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Page 2

by Mel Teshco

  “I don’t want you near me. I…I want to go home!” But her demand lacked conviction. Even with her body craving his, she felt secure with him in this world she had forgotten. Felt like she’d known this alien male all her life.

  He shook his head slowly. “You wouldn’t want to return home right now.”

  Home—where was that?

  “If that’s true then…then at least tell me why.”

  His hand dropped away from his magnificent cock. He stepped forward, once more taking hold of her and bringing her against him. His golden eyes still burned, but compassion darkened their depths as he said, “Let’s just say rotting corpses aren’t the nicest welcoming committee.”

  Her breath hissed out.

  “I’m guessing,” he added, “that you headed to the pure air of the mountain wilderness to escape the stench and the horror of the towns.”

  Her stomach roiled, but as she stared into his eyes, her shock was soothed away, all emotions leaving except one. Lust.

  He was playing mind games, using some form of manipulation to ease her shock.

  Somehow she didn’t much care. She didn’t want to think about her reality. She wanted to lose herself with this man, in the pleasure of what would surely be a one-night stand.

  When his mouth took hers, it was a possession she wanted without reservation. Her head fell back as, minutes later, his mouth left hers to trail butterfly kisses down her neck, along her collarbone and to her breasts.

  Without pause, he covered the tip of first one breast, and then the other, sucking at her rock-hard nipples through the layers of her clothes until she was left panting and dizzy with desire.

  “Please. Oh, please.”

  His head lifted fractionally, his eyes glowing. “Please, what?” he asked hoarsely.

  “Take me.” Let this ecstasy be one memory I’ll never forget. “Make me come.”

  “With pleasure.” He smiled with wicked intent as he took a step back. “Undress for me…slowly.”

  There wasn’t anything slow or even particularly graceful about her movements as she wrenched off her shirt and sweater, unclipped her bra, toed off her shabby sneakers and thrust down her jeans. She stood proudly before him in her socks and panties as his hot stare roamed over her near-naked form.

  “Remove your panties,” he drawled thickly.

  “I…I want you to do it.”

  His eyes glinted. “As you wish.”

  She let out a sigh as he moved onto his knees, his long fingers curling into the band of her yellow panties to slither them down over her thighs, past her knees and to her ankles, where she lifted first one sock-clad foot and then the other. Her belly pulled taut as his breath fanned her thighs. His dark head lowered until he was level to her pussy and its brown-gold strip of fuzz.

  “Spread your legs,” he commanded huskily.

  A flood of wanton heat mingled with self-consciousness. Had anyone ever kissed her down there? Instinct told her no.

  Dar abruptly tongued the flesh along the slit of her cunt, and all coherent thought fled. She crumpled against him, her hands splaying over the corded strength of his shoulders, her fingernails gouging into his sweat-slickened skin.

  He parted the damp folds of her pussy. When his mouth latched on to her clit and suckled hard, she fell apart with a strangled cry, detonating like a firecracker without a fuse, climaxing within seconds of his mouth touching her aching cunt.

  Dar moaned satisfaction, tasting her juices, lapping her cum as if he couldn’t get enough.

  He looked up, his hot stare claiming her dazed attention. “You taste different from what I remember of our planet’s women.”

  She swayed a little, her thighs weak by the delicious aftershocks still ricocheting from her pussy to her toes as she croaked, “Better, I hope.”

  He stood, taking hold of her chin and snaring her gaze with his. With slow deliberation he licked the fullness of his bottom lip, then the top. “Much, much better than any of the hundreds I’ve fucked,” he murmured huskily.


  He nodded. “We’re an insatiable species.”

  Her legs went weaker still, something too stupidly like jealousy making her remind him, “But you said your race was possessive?”

  “We are. But Carèche women are—were—much more plentiful than Carèche men. It wasn’t considered unusual for the males of our race to regularly mate with four or five women in a night.”

  She shivered, stimulated despite herself at the mental picture flaring to life of Dar fucking that many women.

  “Enough talk now,” he half growled. “I have the rest of this night and the day tomorrow before one of my other brothers claims you.” He pulled her close before she could form a protest. “And I want it to be my name you call out when your sweet cunt is filled to the hilt.”

  She was certain such talk would have once repelled her. Indeed, it should repel her right now. It didn’t. She was turned on in ways she could hardly even fathom.

  His stare held hers, glinting with a desire that could only be mirrored in her own. Dar would know he no longer had need for mind control. She burned for him.

  He pressed his lips to hers, and their mouths undulated together in an exploration that swiftly turned urgent. His tongue plunged between her open lips. She groaned at the primal burst of pussy flavor, becoming so hot for Dar she felt ready to combust.

  His head reared back, the gold of his eyes like the scorch of a sunbeam even before she dropped onto her knees. His breath hissed as she murmured, “My turn,” and peeled off his pants, her fingernails rasping his thighs.

  She was vaguely aware that the fabric was unlike anything she’d ever touched before, a cross between the finest spider’s web and the softest cotton candy. Then her attention was snared by the impressive cock she’d unveiled.

  Her belly jolted, the muscles inside her channel contracting with urgent need. His cock had to be at least nine inches long and rock hard, the slit at its wide head oozing pre-cum. She swiped a thumb over the droplet, all too aware of the way his taut belly sucked in, his cock jerking in response.

  She looked up, her voice thick as she whispered, “You really are physically human in every way.”

  “Yes, though—”

  His sentence ended on a groan as she drew him into her mouth and swirled her tongue around his shaft. She felt his fingers dig into her scalp and she closed her eyes. His pre-cum tasted of the ocean and his cock was velvet-soft under her tongue yet steel-hard at its core. She sucked him farther into her mouth, tasting more of him before she slowly released him, her teeth grazing his length.

  Speaking in his own language, words that were musical and yet somehow coarse, Dar scooped her into his arms and pushed through yet another doorway covered by a burgundy shield.

  He laid her down and she sank into something endlessly soft, an animal pelt she realized, three or four inches thick and vivid clay red. Something not of this Earth. Then she was lost in Dar’s arms again, her head falling back as he suckled the sensitive skin along her throat.

  She gasped at the sudden piercing invasion of his long canines and then shuddered as he kissed the sting away.

  The long length of his dark hair slid over one of her breasts, soft as any caress. “I have marked you. You are mine,” he rumbled into her ear.

  No wedding rings, no vows?

  She had no more time to think such inane, hysterical thoughts, no more time to think, period, when he spread her thighs wide.

  Her splayed legs clasped his hips as his cock nudged her wet slit. His eyes glowed with possessive need. Then he thrust forward, sliding his thick cock into her cunt all the way to his balls.

  She cried out. He was so damn big…and it felt so damn good! Her pussy stretched to accommodate him as he filled her to the limit.

  She was glad he’d made her pussy dripping wet first.

  Dar stilled and hissed, closing his eyes, clearly tormented by the restraint. She breathed slowly and deeply.
Then Dar carefully withdrew his cock, causing her to sob at the slow, exquisite sensation.

  When only the head of his shaft remained inside her, she moved restlessly. She wanted all of him again, but was afraid all the same.

  “You like?” Dar murmured, his wolfish smile a little secretive, a little bit smug.

  “Yes, I—”

  Breath exploded from her throat as he drove forward, plunging in all the way and making her shiver hot and then cold at the sheer pleasure-pain.

  “Oh my—” but she couldn’t finish her sentence. An electrical surge ricocheted from the head of his cock and through her pussy like a pleasure-seeking missile. Her toes immediately curled, her womb clenching in response.

  “How did you do that?” she gasped.

  “It’s a little something human men lack,” he said, withdrawing his cock again and surging right back in. She cried out as he filled her to the hilt. When another charge vibrated along her womb, her G-spot, she couldn’t stop the violent climax that swept her along like a runaway train, couldn’t stop from screaming his name.

  The veins on Dar’s neck stood out in sharp relief, and he roared out something in his own language as his seed spilled deep inside her.

  Chapter Two

  Layers of sleep tumbled away as she awoke feeling rejuvenated and sated in every way—until memories of the night before seeped into her mind.

  Her eyes shot open. “So it’s true,” she whispered starkly.

  Dar lay facing her, watching her, his slumberous yellow eyes taking in her every expression.

  “Yes, everything you remember is real.”

  “So…now what?” she managed.

  His eyes glinted. “Now we celebrate the finding of you, our Earth woman,” he said huskily.

  “Why me?” she asked weakly.

  “My brothers and I were drawn here, to this planet, this country,” he explained. He pushed up onto an elbow. “Our mission to find you, seduce you, flowed in our blood, in our every bone, in every beat of our hearts, long before we met.”

  Her head reeled. It was all so surreal, and yet somehow all too true. “So where are your brothers now?”

  “They are on the mother ship. You saw the craft above the mountainside.”

  He was able to communicate with them from afar?

  She felt cold all over, though her skin was clammy. “Is that why I felt…marked?” she asked in a whisper.

  “Yes. Though you didn’t catch sight of your future lovers, you felt them. You experienced trans-alien hypersensitivity. A meeting of soul mates.”

  “So this…this trans-alien thing makes me want to be with you?”

  With them?

  He smiled, trailing a hand down her shoulder and along the underside of one breast, firing her blood and making her shiver hot and cold all over.

  “Yes, though it’s not the sole reason,” he conceded. “You’re attracted to me in every way that counts—just as you will be to my brothers.”

  “Blood brothers?” she asked weakly.

  “No. We are the final three with Carèche royal lineage.” His expression shifted, and she glimpsed powerful emotions locked safely behind his tough exterior. “We’re bonded far deeper than blood, tied irrevocably by our responsibilities as kings, as successors to the future.”

  She would be shared by two other alien kings. It seemed too bizarre to contemplate.

  She wished suddenly that she had a mirror. Was she beautiful? Somehow she doubted it very much. Her chest constricted at the obvious. Human women were now few and far between so the aliens couldn’t be too fussy.

  It didn’t stop erotic heat from flaring in places she didn’t want to think about. “Just how big is your planet?” she asked instead.

  “We were a thriving species, our planet three-and-a-half times the size of your Earth, with ten times as many Carèche people as your Earth population—before the virus.”

  She winced, and he continued gently, “My father was the king of one of our biggest land-mass provinces.” He shrugged, but she could see a fathoms-deep world of hurt in the gesture. “He died of the virus that took hold of our planet. Now I, along with my two royal brothers, have the dubious honor of ruling what’s left of our race.” His nostrils flared and his expression turned fierce. “We’re doing everything we can to make it bigger and stronger.”

  Her heart stuttered into a frantic gallop as comprehension dawned. Oh. My. God. “You’re hoping to impregnate me, aren’t you? You and your brothers!”

  He frowned at her outrage. “Of course.”

  She was beyond angry. Even so, her pussy clenched with fatalistic anticipation. She focused on her anger. “That’s archaic. I’m not some…some broodmare!”

  He frowned, his eyes flashing. “Not a broodmare. No. You are our woman and we will treat you with the utmost care and respect. My brothers and I would die for you.”

  She sat, tipping her head onto the heels of her hands. “I’m so confused. I don’t know what to think anymore, what to feel.” She turned to the man—alien—and said, “I don’t even know my own name.”

  With the briefest pause, he said decisively, “Lillian.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think—”

  “Not your human name, no,” he conceded, “but it’s one my people know and use with the utmost reverence.”

  When he rolled onto his side and climbed to his feet in one fluid motion, she was distracted by his wide shoulders, his long, lean-muscled body and his glossy dark hair restrained by its clasp, the ends brushing his ass cheeks.

  Panic suddenly assailed her. Was he leaving her? “Where are you going?” she asked, despising how needy she sounded.

  “Soon one of my brothers will come to claim you.”

  She’d slept the day away? She frowned. She wasn’t ready to leave Dar yet. Her heart skittered. She didn’t want anyone else!

  He turned, revealing his huge, hard cock. “Then I will have no choice but to wait my turn to claim you once again. But first,” he smiled wryly as she licked her lips, “you need to eat, to wash and get comfortable. You will need to sustain yourself.”

  “You don’t…want me?” she asked weakly, despising herself even more for asking such a thing and for wanting him again, let alone at all.

  She shuddered inwardly. Desiring him was preferable to thinking about the almost-extinct human race. Wanting Dar pushed all those bleak thoughts to the back of her mind. She couldn’t—wouldn’t—think about such a horrific reality. Not now. Maybe not ever.

  Dar’s laugh was more than a little strained. “My cock doesn’t lie. But I’m not callous. Your body will be sore enough over the next few days.” His laugh faded into a smile, his eyes glinting. “What you experienced last night is just the beginning.”

  She swallowed. “It is?” It was surely impossible to experience anything better than what she’d sampled with Dar.

  “In a little under a week we will initiate you in our bonding ceremony.”

  She frowned, her heart pitter-pattering double-time. “Bonding ceremony?”

  He nodded. “We will talk more of it later.” He gestured behind her. “Through the silver shield you will find my bathing pool. The shield will know to let you through. Indulge your muscles, relax. I’ll prepare you something to eat.”

  Her belly gurgled in response. When had she eaten last? She had no idea.

  Dar pushed through the burgundy shield. Long minutes later she moved in the opposite direction and tentatively touched the silver shield, which cordoned off the bedroom area. Nothing bad happened and as she flicked it aside she breathed a sigh of relief. What harm did this shield do to someone uninvited?

  Her eyes widened at the luxurious bathing room, dim in the late afternoon sunlight that shone weakly through the shield walls. From the outside she’d assumed the whole tent-like structure was no bigger than an average-size bedroom. But it had to be the size of a huge circus big-top tent.

  Rock steps disappeared into a steaming, waist-dee
p rock pool, a natural spring, which was a good four or five yards square. She tugged off her socks before making her way into the pool, wincing as the heated water hit her blistered feet, then sighing with pleasure as warmth surrounded the rest of her body, easing every ache and pain.

  She spied soap, shampoo and conditioner in an alcove opposite the steps. Dipping her head, she kicked underwater, resurfacing beside the alcove. She squeezed a blob of lemon-scented shampoo on her palm and massaged it into her hair, sighing with bliss.

  Guilt swamped her. Here she was indulging in what was now probably a rare human treat, and her people were all but gone. Dead.

  Her belly swirled sickly at the thought, her heart squeezing tightly. It had to be a good thing she had no memories of her family, her people. She could only imagine the mental agony she’d experience if she did.

  Whatever had happened to her out there, with people she knew dying around her, it would have been shocking, horrendous. She had been left alone and had undoubtedly imagined herself as the sole survivor. Australia was big, and with the scant few-hundred Earth women left in the world, odds were that she really might be the only human alive in this country.

  Her alien man was all she had now. Alien men.

  She shivered, sinking under the warm water to rinse her hair. Coming back up for air, she swiped the water from her eyes and found another male waiting for her, a tray of food in one hand, a dress made of the alien material in the other.

  She caught her breath, but raised her chin and met the piercing green stare of the alien. She refused to be intimidated by him, though he oozed a ruthlessness that made her want to step back nervously, even as his physical presence exuded a potent force that pulled at her senses.

  “Who are you?” she asked stiffly.

  His green eyes moved downward, a crooked grin that was more a smirk, twisting his full lips. With an outraged gasp she sank low, submerging her nakedness. “Get out!”

  He clucked his tongue and moved forward. “Is that any way to treat your future lover?”

  Her belly dropped, intense dislike for this man counteracted by intense desire. Was Dar right? Was she meant to be with these men? Was she bound by the instant attraction she couldn’t deny?


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