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A Thief In The Night

Page 15

by K. Sterling

  “He’s very interesting,” he said as his hand gripped one of Quinn’s pecs through his shirt. Quinn stifled a grunt and his nostrils flared but he tried to appear relaxed as Fitzroy’s hand glided down his chest. Roman snatched Fitzroy’s wrist. His fingers locked around it tight and his eyes were wild as they pinned him.

  “Never.” He released Fitzroy and he pulled his hand against his chest and his eyes widened. “Never touch him. He’s mine,” Roman warned. He held Fitzroy’s startled gaze for another tense moment then blinked and offered him a dazzling smile. “You know I’ve never been good at sharing and he has very high expectations. There are plenty of other men you can bore here, go find one,” he said and Fitzroy snorted as he reached for a flute of champagne.

  “You’ve always been feral, Roman. I’ve always hated that about you,” he said then saluted him with his glass before he smirked at Quinn. “But I have a feeling it’s going to be a very interesting evening,” he declared before he took a large sip then strolled away. Roman watched him go then shrugged.

  “He’s always been a fucking prat, you know?” He said then waved it off as he turned back to Quinn.

  “I know him! He’s going to recognize me on Monday!” Quinn whispered and Roman shushed him as he gathered him in his arms and rocked from side to side languidly.

  “Fitzroy? I’d be surprised if he remembers any of this on Monday but he’s not going to tell a damn soul he saw you at one of Darlington’s couples’ nights,” he said and Quinn’s jaw hung open for a moment before he relaxed and let Roman guide him through a turn. “It’s easy to get away with actual murder here because discretion is extremely implicit. The first and only rule of this club is there are no rules and you never saw a damn thing. Ever. There’s no law here because there are no crimes. You can’t talk about something that never happened,” Roman explained and Quinn’s lips twisted as he watched Fitzroy hit on a young man who wasn’t more than twenty. Fitzroy was a large man and he appeared to be in his early to mid forties. He was a bit heavy in the middle and he was trying too hard to mask a receding hairline but he was relatively attractive. It was still very unsettling, watching him fondle the front of the boy’s jock strap.

  “You two seem to know each other really well,” Quinn pointed out and Roman raised a shoulder then sneered.

  “We were roommates at Oxford,” Roman said. “If anyone’s slowing down in their old age, it’s him. Look at him making an ass out of himself with that child,” he said as he pointed very obviously at Fitzroy and Quinn’s brows pulled together.

  “You’re the same age?”

  “Can you believe it? He looks like shit!” Roman added loudly and Quinn put his hand over Roman’s mouth.

  “Will you keep it down? I’d like a little less attention,” he said and Roman turned his hand over and kissed it.

  “It’s unavoidable. Look at us,” he drawled as his hand slid beneath Quinn’s coat and spread possessively. Heat and goosebumps spilled down his spine and up his neck and Quinn shivered.

  “How old are you?” Quinn asked and Roman flinched and missed a step.

  “I am thirty-eight,” he said tightly and Quinn clamped his lips tight to keep from laughing. He was clearly sensitive about it.

  “Really? I didn’t think you were a day older than thirty-five,” he teased and Roman pulled a face. “I thought Fitzroy was older.”

  “That’s what politics and being a prat gets you,” Roman stated then looked over his shoulder as someone tapped a knife against a champagne glass.

  “Gentlemen!” A voice boomed as the waltz faded and everyone stopped and looked toward the platform at the far end of the ballroom. “It’s that time!” He called and there were whistles and cheers as everyone moved in and pushed to get closer to the stage. Quinn craned his neck as a distinguished looking gentleman with salt and pepper hair and a perfect mustache waited for everyone to settle down.

  “Darlington,” Roman murmured in Quinn’s ear as he turned his attention to the foyer. “We can sneak away once everyone’s distracted,” he added quietly and Quinn nodded. He took another look at Darlington as rage and disgust churned in his core. He would never suspect the charming and elegant man suavely grinning and joking with his guests was capable of such vicious cruelty. He was dashing and vibrant but had the bearing and confidence of an experienced, extremely successful man in his fifties.

  “We’ve had plenty of time to mingle and get acquainted so it’s time to sort out our sleeping arrangements,” Darlington announced suggestively and there was more clapping and various animal sounds. Quinn raised a brow at Roman but he shook his head. He was more interested in watching the doors and the footmen than Darlington. “Before we decide the guest rooms, let’s see who wants the Master’s Bedroom,” he said expectantly and Quinn rose on his toes and looked around. A few gentleman raised their hands and there were murmurs of approval and some claps but Darlington’s eyes searched the crowd hopefully. Quinn gave Roman a nudge but he dismissed it. Why aren’t you doing something? This is perfect! Quinn screamed silently as he jerked his head toward Darlington but Roman shook his head faintly.

  “Whatever,” Quinn muttered then pushed his hand into the air “We want it!” He yelled and Roman gasped as he reached for Quinn’s hand but he locked his arm.

  “Well! Isn’t this a wonderful surprise?” Darlington said then clapped his hands together in delight. Their arms were raised above them and Roman’s eyes were wide as they flicked toward Darlington. “The master has decided to participate tonight. I think we can all agree, the room’s Roman’s,” he declared. The catcalls and whistles were deafening and Fitzroy howled hysterically by the window. Roman’s eyes were hard and trapped as they held Quinn’s. He released his hand and his tongue pushed against the inside of his cheek before he nodded. Another round of applause and vulgar comments erupted and Quinn blushed as he started to worry.

  “You wanted less attention?” Roman ground out then jerked his head toward the door and backed him through the crowd. Quinn swallowed hard as he looked around him. Hands shook them and pushed encouragingly as they passed and Quinn was startled as Roman spun him. His hand gripped his arm ruthlessly as he steered him out of the ballroom. He was furious and Quinn had no idea what was happening. Darlington was calling for more volunteers for the guest bedrooms as Roman shoved him into the foyer then aimed him down the hall, away from the grand double staircase.

  “I don’t understand!” Quinn whispered loudly but everyone’s attention was on Darlington and whatever display was unfolding in the ballroom. “We’ve got Darlington’s room. This is perfect!” He insisted but Roman laughed. It was cold and gravelly as he unbuttoned his coat and loosened his tie.

  “This is so far from perfect.” He looked slightly flushed as he stretched his neck and Quinn frowned at the stairs.

  “Why are you mad? We lock ourselves in there for an hour and pretend we’re having sex while we look around,” he explained quickly but Roman seethed as he unbuttoned his shirt.

  “We’re not going to Darlington’s bedroom,” he said and Quinn’s head whipped around as they entered a long black and white tiled hall.

  “We’re not? I thought…”

  “And I thought you’d let me do the talking but here we are. It used to be a conservatory but I believe it’s been converted into a sitting room. Tonight, it’s the Master’s Bedroom,” he said as he stopped and pushed open a large door then waved Quinn through. It was a massive space with a glass ceiling and glass paned exterior walls. The floors were covered in more of the black and white tile from the hall but the room was free of furniture with the exception of a large four-poster bed and a long table bearing an assortment of sex toys, restraints and devices.

  “What is this?” Quinn asked. He spun and looked at Roman anxiously and he shook his head.

  “The last thing I wanted and exactly what we could have done the first night if you weren’t so sure you were different,” he said then fl
ailed his hand at Quinn. “Take off your clothes. They’ll be here soon,” he warned and Quinn couldn’t decide if his mouth needed to be opened or closed so he tried to do both at once and just gulped like a dying fish as his brain flopped around in his skull.

  “Oh… What?” He mouthed then grunted as Roman grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him close.

  “Everyone who isn’t going to one of the guest rooms is going to start making their way here very shortly. They’re going to expect to find the two of us on that bed and we can’t pretend, Quinn. They’re expecting a master performance,” he spat out and Quinn gasped as he looked at the door.

  “Ok… We leave!” He suggested and Roman’s eyes flicked upward before he shook his head.

  “There’s no way. Even if I didn’t give a damn about my reputation or showing my face ever again, do you want to consider what will happen if they discover I brought a straight man here to spy on them?”

  “Jesus,” Quinn said as he pushed his hand through his hair. “Tell them I chickened out!” He said and Roman looked offended as his head pulled back.

  “Chickened out? Because I failed to seduce you? Do you have any idea how humiliating that would be? Not to mention a terribly impossible set of miscalculations on my part. I wouldn’t dream of bringing you if you weren’t suitable for this.”

  “But I’m not!” Quinn admitted pleadingly as he looked at the door then at the bed. “Look. I’m not so freaked out about the sex part, I just don’t want everyone watching us. Can’t we get some curtains or sheets? Do I have to take everything off?” He asked quickly and Roman released him and his face twisted.

  “Sheets?” His voice was flat and hollow. Quinn threw his hands up.

  “I don’t know!” He muffled a shriek then jumped as Roman ripped his shirt open.

  “Hurry. Up. Quinn,” he growled as he unbuckled Quinn’s belt and jerked his fly open. “You don’t need sheets. Not if you’re ready to do that for Jayce,” he said and Quinn was stunned as Roman pushed him away then turned and went to the table. “Hurry,” he ordered and Quinn’s fingers fumbled as they tugged at his bow tie. “Put your clothes here,” Roman said as he pointed at a bare spot on the table then picked up a bottle of lube. He juggled it as he considered the other offerings then shook his head. He turned and tossed it at the bed then slid out of his coat and draped it on the table. His shirt and tie followed and Quinn’s stomach churned wildly as he flung his with Roman’s then toed off his shoes. Quinn’s pants dropped and Roman clicked his teeth as he leaned close and traced the waist of his white cotton boxers. “Those are going to be a giveaway,” he said then cocked his head. “Off with them.” He pulled a strip of condoms from his pocket and tossed them at the bed and Quinn was alarmed as he looked at him. Roman’s lips slanted as he stepped out of his trousers. “In case I tear a few,” he explained and Quinn’s eyes dropped to Roman’s hard-on. It strained against the front of Roman’s black mesh jock strap and Quinn fell back on the bed as he prowled toward him.

  “I hope you’ve been aggressive with that vibrator,” he warned as he reached for Quinn’s boxers. He pulled them down his legs then whipped them at the table and Quinn gasped as Roman crawled over him.

  “You went through my things?” He asked indignantly and Roman rolled his eyes then looked at the door as it was thrown open and a chorus of cheers and vulgar remarks rolled into the room. Quinn’s head snapped back so he could look and he gasped as Roman’s teeth dug into his neck. Roman’s hand closed around Quinn’s cock and he stroked tight and slow as his lips traced his ear.

  “Showtime,” Roman breathed. “Pretend you want me,” he added then covered Quinn’s lips with his before he could argue. He was starving as he locked their hands together then pushed them over Quinn’s head and he rocked his hips, crushing their erections against each other as his tongue lapped and sucked hungrily. He pulled his lips from Quinn’s and he panted as Roman licked and bit his way down his neck and over his collarbone. Heat spread over Quinn’s skin and Roman bathed him in scorching need as his hands and lips washed over his body. There were moans and groans of approval as men crowded around the bed but the room dissolved around them as Roman’s lips teased the end of Quinn’s erection. He sucked and Quinn’s body jerked and his fingers curled around the edge of the mattress desperately.

  “Oh, fuck, Roman!” He whispered shakily as he took his length deep in his throat. Hard, sucking pressure wrapped around his shaft as Roman’s head bounced slowly. Quinn’s head lolled on the bed as pleasure and warmth swirled in his groin. His vision cleared and he spotted Darlington by the table and a cold shiver trickled down Quinn’s spine as he watched Roman. Darlington wasn’t watching them or the crowd forming around the bed, he was focused solely on Roman. Quinn’s attention was snatched from Darlington as Roman’s lips slid up the length of his cock. He sucked at the slit then released it and Quinn’s jaw stretched as Roman’s fingers traced his hole. They were slick and Quinn’s hips bucked restlessly as his passage ached and tingled in anticipation. Roman’s finger pressed past the tight ring of his ass and Quinn moaned as his cock throbbed and a bead of pre-cum pushed from the slit. “More!” He begged as he writhed and the cheering and swearing became louder. Quinn barely heard it, he was trapped in the heat and hunger as Roman slid another finger into his ass and fingered him hard. His fingers twisted and stretched as they reached deep and Quinn was mindless as pre-cum flicked from the head of his erection. Roman lowered so he could lick Quinn’s stomach clean then sucked at the end of his cock. Quinn swore and thrashed as he rode Roman’s fingers, desperate for more pressure and friction. “Please!” He gasped as his eyes rolled deliriously in their sockets. Roman’s fingers left him and Quinn whimpered as he bit into his lip and his eyes swept around the room drunkenly. He swore as his gaze caught on Jones’ face. He looked concerned as he stared at Quinn and nodded as Darlington whispered in his ear. Several men booed as Roman used his teeth to rip open a condom wrapper but he ignored them as he sheathed his erection and coated it with lube.

  “Breed him!” Someone called and Roman shook his head as he fell forward and supported himself with his elbow.

  “I think we’ll save that for a more romantic occasion,” he said as he positioned the head of his cock at Quinn’s hole. He captured his lips and drank Quinn’s yelp as he pushed forward. A bright, stinging burn flared in his passage as Roman slid deep, filling him in one steady thrust. His tongue swirled and claimed as his hips bucked against Quinn’s ass, grinding slow and hard. Quinn pulled his lips free and Roman’s name spilled from him as his chest heaved. The pressure and the heat were so intense, it was nothing like the cold rigidness of the vibrator. Roman’s shaft stretched his passage with each roll of his hips, crushing his prostate ruthlessly as his pace remained driving and deliberate. The sting faded into a warm glow as pleasure radiated from his core and Quinn wrapped his arms and legs around Roman as he urged him to ride harder and faster. Roman’s hand tightened around his ass as his knees dug into the mattress and Quinn screamed as pressure and pleasure exploded in his groin and rushed up the length of his cock. Cum pumped from the head and landed in fat puddles on Quinn’s stomach and chest as he sobbed euphorically and twisted on the bed. A hand reached between them as someone tried to steal a taste and Roman snarled as he slapped it away. He smeared his fingers in Quinn’s cum then shoved them into his mouth and groaned ecstatically as he sucked them clean and fell forward. “You taste like heaven,” Roman panted against his ear. “If I wasn’t surrounded by the people I loathe the most, I’d take my time and enjoy myself more,” he captured Quinn’s lips as he thrust hard. His groin slammed against Quinn’s ass, deep and fast and his eyes crossed as his nerves twisted and tingled. His muscles tightened and a warm wave of heavy pleasure spilled down his legs as he was swept into another orgasm. Roman jerked and bucked hard then shivered as he sobbed Quinn’s name. It was a ragged plea before Roman’s jaw clamped tight and the muscles in his neck strained. “
Jesus Christ,” he huffed as his forehead pressed against Quinn’s and he fought to catch his breath.

  “Jesus Christ,” Quinn babbled breathlessly as his limbs slid from around Roman and flopped onto the bed.

  “Well done.”



  “Quite the performance.”

  Quinn squeezed his eyes shut and clung to Roman as hands patted, slapped and squeezed as their audience made their way around the bed then out to check in on other couples or find their own entertainment.

  “You never disappoint, Roman,” Darlington drawled as he backed out of the room. Quinn felt Roman tense but he didn’t acknowledge him. His eyes held Quinn’s as their hearts pounded against each other. “I need to see to my other guests but if the two of you would like to rest and enjoy some refreshments…” his voice rose suggestively and hopefully but Roman shook his head, letting the tip of his nose and his lips brush against Quinn’s.

  “We’re leaving,” he said and Darlington made a disappointed sound as he paused at the door.

  “That’s a shame. I hope we’ll see the two of you again soon.”

  “I think he’s seen enough,” Roman said and Quinn nodded as Darlington clicked his teeth then left.

  “Roman, I…”

  “Let’s go,” Roman said quickly as he pulled out. Quinn hissed and arched as his passage stung and throbbed. He was going to be very sore in the morning. “Take some Paracetamol and a long, hot bath,” he suggested as he rolled off the bed. He stood and stumbled a few steps then rushed to the table. “We need to hurry,” he said as he tossed Quinn’s clothes over his shoulder as he hunted.

  “You’re still mad,” Quinn pointed out as he slid to the edge of the bed and swung his legs over the side.

  “We’re not talking about this here,” Roman said as he fixed the front of his jock strap then stepped into his trousers. He shoved his arms into the sleeves of his shirt then jammed his tie into his pocket before shaking out his coat. Quinn was still hopping into his trousers and gathering the rest of his clothes.


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