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Page 6

by Shameek Speight

  Her words went to deaf ears as I raised the machete and swung the blade right through her flesh, chopping off her left arm.

  "Ahhhh!" the young woman yelled at the top of her lungs as blood squirted out.

  I twisted my head to the side just staring at the detached arm hanging from the chain it was cuffed to. It was a beautiful sight.

  "What are you doing fool?" I could still hear Sylvia's voice screaming over the woman screaming in pain.

  I pray she didn't go into convulsions like the other woman did and die fast. I spun around in a complete circle and bent down low stretching my arm out while gripping the machete tightly and came down on her thick right thigh chopping it completely off. I looked up to see her mouth open wide screaming as tears streamed down her face.

  "Ughhh, ahhhh, oh Lord no! Ahhhh! Just kill me, fucking kill me," she screamed while slobbering and coughing up blood.

  I felt my dick becoming aroused once more. A smile spread across my face and I now know I was every bit of the monster my mother told me I was through my years of growing up. I finally came to terms with accepting who I was, the devil. I bent down and yanked the machete out of her thick thigh.

  "Ahhhh!" she hollered.

  I wondered why she didn't pass out yet as I swung with all my might chopping off her left leg. I watched it hit the ground and she had completely stopped screaming. With her left arm and legs chopped off the only thing that kept her from hitting the ground, was her right arm that was chained to the wall.

  "Hahahaha!" I laughed very sinisterly then stopped. 'Damn I'm picking up my mother's habits,' I thought to myself.

  I walked over closer to the woman and swung the blade and it got stuck in her neck. I then pulled it out and swung four times until her head hit the ground and rolled a few feet. I was so into what I was doing that I had forgotten about the next young woman.

  I stared at her. I couldn't put a finger on it, but there was a connection I had with her. She had an aura about her that I just couldn't understand, as if deep down inside I knew her. Her beauty was breath taking. I shook my head from side to side to break the trance I was in.

  Fuck what I was feeling? She had to die and I had to see her headless. I raised my hand high and aimed for the center of her forehead and swung.


  I gasped for air in mid swing. My eyes opened wide. I don't know if it's from lack of oxygen or from the fact that Sylvia had moved fast, but I was stuck in disbelief. She now stood in front of me with her left finger buried deep in my neck, squeezing my windpipe and her right hand was held low with the chrome knife resting on my manhood. I didn't know if she was going to pull my windpipe out or stab me to death. Knowing her it could be both at the same time.

  "What are you doing?" Sylvia said through gritted teeth.

  "I'm being what you want me to be mother. Ain't I making you proud?" I replied while trying not to choke on my own saliva.

  "You're acting like an out of control animal and you better not touch this one at all or I'll chop your ass in pieces. Do I make myself clear son?" Sylvia replied staring me dead in the eyes and for the first time I actually believed her.

  'She has threatened to kill me many times in my life but this time I felt it in my heart that she was serious, but why? What makes this woman any different from all the other women we kidnapped and tortured? What makes her special? I have to find out,' I thought to myself as I stared back at my mother then glanced over looking at the young woman. "Yes mother," I managed to spit out.

  She released her grip from my windpipe and I could feel the burning sensation from where her nail was deep in my skin. I placed my machete back in the holster on my hip while back pedaling away from my mother, keeping my eyes on her. I bent down and grabbed a handful of hair, picking up my last victims head then grabbed an arm and the next woman's head and slowly walked towards the barn door. I stopped and turned around looking at my mother's beautiful face. I smiled an evil grin.

  "You can't take the beast out of the cage mother and expect it to go right back in after a taste of freedom. Remember I am what you created and what you wanted me to be," I said then stepped out the barn.

  "No my son, you're becoming who you were born to be, the devil in the flesh," Sylvia replied then laughed.

  Chapter 9

  Sylvia grabbed the chrome knife under her pillow as she tossed and turned. Sweat covered her body and soaked the sheets. She slept naked trying to beat the southern heat. She dozed off into a deep sleep feeling as if she was falling into a deep, dark black hole. The sound of a baby crying made her jump up from her sleep.

  "No, this can't be, I can't be here again," Sylvia mumbled.

  She looked at her hands and saw that she was thirteen again and reliving her childhood. She turned her head to see Doc who was only three years old sitting up crying.

  "Shhh baby, you're going to make him come in here," Sylvia said.

  She picked up Doc and held him in her arms praying she could get him to stop crying. The bright sun shined through the thick curtain brightening up her small room.

  "Doc, shhh, please baby be quiet. I know you're hungry and mommy will feed you soon as we sneak down the stairs, but please be quite." Sylvia said then realized it was too late as the room door knob twisted.

  The door flew open and there stood a 6'1" dark skin man in his 40's. His facial hair was long and nappy and he had pieces of food stuck in his beard. His pot belly stomach looked as if it led the way as he walked towards her. Her body trembled in fear as she held Doc close to her praying she didn't suffocate him with her breast.

  "Let go of the little piss ant of a child. I thought you were going to keep him quiet and not wake me up while I try to sleep!" the man shouted.

  The closer he came, the more Sylvia crawled backwards on the bed until her back was touching the backboard and there was nowhere for her to go.

  "I tried, I tried to keep him quiet but he's hungry daddy," Sylvia replied quickly more for Docs safety than her own.

  "You a fucking lie!" the man screamed as spit flew out of his mouth, onto her forehead and Docs forearm.

  Sylvia watched as he pointed his fat, stubby finger at her, his finger nails were yellow and had huge chunks of black dirt under them. Staring at them made Sylvia's facial expression ball up in disgust mixed with fear.

  "I don't believe you, you little lying cunt!" he shouted and swung his hand back slapping her.

  "Ahhhh!" she hollered in pain. She flew off the bed and landed on her back so that Doc could land on top of her. Doc rolled out of her arm and bust out crying even harder as he sat on the floor with nothing but a diaper on.

  "Get your little ass up!" the large man shouted as he grabbed her by the shoulders and lifted her.

  She weighs nothing and he tossed her on top of the bed, unbuckled his jeans letting them drop to his ankles and stepped out of them.

  "Daddy, no please no! I tried to keep him quiet! No don't!" Sylvia screamed and tried to crawl off the bed. Her father sent two blows, a left and a right one to her ribcage.

  "Ughhh! Ahhhh!" the blows were so hard she could barely scream as she tried to breathe, but couldn't.

  Before she could catch her breath, she felt huge hands flip her over onto her back, lift up her blue gown and pull down her panties.

  "No! Stop!" she managed to spit out, but it was too late.

  He was already on top of her with his massive weight forcing himself inside of her.

  "Ughhh!" she gasped for air as his fat penis touched her walls and he pumped in and out of her while making grunting sounds.

  "I warned your little ass to keep him quiet," he moaned between strokes.

  Tears streamed out the corner of her eyes onto the bed sheets. She held in her screams and cries for help knowing that her being in pain only turned him on more and no one would be there to rescue her. She turned her head to see Doc on the floor hollering at the top of his lungs watching his mother being raped.

  "Shhhh!" Sylvia said whi
le keeping her eyes locked on him.

  A half hour later, her father kissed her on the lips after releasing inside of her and eased off her. Everything about him disgusted her, his stank breath and fat, beer belly.

  "You gone listen to me one way or another," he said while smiling, showing off his yellow stained teeth that he got from chewing tobacco.

  Sylvia watched him leave the room and quickly got dressed doing her best to stay strong as she scooped Doc up in her arms.

  "Shhhh, mommy is okay and going to feed you now," she said as she opened the room door.

  The smell of food being cooked made her stomach growl. She made her way downstairs and then to the kitchen to see her father sitting at the kitchen table eating. He looked up for a second and smiled showing off his stained teeth and went back to eating as if nothing had happened, as if he didn't just rape her in front of her son.

  She stared at her mother as she fixed her plate. She was heavyset and light brown, with short curly hair. Her chubby face turned around and she did her best not to make eye contact and placed the plate of food on the table. Sylvia quickly grabbed it off the table and sat in the corner of the room on the floor sitting Doc next to her. She passed him a larger piece of bacon and watched him devour it as she did her best to eat the overcooked eggs on her plate, but the feeling of her father's eyes staring at her felt as if they were burning a hole in her chest. She looked up to see him licking his dry lips, lusting over her undeveloped breast.

  "Schmmp!" Sylvia sucked her teeth as her stomach bubbled up in disgust. She sat up and placed the plate of food between Doc's legs and smiled for a brief second watching him eat. She looked back at her mother and father then went back upstairs to shower and change into her Sunday best, a sunflower dress and made her way back down the stairs.

  Her mother looked up from the kitchen table from eating, "And where do you think you're going miss?" she asked.

  "It's Sunday momma. I'm headed to church, and I'm already late," Sylvia replied.

  "Hahaha!" her father chuckled. "You're off to be a little hoe; you're not fooling anyone. There's nothing but some hot ass boys in church and the (preacher) praise is even worse," her father said.

  "You would say that and know if it's true. It takes a hoe to know one," Sylvia mumbled under her breath.

  "Wait! What did you say young lady?" her father shouted while slapping his hands on the table. It made a loud thumping sound as he stood up out of his chair.

  Sylvia began to tremble in fear as he wobbled his way over to her and raised his hand swinging hard, back slapping her. Sylvia's body twisted sideways as she hit the floor. She looks over at her mother who just watched and turned her head as nothing happened. Tears watered up in her eyes as she fought the pain and shame she was feeling. She eased off the floor and squint her eyes staring at her father with hate.

  "Momma, please clean up. Doc, I'll be back as soon as the service is over," Sylvia said.

  "Sure baby," her mother replied while acting like she's cleaning.

  Sylvia turned around and walked towards the front door.

  "Yes, head off to be the little hoe you are. I know when you come home I'm going to smell that pussy and it better not smell like sex or I'll really put a beating on you," he said in a thick country accent.

  Once Sylvia opened the door and the fresh air hit her face, tears streamed down her cheeks like a running river. 'God there has to be more to life than this, everything's wrong. Lord, please help free me from my pain,' she said in prayer as she walked three miles to church.

  You could hear singing from the church, 'Yes Jesus loves me. Yes Jesus loves me. For the bible tells me so,' the sound of people singing as one did something to her and touched her down in her soul. Sylvia walked through the old double doors of the church, and a smile spread across her face as she saw her surroundings. The church was an old house, but seemed to be filled with so much lov. She looked at all the families sitting in different rows.

  'I wish I had a family that put me first,' she thought to herself as she found a seat and sat down.

  After the chorus stopped singing the preacher stood up. Pastor Willie Edwards had a very strong presence. He stood 6'3" tall, and was stocky as if he used to work out. The stories of his past was that he used to be a big time pimp in Chicago that used heroine and beat people up for fun before he turned his life over to God.

  Pastor Willie Edwards was easy to relax around. She smiled at the fact that he always seemed to be preaching straight to her or at least felt that way. It amused her that people in the south always called you by both your first and last name.

  "God hadn't brought you this far my children to give up on! You may be going through hard times! You may feel as if you have nothing to live for, but let me tell you something, I have been there myself and walked through the flames of hell. It felt as if the devil was my only friend, but my Lord and Savior has shown me the way and opened up his arms to embrace me as he will do you when friends turn their backs on you. When family turns their back on you, there's one person that will never turn his back on you!" Pastor Willie Edwards shouted and everyone in the church said Amen, while shaking their heads in agreement.

  "I'm here to tell you God will always be there in your time of need. When you return home, read Matthew 7:6," Pastor Willie Edwards said ending the service.

  Sylvia continued to sit, watching all the people part the congregation shaking Pastor Willie Edwards hand before they exit the church.

  "I need help, it's now or never, if Pastor Willie Edwards can't save me then who can?" Sylvia said out loud to herself as she builds up the courage to stand up and walk down to the pulpit.

  Pastor Willie Edwards was straightening up after everyone who had attended service has left. Sylvia nervously stopped when she got up to where Pastor Willie Edwards was cleaning up. His back was facing her.

  "Yes young woman, speak," he said in a very deep voice without turning around.

  "Ummmm, how did you know I was here?" Sylvia said in shock.

  Pastor Willie Edwards turned around and smiled, showing off a set of white teeth. He was massive in size, and his bald head had a polished shine to it.

  "Young lady I have been up, I have been down, and it could be thirty people in service and I can tell the one's that really need the Lords help and you're one of them," Pastor Willie Edwards replied.

  Sylvia held her head down in shame, "Yes, there's a lot going tremendously wrong in my life and I'm only thirteen," Sylvia replied.

  "Come, let's go in my office where you can tell me about it and I'll see how we can fix your issue. My Lord can do anything but fail," Pastor Willie Edwards said as they walked down a narrow hall.

  Pastor Willie Edwards and I entered a room that had a heavy brown door. His office was plush with a big red couch, thick red carpet and a huge desk with golden handles on it. He sat on the edge of the desk holding a bible.

  "Okay child speak."

  Sylvia held her head down, "I don't even know where to start. I'm so ashamed," she replied.

  "Start from the beginning child," Pastor Willie Edwards replied.

  Sylvia held back her tears, "For over three years now, my father has been raping me." she said barely getting the words out.

  "What! Have you told your mother," Pastor Willie Edwards replied in shock and couldn't believe his ears.

  "Yes she knows. It's not like she can't hear him beating me. I try to put up a fight, but it came to a point that I don't even fight him no more in fear that he will hurt my son, which he has done before," Sylvia stated.

  "Wait! Wait! You have a son, but you're only thirteen," Pastor Willie Edwards replied.

  Tears streamed down Sylvia's face and she swiftly wiped them away with the back of her hand, "Yes my son is three. I had him in my bathroom in the tub. He's my father's child and I don't know what to do. I need the Lords help. I don't care what happens to me, but I know by listening to your service that God has to have a plan for me and my child," Sylvia said whil
e talking with her head still down refusing to look up at him.

  She gasped for air when she finally looked up hoping Pastor Willie Edwards would somehow help her and Doc, but looking at the situation she was now in she knew it wasn't going to happen. Her body trembled in fear as Pastor Willie Edwards had removed all of his clothing and was standing there butt naked. His black skin seemed to have a shiny glow to it and his penis stood up straight pointing towards her. An evil grin was on his face.

  "Wait! Wait! What are you doing?" Sylvia asked as shock and fear consumed her body and she began to tremble.

  "Don't get all surprised now. I done dealt with little hoes like you all my life as a pimp. In fact it was a fast ass little heifer like yourself that got me locked up. She told me she was eighteen and I took her state to state, putting her ass to work for me, Hahaha!" Pastor Willie Edwards laughed in a sinister tone, before he started speaking again. "One day her little ass got caught selling her pussy and told the cops everything and even her real age so she wouldn't have to do jail time. So she sold me out and I had to do three hard years. Once free from prison I reinvented myself changing any name to Willie Edwards and I found a new way to get money and pussy, hahaha! I'm still pimping, but it's just in a different way now," Pastor Willie Edwards stated.

  "Why! Why are you telling me this?" Sylvia asked with a confused look on her face as she fought back her tears.

  "Hahaha!" Pastor Willie Edwards bust out laughing, his laughter was deep and dark, "It's been a long time since I had some young, sweet pussy and I know you're not going to say a damn word!" Pastor Willie Edwards replied and in the blink of an eye, he wrapped his strong hand around her neck and squeezed tightly.

  Sylvia gasped for air as she was lifted up off her feet and couldn't believe what was now taking place. She swung her feet back and forth in hopes of kicking him in the nuts, but her struggle was in vein. He lifted her up even higher and ripped off her panties tossing them to the side then forced himself inside of her.

  "Ahhhh!" she hollered and screamed, louder than she has ever screamed in her life, as she felt her vagina ripping.


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