The Fallen One

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The Fallen One Page 22

by Lexy Wolfe

  The five Desanti had arrived, all dressed formally in traditional Desanti fashion. Sun-bronzed skin gleamed in dark contrast to the bleached leather of loincloths for all four warriors, the women wearing half tops that only covered their left shoulders, their right shoulders bare. Their hair was braided intricately, adorned with beads of gold, embedded gems glittering in the light. Ornaments adorned with elegant designs as well as carefully applied face and body paint spoke to their patron Totani.

  Kiya, however, did not dress as a warrior. Her garments, made from the whitest leather, were a half top that tied around her neck and a skirt with several individual leaves overlapping modestly. Ninon cloth with the wispiness of spider silk worn wrapped about her shoulders gave her an ethereal quality. Polished gold beading that speckled the sheer fabric also edged the headdress she worse, the veil covering only her eyes to allow her to eat and drink. Her hair was braided as the others' but hers was artfully wrapped around a bone hair piece that gave her an exotic regality.

  When Zoe approached, Kiya turned a warm smile to her, offering her hands in greeting as she bent her knee partway. "Hi, I'm Zoe and oh my gosh, you aren't just pretty, you are absolutely gorgeous!" the girl gushed, bouncing on her sandaled feet. "You have to sit next to me so we can talk. I never got to talk very much to Swordanzen Storm because she was always so busy and..." She looked around Kiya, eyes going wide at the four grim warriors. "Oh, wow. Swordanzen! This is great! Hi!" The silent warriors nodded once in response to the girl's greeting, their expressions remaining foreboding.

  "You honor me, Oracle's Voice," Kiya replied graciously. "I am Su'alin Kiya na'Citali." She smiled more. "But I would be honored if you called me just Kiya."

  "Oh, a Su'alin? Skyfire spoke of Su'alin once but he didn't say much. Just that you followed the Path of the Spirit like Swordanzen follow the Path of the Sword." Zoe fell silent when Kiya looked up and saw Ellis, her smile disappearing in shock. "This is Se'edai Magus Ellis Avarian," Zoe introduced, her worry that something was wrong hanging in her voice.

  Ellis offered his hands to the delicate Desanti, and squeezed her hands in reassurance, surprised to discover she was trembling. "It is a pleasure to meet you finally, my dear," he said. "Marcus's description of you pales in comparison to your beauty."

  Kiya just stared at Ellis. Pulling her hands from his, she lifted her veil to stare at him. "Grandfather?" she whispered. The Swordanzen behind her looked at each other in consternation. Blinking several times, Kiya's eyes shifted from tawny brown to vivid gold and she relaxed a little, tilting her head in confusion. "Twin? What is... a twin?"

  Ellis blinked at the question, unknowingly echoing his brother Bennu's words as he spoke. "Well, twins are when two children are born at the same time to one woman. Often, they look alike, as I and my brother had."

  "Brother. Your brother is dead," Kiya said more to herself than to Ellis. "And the Timeless One blessed you through your goddess. I understand now." She looked up and smiled at Ellis. "I am very honored to meet you."

  Disconcerted, Ellis nodded. "Of course." They moved to the table, servants pouring drinks as everyone settled. "Good evening to you both, Unsvet Guardian Valerian, Journeyman Healer Tobias." Both men returned the greeting cordially as they took seats at the table. "This is Master Eptina," he said, turning to introduce the Forentan woman settling by his right side.

  Eptina looked over Kiya with keen disapproval. Where Kiya was a dark-skinned beauty wrapped in white, Eptina was a fragile, fair hue dressed in a blue so dark it verged on black. "This is not Desantiva," Eptina pointed out.

  Unbothered by the other woman's criticism, Kiya replied archly, "No, it is not. You are very kind to point that out, Edai Magus, but I knew that already. Since crossing the Great Water, we have seen neither tents, vast expanses of rock and sand, nor drizzen herds. It was a safe enough assumption for us to make." Several servants struggled to maintain their aloof, neutral demeanors, especially when the others at the table began coughing, either to cover laughter or because they had been mid-swallow.

  Eptina sniffed, critical. "I would have thought Master Nolyn would have educated you on proper Forentan dress and behavior." Ellis held up a hand to forestall Nolyn and Zoe from interrupting the two women, watching with bemused curiosity. Marcus, Tobias and Valerian did not interrupt, inordinately fascinated as the tension between the women was almost tangible.

  "As we have no desire to become Forenten, we saw the knowledge shared as useful information to know how to identify a Forentan." Kiya studied Eptina before lowering her veil casually. "We thought it would be helpful to dress in our own tradition, so you would not confuse us with one of your own people." She said blandly, "Forenten seem desperately confused by us." She waved a hand. "I discovered this after spending the night with Master Nolyn."

  Halfway to swallowing, Nolyn nearly spit his wine out, barely keeping from making a mess as he grabbed his napkin, coughing into it. Zoe giggled behind her hands at the looks everyone gave Nolyn. "We were discussing some of the... finer cultural differences between Forenta and Desantiva," he finally managed to say, clearing his throat. Hearing his own words, he grimaced inwardly at how wrong they still sounded. However, he could not come up with anything better, hoping the subject would be dropped and forgotten.

  "I see," Ellis said, watching Zoe lean over to whisper to Kiya and the Su'alin replying, the girl giving an exaggerated, "Oooh," of understanding, then giggling again. Eptina narrowed her eyes, her frosty demeanor turning icy. The two women watched each other through the otherwise uneventful dinner like two cats. Kiya's demeanor remained knowingly serene while Eptina seemed to be barely restraining herself from an outburst.

  Shortly before the end of the meal, Kiya rose. "If you would excuse me. It was an honor to meet you, Zoe, Ellis," Kiya stated, using names only as the pair had asked of her earlier. Turning an almost predatory smile on Eptina, she added, "Good evening, Edai Magus Eptina Dyndrai. Do be careful when you return home." Straightening regally, the Desanti woman stated enigmatically, "I do not envy you the crossroads you approach."

  Zoe looked puzzled. "What is she talking about, Master Eptina?"

  The woman sniffed, waving a dismissive hand. "Dithering nonsense of savages, no doubt. It means nothing."

  Ellis rose, catching Kelafy by the hand and kissing her knuckles lightly. "Splendid meal as always, Miss Kelafy."

  Kelafy chuckled. "I am glad you could come on such short notice. Given your wish to both meet our new guests and speak with Nolyn, I thought it the most economical use of time." Nolyn coughed as he lifted his glass, sliding a world weary, put upon look at the two. "Refreshments are ready in the master's study." She looked to Valerian. "I assumed you would be joining them, Unsvet, so I included your favorite of my cakes."

  Valerian flicked a look at Ellis who nodded imperceptibly. "Of course, thank you."

  "Thank you, Miss Kelafy," Nolyn stated as he rose. He blinked when Eptina went to his side at once, taking his arm possessively. "Master Eptina."

  "I have been worried about you," Eptina said in a low voice as they walked towards the study in the master's hall. "The message from your brother hinted you had encountered trouble?" Nolyn nodded in confirmation. She sighed. "It is probably just as well you left when you had. My father… would doubtless have tried to insist you stay with us."

  "Or at least, prevent us from leaving Quoesia?"

  She nodded. "I had hoped we could have returned to Ithesra together so we could spend more time with one another." Her voice was chill. "And I find you have that... creature here?"

  "Su'alin Kiya and her people are here waiting for the Githalin Swordanzen's return, Eptina, nothing more," Nolyn stated. "I felt it wiser to shelter them here where the servants are more familiar with their needs. We need not instigate conflict by leaving them in the midst of the city itself."

  Eptina sniffed. "It hardly seems proper. Did you see how they dress? It is positively indecent! And their skin is darker than most laborers!"
br />   Glancing at her pale hand atop his tanned one, Nolyn replied in dry tones, "I imagine they considered that formal attire, Eptina. They are normally much more appropriately attired for Forenta. Besides, those of us who spend time outside are often darker hued. I am not nearly as dark as they, but…" He smiled when he saw Marcus waiting for them, the young apprentice standing ready to serve drinks to his seniors.

  Eptina smiled charmingly at Nolyn. "Of course, of course. I meant no insult to you, Master Nolyn." She held onto Nolyn so firmly, he had to sit on the couch instead of one of the single chairs. Releasing Nolyn only after they sat, she accepted the cup of tea from Marcus .

  Ellis and Zoe sat in the couch across from them, Valerian taking one of the single seats between the couches. Nolyn waved the young man down to whisper in his ear, "Get me some of the brandy after you serve the Voice and the Se'edai."

  Marcus nodded to the whispered request as he finished the task of serving. "Of course, Master." As he handed Zoe tea, the two caught each other's eye, blushed, and looked away shyly. Shutting and securing the door for privacy, he headed to the wine cabinet for Nolyn's requested drink.

  "Now then," Ellis stated as he pinned a hard look on Eptina and Nolyn. "If I must start putting the Edai Magi over my knee and swat them for acting like spoiled children, I will. While I understand there are secrets among the Edai Tredecima, there should be a time when we swallow our pride for the good of those we serve."

  Eptina lowered her eyes, back stiff. "Yes, Se'edai Magus." Raising her eyes, she put her hand on Nolyn's, her demeanor earnest. "But please do not fault Edai Magus Nolyn for not speaking to you of my problems sooner. He was kind enough to give me the discretion I asked for." She closed her eyes and admitted painfully, "The other Edai already consider me too young and weak to serve and think I should be vacated. I did not want to give them more reason to turn against me."

  "Only the goddess has any say on who does and does not serve on the Edai Tredecima now," Zoe stated, wagging her finger at Eptina. "Because Ysai screwed everything up. But the Great Mother is willing to give all of you a chance to prove yourselves to Her and to the people. Hiding important things that need to be fixed is not making Her happy at all." She quieted a little when Ellis put a calming hand on her shoulder. "It is seeing many people hurt!"

  "Be that as it may," Ellis said with a heavy sigh. "We are here now and all we can do is move forward." He looked at Nolyn until the man looked up to meet his eyes. "I understand there are matters that cannot be taken up publicly because we do not wish to cause widespread panic and chaos among the people. I also understand that there are those on the Edai Tredecima who cannot see the forest for the trees and serve the greater good only when it serves them."

  He paused a moment, looking between the two Edai Magi. "In the future, please do not censor and understate matters in your written reports to me or journals. That practice will only hurt us and those in the future who may depend on those writings for their research in some future problem. Especially do not understate things when they have caused harm or death, Nolyn," the man chided. "A darkling attacked you? Had I realized exactly how impaired you are—"

  "I am not impaired!" Nolyn snapped, getting to his feet and stalking to the window to stare into the night. "My mind is clear. I am not compromised."

  "Master Nolyn," Marcus interrupted in a quiet voice. "You nearly died. If it wasn't for Journeyman Tobias, you would have died. And you have not slept right since Ursin, Master Bethal and Unsvet Valerian found us." He averted his eyes when Nolyn glared at him. "I know your mind is okay, but I did find one account that-that reminds me of what is wrong. Two if you include my own."

  "Go on, Marcus," Ellis encouraged.

  Taking a deep breath, Marcus stood with back straight and hands clasped tightly behind him. "I had a nightmare a few weeks ago that I wrote down in my journal, though it did not help much. It kept coming back, more and more insistent."

  Valerian tilted his head. "You never said it kept returning."

  "Dreams are stupid," Marcus snapped, then looked down sheepishly at his rudeness.

  "Perhaps, but vivid dreams that do not go away are often what some of us Guardians call scrying dreams. What we know of them, is they seem to go to the mind most open to them, or at least, not with preconceived notions about the subject matter. You do not need to be a Guardian to have them," the Unsvet pointed out. "Such should be investigated so the source can be dealt with."

  "I did investigate. Just like my master taught me." Marcus looked at Nolyn. "After our lessons on archive research techniques, I used what you taught me in the Illaini Magus's personal library. When he was still a student, he-he wrote about dreams that he had. That he always had." The apprentice swallowed as all attention focused on him. "It was… it was a lot like my dream. But Master Ash believed his dream was remembering what happened to him in Andar."

  "Andar?!" Ellis sat bolt upright, eyes wide. "This has to do with Andar? I thought you said Quoesia!" He looked at Nolyn and Eptina, neither of whom could meet his anger for long. Silent for a moment, he said as calmly as he could manage, "You are not in trouble, Marcus. Please continue."

  Swallowing, Marcus said in a trembling voice, "M-master Ash's dream was about a shadow monster attacking someone he could not remember and him attacking it trying to protect that someone." Zoe hugged his arm as he forced himself to continue. "M-my dream was about a thing a lot like he wrote about, ex-except that the thing was killing Master Nolyn and me attacking the monster to save him." Biting his lip, he added, "And-and I found an entry in a journal from Master Bennu."

  Ellis's anger drained away as he sat back abruptly at the mention of his dead twin brother. "Bennu?"

  Marcus fidgeted, eyes down. Zoe looked up at him, holding his hand in both of hers. "It is okay, Marcus," she assured. "Tell us what you found."

  "It was..." He looked up at Ellis. "He... he had written about... Master Ash. About how he was always tired and-and having nightmares and... and he worried he was going to die because he was getting very weak and sick until..."

  "When Ash ran away," Ellis murmured, staring into the distance. "He said... the Great Mother made everything better."

  "Wait, so whatever attacked Master Nolyn is the same thing that had attacked Ash Avarian?" Eptina asked incredulously. "And is likely the same thing that attacked others from Quoesia?"

  Nolyn came over, kneeling in front of Zoe and taking her hands. "Can She help me as She had helped Ash?"

  Zoe's eyes were wide and she shook her head. "N-no. She says... She does not intervene when we can discover the means to a solution ourselves." Stamping her foot, Zoe grabbed the sides of her head. "It isn’t right! We should help because Nolyn is a good man and we need him and I don't want to lose a friend and—"

  Nolyn grabbed Zoe's hands and then pulled her into a fierce embrace. "It is okay, Zoe," he hushed soothingly as the girl burst into tears. "It is all right. Have faith in Her wisdom because She has faith in us. We will figure it out. I am not lost yet."

  Eptina focused on her cup at the emotional scene. "Master Ellis, I... need your guidance." She looked up, troubled. "I know my duty is to the goddess, but I'm afraid that no matter what is done, it will be... harmful. I am certain someone in my family... had pierced the Andarian barrier you and your brother had created."

  Ellis scowled. "Exactly why would that have been done?"

  The woman looked away in shame. "A few years ago, many of the hunters and trappers complained that their prey often fled into Andar territory because the barrier barred only humans, not flora or fauna. They would petition regularly and then one day, the petitions stopped. I thought it odd, but I was more relieved they stopped than thought about why they had." She took a deep breath. "After a few months, there were reports of some going missing. Then the casualties started appearing several months later."

  "You do not know who ordered it or actually did it?" Ellis demanded.

  "I have suspicions, but no proof. When I att
empted to repair it myself, we were attacked. I lost my horse and several good people. My guard suffers as-as Nolyn does. I realized then I needed help and Master Nolyn was the only one I felt... could help me. The only one I trusted to admit I… failed." She stood, turning away from everyone. "I thought I was just weak. Not that the danger was so terribly great it would require more than... one strong mage. The Illaini Magus never required assistance to handle these sorts of things. And both Illaini are gone from us. I had hoped... Nolyn had learned how Master Ash had done it."

  "The Illaini Magi both touch temporal energies." Valerian frowned, focusing inwardly. "Gifts often follow family lines, and anyone can touch time if their need and focus is great enough. But I could not mend your barrier because I have no ability with Forentan magic." He shook his head sharply. "I patched it by stopping time within the holes, but that will only endure for a few months before the more determined could pass through. But if Avarians created it…?"

  Ellis considered. "I do not know if I am strong enough alone. Bennu and I worked together to create that barrier and it took a lot out of us both. I do not know if normal mages could chain as we had. It is a unique ability only found among twins." He looked to Eptina. "I want you to return to the Academy and find out where any Guardians have been seen so we can try to get a message sent to them. I am confident a request for aid will not go unanswered, especially if we formally request it. In the meanwhile, we can see what we can to do mitigate the damage that has been or will be done."

  The woman nodded as she gathered herself. "Yes, Se'edai." She stopped by Nolyn, putting her arms around him and kissing him soundly before turning and leaving. Nolyn just stared after her, then looked at the others.

  Valerian smirked a little. "I did not realize you were such a ladies' man, Master Nolyn."

  He held up his hands. "Hey, there is nothing going on between us!"


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