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The Wicked Prince

Page 25

by Wood, Vivian

She looks at me, grasping my hand. “I do love you, Stellan. You know that. I just wasn’t prepared for all the bullshit that other people are forcing on us. But I realize that you don’t really have a choice in the matter, do you?”

  My mouth lifts at that corners. “No, I don’t have a choice. In the grand scheme of things though… I can imagine much worse things than having you as my wife.”

  She gives me a tiny smile. “I feel the same as you do. It’s just a lot at once. I have so many questions… Where would we live? What would happen to my job?”

  I push my cheek out with my tongue. “There’s only one question that matters, in my opinion. When I ask, will you say yes? Because everything else is flexible.”

  She blushes six shades of red, but she doesn’t look away. “Yes. When you ask me someday, I will say yes?”

  I shrug, a smile tugging at my lips. “Then that’s settled.”

  Margot slides her palm along my jaw, drawing me close for a tender kiss. I let my eyes sink closed, let my thoughts only hover on this moment.

  This moment in which she said yes.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  I wake so early that dawn has yet to break. I’m still not used to sleeping beside Stellan, especially not here in the palace. His bedroom here is beyond ridiculous, featuring a massive four poster bed and floor length windows wrapped in gauzy white.

  I settle on my side and watch him in his sleep. Without his piercing ice blue gaze he seems softer, though his body is still every bit as rugged. My fingers itch to reach out and touch him.

  I love him so, so much. My heart twists in my chest. I shouldn’t wake him, but it is hard.

  Rolling onto my back, I repress a sigh. My mind goes back to yesterday evening, to the all but proposal he sprung on me in the backseat of the car.

  Honestly, I haven’t really thought of much else since he asked me.

  When I ask, will you say yes?

  I thought I had died then and there when he asked, and I wasn’t sure if I was in heaven or hell.

  I mean, on one hand… Stellan and I have just fallen in love. It feels real… but there is so much more that’s yet to be seen. Why rush into things?

  And then on the other hand… he just basically asked me to be his princess.

  Never in a million years did I ever actually think that someone as hot as Stellan would ever look at me like he does. Like we’re in the desert, and I’m the only glass of cool water for a hundred miles around.

  I’ve never felt that kind of connection with anyone else. And I never expected to, either. I think that what Stellan and I have is so special.

  But the whole royal thing really ratchets up our mutual expectations like a million degrees.

  I’m not just agreeing to be his girlfriend. I’m agreeing to be the future queen.

  And that thought terrifies me to the depths of my soul.

  Heaving a silent sigh, I realize that there’s no way I’m going to go back to sleep. I get up, moving stealthily to grab my pink silk robe from where it’s hanging by the door. Then I pad out of the bedroom and into the adjoining living room.

  A footman is just pulling back the drapes on the windows, revealing the new dawn just now breaking. I see the table, on which he has already laid out an assortment of waters and juices with fresh croissants and jam.

  He bows to me and leaves without saying a word. Something I’m trying to get used to still.

  I suck in a breath and wander over to the table, pausing when I see the newspapers spread out beside our breakfast. My own young face stares back at me, shell-shocked.

  My mugshot.

  Oh fuck.


  My heart starts hammering in my ears. I snatch the paper up with trembling fingers and unfold it. I only have to scan the first few lines to realize that my own mother ratted me out.

  Not only that, but she somehow dug up this old photo of me and gave it to the newspaper.


  I stare at the picture. At sixteen years old, I was nothing but trouble. My hair is dark brown, I’m wearing oversized men’s clothes, and worst of all… I hold my hand down low, but you can clearly tell that I am flipping off the camera.

  I ball up the paper in my hands and release a scream. “Fuck! Where is my phone?”

  “What’s going on?”

  I whirl and find a sleepy Stellan standing in the doorway, completely unashamed of his nudity. My eyes widen and my heart seizes. I can feel myself turning red.

  I wasn’t even thinking about him yet… What will he think about my teenage lawbreaking?

  “I… I…”

  He walks over to where I dropped the crumpled piece of newspaper, smoothing it out. His eyes widen and he looks up at me expectantly.

  “What the fuck is this?”

  The boom of his voice makes me jump out of my skin. I can’t even look at him when I answer.

  “I had two arrests when I was only sixteen. One for criminal trespassing and one for shoplifting. I guess… I guess that The New York Post must have paid my mother a lot for this story, because they have pictures and everything.”

  He points to a chair next to the table, his voice shaking. “Sit. Tell me everything that happened.” His eyes pin me in place. “Do not leave anything out this time, Margot.”

  I scurry over to the chair, taking a seat. Stellan sits across from me, folding his arms across his chest and scowling at me in a way that makes my stomach do flips.

  “Um. So…” I blow out a breath. “When I was sixteen, I ran with a bad crowd. There were a bunch of us, guys and girls, all about the same age. All homeless or in-between homes at the time. All angry. I didn’t actually think my mom remembered any of this because she was on a bender at the time…”

  “Margot!” he growls. “What happened?”

  I suck in a breath. “Right. Sorry. I got arrested twice, like I said. Once for criminal trespass, because a bunch of us were squatting in a house together. And then I got busted like three weeks later for trying to shoplift stuff to eat.”

  I’m so humiliated at saying it out loud. My face is red, my ears are ringing, and I can’t sit still.

  “Why didn’t you think to tell me about this when I asked about your background?” he asks, seeming mystified.

  I glance at Stellan, biting my lip. “I didn’t realize that you were looking for anything in particular. I was just… trying to tell you about my life,” I say, growing defensive. “I didn’t realize that you were asking for a full background check. I usually don’t tell people I date about it for the first six months, if ever.”

  He looks so confused and angry. “Why not?”

  “Because it isn’t really anyone’s business!” I shout. I shake my head. “When I got arrested the second time, I did a diversion program. When I turned eighteen without getting arrested again, my record was expunged. And I happen to think that my being a reformed bad girl isn’t really the most interesting thing about me, if we’re being perfectly honest.”

  Stellan shakes his head slowly, exhaling as he scrubs a hand over his face. “This is fucked up, Margot.” He glances at me. “I mean, I won’t lie. I was attracted to your rebellious streak. I love it sometimes, but other times… like now for example…”

  I take a deep breath. “I wasn’t trying to keep it from you Stellan. Honestly, I wasn’t. It just didn’t occur to me.”

  He studies me for a long moment, then nods. “I believe you.”

  My heart starts thrashing around in my chest. “You do?”

  His face creases. “Ja. I don’t think you are a dishonest person, Margot.”

  I launch myself on top on him, surprising him with a hug. Burrowing my head down against his chest, I let out a joyful sound. His arms close around me. He brushes my hair back, kissing the top of my head.

  I’ve never been loved like this. Not ever.

  My tiny brain gets totally overloaded and my eyes tear up. I hug him hard, b
linking back tears.

  “I’m sorry, Stellan.” My voice breaks.

  “Oh, skatter,” he murmurs. “What am I going to do with you, huh?”

  Wiping at my face, I lean back and look at him. “Will we have to tell your family?”

  He looks at me like I might be simple. “Yes. My grandmother will have heart palpitations.”

  Ducking my head, I hide against the solid wall of his chest. “I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Mm. Not only that, but you have to tell me everything else. Any dirt, any secrets you have… spill them right now. It’s better just to know where you might be vulnerable.”

  I frown. There isn’t anything… is there?

  “Well… I don’t think that I have any other secrets…” I say.

  “Really? Nothing else the press will get their hands on? Nothing that would make them salivate? Because I’m basically going to introduce you to the world as my better half. Soon to be a princess, one day to be queen.”

  That thought makes me heart seize. “Hearing you say that… it seems unreal.”

  Stellan pushes me back a couple of inches, his ice blue eyes pinning me. “I’m sorry to bring this back around to the point, but… what is the press going to find, Margot?”

  An image swims up from deep down. “The only thing I can think of…” I wince. “There may be some footage of me protesting.”

  He frowns deeply. “Protesting what?”

  My face heats. Occupy Wall Street. The Dakota Access Pipeline. The Red-Green party had a demonstration…”

  Stellan makes a displeased noise. “Tell me you didn’t sneak off and protest with the Red-Green party while you were here. Please, Margot.”

  I put a calming hand on his chest. “I didn’t. They might be an actual political force over here, but in New York they are just people making noise. I went to one of their protests originally because a band I liked was going to be there.”

  He squints at me. “Has anyone ever told you that you are lucky you’re beautiful, Margot?”

  My blush depends. “I’ve heard that before, yes.”

  He cups my jaw and pulls me in for a deep kiss. When we break apart again, he sighs. “You are trouble, you know.”

  I wrinkle my nose. “I know. I don’t want to be troublesome to you, though.”

  He cracks his knuckles. “I know, skatter. I really do.”

  I bite my lower lip. “Is there any way to contain this news story? Like… do you have any pull with the royal press office?”

  He glances off at the window, through which the dawn has finally broken. “Some. It kind of depends.” He hesitates. “You’re probably going to have to apologize to someone about something.”

  My eyes widen. “To who? About what?”

  Stellan shrugs. “I have no idea. But as soon as I tell the press office, I can bet you that they are going to tell you to apologize to everyone for everything.” He scrunches up his face. “It’s their advice about every scandal.”

  I make a face. “Do I have to?”

  He smirks. “No. But it will make things easier if you intend to eventually make this your home and make me your husband.”

  I wince. “I love you so much, Stellan. I really do. That’s the only reason that I’m okay with this.”

  He pulls me close for one last kiss, then sighs. “I had better get dressed. I’m going to have to try to get out in front of this.”

  I get up, biting my lip. “I’m just going to tell you this one more time. I’m sorry, Stellan.”

  The ghost of a smile crosses his face. “I know, skatter.”

  Then he leaves the living room, heading into the bedroom to get dressed. And I’m left standing in my silken robe, hugging myself and feeling bereft.

  Chapter Forty


  Just as I finish getting dressed to go over to Marselisborg Palace to see Ida, my phone buzzes. It’s a message from Erik.

  Your grandmother is here to see you and she is in a mood.

  Fuck! Running out into the living room, I find Margot there, frowning at her phone.

  “Come get dressed,” I say, my eyes skating over her little silk robe. “My grandmother is on her way up here.”

  She stands up, slipping her phone into her pocket and swallowing. “Oh!”

  She rushes past me into the bedroom and I close the door to give her privacy. A butler knocks on the living room door and I clear my throat. I won’t lie, I’m a little nervous, going to bat for my girl.

  “Come in!” I call out.

  The door swings open and the butler steps in. “Her royal highness,” he says, bowing as he escorts my grandmother in the room. Impeccably put together as always, my grandmother is wearing a light blue linen skirt and a modest white silk top.

  “Momse,” I greet her. “I was just coming to see you.”

  Ida looks at me strangely and then turns to dismiss the butler. “Please make sure we are not disturbed.”

  The butler bows and closes the door. Ida hesitates, then walks over to the sofas. She perches on one. “Take a seat, my dear.”

  Shit. What does she know? Could there be more in Margot’s past that she wasn’t honest about?

  The thought is like an icy knife twisting in my gut. Composing myself sternly, I take a seat on the couch opposite her.

  “It really isn’t that big of a deal,” I say.

  Ida’s eyes narrow on my face. “I don’t know what you are talking about, Stellan. It doesn’t matter.” She clears her throat, looking me in the eye. “Your father has had an accident.”

  That news, completely unexpected, comes out of nowhere and hits me like a freight train.

  “What?” I blink repeatedly.

  “He is fine. He just walked off the middle of a stage yesterday. But I asked him what happened… and he admitted that he felt confused right before it happened.”

  My eyebrows lift. “What?”

  Ida makes a conciliatory expression. “I’ve been telling you to be ready for this, Stellan. And now it’s here.”

  “Wait.” I shake my head, trying to understand. “Is my father hurt?”

  She exhales, picking at a loose thread on her skirt. “Just some bruises and scrapes. But after talking to your father and several doctors, it has been decided that Gorän needs to step down.”

  I have to lean back, letting that sink in. My father has always been so big and so strong. To think of him as… a confused man who fell off a stage…

  “Stellan.” My grandmother crosses her ankles, looking concerned. “You realize what I’m saying, do you not? Your father has to give up the crown. And you will have to step up and take it from him.”

  My eyes widen. “I’m sorry?”

  “You are going to be coronated. And I’m afraid it will be soon.” A wrinkle appears on her forehead. “Your father is ill. I’m sorry to put this so bluntly, but it’s time to dispense with your little girlfriend and bring your focus back where it ought to be. On your country, my dear. Your life is about to become extremely complicated and I don’t think you will have time for any… distractions.”

  I hear Margot gasp from behind me. I whirl, finding her in the doorway. She looks prim and proper in an expensive ivory silk dress, but her face has lost all its color.

  “Is the king okay?” she asks, neatly ignoring her part in my grandmother’s wishes. She looks at me, imploring.

  My heart flip flops. I reach out my hand and Margot instantly picks up her dress and runs to sit down beside me, taking my hand. She looks at my grandmother.

  “Please tell me he’s going to be okay,” she says again.

  Ida clears her throat and narrows her gaze on where Margot touches me. “My son will be fine, thank you. It’s my grandson I have to worry about, it seems.”

  Twining my fingers with Margot’s, I pull her hand into my lap. “Tell me what you need, Momse. I will do what I can.”

  Her look of displeasure is cold as ice. “Very well.” She lifts her head. “After I leave h
ere, you will never be without protection again. Your guard will be right outside your door for the rest of your life.”

  I swallow. When I speak, it sounds as nervous as I feel. This is just a lot to take in. First my father, then the loss of my last little bit of freedom.

  “Okay.” I pause a beat. “What else?”

  My grandmother looks at Margot, then purses her lips. “You’re the heir to the throne, Stellan. You can’t be dating. You can’t let everyone see how vulnerable you are, especially not right now.” She smiles coolly. “You have to either declare your intentions publicly or stop seeing one another.”

  I tighten my grip on Margot’s hand. “Let me worry about dealing with my relationship, Momse.”

  Ida arches a brow and gives me a chilling look. “Fine.” She stands up. “There are a thousand different documents for you to sign before you ascend to the throne. There’s a ceremony to be planned out. You’ll have to meet with all the lords and ladies that support us, and parliament besides. You’ll have to decide who’s going to be in your cabinet, who stays, who goes.”

  “I’ll do what is needed,” I promise her.

  She levels a glare at Margot. “And you might want to see your father, because I’m sure that he will have thoughts on…” She waves her hand at me and Margot. “Whatever is going on here.”

  I rise, bringing myself to my full height and peering down at my grandmother. “That’s enough. I’ve heard you.”

  Ida looks back at me, nothing on her face but sincerity. “I really hope you have, Stellan. The time for playing at being king has come and gone. Now you must show the entire world who you really are. I can only hope I’ve prepared you for the role.”

  She reaches out for me, touching my face briefly. Then she spins and heads out of the room, her head held high. I stare after her, trying desperately to take all the things she said in.


  I look back and realize that I’m still gripping Margot’s hand so hard that it’s probably painful for her. I drop it apologetically. “Sorry, skatter. I’m just…”


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