desperately wants to make sure you can become as good as he is without going through the pain he did.”

  Gavin stood there stunned, “I… I never thought about any of that. All I ever saw was the great warrior. It’s frightening to think someone like him could have nightmares.”

  “Now speaking of your father,” interjected Dawn, “he travels a lot with your First Mother and when he comes home he has five thousand things to catch up on. I don’t think he is ignoring you. My guess is he just is so busy and you are doing so well, he doesn’t know what to do or say. From what I have heard, he is a very smart man and a lot of people want a piece of his time. I don’t think he thinks any less of you because you haven’t spent a lot of time with him. If he is like my original father, who also traveled a lot, he probably assumes that since you haven’t said anything, everything is fine. My father was a ‘problem solver’ and just assumed that if there was no interaction, there was nothing that he needed to get done. It never occurred to him how much a quick hug or taking me out to a movie would have meant to me. It isn’t anyone’s fault; it just means both parties need to stop and smell the roses.”

  “You really think he cares?”

  “Of course I do! He just probably has no idea how he is supposed to express it. Boys are so silly at times.”

  “Yeah, I guess we can be,” Gavin grinned.

  “Now, are we going to stay on the roof all day or are you going to walk me to the bookstore?”

  Gavin laughed, “Okay. You win. I’ll take you to the bookstore.”

  Chapter 22

  Ivy interrupted Lynn, Dawn and Gwen as they were playing with little Lily in the great hall, “If you could stay around the house or village for the next week, I’d really appreciate it.”

  Dawn looked up more than a little concerned at Ivy’s serious tone, “Sheesh, Mom. We will stick close or in groups. How’s that?”

  Ivy nodded and tried to smile, “That’s fine! Better with Gavin around, if you would.”

  “Well, if you insist,” laughed Dawn. Her laugh felt short as she looked at Ivy, “This is about Eric, isn’t it. What is going on?”

  Ivy tried to smile, “Well, I’m just feeling extra nervous. Owen says not to worry, I don’t think Llewellyn knows how to worry, and he and I will be off planet for a few days.”

  “Whoa! Off planet? What is wrong?”

  Ivy smiled, sincerely, for the first time since she entered the room, “Oh, nothing is wrong at all! We are going to go visit his brother Edward and Edward’s girlfriends or fiancées. I’m not sure if they are quite that serious yet.”

  Dawn smiled, “That could be fun indeed. I only talked to Uncle Edward a little bit back when, well, you know…”

  Ivy smiled, “So, here is the fun question for the day. Would you all like to have a formal sit down dinner with Edward and his friends and colleagues? You can invite Gavin along, of course. Everyone would need to dress up nice and be on their best behavior.”

  Dawn beamed, “That would be wonderful! Lynn, Gwen, you two up for it?”

  They both nodded enthusiastically.

  “Shouldn’t be too hard to talk Gavin into it,” joked Lynn.

  “Um, so are they coming here, we meeting them in orbit…?” Dawn was a little confused. Long haul spaceflight was never trivial.

  “Actually, Father is hoping you could open the portal of one of the gate stones,” offered Ivy, hoping Dawn would bite.

  “That is a fantastic idea! It means we could be almost instantly there and back again! It’s not going to be too far away is it? What about the timing of it all?”

  “Father is pretty sure the distance will be no problem at all. The thought is, we get everyone ready and then he growls through the gate stone and then you open it for him.”

  Dawn rolled her eyes in mock despair, “That is so weird to do. Creepy, in fact. But it is the easiest way, I guess.” Dawn thought long and hard before smiling, “Sure, I can do it!”

  “Excellent! Well then, we will see you in three days!” Ivy hugged Dawn as she turned and left the room.

  “Big fancy dinner off world,” beamed Lynn. “I’ve never even been in orbit much less off world.”

  Dawn blew a raspberry, “Eh, it’s overrated. I don’t know how long I lasted without all the comforts of the trees!”

  They all laughed at that.

  Three days later Dawn found herself loitering outside the Citadel with her family and friends as she waited for her father to ‘call.’ She and Lynn were both in their sharpest dresses; ironically the ones paid for by helping Llewellyn experiment with the gate stones, months ago. Gavin was there waiting with them, nervous beyond words, to meet Edward and his team.

  “Why are you nervous about my uncle Edward?” asked Dawn. “Father is far scarier than he is.”

  “You father isn’t scary, he’s just awesome. Honestly, it isn’t so much about Edward; it’s about his p
artner! I’ve never meet a Shukurae in person. But I’ve heard so much about them,” Gavin replied.

  “Well, for starters, the Shukurae are very nice people. A strong sense of honor, duty, and fair play.”

  “And they have razor sharp tusks and are ten feet tall!” countered Gavin in a mixture of anticipation and apprehension.

  “Eh, most are only nine feet tall. But it if you really want to know what is creepy about them, it’s not the tusks or teeth,” replied Dawn with a grin.

  “What then?” asked Gavin more than a little distracted.

  “It’s their eyes. Giant, soft, slightly iridescent eyes that never blink. They always just seem to be staring and you can never tell where!”

  “Awesome!” replied Gavin with a broad grin.

  “This is a phase he will grow out of, isn’t it?” joked Lynn.

  “Oh, just wiggle a little and I’m sure you’ll have his attention,” giggled Dawn. Suddenly Dawn’s head spun as she felt, not heard, her father’s voice calling through the vast voids of space.

  “You ill?” asked Lynn suddenly very worried.

  “Nope,” grinned Dawn. “That was Dad. Time for supper. Lynn, can you help me loosen the back of my dress?”

  “No problem,” she beamed back as they all started toward the far end of the hall.

  In a blurry flash, a flash that had been the source of so much apprehension just a few months ago, Dawn winked her wings into existence and concentrated at the blank gate on the wall. It wasn’t difficult to open the gate, but it did take a bit of concentration none the less. As she slowly spread her wings she could easily make out a posh restaurant on the far side of the wormhole with Ivy and Llewellyn staring back at them. Ivy looked so proud, and that just made Dawn feel all that much better. In less than a minute, she was done: the portal was stable and they could now move across to the other side. Lynn came up behind Dawn and hugged her before carefully helping her lace up her dress.

  Gavin, Lynn and Dawn joined hands as they stepped across the threshold and more than five thousand light years, only to find themselves standing in a restaurant that could have easily been one there in the Highlands. Well, save for the constant use of artificial lights, and the guests, of course. Ivy made the introductions for everyone and the trio soon was mingling with her Uncle Edward’s crowd.

  Dawn pointed to Edward and his two girlfriends, Tatiana and Zoë. “From what I’ve heard, Edward has caught a lot of grief here for dating two girls at once,” snickered Dawn.

  Gavin arched a brow at that, “Okay, that is just rude.”

  “It is a different culture and a different world,” mused Dawn. “For reasons that I never really caught on to, there tends to be an almost equal boy/girl ratio here.”

  “Ugh! Who do they talk to then?” asked Lynn. “Must be dull at home.”

  “Even if they are more like humans, you would expect a little decency in respecting other people’s cultures,” retorted Gavin. “They should give Edward and the girls the benefit of the doubt and be courteous!” It was obvious he was not amused.

  “Like I said,” replied Dawn as she shook her head, “it’s a different culture.”

  “It won’t be hard to make sure I make it back home at the end of the night,” laughed Lynn. “This might be an interesting place to visit, but I sure wouldn’t want to live here.”

  Dawn smiled as she tried to break the mood, “Come on, let’s go meet a Shukurae or two. That is what you were interested in, right Gavin?”

  That brought a smile to his face, “Sure!”

  “The one on the end there, whose hide is turning white with age. That is Toch. He used to be in the same unit as Father. Let’s go!” Dawn took Gavin and Lynn’s hands and brought them over to the tall Shukurae in question.

  As they approached, Toch stood up to full height and smiled to them. His teeth looked razor sharp and his tusks jutted forward and his eyes, well, they were definitely weird to look at. But behind the tough exterior it was obvious that the man had a gentle heart and manner. “Lady Dawn! It is good to see you again on better circumstances. I understand things are going well at home and you have, to the relief of your father, finally taken to your wings.”

  “I’m glad to see you, too!” she offered as she hugged his massive frame. One could almost make out a chortle from the aging warhorse.

  “And these are your friends. I am delighted to meet you all. You must be Gavin,” he offered behind unblinking eyes.

  “Um, yes?” replied Gavin nervously.

  Toch laughed, which didn’t make him look any less imposing. “Llewellyn has spoken often and well of you. Be proud of your skills, but know who they serve, young lord.”

  “They serve to protect me and my friends,” Gavin offered almost apologetically.

  “That is a perfect answer,” smiled Toch before changing tone, “So, are we as a race as imposing as you thought?”

  Gavin laughed lightly, “More so! Dawn said ‘only nine feet, not ten.’ I’m glad, because if you were any taller I think you might have to watch out for lightning!”

  That got a belly laugh out of Toch.

  “I don’t mean to pry,” began Lynn curiously, “but do you not blink?”

  Toch smiled, “Ah, the eyes. Humans and Taik alike have commented on our eyes and the level of subtle discomfort they cause. Yes, we do blink, but our eyelids are clear so it is very difficult to tell. We have two sets of eyelids; they serve us well in blowing sand and other such environments.”

  “Blowing sand,” mused Gavin. “It would take how long to get that out of your fur?”

  “Meanwhile, your own fur serves you quite well in the cold and snow,” replied Toch. “We are as apprehensive of snow as you are of sand. There is balance.”

  Dawn smiled, “So much for you visiting in winter then.”

  Toch smiled, “Actually, snow or otherwise, we tend to visit your father on Midwinters every year. I look forward to meeting you again, on your own world.”

  Dawn smiled at Gavin as they finished their meal, “So, were the Shukurae everything you thought they’d be?”

  Gavin nodded, “And then some. Kadu was Edward’s old partner. She was quite a hoot to talk to. She calls Edward ‘little brother.’”

  Lynn shook her head, “I’m not sure what I think about Kadu off in combat. She has a six year old daughter that she has only seen like ten times in her life! That isn’t very fair!”

  Dawn nodded, “Yeah, that is more than a little disconcerting.”

  Maria poked her head over top of the youngsters, “The Shukurae were warrior slaves to the Gelkin for over a thousand years. It has only been in the last two hundred that they have been free. They are still trying to sort out their own cultural identity.”

  “Yeouch!” offered Lynn through gritted teeth, “I had no idea!”

  Maria just smiled, “That is why I brought it up. Come on, it’s getting late. Did you want to talk to Zoë and Tatiana before we leave?”

  “Yes, please!” replied Dawn.

  “They are both musicians, right?” asked Lynn glad for the change. “It seems the boys in your family seem to have a theme there!”

  Dawn laughed, “I never thought of it that way, but I guess so. Zoë plays piano, violin and does some composing. Ivy says she is very good. And if Ivy says that…”

  Lynn laughed. They both had Ivy as a teacher, “And Tatiana?”

  Dawn’s face lit up, “Some composing, but mostly singing and dancing. She has been a professional up on stage since just before she turned fifteen! Performed in front of millions of people. Millions! She has an awesome voice and well… let’s just say Gavin might notice some other things, too.”

  “There is that Auroran girl here, Moira, she has things Gavin might notice, too. Big things,” Lynn teased.

  “Hadn’t noticed,” replied Gavin evenly. “She’s been busy making eyes at your father. Besides I’ve got you two.”

  “Nice save,” grinned Dawn.

  “Lynn, d
o you want to carry Lily,” asked Maria as they started across the room.

  “Of course,” Lynn beamed. “Oh she is growing so fast!”

  Zoë and Tatiana waved as the group closed across the floor.

  “You have no idea how reassuring it was to see you three,” began Tatiana. “You know, as boyfriend/girlfriends, with plural on the girlfriends.”

  Dawn just smiled, “Just typical Highlanders!”

  Zoë just smiled back, “Easy to say where you stand. Dating one here, not so easy.”

  “But you two do both like Uncle, yes?”

  Zoë and Tatiana both laughed.

  “Yes. Very much so, hence the problem,” replied Tatiana. Suddenly her face lit up, “Oh! She’s so little! That is Lily, right? May I hold her?”

  Lynn laughed as she passed off Lily, “Not any younger siblings, I take it?”

  Tatiana shook her head softly as she cradled the infant, “Nope, I was an only child.”

  “That must have been lonely,” replied Dawn softly.

  Tatiana almost teared, “Yeah, but I’ve got good friends now!”

  “That sounds familiar,” replied Dawn as she hugged Lynn and Gavin both.

  Chapter 23

  “Oh, look who is crawling! Look at her go!” smiled Lynn as Lily clumsily but eagerly made her way to the edge of the blanket and sniffed at the brilliant flowers just out of reach.

  “She is really starting to get the hang of it,” called Maria. “Just make sure she stays on the blanket.” She had her own hands full with a very hyper Heather.

  Dawn laughed at that pandemonium. “How long before she starts walking?”

  “Too soon!” laughed Maria. “Seriously though, it could be two months from now or five. Every child is different. If we are lucky it will be before the twins.”

  “Lucky?” asked Lynn.

  “When little ones first start walking, they are quite a handful as you try and make sure they learn, but don’t hurt themselves.”

  “Oh, I see. If she is already walking by then, she will need less attention.” Lynn replied.


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