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Reb's Rampage

Page 17

by J B Black

  Reb and Jake threw the duffel bags full of money into the Command Center while Honey and Sophia assisted Sarah over to Big Bertha’s crew cab and helped her get inside the rear section.

  After helping Honey with Sarah, Sophia went around back and joined Justin and Rich in the Command Center.

  After Sarah was seated in the rear seat behind the driver, Honey strapped her into her seat with the seatbelt system to prevent her from falling over in case she passed out from her head injury.

  Honey then sat down in the seat next to Sarah and fastened her own seat belt.

  Jake climbed up into the driver’s seat and Reb took the shotgun position.

  Jake put Big Bertha in gear and hit the gas. Jake drove Big Bertha through the gateway in the outer wall and then sped down the side road away from the mansion. When Big Bertha came to the main road, Jake turned right and headed for the hacienda’s airfield.

  * * *

  As soon as they were on the main road that would take them to the airfield, Jake called Colonel Jackson, “Red Leader, this is Blue Leader, come in.”

  “Blue Leader, this is Red Leader, over,” Colonel Jackson responded.

  “Red Leader, did you save one of the Hellfires for the mansion? Over.”

  “Sure did, Blue Leader, over.”

  “It’s all yours, Red Leader, over.”

  After what seemed like a long time, but really wasn’t more than a few seconds, there was a loud explosion behind them back at the mansion. The last Hellfire missile hit the West wing of the mansion and the resulting explosion demolished the entire mansion.

  Luckily for the household staff, when they had heard all of the gunfire going on, they had had the good sense to depart the mansion and were a safe distance away when the missile arrived.

  * * *

  After traveling several miles that carried Big Bertha past field after field after field of sugar cane, burning buildings, burning vehicles, and, burning farm equipment, Jake spotted a black SUV in the side mirror. It was about a mile behind Big Bertha and gaining on them fast. The airfield was just a short distance ahead.

  Jake called Colonel Jackson, “Red Leader, this is Blue Leader, come in.”

  “Blue Leader, this is Red Leader. My co-pilot gave me such good odds you were calling about that bogey coming up on your rear end that I almost took his bet on the outside chance that you were calling about the weather or something else, over.”

  As Jake glanced at his side view mirror again to check on the black SUV, a 105mm high explosive shell hit the vehicle and the flaming wreckage was lifted some 50 feet or so into the air before it came crashing back down to the road.

  Jake said, “Good shooting, Red Leader. Has my ride arrived, yet? Over.”

  “They just landed. The airfield is around the next curve you come to, over.”

  “Red Leader, tell the medic we’ve got one head injury. Hopefully, it’s not serious, over and out.”

  When Big Bertha arrived at the hacienda’s airfield, the C-130 was lined up and ready for takeoff on the end of the runway closest to them.

  On the other end of the airfield, the Jihad Brotherhood’s Gulfstream G550—which had been waiting for Yasser al-Ali to show up—was now a smoldering wreckage after one of the Ghostriders had targeted it with a 105mm artillery round. Two of the cartel’s hangers and the planes inside were also burning wrecks.

  The C-130’s rear loading ramp had been lowered—ready for them to board—and Jake drove right up into the plane’s cargo hold and parked Big Bertha at the spot the Loadmaster was pointing to.

  As everyone exited the crew cab, the Loadmaster and his team began securing Big Bertha to the deck for the flight back home, and the cargo ramp and rear door began closing.

  Reb and Jake assisted Sarah over to the two rows of passenger seats, helped her into the end seat on the front row, and fastened her seat belt for her. The medic followed right behind them and, as soon as Sarah was seated, he began examining her. When he was done with his examination, he turned to Jake and said, “She has a slight concussion. I’ll keep checking her periodically during the flight back home.”

  The medic went back to his station to prepare for takeoff. Reb and Honey took seats next to each other in the front row next to Sarah so they could keep an eye on her. Jake and Sophia took seats next to each other in the back row of seats.

  Justin and Rich decided to remain in Big Bertha’s Command Center during the takeoff so they could resume playing a game.

  The Loadmaster informed the pilot that everything was secured and ready for takeoff. A couple of minutes later, the C-130 rumbled down the runway and lifted into the air. In short order it formed up with the two Ghostriders and the three planes set course for the flight back to Hurlburt Field.

  * * *

  As the three planes departed the airspace of Hacienda Vicario, the air above the hacienda was thick with smoke coming from all of the burning buildings, burning drugs, burning vehicles, burning equipment, and burning planes. All of the buildings, all of the drugs, most of the farm equipment, most of the vehicles, and all of the planes at the hacienda were destroyed. General Davidson had been correct in his prediction that the Ghostriders would put the hacienda out of business.

  * * *

  Once the C-130 reached cruising altitude and leveled off, Reb, Jake, Honey, and Sophia got up from their seats to stretch their legs. Honey went over to check on Sarah, while Sophia went looking for the Loadmaster to try to find coffee or something else to drink and to find out where the facilities were located.

  Reb and Jake went back to where Big Bertha was parked and entered the Command Center. Justin and Rich stopped playing their computer game when they heard the door open and turned their chairs around to face Reb and Jake.

  “You guys doing okay?” Jake asked.

  “Yeah, we’re fine,” Justin answered. “Just killing some time until we get back. Why? Is something wrong?”

  “No, I just wanted to let the two of you know that I’m proud of the way you conducted yourselves on the mission, today,” Jake said. “You both did a hell of a job. If it hadn’t been for the two of you, the outcome of the mission might have been entirely different. I’d trust you to have my back anytime.”

  “That goes double for me,” Reb said. “Thanks for your help in saving Honey and Sarah.”

  “That’s it then,” Jake said. “We’ll let you get back to your game.”

  Reb and Jake left the Command Center, closing the door behind them.

  Justin and Rich looked at each other knowingly, smiled, and then performed a fist bump. Then they turned their chairs back around and resumed their game.

  * * *

  After leaving Big Bertha’s Command Center, Reb and Jake rejoined the girls in the passenger seating section. Sophia had returned, with the Loadmaster in tow, bringing with them a couple of thermos’ full of hot coffee, a stack of styrofoam cups, packages of sugar and non-dairy creamer, and a box full of donuts.

  Jake and Sophia poured themselves coffee, grabbed some donuts, and found a couple of seats in the back row of passenger seats, where they could chat and get to know each other better—apparently, they had taken a shine to one another.

  Reb and Honey sat down in a couple of adjoining seats near where Sarah was seated. They adjusted their seats to the partially-reclined position, held hands, and did what all good soldiers do when the opportunity presents itself—promptly fell asleep.

  Based on their projected ETA back at Hurlburt Field, they would be back in Seaside Beach in plenty of time to have their supper at home that evening.


  Reb Roger’s Residence

  Seaside Tower

  Seaside Beach, Alabama

  Thursday, May 6, 2010

  7:15 p.m. CDT

  Reb, Honey, Sarah, Jake, and Sophia were all standing around in Reb’s kitchen trying to decide whether to stay in and fix something for their supper or to go out to one of the local restaurants for some fresh seafood.
Earlier, when they arrived back at Hurlburt Field, it had been decided that: 1) Jake, Sophia, and Sarah—who was feeling much better—would ride along with Reb and Honey in Reb’s SUV back to Seaside Beach and stay overnight at Reb’s condo, 2) Justin, Rich, and the pilot and co-pilot of the C-20 they had flown on from Washington down to Hurlburt Field would fly over to Jack Edwards Airport in Gulf Shores and then find a hotel to stay at overnight, 3) the next day, Jake and Sophia would meet up with Justin, Rich, and the pilots at the airfield in Gulf Shores for the return trip to Washington.

  As they were trying to decide what to do about supper, the doorbell rang. Reb went to the front door and opened it to find Billy standing there.

  “Hey, Reb, I heard you got back,” Billy said.

  “Hey, Billy, come on in.”

  The two men started walking down the hallway toward the kitchen.

  “The drug gang that attacked us at your farm, I found out where the leader—some asshole by the name of Vicario—lives.

  “Did you say Vicario?”

  “Yeah, Ramon Vicario.”

  “The leader of the drug cartel that kidnapped Honey was named Carlos Vicario. That’s just way too convenient to be a coincidence,” Reb said.

  “Don’t know about that, but I’m going after him. You interested in going along?” Billy asked.

  “Damn right I am. I don’t want to be looking over my shoulder the rest of my life wondering when he’s going to come after me again. Who else is going?” Reb asked.

  “Just you and me. The fewer people who know about it, the less chance someone he’s got on his payroll will get word back to him that we’re coming after him,” Billy said.

  “In that case, we’ll get Jake Gant to go with us. He’s staying with me overnight and going back to Washington tomorrow. The FBIS’ charter gives it jurisdiction in dealing with narco-terrorists anywhere in the world. With Jake along, we’ll be legally apprehending a narco-terrorist,” Reb said.

  Jake and the girls had moved from the kitchen into the living room and, when Reb and Billy entered the living room, Reb introduced Billy first to Sophia and then to Jake.

  After Billy and Jake shook hands and agreed it was nice to put a face to a name, Reb said, “Jake, Billy found out where the leader of the drug gang that attacked us at The Farm lives. His name is Ramon Vicario—”

  “Ramon Vicario and Carlos Vicario are—or I should say were—first cousins,” Sophia interrupted.

  “I get that connection in everything that’s happened so far. What I’d like to know is how the Vicarios found out about me and Honey, in the first place,” Reb said. “Anyway, Billy and I are going to pay Ramon Vicario a visit and put him out of business, permanently. You want to come along, Jake?”

  “Sure, wouldn’t miss it,” Jake said. “Where is it we’re going?”

  “Vicario’s got himself a really secluded place on Sailor Creek over in Lillian. It’s about a thirty-minute drive from here,” Billy answered. “I did a quick drive by earlier today in my personal vehicle to get the lay of the land. I couldn’t see much of anything. He’s got a brick wall that’s at least eight feet high surrounding the place with a big wrought iron gate. As I drove past I got a glimpse through the gate of a two-story colonial style house down near the creek. And I saw a big boat house. There was a guy standing guard on the other side of the gate, so I kept on going.”

  “My thinking is the best time to go in will be around 2 a.m.,” Billy said. “My experience is these drug gangs like to party until the wee hours.”

  “Then we’ve got plenty of time to get ready,” Jake said.

  Jake took out his cell phone and called Justin. When Justin answered his phone, Jake said, “What’re you and Rich doing?”

  “Eating pizza,” Justin replied. “What’s up?”

  “Just want to give you and Rich a heads up that I need you for another mission later tonight,” Jake said. “Me and Reb will pick you up around ten, then go by the plane and get the drones and the other gear. Stay out of trouble ’til then.”


  Ann Williams’ Residence

  Washington, DC

  Thursday, May 6, 2010

  9:01 p.m. EDT

  Melinda Anderson and Robert Morton, FBIS special agents, were standing close together in what appeared to be an embrace in the hallway in front of apartment 12F in the Remington Arms apartment building.

  Down the hallway, a man who had just gotten off the elevator paid them no attention. He went to apartment 12C and knocked on the door. A moment later the door opened and the man went inside.

  As soon as the door to apartment 12C closed, the two FBIS agents separated.

  “That sure was one good looking man, Bobby,” Melinda said. “I can certainly see how this Ann Williams would be attracted to him.”

  “You’re not going soft on me are you, Mel?” Robert replied.

  “You know me better than that, Bobby.”

  Mel reached into her handbag, took out a set of earphones and placed them in her ears. Bobby took his set of earphones out of his coat pocket and placed them in his ears. Anyone who saw them standing in the hallway would have thought they were listening to their favorite song on their portable digital audio player.

  Earlier that day, the two FBIS agents had entered apartment 12C and placed electronic listening devices in every room of the apartment. The agents were aware the apartment was the residence of a DEA employee by the name of Ann Williams. Furthermore, the agents were aware Ann Williams had been passing classified information about the DEA’s ongoing operations against the notorious Vicario drug cartel to an, as yet, unknown male. Based on the information they had been given, the agents knew Ann Williams was scheduled to meet with the unknown male at her apartment tonight at nine o’clock. The purpose of the electronic listening devices was to pick up conclusive evidence they had the right man.

  * * *

  After letting Victor in, closing the door and locking it, Ann and Victor embraced and kissed each other passionately. They hadn’t seen each other for almost two weeks and both of them were looking forward to having sex after such a long time apart.

  They went into the living room and Victor took his coat off before sitting down on the sofa. Ann brought him a glass of his favorite scotch.

  As she handed him the glass, he handed her an envelope.

  “What’s this lover?” Ann asked.

  “Just a little something for the information you gave me today about the Vicario cartel.”

  “How little a something are we talking about, lover?”

  “There’s five thousand dollars in there as a token of our appreciation.”

  “You want to go shopping with me tomorrow, lover?”

  “You know I don’t do shopping,” Victor said, as he stood up. “You ready go to the bedroom?”

  “Lover, I’m always ready to go to the bedroom with you,” Ann replied.

  * * *

  “We’ve got our confirmation,” Bobby said. “Go now or wait?”

  “Let’s wait until after they’ve had sex,” Mel said. “Most people are pretty relaxed after sex. Should be less of a problem.”

  “Fine by me,” Bobby said.

  A short while later, Mel picked the door locks for the second time that day and she and Bobby quietly entered Ann Williams’ apartment. Like two cat burglars, they snuck down the hall on tiptoe to the open bedroom door.

  The lights in the bedroom had been turned down. By the dim glow, Mel could see both the woman and the man lying on their backs on the bed, both of them exhausted from their sexual exertions.

  Mel walked into the room with her suppressor equipped pistol held out in front of her ready to shoot and said, “Don’t move.”

  Victor did as he was told.

  Ann sat up and pulled the sheet up to cover her breasts in an attempt at modesty and said, “Who are you and what do you want?”

  Mel looked at Ann and said, “Is your name Ann Williams?”


  “Are you employed at the DEA?”

  “Yes, I am. What’s this about?

  “Did you pass classified information to this man today regarding the Vicario cartel and the FBIS, and collect five thousand dollars tonight from this man for said information?”

  Ann glanced over at Victor then looked back at Mel, before saying, “I’m not saying anything until I talk to my lawyer.”

  Mel pulled the trigger of the .22 caliber pistol. The bullet smashed through Ann’s left eye, entered her brain, and ricocheted around several times inside her cranium. Ann fell back, dead, and, with her head turned as though she was looking up at Victor, a small amount of intraocular fluid leaked out of the hole in her eye onto the pillow case.

  Victor looked down at Ann and cringed, then looked back at Mel and whimpered, “Please, don’t shoot me.”

  “Will you give me the names of all of the federal employees you’ve been bribing so they’d give you classified information?”

  “Yes, I will, I promise I will.”

  Mel waggled her pistol at Victor. “You’re damn right you will, if you want to live. Now, get your sorry ass out of that bed, and get dressed.”


  Sailor Creek Road

  Lillian, Alabama

  Friday, May 7, 2010

  2:05 a.m. CDT

  Reb’s SUV was following behind Billy’s official police department SUV as both vehicles drove slowly down the street with their lights out as they attempted to creep up on Ramon Vicario’s residence without being noticed.

  When they arrived at Ramon’s property, both vehicles pulled off the road and drove right up to the wall surrounding Ramon’s property. They stopped when the front bumpers made contact with the wall.

  Reb, Jake, and Rich were in Reb’s SUV. Justin was riding with Billy.

  After exiting the vehicles, everybody pitched in and unloaded all of the gear from the SUVs. While Reb, Jake, and Billy were putting on their tactical gear, checking their weapons, and checking that their comm units were working properly, Justin and Rich were unpacking the drones and getting them ready for the mission. Luckily, they’d had the foresight to recharge the batteries during the flight back from Mexico.


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