Home > Other > A CHILD OF A CRACKHEAD IV > Page 4

by Shameek Speight

  Sylvia grinned devilishly and pulled back the skin from the woman's cut forehead.

  "Ahhhhhh!" the woman screamed uncontrollably in agony as the skin on her face began to peel off like old chipped paint.

  Sylvia smiled as if she was getting some kind of pleasure from watching the woman in excruciating pain. She stopped, turned around and faced me, "See, I started it now you finish it. It's just like skinning the pig alive, but much easier. Human skin is more soft and delicate. Practice time is over my son it's time for the real deal. Feed off the pain of the weak!" Sylvia shouted looking at the woman with half the skin peeled off her face resting on her mouth and chin.

  "Ahhhh!" she hollered in pain as her body went into shock.

  "Now get your tail over here and peel the rest of her face, finish her off then start on the next one." Sylvia said in a calm tone that sent chills through my spine.

  "No mother I won't do it, I don't want to," I said through my teeth.

  Even though I feared her I had to stand my ground. Killing people that attacked me or men for fun was one thing, but killing innocent women was going too far.

  "Boy I told you not to have any sympathy for the weak. You feel bad for them because they're women. You're going to learn the hard way not to trust women, hahaha!" Sylvia said right before her blade ran across my chest. It split open revealing the white meat and blood as it squirted out onto her face and hand.

  "Ahhhhhh!" I continued to scream as I back pedaled holding my open wound with my left hand and reaching for the rusty machete that was in my holster with my right hand. I had a love hate relationship with my mother. Parts of me wanted to kill her and set myself free of her and this world she created and had me trapped in. The other part of me loved her, she was the one that gave me life and taught me how to be strong. If it wasn't for her teaching me, one of my siblings or the Colonel would have killed me. It was Sylvia that taught me how to fight, how to swing a blade. She taught me how to throw a knife, shoot a gun and cook for myself. She taught me how to track people miles away and how to use my anger and rage to make me even stronger. She has shown me so much, but could she have been wrong? I feel in my heart that she is. There is no reasoning with her and the only way to escape is to kill her. Yes I must do it. I pulled out my machete in the blink of an eye and swung aiming for her skull praying I would crack it wide open. To my surprise she dodged it. To be a woman in her mid-forties she moved like a teenager or a black panther, quick, swift and fast, something else she's been trying to teach me.

  "Oh there goes the son I know. Let the evil out of you. You want to kill me boy? You got to move faster than that. You're the son of the devil so that makes you him. You should be able to mimic his moves, but no, you haven't paid attention to anything that I taught you boy," Sylvia said.

  She wore an evil grin on her face as she side stepped, twisted and dodged every blow. Then I felt a sharp pain on my bicep and my hand as blood came squirting out. She had cut me twice without me even seeing her move. She then kicked me in my intestines, "Ahhhh!" I hollered and bent over in pain.

  "I thought you were special, the one to really take over this family. That's why I'm so hard on you. Yes Doc is cold hearted and evil to the core, but he's missing your intelligence. You're a quick thinker, very fast on your feet boy and the hate you carry with you every day for this family is making your soul darker without you even knowing. Yet you're still weak and I'll kill you myself before I allow that to continue!" Sylvia shouted.

  "Fuck you! I'd rather be dead than to live this life you chose for me!" I shouted back at her in pain.

  "And you shall!" she said as she sent a knee to my chin.

  "Ughhh!" I grunted in pain as I fell backwards. Before I could pop back up I received two blows to my temple causing my head to spin. I saw bright yellow stars and a blurry image of Doc standing over me with a devilish smile as he swung once more knocking me unconscious.

  Chapter 7


  I could hear Sylvia's evil laughter even though I was unable to open my eyes. I felt my body being dragged, no doubt by my sick, twisted brother Doc, because I knew Sylvia couldn't pull me. I could hear the sound of three women crying. 'Damn I wonder what punishment my mother will unleash on me for disobeying her orders and trying to attack her. I pray its death. I'm so tired of living this fucked up life, hurting innocent people for a sport, never knowing if your own sibling is going to stab you in the back and unable to leave these fucking woods,' I thought to myself as deep darkness was the only thing I could see. I felt my body being lifted up and my hands being cuffed. I'm now hanging there kneeled down. I don't know why mother said the Lord will never hear my prayers, but I don't believe this to be so.

  "Ahhhh!" the sensation of new pain made my eyes pop wide open as I hollered. "Ahhhh!" A leather horse whip that had metal tips on it ripped open the flesh of my back peeling it. "Ahhhh!" No matter how hard I tried to hold my screams in I couldn't. "See, you can get away with pissing me off, but not your mother you little chicken shit."

  I could hear the Colonel's voice boom from behind me in a deep country accent, even though I couldn't see him. I feel in my stomach that he was smiling and enjoying every moment of it. I could hear the sound of the whip cracking through the air as it hit my back. The small metal tips on the whip got stuck in my skin. The Colonel pulled, ripping a huge piece of my flesh away with it.

  "Ughhh, oh God, ahhhh! Fuck you! Fuck you! I hate you all! I swear I will kill every last one of you!" I screamed in excruciating pain as tears streamed down my cheeks.

  Whack! Whack! Whack!

  "You little piece of shit, I never liked you. You think you're special, you and that damn brother of yours Doc! Sylvia swears y'all are stronger and darker than my children, and that y'all came straight from hell, from the devil himself. You know what I believe? I believe y'all just some piss ants momma's boys. You killed two of my boys today and I'm going to make you suffer for it, bitch!"

  I could hear him shouting with each blow of the whip that ripped away at my skin making my back sore and raw. I did my best to hold my cries of pain and not give him the satisfaction and joy that he so badly yearned for. With me not making a sound it only enraged him more.

  "Cry out! Cry out in pain. Call for mommy you little chicken shit! Cry! Cry!" the Colonel screamed and swung wildly not only hitting my back, but my shoulders and neck.

  With each blow my body became numb. As my anger rose I no longer felt the pain. So I got madder and madder, my facial expression balled up.

  "Cry fool! Cry out in pain!" the Colonel shouted.

  "Noooo, I will not scream!" I said in a voice so deep I had no idea where it came from and I was unsure if it was even me talking.

  My chest was heavy and I was breathing hard. I turned my neck around and looked the Colonel deep into his eyes. Whatever he saw in my face or eyes, made him freeze in his tracks. In mid swing he looked as if he had seen a ghost as I spoke.

  "You fucking weak ass man, the first opportunity I get I'm going to cut out your fucking eyes and tie you to the wall then chop your fucking arms off. While you bleed out like a stuffed hog, the last thing you'll hear before I chop your head off and place it in a bag; will be the cries of your weak ass offspring's as I kill them one by one. I'll whisper to you my mother was fucking right, I am the devil in its flesh!"

  The Colonel's heart raced and a cold sweat had taken over his body as he continued to stare in my eyes and for the first time in his life he knew true fear. He wiped his forehead to stop the sweat from dripping onto his lips and into his mouth. On his shoulders he kept a leather brown holster with twin .44 chrome bulldog revolvers. He quickly dropped the whip and pulled one out and aimed for my head. His hand shook uncontrollably.

  "What! What the fuck are you!" he managed to spit out and I watched the fear on his face as his body trembled.

  I had to admit, a weird sensation came over me. Here was a man 6'5", two hundred and fifty pounds of all muscle with his pot be
lly gut from drinking beers, stood there as if he wanted to run out of the barn. An evil, slick, twisted smile spread across my face as I continued to stare in his eyes. I could literally smell his fear.

  "You're not right! Something is wrong with you! You are the damn devil, I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" the Colonel shouted as he slowly squeezed the trigger trying his hardest to keep his hand steady, but he looked as if he had Parkinson's Disease.

  I guess he thought I would beg for my life or cry. I bust out laughing, "Hahahaha," my laughter seemed to scare him even more as he back pedaled.

  "You are sinister," he mumbled.

  Just as he was going to squeeze the trigger, a chrome sharp knife pierced his hand ripping straight through it.

  "Ahhhh shit, ughhh!" he groaned in pain as he dropped the gun.

  He raised his hand and stared at the knife as blood gushed out of his hand. He took his attention off of it and pulled out his other gun and aimed at me.

  "The devil must die," he shouted.

  Before he could pull the trigger, Sylvia stepped out of the shadows like a strong, black panther; swift and light on her feet. Before the Colonel or I could register what was taking place she yanked the knife out of his hand and stepped close to him, blocking his view of me. Any chance he had to shoot me was now gone, unless he killed her as well. She stepped closer to him placing the knife under his chin as if she was ready to stab and cut him from his chin up to his skull.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing pointing that gun at my son? You're only supposed to be punishing him for disobeying my orders."

  The sound of Sylvia's voice seemed to calm the Colonel and make him snap back into reality.

  "He's the devil in the flesh we must kill him. We must kill him now!" the Colonel said with his lips trembling in fear.

  "Shhh, lower the gun, you're not telling me something that I don't already know," Sylvia said in a calm tone that always seemed to send chills up my spine.

  My neck began to stiffen up and hurt as I kept it turned around not daring to take my eyes off of them.

  "No! You didn't see what I saw or heard in his voice. The voice wasn't his, it was someone else's and his eyes weren't normal. They pierced my soul; it was pure evil in them. I have never seen anything like that, and I've seen it all!" the Colonel shouted.

  "Again, I said lower that fucking gun from my son, I won't ask you again. I love you Colonel, you have been loyal to me for years and have given me some wonderful children and if you want to take any of their lives that's up to you, they are your flesh and blood, but him right there," Sylvia said while pointing to me, "He's mine and has a purpose bigger than me and you. He will breed an army of pure killers that will be in my bloodline. I brought him and Doc into this world and I am the only one who can take them out. Am I fucking clear?" Sylvia asked through clenched teeth.

  I could see the Colonel's eye balls jump around with a confused look on his face. Sylvia was serious and will jam a knife through his chin and skull. He lowered his gun placing it back into his holster then picked up the next one doing the same.

  "Good, now go get Doc and take care of your hand, also push out of your head what you saw and heard tonight, because if not you will always fear him. Michael is like our pet wolves, he feeds off of fear and will attack you because he smells that shit all on you. You're the man of this family and the boys won't respect you if they think you are weak!" Sylvia shouted.

  "Yes dear, but that boy ain't right. He's going to be the death of us. You should put a bullet in his head or slit his throat before it's too late. Don't say I didn't warn you baby," the Colonel said in a deep voice and a thick country accent as he looked at me one more time and walked out of the barn holding his hand.

  Sylvia waited until he was long gone and wiped the blood that was dripping from her knife onto her long, gray dress she was wearing and slowly walked in front of me. She bent down close and studied my face while smiling, "Hmmm, I wish I could have seen what the Colonel saw. So you finally came out and showed your true colors and let the evil out of you, huh boy? I wish I could have seen that sight. See, I know what you really are because I helped create you," Sylvia said while searching for any sign on my face of what had the Colonel so scared.

  "So are you ready to have the cuffs removed and do what you're supposed to do, and be what I trained you to be and no more disobeying my orders?" Sylvia asked.

  My body was badly beaten and sore. The barn floor was filled with my blood and I was in excruciating pain. The only thing that kept me from feeling it before was the anger and rage for Sylvia and my family. I wanted to mumble yes mother I will obey and follow your orders, but that's not what came out.

  "Fuck you, I will not be anything like you," I said and smiled. My head flew back as she punched me in the mouth twice busting my lips open.

  "You may hate me, but you will not disrespect me Michael. Watch your mouth or I'll cut your tongue out boy. You keep thinking it's a difference between killing a man or a woman you're going to learn in the worst way that a hard head makes a soft ass. Women are smarter, stronger and manipulators. We're ten steps ahead of you when you're just making the first move. Just take me for example, hahaha!" Sylvia said and lets out an evil laugh that made my stomach hurt.

  I turned my head just in time to see Doc's huge frame of a body enter the room and his eyes filled with hate as he stared at me. I never knew why he despised me so much. 'I didn't want to take his place nor run this country ass family in these back woods; he can have it. My ambitions were way larger; I wanted to see the world,' I thought to myself as Sylvia stood up straight and walked over to Doc.

  "Finish beating him and continue to do so until he's ready to follow our rules," she said then tip toed kissing Doc on the cheek.

  "My pleasure," Doc replies with a silly ass grin on his face.

  "Wait!" I shouted stopping Sylvia in her tracks as she stood at the barns exit.

  She turned around and looked at me. I smiled as Doc picked the whip up that the Colonel dropped. They must have both thought I lost my mind from the confused facial expression they had on their face.

  "You said you wish you saw what the Colonel saw mother. When that time comes it will be your last day on this earth!" I shouted while spitting out blood from my busted lip.

  Sylvia just stood there staring at me then I heard a sound of thunder and could see lightening out of the large barn door. As rain poured down hard she smiled before she spoke. The lightning seemed to make her beautiful grey hair shine more. She was the only woman I've ever seen it on that didn't look her age. She once told me it was from giving birth to me.

  "Well Michael, I'm already aware of that. I told you women are ten steps ahead. I know who you are. You're the one that doesn't know," she replied showing off her pearly white teeth and stepped out into the rain and darkness of the night.

  "I thought she would never leave little brother."

  I heard Docs voice boom. I was in deep thought over Sylvia's last statement as Doc raised his hand high and the whip came crashing down on the center of my back.

  "Ughhh!" I groaned in pain refusing to give him the satisfaction of hearing me cry.

  Whack! Whack! Whack!

  He swung over and over until I couldn't take it anymore. "Ahhhh!" I let out a powerful scream and passed out unconscious from the pain.

  Chapter 8

  I knew it was her by the gentle touch. I slowly opened my eyes to see I was still in the barn on the west side of the property on my knees and hands cuffed dangling in the air.

  "Michael, I told you to stop disobeying mother and do what she asked from you long enough for us to escape. You're so hard headed," Victoria said as tears escaped the corner of her eyes as she dipped a rag in a small bucket of water, kneeled down and gently wiped my back cleaning the blood.

  "Ssssss," I made a hissing sound from the pain I felt as she touched my back with the wet rag. "I just couldn't Victoria, every time she wants me to kill a female I think, what if
it was you someone was out there doing this to," I said with my head hung low and my chin touching my chest.

  Victoria was the younger version of my mother. If you look at them side by side you would think they were twins. It's as if my mother had cloned herself, but Victoria was nothing like her. She was the only sister I had. She was fourteen years old, but her mind was years older, because unlike my other siblings she would read more. While Sylvia was teaching us all the time, we would go searching and kidnap unexpected victims. We would go by a gas station and Victoria would search for books. It never mattered what kind it was, she just wanted to learn more about the world. Then she would hide the books in the woods so mother wouldn't find them. She was the most intelligent of us all, but hides it from everyone.

  "Michael you are a fool. I love you to death, but if you don't start killing and following mothers orders, when the day comes for me to escape this place and go to New York I will leave you behind," Victoria stated as she continued to wipe my bruises.

  "I tried and tried, it's just too hard and with all this talk about our dreams to go to New York City, we may never escape momma or the damn woods," I replied.

  "That may be true with the way you're going brother. You just keep fucking up."

  I heard a raspy, deep, country voice boom. I turned my head towards the door to see my second favorite sibling Booker.

  "I should have known if Victoria was here you wouldn't be far behind," I stated with half a smile on my face as I flinched through the pain that traveled through my back.

  "You already know where little sis go I go, but you should listen to her because she's right Michael. You are moving like a fool and going to ruin your only chance of escaping with us," Booker said in his deep, raspy voice.

  Booker was only 15, but smart beyond his age from reading in the woods with Victoria. Booker was taller than me and no way looked his age at 6'5", with a lanky body frame. He was one of the triplets. His older brothers Lester and Ronnie I hated with a passion. They were nothing like Booker, they were more evil and listened to all the bullshit mother feeds them mentally and was ruthless killers that disliked me and Booker for their own reasons. Victoria and Booker weren't just my brother and sister they were my best friends, the only thing I held dear to me in the world.


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