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A Magical Reckoning: Magic and Mischief Book 1

Page 19

by N. R. Hairston

  Renee shushed me and then pulled me into a hug. I stayed stiff in her embrace, but either she didn’t notice or just didn’t care.

  She stepped back and then pinned two tags to my chest. I ran my hand over them, then looked down to read what they said. One had my name written on it, and the other said, sponsored by Ed and Renee Caviler.

  Heated anger ran through me at the indignity of it all. It was like she was marking me, and my hands itched to tear the damn things off. I didn’t dare, though, who knew what would happen if I even tried.

  I looked back to Andrew and the others. They looked as nervous as I felt, but kept the conversation flowing between the three. From my talks with them, I knew that Andrew and Lincoln were from a completely different world than myself and Gerell. Not that Gerell and I were from the same place either. A quick look around the room told me that some of these people had to be from a different land altogether.

  A man with a beak, and a pair of wings held a crystal glass in his hand, smiling and talking to a woman who had fur covering her face, hands, and legs. She also had a tail that wagged back and forth whenever she talked excitedly.

  One man was so tall that he had to stoop in order not to hit the ceiling. Another so short that he barely stood at the knees.

  I’d never seen anything like it in my life and wondered if they’d been invited here specifically for the ball. If so, why? What did they have to do with all of this? Before I could ponder it further, Max called the room to attention.

  Ed and Renee pointed me toward the stage, and I saw Lia, Andrew, and the others being directed that way as well.

  Andre greeted us with a smile and then lined us up one by one behind the podium. So this was it. The moment that would decide our fate. My mouth went dry, and I swallowed hard, trying to keep the fear off my face. A small tear escaped from my eye, and I angrily wiped it away, not even sure what I was crying for.

  Max picked up the microphone and turned toward the floor. “Ladies and gentlemen, Siana would like to invite you all to the annual Sponsorship Ball.” His voice rose slightly at the end, and the crowd was quick to clap their approval. “This year’s specimens are some of the best we’ve seen in a very long time.”

  He spared a quick glance our way and then turned back around. “A little something about them. These men and women, every single one of them behind me, put in fourteen to sixteen hours every day. And let me tell you something else, folks. They never complained once.” The crowd clapped again. “They’ve worked hard to get here today and most certainly deserve your respect and admiration.” Another round of applause.

  I stole a glance at Andrew, but he looked as confused as I felt. How was Max up here singing our praises, knowing that he and his people had kidnapped us against our will?

  A thought entered my mind and I wondered if the people in the crowd knew that little detail. If not, maybe they’d be willing to help us. I decided to put that on my list of things to find out before the evening was over. This could be what we’d been waiting for and could spell freedom for us all.

  Max turned his attention our way, and I decided to focus on that later and listen to what he had to say. “Siana has been good to you, and you’ve been good to Siana,” he started. “We’ve loved having you here, and are sad to see you go.” My hand gave a slight tremble as the meaning of his words really began to sink in. “You all have been chosen. The men and women here are from a host of different worlds. Tonight, they get to choose one of you to go home with them.” A nervous murmur buzzed among us. The more he talked, the worse it got. “One of these men and women will pick you for a spouse or concubine.”

  A tremble started in my hand and went through my whole body. I felt like every decision I’d ever made had led me to this moment and the only thing I wanted to do was flee. I wasn’t going home with any of these people. If I had my way, none of us would.

  Max was still talking, and so I tried to pay attention. Information was my friend and probably the only thing that could get us out of here. “Now I know that you all are new to this, so let me explain how it works. You are to mingle with the men and women on the floor. Some will take a liking to you, others won’t. After enough time has passed, you’ll be brought out on stage one by one.”

  I let out a deep breath of air as the meaning of what he said started to seep in. He kept talking. “All those who like you will give a price. The one with the highest number wins you as a spouse.” He said it as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

  He finished talking to us and turned back to the crowd. “Remember, that all monies must be paid to the sponsors before we sit down to eat. Once that’s taken care of dinner will be served. After that, we’ll have the last dance of the night. Then, of course, you’re free to take your purchases home. Now we expect the price to match the purchase.

  “All here have been anointed with that unique Siana power, meaning that they can defend you, fight for you. As always, we chose them because their bodies can handle such a power, where yours cannot.”

  He stopped for a moment and smiled at the crowd. “Which is what makes these balls so special. You get a companion and a protector all rolled into one. Folks, how can you beat that? Who will challenge you now, when you have power and beauty right at your fingertips. Siana will always bring you the best. Remember that, before the next ball.”

  The more he talked, the more I could feel that foreign energy coursing through my veins. I wanted to hurt something, someone, them, every one of them who would mean us harm.

  The audacity! The privilege it took to tell yourself that kidnapping and selling another human being was okay. Also, the level of delusion that we would go along with this.

  Or maybe they didn’t give a fuck how we felt. That was probably closer to the truth. To them we were little more than doomed cattle, moving along with the rest of the herd to slaughter day.

  A somber mood dogged our steps as we made our way off the stage and onto the floor. I looked for Andrew, but he was lost among the many swirling bodies. I hadn’t been on the floor three seconds when a tall slim man tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I wanted to dance.

  He smiled as if we were on equal footing and were simply attending our annual New Year’s ball. I didn’t feel as if I had a choice, so I placed my hand in his and let him sweep me around the dance floor. I felt sick and swallowed hard so I wouldn’t end up throwing up on him.

  He didn’t seem to notice, and engaged me on a number of topics, almost as if interviewing me for a new job position. I answered as well as I could, but couldn’t really put my heart into it. I guessed this was where the lessons we had had with the goggles and the headphones came into play.

  Once the song ended, he thanked me for the dance and moved on. The next man to take my hand had four eyes, which all seemed to move independently of one another.

  He too talked about a number of subjects, seeking out detailed answers and taking several seconds to process each one. I waited patiently and nodded politely when he finally let me go.

  I scanned the dance floor and caught sight of Andrew dancing with a woman dressed in red. Lincoln was being chatted up by a woman in a floor-length black dress. While Gerell was stuck in a corner with a woman who seemed to be showing him her nail pattern. The eyes on all three of them were empty and devoid. I imagined my own eyes looked somewhat the same.

  After a while, the faces and voices began to merge together, and the only thing I wanted was to go home and be free of it all.

  One man, tall and regal, with black shoulder length hair, of muscular build, with a clean shave, and orange-blue eyes, wore a coat with many different medals on it. He touched my hand and Renee, who was nearby, gave a quick inhale of breath and called Ed over to watch.

  He introduced himself as Charles and told me how beautiful I looked. He asked me where I was from and when I told him he said that he’d never met a woman from my world before.

  He whisked me by Ed and Renee, both so giddy I thought th
ey would burst. When the dance was over, he delivered me to their hands as if we were a couple of teenagers and he was just bringing me home from a date. I felt more drained after my dance with him, than with anyone else and I wondered why. Maybe I was just tired of it all, I reasoned

  Ed and Renee waited until he walked away before they really begin to gush. Renee pulled me into a hug. “He is one of the wealthier men here. He’s famous for coming to these things, dancing with three women the whole night, and picking only one to be his wife.” She hugged me again. “Just think of the money we’ll receive and how happy you’ll be.”

  Ed looked at me as if I’d just made him the proudest father in the world. “I knew there was something special about you that first time I saw you. Oh, Kerry, you have no idea how lucky you are. How proud you’ve made us.”

  Renee wiped a tear from her eye. “Just think of the luxury you’ll live in now. So much better than those mean streets you came from.”

  I bit my lower lip. “I’m going to get something to drink,” I said, pointing to the punch bowl. I poured red liquid into my cup, downed it, and then poured another.

  “You look flustered.” Lia had a glass of orange punch in her hand.

  “Yeah, well, where I’m from, at a party like this, these things carry alcohol. I could really use some of that right now.”

  She pointed to a table that held many flutes of champagne and wine. “But we need you clear headed. I’ve heard murmurs. That man you just danced with, he’s a big player here. He may not stick around to the last dance. He may try to take his purchase home before that.”

  A curious glance around the room found him sitting off to the side, legs crossed, looking dead at me. He looked more inquisitive than anything else, but he still gave me the chills. I shuddered and turned my attention back to Lia. “I don’t know if I can do this. I feel like I’m ready to pass out. Feel my hands. They’re ice cold.”

  She drank her juice and sat her glass on the table. “What choice do we have, Kerry? It’s either them or us.” A man came up and asked for her hand. She gave me one last meaningful look, before she accepted his request, and stepped back onto the dance floor.

  As the night wound down, it came time to do the bidding. Renee and Ed assured me they’d been offered top dollars for me and had refused several times as they believed Charles to be true in his affections.

  They said it like they expected me to celebrate with them or something. Like we were all in this together and I wasn’t forced to be here against my will. I didn’t even answer. My fists curled at my sides as I walked to the back with the rest of the group.

  They gathered us in a small room behind the stage, each of us waiting until it was our turn to be called up and auctioned off.

  Andrew found me in the corner, literally wringing my hands together. “Steady, Kerry. It won’t be much longer now.”

  I grabbed hold of his coat sleeve. “I’m scared,” I whispered. Sweat dripped down my face mingling with the tears falling from my eyes. “I just want to go home,” I choked.

  He rubbed small circles into my back. “None of us know how to open a portal or whatever they used to transport us here.”

  I let out a big breath. “I’ve lived on the streets before. I survived. I’ll survive being homeless here too.”

  He smiled and squeezed my hand. “Long as I’m around you will.”

  I gave him a watery smile back, and then Max began to speak.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you’ve been waiting for all night is finally here. Get your money out and your taps ready. Here is Limey Slinks. I know you love him, so here he is, ready with our first participant.”

  All chatter died between us, as those words slammed back home the reality of our situation. From our spot in the back, we had a clear view of the stage and some of the audience.

  Renee and Ed sat up front, holding hands and smiling. I growled low in my throat and turned my head.

  They made me sick and their insistence that they were doing this for my own good, and not to line their greedy pockets, was insulting to the point of being dehumanizing.

  Another man, probably this Limey Slinks, gave Max a friendly pat on the back as he took the mic from him. His high-pitched nasal voice was like tiny burn marks on my soul. He called the first name up and I felt my knees buckle.

  This was true. It was really happening, and there wasn’t a damn thing we could do about it.

  Andrew put a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Don’t tap out on me now, Kerry. We’re almost at the finish line.”

  The woman whose name had been called turned toward us, panic in her eyes. She grabbed the person beside her, crying and begging them to never let her go.

  The other woman, whom I assumed was a friend, also began to cry, but told her that at least they’d have a home now. That only made her cry harder, and the whole backstage lit up with silver light, as anger flowed through us all.

  One of the workers took her by the arm and pushed her onto the stage. She stumbled for a second and then walked head held high, tears flowing as she awaited her sentence.

  The lady she’d been holding onto let out a cry so filled with hurt and anguish that it doubled her over. She put her hands around her waist and cried out the hurt that each and every one of us felt.

  A woman beside her, tears running down her own face, grabbed her up in a tight hug. Another man, standing off to the side, his eyes also wet, joined. Then another and another. I grabbed Andrew’s hand, and we too joined in until every single one of us were crying and holding on to each other.

  The gavel banged down and the words “sold” echoed through the building and into the veins of every one of us. Such a small word, but my, what power it held.

  Silver energy swirled around us, and I could feel it. I could feel the power in this one spot, could feel the desperation peeking through.

  We wouldn’t go down without a fight, no way in hell were we going down without a fight.

  The next name was called, and I froze for a full three seconds as it was my own. My feet moved slowly toward the stage.

  I received many pats on the back as I went, along with a few words of encouragement, and a hug from Andrew so tight that I wondered how my ribs weren’t broken.

  He wiped my eyes and kissed me on the forehead. “I won’t let them take you. Keep that in mind. You’re not going anywhere and neither is anyone else here.”

  I nodded stiffly, gave Lia, Gerell, and Lincoln a sad smile and then squared my shoulders, held my head high, and walked out on stage.

  The light hit me square in the face and I had to squint to make it less painful. The energy in the crowd was like that of a feeding frenzy, and I felt disgusted just being associated with it.

  The silver energy in me sped up, and I didn’t know how much longer I’d be able to contain it. I could all but see Ed, Renee, and the others counting their money, and it pissed me off to the point that I could barely stand still.

  The man beside me, this Limey, began to talk in that same triple fast, rhythmic, hypnotic cadence that so many auctioneers from my home world used. I couldn’t follow. I did hear the taps, though. Charles and a few others were tapping their hearts out.

  Tap. Tap. I felt my spirit break. Tap. Tap. I shook my head because no, not here, and not today. Tap. Tap. I felt the rage inside me rising. Tap. Tap. I held my hands up and let the light shine through.

  Silver energy exploded through the crowd. Shouts rang out, and tables and chairs were overturned as people scrambled to get out of the way. Ed grabbed ahold of Renee and covered her body with his own.

  Ed who’d brought me here. Ed, who’d pretended to be my friend for two years just so he could kidnap me and sell me to the highest bidder. All to make himself and his wife all the richer.

  Renee, who already had another woman in her sights. A lady she’d pretended to be friends with for the last year and a half.

  I released a hail of furious energy their way, screaming out my hurt and
pain in the process. It hit Ed square in the back, knocking him to the ground. He groaned, and blood leaked out his back as he tried desperately to crawl away.

  Renee threw her palm out and knocked me back with the force of her power. It hit me in the shoulder and pain exploded through my whole arm. “Ugh.” I put a hand on it to stop the blood when someone from a different direction hit me in the side. “Shit.” I fell to my knees. Fire exploded through my body, making it hard to move or think.

  My breath came in hard gasps, and I took a minute to work through the pain, before coming back to my feet ready to fight again.

  I opened my mouth and energy flew out in a wave, completely taking out the people in the front row. Alarms sounded and more people in the crowd joined the fight. They tried to rush the stage, but my comrades from the back burst through and then everything turned to chaos.

  Hurt and bleeding, from my side and arm, I continued to fight on.

  Stunned for a moment, I watched as Lia snatched up energy directed at her, mixed it with her own and sent it back out twice as powerful. Where had she learned to do that? I had no idea and didn’t have time to think about it, as someone grabbed my leg and tried to pull me off the stage.

  I twisted and turned, trying to get loose, but the person had an ironclad grip on me, and no matter what I did, I couldn’t shake them off. Lia jumped the four feet on stage, and damn, I didn’t know she could do that either.

  She cut their hand off, got me to my feet, and then jumped back into the fight. I stood open-mouthed, trying hard not to think about the sound my head would have made, had it smacked up against that floor.

  Lincoln and Gerell were fighting together, moving as one and taking out every single person in their path. Andrew stood at a crutch. Turning in a circle, he was going for the legs and feet, stopping the Sianas in their tracks, making sure they’d never walk again.

  I hopped from the stage and started shooting every enemy I saw. I opened my mouth and held out my hands. The force of the energy lifted me in the air, and I shot down every single member of this freak show that I could find.


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