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Weighing of the Heart (Volume 1)

Page 16

by Jessica Florence

  My eyes opened and memorized the precious necklace. I wished I could remember it. I wanted to see my face and the feelings when I first received it. I would bet it was a lot like this time. I felt loved. I felt love for him. I set the necklace down gently on the table and turned in his arms to look at his face.

  “I love you.”

  His perfect face broke out into pure happiness. “I love you.” I leaned up and pressed my lips to his. He groaned. My body warmed at the sound. I wanted him again. “Thalia,” he moaned into my mouth. I felt empowered; I loved the effect I had on him. I pressed my body against his, bringing us closer, deepening our kiss. His lips parted and I wasted no time delving into his mouth, slowly, and passionately. His fingers tightened against my waist, finger nails biting into my skin and it was like a match was lit into a gasoline pit. I practically climbed him.

  His strong hands palmed my backside lifting me to him. My fingers dug into his shoulders. We stayed attached as he walked us to his bed. We fell to the bed and I frantically started undressing him. Thankfully, I was still naked, so there was nothing to fumble off of me. Seconds later, he was cradled between me, my hips arching towards him.

  “So eager, love,” he teased. I growled at him. I would lunge at him if he didn’t enter me now! “Tristan,” I begged, and then he was inside me in one fast thrust.

  I cried out at the feeling of him. I didn’t want it slow; I wanted it fast and hard. He seemed to always know what I wanted from him. He drove into me, thrusting hard. I was so close I thought I would die from the feeling.

  He was unrelenting and I loved it!

  He rose up onto his knees; his hands kneaded my breasts as he looked at me. Our eyes stayed glued to each other until our orgasm claimed us.

  His name came out of my lips on a scream. My fingers gripped him for dear life, too afraid of letting go. He groaned and kept his pace until we were both back to reality, instead of seeing stars.

  He pulled out gently and fell back next to me. “I will never get tired of you,” I confessed when I felt I could speak.

  “I know. I’m good like that,” he chuckled and flinched.

  HA! He was prepared for the smack that was coming his way. Good!

  “Well, now that you say that, maybe I will just go find someone else to compare you to. Maybe there is someone better. I shouldn’t settle.” I was just teasing him, but then I found my hands above my head and Tristan above me, his length pressed against me.

  “I would turn whoever’s poor soul you chose to ash. No one will touch you but me.” He was practically growling. “I have waited thousands of years to be reunited with you. You are mine.”

  I should be upset with him being all me caveman you, my cavewoman, but all I felt for him was love and sadness. I tore my hand from his grip and ran it against his cheek.

  “I am yours forever, love. It was only ever you, even before I knew it. I only wished I could have been with you for all of those years so you wouldn’t have had to wait.”

  I leaned up trying to kiss him. I was totally serious, no hint of teasing him in my words. He claimed my waiting lips, sealing my words. “I can’t lose you ever, Thalia.”

  His voice was barely audible, almost vulnerable. I fell back against the pillow. “You won’t.” His eyes still had a hint of fear in them, but he gave me a little smile to show me he believed me.

  He rolled off me again and sat next to me. “I have to go again; I kind of snuck away once I felt your heart after seeing the gift. I had to see you, and you know I can never leave when you are in need of me.” He winked.

  I sat up and rested against his head board. “That’s fine; I was going to hang out until you came back. Although now that you are here, would you mind taking me home? I need to do some laundry.” I had been spending so much time with him that I had forgotten some of my duties at home.

  He nodded and then looked over my body. “I will not take you like that though.” I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

  Of course I wouldn’t go wearing nothing but what I came into this world in. I climbed off the bed in search of the clothes I wore over here.

  Once I was dressed, I found Tristan dressed as well and waiting for me. “Here,” he handed me the necklace. I didn’t want to put it on yet and risk something happening to it so I put it in my pocket. “Thank you for it. I don’t remember if I thanked you.”

  His face held amusement, and then he gestured towards the bedroom. “I figured that was my thank you.” I laughed.

  “Yes, I suppose it was. Ready?” He nodded and I wrapped my arms around him, taking in his cinnamon scent. I loved it. Seconds later, we were in my apartment, which was quiet. I looked into his eyes.

  “Why do you smell like cinnamon?” I had to know. Not many people smelled like that unless they made those cinnamon brooms or chewed Big Red. He chuckled.

  “Cinnamon is one of the main ingredients in mummification, which was one of my jobs. You always like it.” I nodded. It made perfect sense, and of course I knew that. After reading so much about all of this stuff, you would think I would be like a specialist, but when I was around him it was like everything I learned went out the window.

  “Will I see you later?”

  He kissed my forehead. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I smiled. “I love you, Thalia. I must go now.”

  I hugged him tightly. “I love you, Tristan.” He pressed one last kiss to my head and disappeared.

  I was hugging air briefly and then dropped my hands to my side. I took a deep breath and got started on my house work.

  A few hours later, I had almost the whole apartment cleaned. Leander texted me and told me he would be back for dinner, so I wanted to make something special for him. He had a thing for shrimp pasta. I showered and got dressed in clean clothes and set out for my car to go to the grocery store.

  Chapter 31

  As I opened the door to my car, someone spoke to me. “Are you Thalia Alexander?” I turned to see who was asking my name. I didn’t know the man; he was big, with dark hair and a beard. His blue eyes were looking at me curiously.

  “Y.. yes,” I stuttered. I wasn’t sure why, but this man made me nervous. “Do I know you?” I asked.

  His face broke out into a smile, and I was very, very sad to say it wasn’t a nice smile. It was sinister and evil.

  I started backing away from him, having no idea what he was going to do. I wished my super cool ninja skills I knew somewhere in my brain would come out. Now, I couldn’t even move to throw a punch.

  Big arms came from behind me. Covering my mouth with a cloth. I fought as best as I could, wiggling, and kicking out trying to get away.

  My conscience was fading fast. I had never been drugged before and I can tell you it sucks. The men both grabbed me and pulled me close to the trees by the parking lot.

  “Thalia!” I heard Tristan’s voice in pure panic. I tried to scream, but I couldn’t even muster a whimper up. My eyes started closing. I tried to fight, but I was being taken over. I saw his face one last time before my eyes closed.

  “Thalia? Thalia, wake up!” a voice called out to me. It was familiar, but not the one I wanted to hear. I tried to open my eyes but they were heavy. I groaned out. “Thalia, open your eyes. Gods, I told those men to be gentle with you. ” Very slowly, they opened; my vision was a little blurry. A hand reached out and touched my face. I shunned away from it. I didn’t want to be touched by anyone but Tristan.

  Where was he? Why wasn’t I with him? Surely he could feel my heart and soul; he would find me no matter where I was. Once my eyes could focus I looked around me. I was in a bedroom and lying on a bed. Strange, I figured I would be in some shitty dirt room handcuffed somewhere.

  I searched desperately for any feelings that Tristan would just appear next to me. I longed for him desperately. “He won’t find you here.” My head snapped towards the voice. I stared into his gold eyes.

  “What are you talking about, Orion?” I found some strength and move
d away from him slowly. I looked into his eyes and saw something I did not notice before. He looked possessive. He smiled at me.

  “You won’t see him again. You are safe here with me. This is a protected place of Greek origin. He can’t enter without divine Greek intervention being that he’s Egyptian.” I froze. Not see Tristan anymore? Impossible.

  “I don’t understand.” He reached out to touch me, I flinched away.

  “You were always meant to be mine. Then he stole you from me. You and I were made for each other. It was decided by the fates.” I shook my head. no, no.

  “No, I am Tristan’s. I barely know you, I told you no; you accepted it!” I was starting to panic. I had no idea where this was heading, but I knew I was kidnapped and Orion had something to do with it. He shook his head like I was some silly girl.

  “No Thalia, you were always mine. Anubis took you from me.” My eyes widened at him. He knew who Tristan was. Oh, my God. Panic was gone only to be replaced by hysteria. His freaky smile was starting to piss me off too. He just sat on the bed looking at me like a creeper. Gone was the cute boy next door.

  “Yes, Thalia, I know who he is. I know who you are too. I am Orion, son of Athena and Zeph of Macedonia. Fiercest warrior of Alexander the Great.” Sharp pain shot through my head, and I fell back against the bed and into another memory.

  I sat with my father and Alexander as we looked at the two warriors who stood before us, ready for the fight for my hand.

  Anubis and Alexander’s warrior. Anubis was dressed casually, except he had a mask on in the shape of a jackal. His animal. Both warriors were to wear something that concealed their faces; the other warrior wore a typical helmet that concealed all but his eyes and his lips.

  He was tall, and muscular, but I felt nothing towards him. Unlike when I glanced to Anubis’s form. My body warmed at the sight. My chest grew with pride and love as I looked at my name in the hieroglyphics on his chest. I knew he could feel me. I tried to reign in my emotions. I did not want him distracted. He needed focus.

  Alexander stood next to me and addressed the warriors and the crowd that sat around them.

  “Welcome everyone. We are here to witness these two fine warriors fight for the hand of our very own jewel, Thalia.” He smiled at me adoringly. I still could not figure out his admiration for me, but I smiled graciously.

  “Let the fight begin!” he said as he sat down. Anubis drew out his sword and the other warrior did as well. I wondered if he would just finish the other man off in seconds or would he make it look like the other man had a chance? I sat up straight in my seat as they began.

  The warrior came at Anubis first. Anubis was quick to deflect him, pressing back and swinging his sword in his counter attack. They went back and forth, swing for swing. I was on the edge of my seat. Why hadn’t Anubis won by now? Fear grew inside me. Was this warrior stronger? It was impossible. Anubis was a God.

  Just as I had that thought, Anubis pressed the back end of his sword into the warriors face. He stumbled. Anubis kicked him and he fell down. Anubis’ sword was pressed against his chest seconds later.

  I wanted to jump for joy and run into his arms, but I had to stay put. I felt Alexander face falter briefly before regaining control and looking impressed with Anubis. “Warriors, come forth.”

  Both of them came in before us. “Take off your helmets so that we may look at some of the best warriors I have ever seen.” I stared as Anubis took of his mask. His piercing grey eyes were locked on mine. I bit my lip at the look in his eyes. I was his and he was mine. It was real. I wanted so many things from him, and tonight I would get them. I saw heat and desire flare in his features. I turned my gaze to the other man before I did something inappropriate.

  The warrior was handsome. His brown hair curled around his ears, with a sharp nose, and high cheek bones. He was all Greek, and he had shocking gold eyes that were staring at me. Looking over me. I did not like his obvious perusal of my body.

  I heard a growl from his side and I knew Anubis didn’t like it either.

  I was glad this man was not to be mine; I would have definitely been a prize to him. I shuddered at the thought.

  “Orion, you fought strongly.” Alexander complimented the warrior. Orion, like the hunter.

  “Anubis, you have fought and won. You are a fine warrior to protect and take care of Thalia.” Alexander gave him a look that said hurt her and I will have you killed.

  “Now, I think we should exit towards the courtyard and have some wine in celebration,” Alexander said as he and my father both bowed to me and walked towards the courtyard. Orion just stared at me, longing and want in his features. Then he stomped off towards the courtyard.

  Anubis just stared at me. I took off and ran to him. He dropped his sword and wrapped his arms around me. My feet left the ground as he spun us around in circles. Both of us were laughing and filled with joy! Tears sprang free from my eyes. As he stopped, he stared deeply into my eyes.

  “You are mine forever, Thalia.” His voice was low. “Yours forever, love.” His lips claimed mine.

  My head hurt so badly. I really didn’t like these memories that came out of nowhere. They hurt. My brain did not like it either. The dream memories were peaceful; these felt forced. I could see what Tristan meant about not forcing me. I swear, I thought my brain would explode if too many memories came in at once.

  “Ah, she wakes.” My eyes flew open. That was not a voice I wanted to hear. My eyes found her immediately.

  “You!” Then I groaned. Speaking hurt my head. Why didn’t this headache go away yet? She shrugged and walked towards me. I noticed Orion was still sitting next to me, like he was given the best toy for Christmas.

  Then I realized what happened in my memory. I was so focused on the voice, and Tristan. I forgot about what happened. My gaze turned to his.

  “You! You were the other warrior.” I was shocked. He nodded.

  “Yes. Had I known then I would be fighting with a god, I would have asked my mother here to even the odds.” He stood up, enraged.

  “He cheated. I never stood a chance of winning you. You should have been mine!” He yelled the last word.

  Oh boy. I did not like this at all.

  “Orion, calm yourself. She is here now.” She smiled sweetly at him. Then she turned her golden eyes to me. She looked exactly like she did in that dream, with her brown hair long and curled down her back. She was wearing a white sheath of a gown. She looked like a goddess.

  “Oh I am sorry. Where are my manners? I am Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. You should have listened to my warning and stayed away from Tristan.” I did not like her tone.

  There was no star struck in my eyes. I did not like this woman. She pursed her lips.

  “That’s right. You don’t remember me. Or much of anything else. Everyone should have known they couldn’t protect you from me. I would always find a way. They thought that sending that measly demigod would protect you.” She threw her hand back like the idea was a little fly as she swatted it away.

  “I thought your mother would ruin the whole thing with her little visit but you had no clue it was even her.” What the hell? I was confused beyond belief; my head was hurting like hell. I had no idea why I was even here and now this lady was telling me I saw my mother. She tried looking innocent. She failed. “Oops. Did I say that out loud? Yep, you met your mother and you had no clue. I bet that hurt her feelings.” I shook my head.

  My parents were dead. She shook her head. “Nope. You, dear girl, have been lied to all of your life. But don’t worry. I will grant you the gift of your memories. Orion and I will be so excited to see you after they return.”

  Orion shifted next to her. “You promise she won’t die, right?” he asked quietly towards his mother.

  She shrugged. I definitely didn’t like that. “Don’t worry, daughter of Aphrodite and Alexander. It will only hurt a little.” She snapped her fingers in front of my confused face and I screamed with pain as memories flew thro
ugh my head like cars on the Autobahn.

  My eyes clenched shut; my hands flew to my hair, gripping as if I could free the memories from my head. I was breaking at the seams. This was too much. I didn’t know if I could survive this. Tristan. I numbed the pain long enough to fill my heart with all the love I possessed for Tristan, hoping he would feel it. He would come for me. I know it.

  Then I blacked out.


  Thalia was taken. My Thalia. I was done playing nice. I should have killed that boy when I had the chance. Now my Thalia was gone.

  I sat on her bed and looked around. She might not have known who she was but I was always there for her, a part of her. She made her room look so much like the one back in the day. My heart ached for her touch. I wanted nothing more than to crush her lips to mine, wrap my arms around her small waist. Bury myself inside her, to consume her, and never let her go.

  A cough interrupted my thought from going towards an inappropriate road. My gaze flicked up to the demigod. I always liked Leander. He was a protector of my Thalia. As a son of Ares, he looked like he was doing a good job of holding in his anger, but I knew that control was only skin deep. “Ready?” he asked through gritted teeth.

  I took a deep breath and nodded.

  No more playing nice. I waited thousands of years to have her. I will find her, and I will turn that boy to ash.

  My chest started to hurt.

  Thalia! She was in pain, agonizing pain. A furious growl tore up my throat. Turning whoever was making her in this much pain into ash was too easy. I would choose something worse than death. Seconds later, my body warmed, my soul was bursting full of love, and then it was quiet.

  I fell to my knees and growled out for her. I was beyond mad, beyond furious; I was in full rage.

  My eyes collided with Leander’s.

  “Let’s go get our girl.”

  Tristan and Thalia’s story will continue with

  Decisions of the Heart

  Coming soon.


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