Home > Other > A CHILD OF A CRACKHEAD IV > Page 5

by Shameek Speight

  "Yea, yea, I do what I feel best," I replied.

  "You say that until mother chops your head off and place a stick in it for all of us to see," Booker said as he held up a brown paper bag covering his mouth and nose inhaling deeply taking the glue fumes deep into his lungs.

  "She won't kill me, I'm her favorite," I replied.

  "Well if this is what happens to her favorite, I damn sure don't want to piss her off," Booker responded while inhaling more glue from the brown paper bag.

  "You really need to stop thinking like that Michael. You can easily be replaced by Doc if she continues to grow tired of your ways. Doc listens to her and is a coldhearted killer just waiting for the opportunity to kill you and run this family. I don't know what it is Michael, but when I look into his eyes I see deep hate for you. You really need to think before you act," Victoria said as she picked up the needle and thread.

  I looked back at her and couldn't help but smile then looked over at Booker; he had gotten closer and was lying on the floor inhaling glue from the brown paper bag, looking high as a kite.

  "Michael your back is cut open really bad. The Colonel and Doc really did a number on you. I'm going to have to stich you up and it's going to be very painful," Victoria said as she stared at the four huge open cuts on my back, they were so deep you could see the white meat as blood continued to drip from them.

  "Man you should inhale some of this glue, it will take away all of the pain and have you forget any worries that you have," Booker said with a big grin on his face showing his teeth while lying on the floor looking at me and Victoria.

  "Booker I tried that mess once and lost control of who I was and ended up killing a poor little cat in the woods, along with two women mommy made me hurt. I don't like getting high; it brings something out of me. So thanks, but no thanks. I'll bear with the pain," I responded.

  "Okay suit yourself. Hell that means more for me," Booker replied and placed the bag over his nose and mouth inhaling deeply looking as if he was floating on cloud nine.

  "I really don't understand why he does that, it's only causing him more harm," I said out loud.

  "Michael you should be the last person to judge," Victoria said as she threaded the needle. "Stay still," I heard her mumble as I felt the needle piercing through my skin.

  "Ouch! Damn!" I grunted.

  "Like I was saying Michael, you should be the last one to judge. We all have a way to have our mind escape this place and away from our mother, the Colonel and Doc. Booker is getting high sniffing all the glue he can until he can't think anymore. For me, its reading to myself or reading to you two about the new things we find out about the world that mother isn't teaching us so that we can't be brainwashed like the others. You are the worst Michael. You go into the woods, trap and kill small animals in all kinds of weird ways, because it makes you feel good. So never judge Michael," Victoria said as she continued to stitch me up and has a good point.

  "You always seem to be right," I stated.

  "No brother, I am always right and you need to get with the program and do as Sylvia says from now on," Victoria stated as she tied a knot when she reached the top of my back.

  "That's one down and three to go," she said as she started stitching up the next open cut on my back.

  I wanted to scream as the needle went in and out of my skin, "I just can't do what she wants. She wanted me to skin and pull a woman's face off," I replied while making a hissing sound.

  "Michael, please save me the bullshit. You do that to animals in your spare time. Do what you have to do so we can escape. I have the map already and money saved that I have been taking from the victims, the Colonel and everyone else had snatched up. All that's next is for me to take some food so that we won't go hungry on our way from these damn woods," Victoria said as she began to stitch up my third cut and I tried my best not to cry out in pain.

  I had to realize that she was right and had a good point. 'I do enjoy causing harm to small animals, watching them suffer as I chop their arms and legs off one by one, causing them to squirm around helplessly as they bleed to death. I try my hardest to fight that urge and not find the same joy in doing it to people, but it's so hard when it's so much fun,' I thought to myself.

  "You have a point Victoria," I said.

  "I know I do. I'm always right so don't mess this up Michael, I only need one more month and then we're out of here forever. I love you with all my heart, but I will leave you in the blink of an eye," Victoria stated as she finished stitching up my last cut and tied the thread in a knot.

  "Leave who in the blink of an eye and go where?"

  Victoria, me and Booker knew the voice all too well, it sent chills up our spines. As we all turned our heads towards the barn door we saw Sylvia standing there in a dark purple dress with her chrome knife in her hand with her arms folded. Her long hair seemed to flow like a smooth river.

  "Oh, it wasn't anything Mother," Victoria said in a nervous voice.

  "Oh it better not be anything, what the fuck you doing out here anyway?" Sylvia shouted with an evil look in her eyes as she stared at Victoria and Booker while they both stood up.

  "Momma, we just came out here to fix Michael's wounds so he won't bleed to death," Victoria replied.

  Sylvia walked up to her calmly, "To be my only daughter, your mind should be brighter and your heart should be colder," Sylvia said then back slapped her sending Victoria crashing to the floor.

  "Did I tell you to tend to his wounds?" Sylvia yelled.

  "No Mommy, but if I didn't he would have bled to death," Victoria said as she rubbed her face.

  Seeing my mother put her hands on the only person that truly cared for me sent me in rage. "Ahhhh!" I screamed as I pulled and tugged on the chains praying my wrist would break free and I could rip Sylvia's head off.

  During the struggle I felt a few of my stiches pop. Sylvia just smiled her evil grin while staring at me.

  "Oh you don't like me touching your princess sister huh! That makes you mad!" Sylvia said.

  "Good get mad, get in touch with your fucking feelings boy. Anger and pain will make you stronger, learn how to use it, because I know you want to hurt me now, don't you boy? I'm really going to piss you off!" Sylvia screamed as she sent a knee crashing into Victoria's chin.

  "Ughhh!" Victoria groaned in pain as she went flying up in the air and crashed back down to the ground. Then Sylvia began her brutal attack, kicking Victoria repeatedly in the face and stomach.

  "Mommy stop I'm sorry, I won't do it again," Victoria cried out in pain as she crawled up in a ball doing her best to resist the pain of each blow that she received.

  "No one told you to help him. If he followed my orders his ass wouldn't be in the position he's in now, and if his ass would have bled to death it would have been his fault. You wouldn't be getting this ass whooping because you decided to be weak with him," Sylvia said as she bent down sending straight punches to her face and thigh.

  "Ahhhh! I'm sorry Mommy I won't be weak, I won't be weak," Victoria cried out in excruciating pain.

  "No! Stop! Leave her alone! Beat me, punish me, it's my fault. Leave her alone!" I said with my head turned to the side watching and feeling helpless.

  "No! I don't want you now son and besides, I think this hurts you more than any physical pain I can cause you," Sylvia said while smiling looking sick and twisted in the mind as she continued her assault.

  "Help her! Help her! She will kill her!" I shouted while looking at Booker standing at the barn door with his eyes watered up. He loves Victoria just as much as I do and seeing her in this much pain was killing us both.

  "Fucking help her!" I shouted.

  Booker snapped out of the trance he was in, and ran towards Sylvia. Sylvia turned around as she stood up and pointed the chrome knife at Booker stopping him in his track.

  "Boy, don't even think about touching me, I'll chop your fucking hands off."

  Booker nervously shook for a second knowing that she meant every
word. He looked as if the high from sniffing glue has clouded his judgment as he charged Sylvia while screaming a war cry. He was way taller than our mother and stronger, but not faster. Sylvia hiked up her purple dress and jumped up in the air with both feet, drop kicking him before he could register what had taken place. He was lying flat on his ass. Sylvia popped up off the floor and moved almost as fast as a paper cut.

  "Ahhhh!" Booker hollered in pain as the sharp knife ripped and tore through the meat of his wrist.

  "Hmmm, I must sharpen my knife. I should have been able to cut that off with one slice," she said sarcastically as she realized the knife did cut through his bone.

  Booker raised his arm toward his face to see his hand dangling, ripped open and only attach to his body by a cracked, shattered bone. Blood gushed out of it like a water hose. Before he could scream, Sylvia swung once more, completely chopping it off, sending his large hand up in the air, and she caught it as if it was a football. Booker hollered and rolled back and forth on the ground in agony and pain.

  "I warned you, now your hand is mine to place in a jar," Sylvia said then looked at Victoria. "Now Victoria you can tend to his wrist. Close it up so it will stop the bleeding, and fucking do it now before his punk ass die over there crying like a weak baby," Sylvia said, as spit flew out her mouth. She wiped the blood off her knife on her purple dress.

  Victoria moaned and groaned in pain as she eased off the ground holding her ribcage. I could tell by looking at her that one of her ribs was broken or fractured. She quietly helped Booker sit up; blood from his wrist was pumping out fast.

  "Take off your shirt," Victoria ordered. Booker stood up with tears flowing down his cheeks, and could barely move. I watched Victoria help remove his shirt, and wrap it around his wrist to help slow down the bleeding as they both limp out the barn. Sylvia walked in front of me, with the chrome knife in her left hand, and gripping Booker's severed hand in her right hand.

  "So you're upset that I fucked up your siblings. I can see it all in your face, that's good. I want you in pain so you can learn to use it my son," Sylvia stated.

  "One day you'll regret all that you have created in me," I said through my gritted teeth.

  "No, I won't," she replied then smacked me with Bookers severed hand. She then busted out laughing, "Hahahaha, so are you ready to listen or should I send Doc to come back in here to whoop you some more my stubborn son? I really doubt that you can lose more blood or flesh, so are you ready to obey me?" Sylvia asked.

  In my heart I knew she was right, in no way could I handle the metal from the whip ripping my skin anymore even if I wanted to say fuck you to her. I knew it meant my death.

  "Yes mother, I will listen," I replied with my head down.

  "Good boy, you'll soon come to realize there's no point in fighting me. You were born pure evil to make this world feel all the pain I have suffered all my life," Sylvia replied then left the barn while petting Booker's hand as if it was a small kitten.

  I could feel hot breath on the back if my neck as someone removed the cuff on my right hand, then my left hand.

  "Your mother has no clue of what you really are. She says she does but you are not of this earth. I now know some of the things she says are true even if she really doesn't realize it, but you are the evil in the flesh, the first opportunity I get I'm going to put a bullet in between your eyes."

  I heard a voice boom in a nervous tone. My body was weak as I forced myself to stand up and turn around to see the Colonel's hand trembling as he pointed his gun at me. The fear written on his face made me smile. I stepped towards him as he back pedaled.

  "Don't you come near me; I don't give a fuck if Sylvia kills me if I put a few holes in you. I have a feeling in my stomach that you will do worse to me. You're just not right," the Colonel said in his deep, country accent. "Sylvia wants you bathed and fed then she wants you to meet her in the barn on the west side of the house," the Colonel stated as he walked out of the barn never taking his eyes off of me.

  I looked down to see a plate of food; fried chicken, mashed potatoes and collard greens. It's been three days since my last meal. If it wasn't for Victoria sneaking me bread every now and then while I was chained up, the hunger pain in my stomach alone would have killed me before Doc or the Colonel could by beating me. I wasted no time picking up the plate of food. An hour later I was washed up, dressed in all black with my machete in the holster on my waist. I feel like myself once more. Victoria's voice echoed in my mind, 'Do what you have to do so that we can escape. There is no point in fooling no one, causing pain brings you joy Michael.'

  I stepped into the kerosene lit barn to see Sylvia waiting for me in an all-black, long dress that showed her cleavage. I walked deeper into the barn with a nervous, bubbling feeling in my stomach. I turned my head to the side to see the same three women still chained to the wall. I was surprised to see that the darker one was still alive with still half the skin ripped off her forehead that now hung down to her lips. The once red, raw meat now had scabs on it.

  "Practice makes perfect son, you're going to stop being weak when it comes to killing women. They will burn and cross you the most in life. Now get to it and skin that heifer alive or the punishment will be worse than last time," Sylvia said in an evil tone that sent chills through my body and the three women began to sob and cry out loud.

  "Nooo, please no, help us!"

  "Shut the fuck up! Y'all know what it means to suffer!" Sylvia screamed as she tossed the straight razor at my feet. I hesitated to move and just stared at it.

  "Well what the hell are you waiting for? Get to work."

  I heard a voice echo through my mind as I bent down and picked up the razor and slowly walked towards them. Without thinking twice about it, I gripped the hanging flesh on her face and pulled with all my might.

  "Ahhhh! Stop! Stop!" the woman hollered as my facial expression balled up in anger. A feeling of joy warmed my body as she continued to holler in pain and I snatched all the skin off her face.

  The young woman cried and I could only imagine the pain she was in as the tears touched the raw flesh of what use to be her face. I turned towards my mother who had a sick, proud look on her face.

  "Well don't just fucking stop, finish it!" Sylvia ordered.

  I tossed the face on the ground.

  "No please, no more, ahhhh, help me please someone help me!" she screamed as she wiggled and squirmed, trying to break free.

  I used the razor to cut deep into her skin, tracing an outline like Sylvia had taught me with the huge pigs. Everything I did felt natural and a woman's cry no longer bothered me, it was like music to my ears. I then noticed that the more pain she was in the more aroused I was getting. My dick grew harder and harder, ready to bust free out of my jeans as I dug my finger nails in the deep cut I made under her neck and pulled.

  "Ahhhh!" she hollered in excruciating pain that echoed through the barn.

  A smile appeared on my face as I ripped the skin from her breast, pulling it all the way down her stomach. Her body began to buckle. I stepped back as white foam came out of her mouth. I stared at her with a confused look then looked back at my mother. Reading my facial expression she answered the question before I could even ask.

  "She's going through convulsions my dear boy, pretty much choking on her own tongue. The pain was too much for her to bear. When you're torturing someone like this, it's best to have them on some form of drugs where they can still feel the pain, but it will take longer for them to die," Sylvia stated.

  I turned my head back in the direction of the young woman to see her body buckle hard one last time then stop. I studied her chest area which was nothing but raw meat and I didn't see her inhale or exhale so I knew she was dead.

  "Okay start on the next one now," I heard Sylvia order.

  I wanted to have more fun with the next one. As I looked at both women crying, I chose the one with the honey brown skin as my next victim. I liked that she was very thick with a cute face.
Her brown eyes were filled with water and fear. I took off my shirt, pulled down my jeans and walked straight up to her. The fear on her face had me horny as hell. I spread her legs and spit on my hand then rubbed it on her pussy lips. She wiggled and squirmed as I spread her legs and cuffed them in between my biceps lifting her up in the air. She had to weigh an easy 140 pounds, but I was in great shape from jogging in the woods every day and doing pushups and sit ups. I had to stay working out with Doc and the Colonel being bigger and stronger than me. I knew it could be a matter of time before they test me and I had to be ready.

  "Nooo stop! Please no!" the woman screamed as I pushed my ten inch dick all the way inside her and held it there touching her walls. "Owwww!" she let out a slight moan as I began to stroke in and out of her.

  "Shhh… ahhhh shit! Shit!" she moaned with each stroke as I went deeper and her pussy got wetter.

  I could feel it tighten up gripping my dick, even with her fearing for her life she was enjoying me inside of her. That's when I realized there was some kind of power I had over women with my dick. The thought of it fed my ego as I grind my hips touching all around her walls.

  "Ahhhh, owwww, yes, yes!" she screamed in ecstasy as I long stroked her, pulling my manhood all the way out and pushing it all the way back in.

  I stared in her eyes and could tell she wanted to hate me, but the pleasure in her body wouldn't let her.

  "Yes son! Yes, this is who you are!" I could hear Sylvia's voice. I almost forgot she was in the barn and the sound of her cheering me on made me nervous. I pulled out of the young woman and walked back over to my clothes. I put on my jeans and pulled out my machete from the holster.

  "Wait! Wait! What are you doing? Don't kill her, finish fucking her and give me a got damn grand baby!" Sylvia shouted with spit flying out her mouth.


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