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Searching Hearts Box Set: Books 1-5

Page 24

by St. Clair, Ellie

  Violet climbed the steps, pushed herself in front of Taylor, and glared at the face that looked back at her. “You will open up this instant,” she said, loudly. “My husband is in there and I intend to see him. It is a life and death matter and, if you refuse me entry, his blood may well be on your head.”

  The astonishment etched on the butler’s face gave Violet more than enough hope, and, within seconds, the door opened and Violet stepped inside.

  "Now, where is your master?" Violet demanded as Taylor came in behind her.

  “The study, my lady,” the butler replied, still looking quite astonished. “This way, the second door on your right.”

  Violet did not stop to thank him, nor even wait for him to lead the way. Instead, she hurried forward until she found the door and, before Taylor caught up to her and without a moment’s hesitation, she pushed it open and stepped inside.



  Joshua called out his wife’s name in surprise after turning around at the sound of the door opening, shocked to see the white face of his wife enter the room, swiftly followed by Lord Taylor. A puzzled frown brought his eyebrows together as he rose from his chair, grasping Violet’s outstretched hands as she ran to him. Confused even further by the trembling he felt through their joined hands, he looked from her to his friend, who was glaring at Lord Swinton for some inexplicable reason.

  “Oh, thank goodness you’re all right,” Violet gasped, clinging onto his arms for dear life. “You didn’t drink anything, did you?”

  “No, I’ve only just arrived,” Joshua replied, trying to calm his wife down. “For goodness sake, Violet, whatever is the matter?”

  The ominous click of the hammer of a pistol being drawn back met his ears and, for a moment, he stared down into Violet’s face, a chill running straight through him. In his eagerness had he overlooked the possibility that the note he had received was, in fact, leading him into a trap?

  “It seems your wife and your friend have worked it out,” came the now cold voice of Lord Swinton, as Joshua slowly turned around. “What a shame. And here I was, intending to let you return home safe and sound.”

  "What are you talking about?" Joshua asked, amazed at the sudden change in Lord Swinton's demeanor. He had gone from a jovial gentleman to an overbearing threat in one moment. Joshua was stunned at how the face that had been smiling at him only a few minutes before was now fiercely angry, evidently filled with rage over Violet's actions. It changed his looks from a well-enough looking, welcoming man, to an ugly face twisted in rage.

  “He is Swinney North,” Violet said, desperately, her hands squeezing even more tightly on his arm. “The man we have been searching for.”

  “You are not going to get away with this, Swinton,” Taylor added, sounding a lot more casual than Joshua had expected. “There are three of us and you only have one shot.”

  Lord Swinton chuckled and drew a dagger from his pocket. "Then perhaps I shall shoot one of you, throw this at the other and keep the lady for myself, although I shall have to cut her tongue out, given what she has already seen."

  A ball of anger settled in Joshua’s stomach, sending sparks flying through his veins. He put one arm around Violet and pushed her behind him, as he stood tall and strong in front of her.

  “You will not touch my wife,” he gritted out, his hands balling into fists as he saw the wicked gleam in the man’s eyes.

  Lord Swinton shook his head. “Ah, Greville. Always so eager and earnest, even when the odds are stacked against you.”

  “What were you intending to do with him?” Violet asked, pushing herself forward in spite of Joshua’s attempts at keeping her behind him. “Why did you call him here?”

  “To find out what he knew, of course,” Swinton replied, with the air of a man completely in control. “Then, if I discovered that he had made one too many connections, he would be disposed of – which would have left you entirely vulnerable.” A dark look crossed his face. “You have been a difficult lady to get a hold of.”

  “Deliberately so,” Joshua ground out, stepping in front of Violet once more.

  "Oh yes, I am well aware that she is your wife," Swinton continued, giving Joshua something of a disdainful look. "Did you not realize that, in taking her as your wife so swiftly, you alerted me to your presence at the ball that night? Your wife was a witness and was easily identified, but no one knew who the gentleman accompanying her in the gardens was."

  “The carriage accident?” Violet asked, now holding onto Joshua’s hand with her own. “You arranged that?”

  Lord Swinton smiled lazily. "Yes, of course, I did. I am a man of great power, Lady Greville, unless that fact has escaped you. How unfortunate that the gentleman in question was so eager to keep you safe, so desperate to wed you as quickly as possible. Had he not chosen to do so, his identity would have remained a mystery for a little longer."

  “I do not understand why you are doing this,” Taylor interrupted, stepping closer to Joshua so that Violet was kept even more out of sight. “Are you not a rich man in your own right?”

  An ugly look appeared on the man’s face, his lip curling. “I will be, once those men meet the cold, damp earth. My brother wasted my entire fortune, you see, on gambling and on whores. How sad I was when he met his untimely end!” The smile on his face made Joshua feel almost physically sick, leaving him in no doubt as to what Swinton had done to his brother.

  “When I inherited,” Swinton continued, airily, “there was barely anything left. The estate was mortgaged heavily and I could not allow myself to be so shamed as to be forced to sell our ancestral home.”

  “Most men would marry an heiress,” Joshua interrupted, caustically. “But I presume the eligible young ladies must not have found you much of a prospect.”

  A snarl erupted from Swinton’s throat, as he took a step closer to Joshua, his dark eyes flashing.

  “So you decided to concoct this scheme,” Violet murmured, from behind Joshua. “And managed to garner a great deal of men to your cause.”

  Joshua saw the way that Swinton took a breath, clearly settling his frustration and upset. “I am providing a living for such men, Lady Greville,” he replied, after another moment’s pause. “They work for me and receive benefits in kind. The more wealth I have amassed, the more loyal they become.” His mouth drew into a thin line. “And I am not about to have all that I worked for so quickly disbanded by the likes of you.”

  “Sir Whitby was growing tired of your scheme,” Taylor stated, quietly. “He would not change any more wills for you.”

  Swinton shrugged, as though it did not matter. “I already have a great number of last wills and testaments declaring me as their sole heir to their fortunes, title aside. In short, I will have enough wealth to keep me in good comfort for some years, once these men reach their final days – whether brought about by my hand or not.”

  Joshua shuddered at the vehemence in the man’s eyes, thinking that perhaps Swinton had lost his senses.

  "I am sorry that I shall have to kick the three of you into eternity – although the lady, perhaps, shall stay at little longer on this earth. I do not intend to have anyone preventing me from seeing this through," Swinton continued, his pistol now aimed at Joshua's head. "I do apologize."

  At that moment, Joshua felt himself shoved, from behind and he toppled over completely, such was his surprise. He slammed directly into Lord Swinney, and, knocked over by yet another large object, fell backward and hit his head on the floor. There was a loud retort and such a great cacophony of shouts and screams that, for a moment, he was entirely disorientated.

  “Release me!” he heard Swinney shout, as he attempted to get to his feet. “How dare you!”

  “Joshua!” Violet gasped, crawling over to him and putting her hands on his chest. “Are you all right? You’re not hurt, are you?”

  "No, no." Sitting up, Joshua saw Taylor sitting on Swinton's back, his fingers reaching to grasp the pistol that lay o
n the floor. With a great deal of force, he hit it across the back of Lord Swinton's head. Swinton's voice stopped at once, his entire body going limp. Taylor fell backward onto the floor, gasping for breath, pushing himself up onto his elbows.

  There was a short silence, as Joshua, Lord Taylor and Violet all stared at one another, their gazes then moving to the man on the floor.

  “I can hardly believe it,” Joshua murmured, wrapping his arms around Violet and dragging her into his arms. “I would never have known.”

  “You have your wife to thank,” Taylor replied, sitting up and shaking his head. “It was she who made the connection.”

  “And you saved me,” Joshua murmured, as she rested her head on his chest. “Was it you who pushed me?” At her nod, he continued, “Had you not, then that shot could have been –”

  “Don’t say it,” she interrupted, looking up at him with an expression of relief. “It is over now, is it not?”

  “It is,” Joshua replied, quietly. “And we should get you home. I’ll send a boy to fetch our carriage.”

  “I’ll get the constabulary and arrange everything,” Taylor said, getting to his feet. “I’ll be back at the house in a few hours.”

  Grateful for his friend’s understanding, Joshua got up and helped his wife to stand, amazed at how little she appeared to be affected. There was no hysterics or even a fainting fit, although she did lean into him as they walked from the room.

  * * *

  Soon, Joshua found himself sitting in his own carriage, his wife tucked neatly by his side.

  “You nearly pushed me right over back there,” he said. “Where did you find the strength?”

  “I have brothers,” she said with a grin. “But it was Lord Taylor who ultimately sent you backward and took on Lord Swinton.”

  He shook his head at his luck. “How did you know to come?”

  “I was doodling.”


  “Yes, I was playing with the letters of names and suddenly I realized that Swinney North and Lord Swinton were one and the same. It seems fairly obvious now.”

  He nodded. “Well, I should be forever grateful.”

  He could hardly believe that the entire case was now closed and that now he was finally able to concentrate fully on being everything he could be to Violet.

  “I was so close to losing you,” she said, softly, looking up at him. “I must tell you, Joshua, I realize now that had anything happened to you I… I could not have lived without you.”

  He shook his head, overcome with just how much he felt for her. She was so much more than the beautiful face she wore. She was courageous, with intelligence, wit, and a warm heart. He couldn’t think of another woman of his acquaintance who would think nothing of confronting a man like Swinton, putting her own life in danger to save another.

  “My dear Violet,” he began. “I know we had a difficult beginning, and I hope you believe what comes from my lips from here on out. We married urgently, and for reasons that were noble but not what should be required for a marriage. However, as sorry as I am for breaking your trust, I am so very grateful we were pulled together. You have come to mean more to me than I ever thought possible, and I love you, my wife.”

  A tear rolled down Violet’s cheek as she looked up at him with a smile before she lifted her head and kissed him. A fire swept through his veins, making him grasp her shoulders and tilt her towards him a little more. If this was what if felt like to love another, then how much he had yet to explore!

  “I love you, Joshua,” she murmured against his mouth, the confession making his heart almost burst from his chest. “I have what I have always hoped for – a marriage of love and affection.”

  “You are the answer I didn’t know I needed,” he replied softly, brushing his fingers down her cheek. “My beautiful Violet.”


  Violet leaned back against the wall, a smile on her lips as she watched the dancers circle the ballroom. Her sister Polly was the center of attention, as was usual. Violet did not begrudge her one bit, but instead welcomed that most eyes were off of her, despite the fact that this party was intended to celebrate her marriage.

  Once the threat to her life was over, Joshua had called upon her father and explained, if not the cause of their marriage, the true reasoning as to why it had been in such haste. Lionel had taken it in stride, while Marie, of course, had fallen into hysterics at the thought of how she had come close to losing her eldest daughter, though she had not made any effort to determine whether Violet had suffered any ill effects following the ordeal.

  Marie had decided that she would not allow two of her children to marry without a celebration, and therefore had begun planning an elaborate ball in honor of her daughter, now Lady Greville, and her new husband.

  Violet had protested, but her mother insisted, and now here they were, the ballroom of the Harrington home filled with revelers dressed in the latest fashions as they sipped their drinks and danced to the three-instrument orchestra in the corner.

  “What is such a beautiful woman doing standing here alone?” came a husky voice in her ear. She turned with a smile to her husband, who had approached behind her and was now resting a hand lightly on the waist of her pale blue ballgown.

  “Why, I believe I am waiting for a suitable gentleman to approach me,” she replied with a sly smile of her own. “I am quite particular, you know.”

  “Yes, I have heard it said that one must be extremely fortunate to be graced with your presence, my lady. Would you care to dance?”

  “Fortunate you must be, my lord, as I believe I shall agree.”

  His eyes were only on her as he led her onto the dance floor. She looked around in amusement before saying to him, “It is a fine ball, indeed, is it not, for a former wallflower and a man who refused to dance?”

  He laughed at that, a deep laugh that stirred both her body and into her soul. She let him draw her closer than was likely appropriate, and gazed out at others around the room, both her loved ones and those who were not as well known. Her aunt Bess, with her husband Marco, had arrived from Italy. Bess had aged gracefully, remaining quite beautiful. She winked at Violet as she waltzed by her.

  Polly’s cheeks were quite red with the exertion of her stream of dances, her beauty eclipsing every woman in the room, in Violet’s opinion. Benjamin, with the impish grin that always accompanied him, was doggedly in pursuit of the lovely young women that lined the dance floor. Her two younger siblings would certainly keep their mother on her toes. Thank goodness she would no longer be the object of Marie’s marriage intentions. Now that Thomas had married and Daniel remained a ‘hopeless case,’ according to their mother, Polly and Benjamin were the next in line. Violet grinned at that.

  How ironic that Violet would end up marrying the exact type of man her mother wanted for her. Although, if Marie knew the true extent of Joshua’s involvement in criminal investigations, she might think otherwise.

  Joshua had promised her that he would be taking a step back from his pursuits. He would remain involved with his men, but would not take the risk and the time he once had. Instead, he would oversee everything, and Violet had made him give his word that he would keep her informed of the goings-on. He admitted that she had been much help in the last case, and he could see how her intellect would only enhance the tools at his disposal to solve such matters. Before he agreed, he had extracted a promise from her that she would be involved only from afar, and not take anything into her own hands. She had reluctantly agreed, not wanting to miss out on the excitement, but understanding Joshua’s intentions.

  It had been rewarding to see Lord Swinton and his gang, including Roberts, be caught and punished, putting an end to their criminal activity. Swinton had taken all of his men down with him.

  Violet and Joshua had decided to divide their time between London and their home in the country — together. Joshua would no longer be jumping on his horse to ride between the two on a whim — unless, that i
s, he took his wife along with him.

  “Well, my love, only one mystery remains this evening,” Joshua said, looking down at her. “What did a man like me do to deserve a woman like you?”

  “You certainly did not give me much choice in the matter,” she replied, cocking an eyebrow. “However, I suppose in the end you deserve happiness for all you have done to better the lives of others in your quest for justice.”

  “All these years, and I simply did not search well enough. Happiness was waiting for me all along, standing to the side of the dance floor.”

  She smiled up at him, that sweet smile that filled his heart.

  “I love you, Violet.”

  “And I you, Joshua.”

  He ached to kiss her there, in the middle of the dance floor, but instead had to content himself with a look that promised her of the love he would show her later that evening, and that he would feel for her for the rest of their lives.


  * * *

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  Searching Hearts Book 3


  It was the sneeze that gave him away.

  He hadn’t counted on the dust that had accumulated behind the drapes, where he hid in his father’s study. Of course, nine-year-old Benjamin didn’t realize the sun behind him completely illuminated his figure, and his father was choosing to play along with the game.

  “I say, is someone there?” boomed Lionel Harrington, the Duke of Ware. Hardly any of his peers would recognize the typically absent-minded, nonchalant duke as he was in these moments with his children.


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