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Montgomery Billionaire Series

Page 97

by Michelle Love

  Quilla stroked the hair back behind his ears. ‘If I didn’t already love you more than it was possible to love someone, Jakob Mallory…’

  She kissed him, her lips moving firmly against his, her fingers knotting in his hair. Jakob closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her skin against his, tasting her, his tongue moving against hers gently. Then as the heat began to build, he pushed her away, gently. ‘Quilla…you have to take it easy. Seriously, we have to wait at least six weeks, the doctor said.’

  ‘God.’ She was annoyed now. ‘I feel fine. It doesn’t even hurt anymore; my stitches are coming out in a few days.’

  Jakob is grinning at her sulky face. ‘Nympho. I’d rather wait a few weeks then have you healthy for the rest of your life than risk anything…tearing.’

  They both winced and Quilla shrugged. ‘Fine…but after six weeks, you’d better be ready for some seriously dirty sex.’

  He grinned, leaning over to kiss her. ‘Damn right I will be.

  Joel pushed his way into the community center slowly. The place was quiet this afternoon – there was a school across the street, and he could hear the kids playing in the sun. Joel went to the reception and pressed the bell. A kind-faced woman in her sixties smiled at him as she came around the corner.

  ‘Hi there…you need something?’

  Joel half-smiled, cleared his throat, nervous. ‘Yeah, um, I was wondering if you had any Fall evening classes with any places left?’

  ‘Okeydokey,’ she sat down at her desk and wiggled the mouse to wake the computer screen. ‘Well, let’s see…what kind of thing were you looking for?’ At Joel’s blank face, she smiled. ‘Okay, let’s just see what we’ve got available first then go from there. Just a minute, dear.’

  The phone rang on her desk, and she picked it up, balancing it on her shoulder and chin. She spoke quietly into it at first then glanced up at Joel. ‘Actually,’ she said to the other person on the phone, ‘I could use some help. I have a very pleasant young man at reception who wants to know if we have any places left in the evening classes. No, that’s just it, I don’t think he knows so maybe you could talk…that’s wonderful, see you in a minute.’

  She put the phone down and smiled. ‘We have our careers advisor coming to see you; she may be able to help you chose the right course for you. Take a seat, hon.’

  Joel thanked her and went to sit down. He grabbed a magazine from the pile on the table; saw Skandar’s face on the cover. He never stopped feeling proud of what his son had achieved. Ever.

  ‘Joel?’ He looked up to see a very attractive, very familiar blonde woman grinning at him.

  ‘Nan?’ His voice broke in amazement. Dude, you sound like Scooby Doo.

  Nan obviously had a asimilar thought and smothered a grin. ‘Come with me.’ She nodded towards the inner sanctum. ‘I have an office with air con we can talk in.’

  He hadn’t noticed the reception was stifling until she said it. He followed down a long hallway and into a small office at the far corner. As they sat, he smiled at her.

  ‘It’s good to see you again…how’s your sister?’

  Nan rolled her eyes. ‘All teenager. Shouldn’t say that, apart from the odd aberration like that night, she’s a good kid. Cares about people, about the world. How about your friend?’

  Joel smiled. ‘Well on the way to recovery. My brother tells me she’s bored out of her mind on bed rest.’

  Nan laughed. ‘Maybe you should have brought her too. Which brings me to my next question – Joel, Hayley told who your family was, what they’ve done so I guess my question is: What the hell is a billionaire doing asking after night classes?’ She had such a sweet grin that Joel couldn’t help but join in with her laughter.

  ‘My son needs more intensive coaching than I can give him and, to be honest, I’m sick of traveling around the world.’

  She looked at him askance, and he held his hands up. ‘Sorry, that didn’t come out right. What I mean is…I need to do something for myself now, and I’d like to be closer to my family.’

  ‘And you didn’t want to go into the family business?’

  ‘That’s just it – the family business isn’t just one thing – it’s art, it’s property, it’s acting, it’s sport. I’m trying to find where I fit in.’

  Nan nodded. ‘I understand…well, what is it you’re passionate about?’

  Joel was silent for a moment. ‘I can’t remember anything past caring for my son. Is that sad?’

  ‘Definitely not,’ Nan said with feeling, her cheeks reddening. ‘That’s wonderful. I kind of get where you’re coming from – Hayley and I are a self-contained unit. Of course, that doesn’t help you now,’ she admitted with a grin.

  Joel smiled. He liked this woman very much, her humor, her intellect, her easy smile, her caramel blonde hair falling onto her shoulders…concentrate, Mallory.

  ‘Is this what you do then, give careers advice?’ He looked around the room at the information posters; the books stacked high, battered old file cabinets with drawers that didn’t quite close. There was something comforting about the room – about Nan too, he realized.

  ‘No,’ she said, ‘I just do this once a week when I have free time. I teach eighth grade at the school across the street.’

  He blinked. ‘And on your free period, you volunteer here? Wow.’

  Nan smiled shyly. ‘I like to give back. Hey look, why don’t we start by talking about what qualifications you do have and see what comes up in the mix?’

  Joel smiled gratefully. ‘Thank you, I really appreciate it and…’ he hesitated, not used to this anymore, ‘if it’s not wildly inappropriate, can I take you out for a drink to say thanks? You can say no if…’

  ‘Yes, I’d like that,’ she said blushing furiously and Joel grinned.

  ‘Good. Now…my qualifications.’

  He had no idea what prompted him to ask Nan Applebee out, it was just that second, a lock of hair had fallen over her face, the ends brushing her rosy cheeks and she had looked so entirely adorable that he couldn’t help himself.

  They’d arranged to go out the following Friday. She refused his offer to pick her up – sensible girl – and arranged to meet at one of her favorite bars in the city.

  Joel smiled to himself now as he dressed to meet her. Of all his family, he had always been the one to enjoy simple things – not simple; he amended, just more natural – plain, hardy clothes rather than tailored and expensive suits, a good burger, beer straight from the fridge. He’d always felt the disenfranchised brother, the one who didn’t bring home the supermodels – he immediately felt bad at that thought. He loved Asia and Quilla, and neither of them behaved like some of the women his twin brother Kit dated. He still thought Kit was a fool for letting Asia go.

  Nan Applebee was just the kind of woman he liked; smart, funny, kind. The fact he couldn’t stop thinking about her soft skin, the clean, fresh laundry scent of her.

  Ease on down, tiger; you don’t want to scare her. But Joel grinned to himself. He was looking forward to tonight.

  ‘Once again, your driver is waiting,’ Hayley Applebee flopped down into the chair in her sister’s bedroom, watching her dress.

  Nan flashed a panicked look at her as she stood in her underwear, chewing her lips. Hayley was wearing skinny jeans, a t-shirt and a wooly hat pulled over her long blonde hair and looked like a page straight out of an Abercrombie and Fitch catalog. She grimaced at her.

  ‘Which one?’

  Hayley glanced over with a bored look. ‘The lilac one.’

  Nan picked up the dress and slid it over her head. It was a casual summer dress, spaghetti straps, and a loose fitting. The color suited her skin tone, but Nan still wasn’t convinced. ‘It’s awfully short,’ she muttered, turning to look in the mirror and catching Hayley rolling her eyes.

  ‘As long it covers your biscuits, who cares? You’re twenty-nine for the love of God; I swear sometimes you act like you’re fifty-nine.’ Hayley stifled a yawn and went back t
o texting on her phone for a second. ‘I’ve just put it on Facebook that you’re going out with Skandar Mallory’s dad.’

  Nan whirled around. ‘No, God, Hayley, delete it. I don’t want him to think…Jesus, is it gone?’ She looked so wild-eyed that Hayley looked at her in alarm.

  ‘I was joking….jeez,’ she let out a long breath, ‘do you honestly think I don’t know the way the world works?’

  Nan sucked in a breath. ‘Tell me, oh wise one, how does it work? Little jerk.’

  Hayley grinned. ‘If you don’t hurry up, he’ll be long gone anyway. You look great, can we go?’

  In the car, Nan tried to stop her palms from sweating. Hayley glanced over at her.

  ‘Stop panicking. Have you got everything you need? Money, phone…condoms?’

  ‘Hayley, stop.’ Nan felt embarrassment spread through her.

  Hayley shook her head. ‘I’m serious. A girl’s gotta look after herself and you never know.’ She glanced at Nan’s dress and hid a smile. ‘After all, if things get too hot, that dress at least gives him easy access.’

  ‘Turn the car around,’ Nan ordered, and Hayley laughed out loud.

  ‘Chill, sis. Enjoy the moment, go with the flooowwwww…’ She elongated the word and made it sound much filthier than it needed to. She really wasn’t helping Nan’s nerves. As Hayley pulled the car up to the sidewalk outside the bar, Nan got out and then stuck her head back to glare at her still grinning sister.

  ‘By the way….you were adopted – they found you under a bridge. Wearing Crocs,’ she added, and Hayley laughed again.

  ‘Go meet the hottie,’ she ordered, and as Nan shut the door, she wound down the window and called out. ‘Remember, a girl’s got every right to get hers.’

  Nan scowled after the car as Hayley drove off. Her emotions in a whirl, her stomach roiling with nerves, she took a deep breath and pushed open the door of the bar.

  Joel stood as he saw Nan walk into the bar, her long legs trembling like a new-born foal, her lovely face nervous. He pushed away his nerves and crossed the room to greet her. When she saw him, she grinned with relief and something shifted inside him. Desire.

  ‘Hey,’ he said smiling down at her, admiring the curve of her shoulder, the hollow of her throat, the way the lilac dress warmed her pale skin. Her warm dark eyes shone as she looked up at him.

  ‘Hey yourself, you look great. I love The Grateful Dead,’ she said, nodding at his classic t-shirt. Joel put his head on one side, amused.


  She giggled. ‘Nope, couldn’t pick ‘em out of a line-up, but you do look good.’

  He laughed and held out his hand, and she took it. ‘Come,’ he said, ‘I’ve snagged us a table…what’s your poison?’

  He ordered their drinks and sat down next to her. ‘Well…hello.’

  She laughed, relaxing. ‘How’s the soul searching going? Any progress?’

  Joel grinned. ‘Well thanks to my awesome careers advisor, I’m knocking a few ideas around.’

  ‘Like what?’

  Joel leaned forward. ‘Well, I’ve been coaching Skandar for going on seventeen years, so I thought, maybe, teaching Phys. Ed?’ He looked at her as if to gauge her reaction. Nan, her expression smooth, nodded, but he could tell she had reservations. ‘Just say whatever you’re thinking, Nan, I want your advice.’

  She half-smiled. ‘I think if you want to teach Phys. Ed., that’s great – that’s wonderful, especially if you can commit to the four-year degree course then to continuing your studies of the subject as you teach. You’re in an ideal situation – with those credits from college you already have, they’ll help – and it’s not as if you can’t afford it.’

  Joel nodded. ‘But…?’

  Nan took a deep breath in. ‘I just think…it’s not big enough for you. I think you need to build on what you’ve already done, not start over, albeit in the same field.’

  Joel nodded but then admitted ‘I’m not really following you.’

  Nan smiled. ‘Not really sure what I mean, either. Just that, I think you’re meant for bigger things.’

  Joel sat back and smiled. ‘You think?’

  The waitress brought over their drinks then – two cold beers – and a cocktail. Nan looked bemused as Joel handed it to her. ‘Sip.’

  She did as he said. ‘Man, that’s good…what is it?’

  ‘Appletini,’ Joel said grinning, ‘I thought I’d get extra points by getting an apple for the teacher.’

  Nan laughed. ‘That, Joel Mallory, is adorable. Or cheesy, I can’t tell.’

  ‘Funnily enough, I was going to cheesily adorable, so…’ He put his hand up for a high-five, and she returned it, giggling.

  ‘Anyhoo,’ Nan said, relaxing back into her seat, all trace of nerves gone, ‘tell me about you and your family…’

  Skandar Mallory grinned to himself. He was flying across the Atlantic and had just logged onto his iPad to check his emails. He saw one from his dad and opened it.

  Have a date. With a girl. Feel free to mock.

  Skandar choked out a laugh. Thank God, he wrote, I was beginning to wonder whether it had fallen off.

  He couldn’t actually remember the last time his dad had dated – or even who he had dated. He just hadn’t seemed bothered about it, but now he was free of coaching duties. Skandar had tormented himself over his dad’s decision, wondering if he had somehow caused the sudden outcome. They both knew Joel had taken him as far as he could, but it was a big change for both of them.

  He was on the way now to play in a David Cup match in Paris, the first big match since his dad left him. His new coach, the mercurial Carlos Sosa, the Argentinian legend, was sitting across from him, texting furiously, his permanent glower having etched deep lines on his handsome face. Skandar, while delighted that he’d managed to snag the un-gettable Sosa hadn’t quite got the measure of the man yet. He had a feeling that his more social activities and his fun-loving approach to the game might come into conflict with the older man’s low tolerance approach.

  Yup, he was definitely moving into new territory here. Skandar Mallory, at twenty-five, was the wealthiest sportsman in the world – it didn’t hurt that he’d inherited his father’s movie star looks. Sponsorship deals abounded. Cologne, watches, sports cars – they all wanted him. For the last two years he’d ridden the wave of being completely untouchable at the top of the rankings, but now there were one or two newcomers – men in their late teens, who were coming behind him. Fast. Skandar wasn’t naïve; he knew in a couple of years they’d leave him behind, but he was damned if he’d lie down and take it. He glanced back at Carlos. His first words to Skandar had been ‘I don’t give a fuck who you are, you will listen to me.’ Yeah, scary as hell but exciting too. He hoped his dad would be okay and wondered how his date was going. His own love life was a riot of…well, basically whoever he wanted, but it was a lonely existence. Always being out on the road. Still, there was enough time for love.

  Right now, all he wanted to do was win.

  Alright, so Joel Mallory was…delicious, Nan, four Appletinis on an empty stomach, decided. True, her head was a little woozy but God, the man, could bring the funny, the handsome and the drop dead sexy.

  ‘How come you’re not married?’ Oh hell. Blabbermouth.

  Joel didn’t seem to mind. ‘Just didn’t happen. Skandar’s mom skedaddled pretty soon after he was born, more fool her. Then I just got busy. Now and again, I would go on dates but not for a while. But then, was never interested in anybody until now.’

  Nan flushed pink and couldn’t hide her smile. ‘Okay.’ Deep breaths, deep, deep.

  ‘Nan?’ Joel’s mouth curved up in the sexiest smile she’d ever seen. ‘Are you free tomorrow?’

  Saturday. Nan ran through her day in her head.

  ‘I think so…why?’

  Joel took a sip of his soda – he’d had one beer, she noticed, and stopped. ‘Oh just to go through some college applications.’

  Her face
fell, and he laughed. ‘I’m kidding. I’d like to…oh er, I hadn’t thought what, but I’d like to take you out again.’

  ‘Love to,’ she braved a grin. ‘How about you give me a tennis lesson?’

  Joel looked relieved. ‘Good thinking. Note to self, always plan what you’re going to ask a woman to do.’

  Nan grinned wickedly. ‘Sometimes…other times, you can wait until the moment is right, like…’

  She was hushed by his lips on hers, tender, hesitant and then when she responded, his hands slid around her waist. When they broke apart, she laughed.

  ‘Just like that. Yes, very well done illustrating my point.’

  Joel grinned. ‘Glad you think so.’ He drew a fingertip down her cheek. ‘Nan….is it short for Nancy?’

  She shook her head. ‘No, just Nan.’

  ‘Nan…this is going to sound like such a line, but would you like to come back to my place?’

  Yes, hell yes. But Nan wasn’t drunk enough to be reckless. She hesitated and he saw the doubt on her face.

  ‘Hey, look, I’m not expecting anything. Just drink and talk, is all, I swear.’ He gave a rueful grin. ‘Seriously, I have no game. I think Kit stole of all mine when we were in the womb.’

  Nan laughed. ‘That scoundrel.’

  ‘He is a cad and a bounder.’

  Nan chuckled then sighed. ‘Look, I’ll be honest….I want to. I want to like you wouldn’t believe. But the Mary Sue in me is going ‘on the first date, you harlot?’ Even if it is just drinks and talk.’

  Joel nodded. ‘Understood. Can I at least give you a ride home?’

  ‘That you can do.’

  She smiled as they walked, hand-in-hand, to his truck. ‘1963 Chevy C-10 pickup,’ she said, running her hand over the hood. ‘Gorgeous. You refurb this?’

  Joel smiled. ‘I wish. I’m afraid this is one of the perks of being a Mallory. I couldn’t resist.’


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