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by Shameek Speight



  - A Novel Story Written by -

  Shameek A. Speight

  Copyright © 2013 by True Glory Publications

  Published by True Glory Publications LLC


  First Edition


  Follow on Twitter:: Bless_45

  Facebook: Shameek A. Speight

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, real people, living or dead, organizations, establishments or locales are products of the author’s imagination. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.

  Cover design/Graphics:

  Editors: Shawnna Robinson & Jacqui Darns

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by information storage and retrieval system without the written permission from the publisher and writer.

  Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


  It has only been the power of God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that I have been able to persevere through many of the trials I've been dealt in my life. I thank him for giving me the strength to move on.

  To my family; my beloved sisters, thank you for believing in me. To my mother, I love you very much. To my aunt, I love you. To my daughter, Niomi, I do all this for you Princess. To Shawnna Robinson, you have been my right hand pushing me along the way and I love you for it, thank you so much. To all the men and women who are locked up, hold your head up and keep your faith; there will be a brighter day. To my niggas in the hood, I told you I could sell books. To Antoine Inch Thomas, thank you for teaching me all about the book game. To all the fans, thank you for all your support. To my Facebook Group, Team True Glory, you're the best, I love every one of you, we're more than a team we're a family.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  More Titles by True Glory Publications

  Chapter 1

  Coast Guard Bill Orell looks at his daughter as she sleeps in the hospital bed. Standing next to him was Sergeant Justin.

  "I'd like to thank you for bringing my daughter back to me, she is my world. The doctor said she's pregnant with five STD's. She looks so skinny. There's no telling what that monster did to her."

  "Don't thank me sir, it was Michael Jr. who found the island that Black Ice was hiding on and he killed him. We found traces of Black Ice's D.N.A. in the explosion." Sergeant Justin replied.

  "Do you trust him and believe that he killed that monster, his own father. He could be just like him." Bill replied.

  "I trust him, if you saw what his family and loved ones went through you would know he's nothing like his father, and yes I saw Black Ice's head for myself."

  "Okay Sergeant Justin I believe you, but just between us, what was the machine that Black Ice stole?" Bill asks.

  "Okay I'll share with you but you can never speak of this. The United States government has always feared that we will run out of ways to feed the USA population. So for years we've been cloning animals for meat. The whole world eats cloned meat and doesn't know it. It's perfectly safe but the world doesn't know or is blind to the fact just like the Government wants it to be. The main job of the small military research lab that Black Ice broke into was to experiment on growing and cloning full grown, healthy animals in the matter of a short time. We couldn't have that machine and equipment in the hands of a psychopath, even knowing he only had enough equipment to only make the machine work once." Sergeant Justin said.

  "Wow, so what could a psycho like Black Ice do with that?" Bill asks then an idea came to his mind. "Can this machine also clone humans?"

  Sergeant Justin stood still in a daze before speaking,

  "Yes it can be done, but never has it been done that I know of, and besides, it will take months to pull that off. He probably killed the two scientists he kidnapped a long time ago, and he's dead now." Sergeant Justin stated.

  Bill Orell looks at him as a sick feeling comes in his stomach.

  Chapter 2

  Michael pulls his truck into the garage, and watch as the garage door closes behind him. He turns his head and looks at the black shirt tied up like a gift. A creepy weird feeling bubbles deep in his gut. 'It's finally over, I can live a normal life now with Envy, even with Mike, but why do I feel so bad. I feel like it will never really end, like the rage and hunger of killing will never be satisfied. I want to forget killing Black Ice. He was my father no matter how evil he was. I just got to shake these emotions and bad wishes off,' Michael thinks to himself.

  "Ahhhh, it can't be! Lord no, please no! Not again! The devil I rebuke you!" Rachael screams as she pops out of her sleep and quickly grabs the sawed off chrome shotgun from under her pillow. Sweat drips down her face as she scans her room.

  "You know that you belong to me and that no weapon formed by me can stop me Rachael. I'll be coming for you real soon, baby," Rachael heard a voice boom and couldn't tell if she was really hearing it or was it coming from inside her head.

  "Get out of my head! Get out of my head, sinister!" she shouts. "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. In Jesus name I pray, Amen," she reopens her eyes and sees her bedroom once more then looks at the digital clock on the nightstand that read 8:00 a.m.

  "I over slept, I never over sleep," she climbs down just a little still grabbing the shotgun tightly, "Michael!" she says out loud and grabs her flip phone to dial his number.

  Michael sits in his truck on the grass of his trophy house with his head laid back on the head rest of the driver's seat. He tries to come to a conclusion as to why he is feeling so emotional and why he's having this bad vibe in his stomach. One thing that he learned from Black Ice was to always listen to your instincts. Your body will warn you letting you know that something is wrong way before it happens. It is up to you to listen and react to it. He feels his phone vibrating in his right pocket. He digs in his pocket and pulls out his phone to see a picture of his mother pop up on his screen. He accepts the call, "Hello mother are you okay?" Michael asks.

  "No, I'm not okay! I had another bad dream or nightmare," Rachael says.

  Michael shakes his head. 'Damn I thought after we killed Black Ice her dreams would stop. At times I wonder if she is losing her damn mind or the crack has eaten away too much of her brain cells. I know being with my father has mentally broken her down and being raped by her uncle hasn't helped her mentally one bit. My mother is the strongest woman I know. Shit it's the only reason I'm attracted to strong women and that's why I'm with Envy, but I question if sh
e still has it all there in her head. At the end of the day, she's still my mother,' Michael thinks to himself then sighs before speaking, "Mother your dreams should have stopped by now. I know everything just happened last night and it's still in your head, but it's over now, we're no longer in danger." Michael replies.

  "Boy don't you talk to me like I'm crazy. I'm still your mother and carried your ten pound ass for eight months. My dreams are warning signs from God it's not over my child. We're still in danger. The devil is trying to fool us. Your father isn't dead," Rachael replies.

  Michael did his best to control his anger as he becomes frustrated, "Mother you were there, you shot him, Envy filled him with holes, Mike caught him with those throwing knives and I chopped off his head. I have his head with me now." Michael replies.

  "That's another thing, when have you started collecting body parts? Why didn't you just leave his head there? Do not become like your father. Have you said your prayers this morning?" Rachael says.

  "No mother I didn't and I will never be like him," Michael responds wanting to end the conversation. He loves his mother, but in his eyes she comes off as an insane woman. Everything that came out of her mouth was about God or the devil.

  "Boy you know I raised you in the house of the Lord. You must say the Lord's Prayer every day. The devil is real and alive. I don't know how, but Black Ice isn't dead. He is younger and more dangerous than before. I see it clear and he is coming for us and his grandchildren. There are more children out there in this world with his blood and one will kill you Michael if you're not prepared. You don't have to believe me. My dreams come from God," Rachael says with tears pouring down her cheeks. While rocking back and forth on the bed holding the sawed off chrome shotgun like a baby, she's holding the cellphone in her right hand to her ear.

  "Mother, you're losing your mind. I don't mean any disrespect, but the dead can't come back alive, it makes no sense. He is dead, we killed him, and so it's over mother. I love you, but I'm done with this conversation. Call me back when you're talking normal," Michael replies and hangs up the phone then looks at his screen to see that his mother was calling back. He shakes his head one more time and stuffs his phone in his pocket then grabs the shirt that is on the passenger seat.

  Chapter 3

  Michael steps out of the truck and enters the trophy house through a door that's connected to the garage. He walks to the ADT keypad on the wall and punches in the security code. He looks around the house. It is completely empty except for a brown chair that is on the wooden floor that has a light coat of dust on it. He walks to the staircase and heads up the stairs. There are two doors on each side of the long hallway. He walks and enters the second room on his left. Freezing air hits him in the face and body. He studies the room looking at the shelves with glass jars on them. Each jar has a different body part inside of it; they consist of eyeballs in all colors to different women and men's hands and feet. There are also jars with tags on them so that Black Ice could never forget what victim he removed them from. Michael walks up to one of the rows of the shelves and stares at each of the jars. He starts walking to the side as he looks at an arm that had to have belonged to an infant child, no older than a few months.

  'Is my mother right? Am I becoming like him? I have filled this room and house over the years, maybe for different reasons, but I still collected parts of my victims like him, but why? Why haven't I just burned this place to the ground?' he says out loud to himself as he walks over to the only table in the room.

  The table is covered with different sizes and varieties of knives and other things. There are three inch to twelve inch knives, saws and metal hooks. One of the smaller saws is out of place.

  'Hmm, that's not where I left that and it's really too small for Black Ice to use,' Michael is the only other person that knows about the trophy house, 'Unless...,' Michael said out loud and lines the small saw back in its rightful place next to the others, his mind races, 'I brought Mike here a few months ago. Could he have remembered how to get back here and come on his own? That would explain how he's been feeding the baby hyena for so long without us finding out he had him,' Michael thinks to himself as he opens a large jar filled with water. Michael then unties a shirt wrapped like a gift, which is holding Black Ice's head. The eyes are wide open and seem to be staring right through him. Michael places his hands on Black Ice's eye lids to close them then gently caresses his father's face.

  'I never wanted this, you did this to yourself. I wish I knew the reason behind your madness. What made you so fucking evil and hate the world? I wish I knew why you despised women so much,' Michael says out loud as he picks up Black Ice's detached head and stuffs it in the large jar and twists the cap on tightly. He walks to one of the shelves in the room and looks at a half dick floating around in a jar with a label on it that read Pooky. 'Maybe my mother is right. Maybe I'm becoming just like him,' Michael says out loud as he places Black Ice's head on the shelf next to Pooky's dick, then notices something he had never paid attention to before.

  More than one jar is labeled with the same name. He looks closely at a decapitated arm in one huge jar then a foot and head. The body parts in these jars look different from the rest of any body parts he has seen in the house. They look grey, like a dried up prune and much older as if they have been in the jar for twenty to thirty years, maybe more.

  He reads the name on the jars, 'Sylvia?' His mind now grows curious as he looks around the large room at the many different shelves. He walks to a shelf on the far right of the room and scans each jar until his eyes stop at the third, top row.

  'Sylvia,' he mumbles as he stares at the woman's head. Her facial expression is twisted. Her skin is dried up and sunk into the bone of her face. Her hair is long floating around in the water.

  'So what have you done to piss my father off so badly that he has more than seven of your body parts in jars? He usually only collects one piece of his victims,' Michael thinks to himself. He notices something bulging up under the skin on the bridge of the woman's nose.

  He picks up the jar, "Oh shit!" he shouts as he jumps back as soon as he lifts the jar up. A secret panel opens up on the shelf revealing a digital lock. Michael studies the lock.

  'Sylvia, I see there's a lot more to you than what meets the eye,' he says as he puts the jar on the table. He unscrews the jar top and sticks his hand into it. The water is cold and gooey and has a terrible odor to it. Michael sticks his thumb in Sylvia's left eye. The eyeball pops inside her head easily. Michael sticks his finger in her eye socket and digs in between the skin of her face until he feels something that doesn't belong and pulls it out. He removes his hand from the jar. In his hand is an old tube with a red top; a tube that is used to sell crack in. Michael looks at the tube and sees a piece of paper rolled up extremely tight inside of it. He pulls the red top off the tube and pulls out the tiny piece of paper. He unrolls it and on the paper it reads 5, 21, 79. "Hmm I wonder," Michael says out loud to himself as he walks over to the shelf that reveals the digital lock.

  He pressed in the numbers from the paper onto the keypad and steps back as the shelf starts to shake. A loud rumbling sound echoes from it. The shelf separates in half, opening up and reveals a small, pitch black room. Michael walks into the room and with his left hand he feels around the wall until his fingers touch a light switch. He turns the light on, 'Wow, how many secrets did my father have? I've been coming here for most of my life and never once did I have a slight clue this room was hiding here.' Michael thinks as he studies the room.

  The only thing inside is a brown desk and a black office chair. He walks deep into the small room and sees a brownish color book on the desk. He picks the book up and blows the dust off of it. His facial expression screws up as he realizes the book cover isn't made out of paper; but human flesh. Right then and there Michael knew that he had to read the book. It was as if it was calling his name. He placed the book back down on the brown desk, exits the small room and grabs the jar with Sylvia's head in
it. 'Whatever is in that book I know it involves you miss,' he thinks.

  He then grabs the jar with Black Ice's head inside it. He carries both jars into the small secret room and places them on the desk. He pulls the office chair from the desk, sits down and his hand slightly touches the book.

  Chapter 4

  'Damn, I can't believe this shit is made of real human skin. I wonder whose,' he says out loud to himself. He then opens the book. All the words are written in thick dark ink. The first thing he reads is: These are the reasons I am who I am, my son! Welcome to ICE COLD HELL!

  Michael's eyes open up in shock, 'How did he know that I would find this room or book?' he thinks and then continues to read:

  If you are reading this Michael, it can mean a few things; that I am dead, hahaha I find that hard to believe. Or you discovered the secret room on your own. I knew only you would find it. The next thing it could mean is that you will take my place on my mission wreaking havoc to the world. You may think you're nothing like me son, but you're completely wrong. My blood runs through you, my families blood runs through you. I thought I could once fight it, but was truly wrong. All that it takes is one thing to make you snap and lose control, and once you do, it's impossible to get what is your 'human' side back. I didn't want to be like I am, but once I got a taste of the evil in me, I came to love it and enjoyed it. In this book, all of your questions will be answered. Questions like why you must collect body parts, why you're so skilled at killing without feeling any fear. As you read you will understand.

  Michael sits back gets comfortable and begins to read:

  My name is Michael Ice Sr. I was born in 1972 in North Carolina in a small town called Brookford. It's a town you won't find on any map and wouldn't want to, because those who enter never leave. It is surrounded by deep woods; there are tall pine trees and to find the town you must drive past a meat factory with the smell of death in the air, then travel deep into the woods and then you will find it. I won't start from the beginning or the end.


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