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Stone Guard

Page 16

by Emma Alisyn

  “Where are you going?” he asked, sounding amused.

  The door clicked and Bea stared at him, nervous. She shouldn't be nervous. Even though the look in his eyes would daunt even a brave woman, this was Niko.

  “I wanted to shower before I . . . settle in for the night.”

  He watched her. “That’s a good idea. Do you need help?”

  She cleared her throat. “Help?”

  “An extra pair of hands?”

  “That might be helpful.”

  “Good. Stay here.”

  He entered the en-suite, gargoyle-sized bathroom, and she heard the sound of running water. She’d said shower, but evidently he had other ideas. She approached the threshold, watching him where he knelt at the rim of the tub, checking temperature and sniffing the contents of various little bottles.

  Niko glanced at her. “There are some salts here that are good for muscle aches.”

  He rose, wings tucked close and reached for her. Bea stood quiescent as he undressed her, his fingertips seeming to always find a sensitive spot as he tugged cloth away from flesh. She walked forward and stepped into the tub, sinking all the way in for a moment to wet her hair. Then she sat up.

  “Is there hair conditioner for mixed chicks in here?”

  “Mixed chicks?”

  “Curly hair.”

  “Ah. This one. I’ll do it.” He batted her hands away and proceeded to lather her hair in conditioner. It smelled of almond and vanilla.

  “It has to sit for awhile,” she said.

  “Good. I can find something to occupy the time.”

  His hands settled on her shoulders, and she bit her lip when he began a massage. “Oh, god, your fingers are like death. That hurts.”

  “Your muscles are tight. You’ll feel better when I’m done.”

  She suffered through the massage, but when he was done her neck and shoulders felt looser than they had in days. She just hoped he hadn’t left bruises.

  “I don’t want to rinse my hair in the tub,” she said. “I’ll wash up and turn on the shower.”

  She scrubbed quickly as he watched, crouched on his heels. When she let the water out and stood, he rose as well. “I’ll join you for the shower,” he said.

  Like she was going to say no. “Comb?” She hated that she sounded breathless. Like she had no control of herself at the thought of seeing him naked.

  He found her a comb, and she turned on the shower, working the teeth through her curls and rinsing her hair until it hung in soft, defined kinks down her shoulders.

  Niko stepped into the shower and pulled her against his back. Her eyes shut, bottom riding against him. He was already hard, twitching when she touched him. His hands swept up her torso and hefted her breasts.

  “I want you right now,” he said, voice hoarse. “You’ve bathed.”

  Fair was fair she supposed. She reached behind her and grabbed his cock, smiling smugly when he hissed, stiffening.

  “For that,” he said, “you’ll get exactly what you deserve. Bend over.”

  Like she would say no. Bea complied, the shower beating down on her back, finding handholds as best she could. He anchored an arm around her waist as his other hand plunged between her thighs, rubbing her clit in circles.

  She moaned, arching her back and spreading her thighs. The head of his cock bumped her entrance and slowly pushed inside, going balls deep as he continued to fondle her bud.

  “Ready?” he whispered, and waited for her nod.

  He wasn’t gentle. But his arm around her waist kept her head from hitting the tiles or her feet from slipping, and the clitoral pleasure softened the ravaging of his hard girth forcing her body to take him. She came before he did, and Niko pulled out of her long enough to lift her into his arms and stride back into the bedroom. Soaking wet.

  “Not on the bed!” she exclaimed.

  He gave her one slashing look then took her to a plush, cream-colored area rug, laying her on her back and tossing her legs over his shoulders. Thankfully it wasn’t as uncomfortable as it might have been weeks ago before she’d begun training.

  Niko coaxed her body to a second peak with a slow, strong grind inside her pussy, bodies fused. He wasn’t talkative this time, his hands, cock, and eyes doing all the speaking. And they said that she was his, and he would never let her go.


  Since she didn’t work the following day, she lounged in the suite, went over homework with Aeezah, invaded Surah’s kitchen to bake treats, and in general, waited impatiently for the sun to begin to set. As soon as the sky shaded towards pink she grabbed her daughter and traveled to Prince Geza’s tower. She’d texted Niko first, of course, to make sure he wouldn’t have a fit if she left the house. He gave the all-clear several minutes later, long enough that he’d probably confirmed who was her tail for the evening.

  They arrived at the same time as Veda, and made their way to the training grounds. This evening there was another handful of female students to begin training. Some, Bea discovered, had preliminary skills like she and Veda.

  “I think more females than my father would like, get their own training on the side,” Veda murmured.

  “It makes sense. Most of the warriors are married, right? They probably teach their wives and daughters things over the years, but just never tell anyone about it.”

  Veda sighed. “It’s so stupid. Like female warriors are a dirty secret we have to sweep under the rug. I thinks it’s a good thing Prince Geza came to rule so young. He’s slowly rubbing away the grime of our more misogynistic traditions.”

  As Kausar began to name off sparring partners for the afternoon, Bea heard a voice from the crowd call out,

  “Master, these students of yours are too soft on each other. They need a real fight.”

  All eyes turned to a young warrior standing off to the side, surrounded by several of his contemporaries in the training class, all with various expressions of amusement or vague contempt. She’d learned to tell their status by the emblems sewn into their uniforms, and also by the quality of their swagger. The older warriors walked and didn’t make a show about it. The younger ones pranced.

  “I think not,” Kausar said. “I don’t condone an uneven match.”

  “I think it’s a good idea,” Bea said. “Why not give us some practical experience? We’re ready.” She glanced at Veda, who nodded. Aeezah jumped up and down, grinning. Blood-thirsty child. “Let’s show them what we’ve got.”

  Kausar stroked his chin. “If I allow this, then I think it best to lay a few ground rules. No shifting, which means no flying.” Protests sprung up all around them.

  “No,” Bea said, raising her voice to be heard over the crowd. “This is a self-defense class, and we need to be able to defend against our attackers in any form they may appear in, and against any tricks they might throw our way. That’s the whole point, right? We need to at least try it the regular way for a true apples to apples experience.”

  “You do realize what you’re allowing here, right?” Kausar asked. He looked pointedly at Aeezah.

  “As long as everyone agrees to fight fair, then the only ground rule I think is necessary is that no blood should be drawn. Otherwise, all other spar rules apply.” Bea knew that she’d stay close to Aeezah in any case.

  Kausar shrugged. “So be it.” His eyes narrowed and he raised his voice to a drillyard bellow. “YOU WILL ENGAGE THE LITTLE GIRL WITH THE APPROPRIATE AMOUNT OF FORCE OR I WILL SHRED YOUR WINGS. AM I UNDERSTOOD?”

  “YES, SIR!”

  “Not a little girl,” Aeezah muttered.

  “Take any advantage you can get,” Bea muttered back.

  Kausar named off the match pairs. Bea was paired with a tall, gargoyle male who topped her by almost a foot. She didn’t give him any indication, though, that she thought his size was an advantage. She did notice that the smallest male was paired with Aeezah. It seemed that Kausar was looking out for her, which Bea appreciated. Then Kausar stood in the center with his han
d raised.

  “First contact made wins the match. The winner moves to right to take on the winner of that match. Begin!”

  It didn’t take Bea long to realize that something was off. She was focused on her initial sparring partner and didn’t notice right away, but when he went down, and two males took his place, she felt a sinking sensation in her chest.

  A quick assessment of the scene around her told her that something was amiss. Kausar was nowhere to be seen, and all of the newer females had been eliminated and moved out of the sparring area. As each male defeated his female sparring partner, he turned his attention in one direction. Hers.

  Bea battled three males simultaneously when she heard a roar come from the crowd behind her. Then Niko was at her side, sword in hand. His appearance didn’t slow down her attackers in the slightest. In fact, she thought the sneers on their faces only grew wider. A quick check told her that Aeezah was safely on the sidelines, but the look on her daughter’s face told Bea that she was worried.

  “Hand to hand is best, but don’t let any of them get closer than five feet if you don’t want them to make contact,” Niko growled in her direction. “They’re sneaky and aren’t fighting fair obviously. Turn around and keep your movement in a tight circle. Let’s finish this.”

  Back-to-back, Bea and Niko fought. Her muscles screamed from the exertion of defending against so many blows. Somehow, though, she managed to keep each of her opponents at bay. Despite overwhelming odds, her deflective blows were enough to keep her in the game. When Kausar reappeared at the edge of the crowd, he looked outraged.

  “Enough!” he shouted. All of the fighters immediately stopped dead in their tracks. Bea wanted to drop to her knees, but she was afraid that if she did, she wouldn’t be able to get back up again. “What happened here?” The question was addressed in her and Niko’s direction.

  “I felt obligated to step in when it became apparent that the challengers weren’t respecting the rules,” Niko said. He glared at the men on the ground and around them. “They ganged up on one person in particular, and so I evened up the odds a bit.”

  “It was fight to the last man standing, right?” The male who had initially posed the challenge dusted himself off as he stood up. Bea took some satisfaction that it had been her blow that had landed him on his ass.

  “It was partner sparring, and you know it,” Niko said.

  “Oh, our mistake,” the man said shrugging his shoulders. He looked Bea up and down with another sneer. “Guess we’re lucky somebody didn’t get hurt then.”

  “That’s enough for today. Class dismissed,” Kausar barked. “Niko, halt!”

  Her lover was snarling. Bea grabbed Aeezah’s hand when her daughter ran onto the field to her side, and dragged her to the barracks.

  Veda jogged up next to her. “Shit, Niko is pissed.”

  “We have to learn,” Bea said.

  “Yeah, but that was personal. It’s not supposed to be. They’re having a hard time accepting the influx of females. And I think Niko did something to piss them off a while back, and they’re taking it out on you.”

  “They’re going to have to get over it.” She glanced down at Aeezah, determination hardening. She wanted her daughter to be strong, to be able to defend herself. “And we’re just going to have to get better.”

  “Our whole culture needs to get better, Bea.”

  "You're going to marry the human female," Arthur said.

  Niko slammed the locker door shut and turned to his father. Bea and Veda would be in the newly redone female barracks, showering and changing just as he was. Normally he'd just go home, but a summons from the Prince . . . his eyes narrowed.

  "Do you know why Prince Geza summoned me?"

  His father crossed his arms. "Yes."

  "You gonna tell me, old stone?"

  "The vacant position in the personal guard. You've stepped up, and everyone knows you’re already unofficially acting in that capacity. But you haven’t been officially reassigned."

  There were formalities involved that no one had time for right now. He shrugged. "All of that is important to you. Titles, pay raises, prestige. You know what's important to me? The job. My Prince."

  "And now the woman." Arthur stared at him, expression displeased. "We have enough human blood in our veins, boy. What are you doing?"

  He turned and walked away. This wasn't a fight he was going to have with Arthur. Not over Bea. If his father said something Niko couldn't forgive, it would break his mother. She wanted their family to stay together, more than anything else.

  His father caught up with him, grabbing his arm. Niko whirled, snarling. "What, father? Pissed off I choose a human instead of a court lady?"

  But Arthur's eyes were neutral, though his mouth still turned down in a frown. "Does she understand what it means to be a guard's wife? We don't divorce in our culture, Niko, but she’s already had one husband, correct? If she doesn’t know what she's doing, she could take your garlings, and they would be lost to you."

  Was there a chance Arthur's concern over Bea's species was genuine paternal worry? He didn’t really think so, but he'd give his father the benefit of the doubt. "She's Prince Malin's personal assistant. She's done her job well, and for many years, and that included dealing with us when we came to visit him. She is now an Ioveanu vassal."

  "Not officially. She hasn’t been sworn to him by the court."

  "That’s strategic. Everyone already knows. It's fitting that she should marry a gargoyle of the guard, considering her position, don’t you think?"

  Arthur continued to frown. "She has a child. You won't be able to shape her into the female you want."

  Niko laughed. "That’s your antiquated thinking, old stone. I don’t need to shape her. Her shape is fine the way it is." He paused. "If you can't continue to help protect her, you let me know. If she is harmed on your watch—"

  "Don’t insult me," Arthur snapped. "Like I would allow harm to come to my son's female. Fine. On your head be it. Which means tonight is even more important. You’ll thank me later."

  Niko stared at him, then cursed. "What the fuck did you do, father?"

  Arthur's lips smirked. "Your trial by combat is now. And then you will be sworn into his guard. I hope you don't embarrass me."

  When they left the barracks and returned to the training field, it had been raked clean, and fresh, black sand placed in a circle surrounded by a thick line of white chalk. The Princes stood at one end, surrounded by their guards and enough members of the court to bear witness. As Niko approached, a few of Geza's warrior's clapped him on the shoulder to give silent support. Others watched silently. He'd been in de facto command, reporting to the Ioveanu’s since the attempt at Geza's party. They'd allowed it out of chagrin, but this was different. When he was officially a member of their ranks, he would potentially be a position to affect their lives from now on. It was no secret Geza was dissatisfied with his current Captain.

  He looked for Bea, and saw her only because he recognized his sister and Surah, both taller. Bea hid behind both of them, though she probably wasn't aware of it. She wasn't shy, but she wasn't fully comfortable around large numbers of his people. Either she would get over it or she wouldn't. But…

  Niko walked straight towards her, and his sister and Surah stepped aside. He bowed, taking her hand to raise it to his lips. There were enough high-ranking nobles here that his gesture would spread like wildfire. They'd been trying to keep her hidden as a means of protection. After today, that would no longer be possible. She would become a lady of the court, though low-ranked.

  "Lady Bea," he said. "I fight for a place in Prince Geza's personal guard. It is a lifetime appointment. Do I have your blessing?"

  She stood on her toes and placed a kiss on his cheek. "There. A favor to take with you into the fight." A smile broke through her solemn expression. "I don't have a ribbon."

  He released her hand and cupped her cheek briefly. "I prefer the kiss. Will you dine with me toni

  "I have a roast in the crockpot. Though if you want to eat out, I suppose we can use it for sandwiches tomorrow."

  Someone nearby snorted and muttered. "They already sound married."

  “Better be home in time for dinner, Niiiiiko!”

  “Me, too,” Aeezah demanded.

  Niko bent and placed a kiss on her forehead. She pulled a scrunchie out of her gathered curls and slipped it over his wrist, then slid a smug, side-long glance at her mother.

  He smiled at her, bowed again, and then turned to make his way to the Princes. Malin watched him calmly, while his younger brother rolled his eyes as Niko approached.

  "Do we need to hurry this up so you're not late for dinner, darling?" Geza asked, smirking.

  “I think she’ll keep my plate warm.”

  The Prince nodded, then his expression sobered. “Take your place in the circle, Sir Nikolau. Prove your worth to us.”

  He entered the circle, pausing to remove his boots. The first part of the challenge would be on foot, and this kind of sand would just cause his heels to sink and slide. Bare toes provided a more sure grip. At least he didn’t need to stretch. His wings unfurled, and he waited until three warriors stepped out from the crowd. He studied the best of Geza’s guard, calculating strategy. The point of the trial was to put him thoroughly through his paces as a formality, a last measure against warriors who rose through ranks due to favoritism. The court watched; it would be obvious to them whether Niko was worthy of the position.

  No one stood on ceremony. As soon as the three entered the circle the fight began. Niko shifted to human form, satisfied at the flash of surprise he saw on his opponents’ faces. They would be at the disadvantage now; in human form he was faster, lighter, and didn’t have wings to worry about. It was also beneath the dignity of a royal guard to fight wingless when the sun was down; Niko didn’t give a flying fuck about dignity.

  He whirled and kicked, countering blocks and using his speed to advantage. They tried to enclose him in a ring, unsuccessfully. Niko took out one, and then a second until he faced the last warrior who sighed, and shifted as well. They fought hand to hand—a silent agreement that there would be no blades in this round. Someone barked, Kausar’s voice, and the males split apart, the guard nodding curtly and stepping back to the sidelines.


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