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Shadow Games

Page 9

by Girl, Breukelen

  “Yeah I do, don’t I?” He laughed back at me. “Never really got it. I’ve just always been the wham-bam guy. All I’ve really known. Get in, get some pleasure, get out, so to speak.”

  “We are a pair, aren’t we?” I flicked my hair back off my shoulder. “Former sex worker who sells the ideal of false love and a shadow demon who lives for fast sex without emoitional attachments. No wonder we’re so perfectly fucking matched.” He put a hand up to my face and ran it over, what I knew were still obvious bruises on my face.

  I was getting better, physically, my swollen eye had gone down. The sex Tarin and I had after the fight with Arlow had surprisingly like he’d said, started healing properties in me. I didn’t think of it as abilities I had so much as something Tarin had given to me, to help me. “As bad as succubuses.” He replied.

  I raised an eyebrow back at him.“So much I don’t know about the paranormal world.”

  “Right.” He agreed and moved to sit beside me. We sat in silence for a moment. “But you know what? There’s a hell of a lot the paranormal world doesn’t know about Truth Sayers either. You,” he paused to look over at me. “Are rare.”

  “Advantage me.” I smirked. “I might just manage to live to see another day, yet.” Tarin rested his head back against the wall and I looked at him smiling a closed mouth smile upwards. “I’ll protect you.”

  “I don’t need protection, from you.” I replied as he looked back down and at me again.

  “Do you need anything from me Katelyn, anything at all?” Jesus he was vulnerable, what was going on here? I wasn’t sure I could keep up. There was so much to take in and everything I did with Tarin, seemed so new to me, even though it shouldn’t.

  “Yes, yes I do.” I moved cautiously over to him, and straddled his lap as he lowered his legs for me. Tarin’s arms pulled me onto him and my lips ghosted his. He pulled me in closer and I winced loudly.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “It’s my ribs and…” I reached down between us. “This,” I pulled back and lifted Arlow’s ornate knife from Tarin’s waistband. We both looked at it carefully. “So somehow, this is a unicorn horn.”

  “Unicorn horns are supposed to pierce the truth of a matter.” Tarin said looking at the knife in my hand as I held it up.

  “Is this the only thing that can kill me, I mean, Asha?” I lifted my eyes to look over at Tarin’s. We connected.

  “What if someone hired Arlow to kill you because of Asha?”

  “So all of this craziness we’ve been through, it’s really about the Asha Vahisita? Who would want a god dead?” I asked Tarin thinking outloud.

  “Forget that, who would even know a god, I mean a real honest to….well, goodness, god? Asha is over forty thousand years old.” My eyebrows flew up in surprise. “She had the balls to brag about her rather impressive, epic age to me.” He explained.

  “The vampire woman?”

  Tarin shook his head and fingered the knife. “No, she’s too young a vamp for that and besides, she said she wanted Arlow for her own nefarious means.” I felt him tense and found myself wanting to comfort him from the nightmares of his mind, all because of the vampire bitch. I really needed to find out if staking a vampire was really a kill method or myth.

  “So you’re saying, someone manipulated the vampire to put all this in moition, just to bring Asha out into the open? But who? How?”

  “Or,” Tarin paused looking over the knife’s ornate handle back at me. “It really is about you and the way to get to you is through Asha.” I handed the knife back to Tarin and tried to ignore the sense of dreed filling me up as much as the pain of my broken and burised body.

  “Well that list, could be rather long. I haven’t exactly lead a perfect life.”

  Tarin smirked back at me. “Welcome to my world, I’ll be your tour guide for trouble, mayhem, fighting, immoral behaviour and self indulgence.” I burst out laughing at him and winced immedieately from the pain racking my body.

  “Stop it.” I grumbled putting a hand to my ribs with a smile.

  “I intend too.” Tarin said seriously.

  I looked up at him. “How are you going to do that for me?”

  “Trust me truth-sayer.” He smiled flashing fangs making my tempreture soar and my heart skip a beat or two.

  “I trust you more than I trust Asha.” I replied solemly and honestly. “How fucked up is that?”

  “Fairly.” We laughed again and I groaned at the my body’s flare up of pain as we contemplated our next move, together against those who would come for us.

  I knew they would come, that it was not over. At least not with the assassian Arlow, we now held his source of power in our hands and we had no idea how to use it, or what it could do to him, to us or anyone else.

  We’d likely still be on the vampire woman’s radar because of Tarin alone, but more so because we’d stuffed up her attempted grab of Arlow. And then there was me and what I represented to the paranormal world at large that had now gotten a viewing of me and a possible feel for me, because of Tarin taking me to the party at the Mansion.

  I reassured myself that it was time I came into my own being and with all that had happened to me recently, this might be the cataylist that finally let me do that for real, in a very unreal world, that I seemed to straddle the line in.

  Werewolf storm

  I guess you could say I was having the day from hell.

  Well, it didn’t exactly start out that way, and I may have caused a little of the trouble myself, when I managed to ditch the protective detail of werewolf bodyguards who were assigned to me. But beyond that, the rest of my day, was well and truly outside of my control. Which was a bit like my life as a Breukelen pack werewolf.

  Meeting shape shifting doctor, Megan Marisini from the Neiwe Teme Pack in New Jersey, New York, kind of blew my mind well and truly open. Nothing like discovery you’re not who you thought you were for your whole life, to change your day. That and say a super storm. I didn’t know about the warnings and couldn’t evacuate in time to before the storm hit and tilted my world on an axis I never saw coming.


  Bodil Sommers has never been one for attention, but as the lunar week approaches and the moon rises high in the night sky, she’s going to get a lot of it, from various werewolf males. Doesn’t help if you’re the leading pack alpha’s daughter and every werewolf in the tri-state area wants a piece of you. And not necessarily in a good way.

  Two of the males pursuing her are from her own pack and proving more than a enough to keep up with. Nick Olsen an alpha and Boden Jennings a beta werewolf who are always fighting one another. They’re supposed to be the better option, than giving herself over to another pack’s alpha male or having to win her right to date, through dominance fighting.

  But Bodil finds her paws full when neither male will back down and she can’t figure out what she wants, let alone who she wants, as well as having to stop an impending turf war with another werewolf pack, all before full moon. Who new dating was so complicated?

  New York, leave it to the wolves.

  Beasts of Burden

  A Side Show Story related to the full length novel The Nature of the Beast

  Bg Sommers is in Seattle to catch up with her good friend, and fellow beta werewolf, Sonny Charleston. As usual, a night out on the town wouldn’t be a night out if trouble didn’t follow them and bring Bg more attention than she can handle. When the dangerous looking alpha werewolf, Paris D’arenberg sets his sights on her.

  Bg’s heart knows it’s in trouble, even before the end of the night. As thoughts of her relationship with her pack mate Conall Wakely back home fade, she realizes her heart is willing to be taken and not by just anyone.

  Returning home to Brooklyn after her mind opening weekend away, Bg comes face to face with all aspects and werewolves, of her love life. In order for her to find true happiness, she has to make some personal decisions about it and risk herself in the process.
  Is she a fearlessness werewolf to truly try and unburden the beast that is her werewolf heart? Conflicted she must conquer what her heart truly desires and understand that it is okay to seek love and to love fully.

  Wild Life

  Addison Harrington is used to leading a pretty wild life. After all, you don’t get to be a werewolf and be normal, as such. As an alpha werewolf and second in command of the Manhattan Maen werewolf pack, he’s very much used to living the werewolf way of life. He’s up to his neck in werewolves, daily, nightly and at all times.

  So when he finds himself face to face with Cassidy Owens, a non-werewolf female at a pack party, he becomes a little intrigued in the human species. Even if he is somewhat unsure of what to do, other than have some fun. But can he have fun with a human woman? His version of fun? After all, Addison’s never been one for human companions, or relations as such.

  As the lunar week approaches, Addison finds himself drawn to Cassidy. But his werewolf lifestyle could spell trouble, for the both of them. Before Addison can figure out how to break it off with Cassidy, she is dragged, kicking and screaming into the werewolf world at large. Addison finds he must save Cassidy as much as he must save himself by confronting his own feelings for a human. Feelings he thought he’d never have.

  Bleeding Hearts

  Not all Werewolf packs are equal, and not all werewolves are equal either. Doll and Jeremy are 'strays', werewolves without a pack. They witnessed the decimation of their pack by a pack of Alpha werewolves. After escaping their imprisonment, they find themselves far away on the other side of the country, the shores of the Pacific, amongst the Seattle Alki Pack.

  Can these two young strays overcome their fears of alpha wolves to forge a new life with new pack-mates?

  And when an old enemy reappears to claim them, will the trust in their new pack be stronger than their need to flee? Will the Seattle Alki help them fight for their very lives? Or leave them broken hearted, bloodied and torn apart, for the wolves?

  Lunar Night Stand

  A Side Show Story related to the full length novel The Pack.

  Gabby Colton is cool, calm and very collected, most of the time, she has to be, she’s an alpha werewolf from the Manhattan Maen werewolf pack. Which means living by expectations and pack rules and standards. But having Conall Wakely turn up unexpectedly on her doorstep during a lunar week, throws the alpha female. But then Gabby sees an opportunity worth taking.

  There is history between Conall and Gabby and it isn’t at all good. So what good could come from these two meeting up without anyone to pull them apart? Then again, Conall Wakely’s never been a model good guy. So why not indulge in his bad boy behavior? Besides, what’s the worst an alpha female werewolf could possibly do to him, other than break his balls?

  This is what happens when young Breukelen beta werewolf, Conall Wakely decides to pay a house visit to Manhattan Maen’s fiercest alpha female, Gabby Colton.

  The Pack

  On an irregular lunar week in Manhattan New York, odd things are happening. The Werewolves of New York City are acting up. And it seems everyone is affected, even Manhattan Maen pack leader, Paris D'arenberg.

  But does Paris see the chaos around him or is he used to it? His pack mate Bg tries to warn him that something is coming. But what would be brave enough to come for an alpha werewolf? Especially a pack leader like Paris. Or is Paris not the real target of these strange events? As the lunar week unfolds, Bg and the Manhattan Maen werewolf pack will have to face something unexpected and unprecedented happening to them. Which will require making the hardest decision of Bg's life. How can her love for Paris survive, if he doesn't?


  What happens to a werewolf on a lunar eclipse? Well, one werewolf in particular. The follow on from Reasons. Gabby and Bg sort out a few differences between them.


  Everything happens for a reason, right? And everybody's got their reasons for doing what they do, right? So explain to me, Breukelen Girl, why an Alpha female werewolf hates my guts enough to try and kill me.

  This is the story of what happens when two female werewolves, one Alpha - and one Beta - from differing packs, do not get along and animosity grows into hatred and hatred becomes, an action that in unavoidable. For either werewolf.

  Lycan La Vida Loca

  My love life is complicated. Because I'm a werewolf. I think it's always been complicated. In part due to my first serious romance. Because he's my alpha pack mate's friend. My pack mate doesn’t know this. To make matters trickier, my first true love is a lycan. Werewolves look down on lycans. So how would my pack mate look at me, if he knew I'd given my virginity to a lycan?

  Werewolves do not like to think of lycans as equals to them. So to fall in love with a lycan would be considered bad for a werewolf like Breukelen Girl. But to fall in love and then make love to a lycan, would be considered the worst thing a werewolf could do.

  Especially for a werewolf like Breukelen Girl, from the leading pack family in Brooklyn, New York.

  Of Wolf and Male

  My love life is complicated. Because I’m a Werewolf. I broke up with my boyfriend, he’s from the same pack as me. He doesn’t appreciate me going out with an Alpha male from another New York Pack. Males, wolves, I swear they’re all the same. They just want to claim something as they’re own. Namely me.

  Two male werewolves, one beta, one alpha and one female. An ex boyfriend, a new boyfriend, two different packs. Somehow all the trouble that involves the female wolf at the center of their interest, comes down to who slept with her first. Who she has given her virginity to.

  It'd shock both male wolves if they found out it was neither one of them.


  At the age of fourteen I was attacked by a pack of wild wolves, at the age of fifteen I found out there were wolves attacking humans in my home town of Brooklyn. This was the beginning of my relationship with Booker Parish. A lycan. A big no-no in the werewolf world.

  One I couldn't resist.

  Growing up Werewolf

  I was fourteen years old once. I was a naive pup. Waiting for my shape shift to happen for the first time. The thing with a first time is it’s always the time you remember. The one that you carry with you always in the back of your mind. You think you know what to expect, but you never do. Especially if you don’t see it coming and it’s nothing like you imagined. Nothing you’ve been told before. It can’t be undone once it’s done.

  Once you become a werewolf.

  Lunar Nights

  A short collection of werewolf erotica in bite size pieces.

  Shadows – Book 1

  Katelyn Phoenix leads a low life. She’s never had a life full of privilege, prominence or affluence. But she’s always been able to see the truth in other people, it’s always been her gift. Because Katelyn’s not your average human female. She’s a truth-sayer and being one of those is rare and highly, valuable if you want to commit personal espionage on others.

  Katelyn’s never had a problem with what she does, it’s not for her to question the ethics of it. Because nobody ever questions her, when she gets them what they want to extort over others. If they’re willing to pay the right price for her services.

  Tarin Armadel is more than willing to pay the price for hiring Katelyn Phoenix. Because in the supernatural world of Melbourne, Australia, Tarin’s not what he seems at first glance either. He comes from the shadows of a cold Melbourne night, to make a proposition to Katelyn that’s too good to refuse. Especially when it involves the mysterious, Tarin in it.

  Katelyn finds herself entering the supernatural world she’s only ever been on the fringes of before, and falling deeper, and deeper for Tarin in the process. But she’s unable to read Tarin, which is something of blessing and a burden. How is she supposed to know what she’s getting into with him? He’s everything she’s never had before in her life and there’s probably a very good reason for that. If only she could get to the bottom of
the truth to find out before its’ too late.

  Shadow Games – Book 2

  Katelyn Phoenix leads a low life. She’s never had a life full of privilege, prominence or affluence. But she’s always been able to see the truth in other people, it’s always been her gift. Because Katelyn’s not your average human female. She’s a truth-sayer and being one of those is rare and highly, valuable if you want to commit personal espionage on others.

  Being a truth-sayer has its moments. For Katelyn Phoenix it would most notably have to be when the man she found herself falling in love with Shadow Demon, Tarin Armadel, who tried to kill her. Katelyn doesn’t want to see Tarin’s face again as she reverts to truth sayer form, as a demi-god named Asha to protect her heart from Tarin’s emotional betrayal.

  But Katelyn finds out that the broken hearted don’t get to time out to hide out from life, when paranormal beings think you’re a threat of to them and want you dead. Time won’t stand still for her to figure out if Tarin’s even telling her the truth about how he feels about her.

  Forced to team up with Tarin in order to get to the bottom of who wants her dead and why, Katelyn finds out that the paranormal world of Melbourne, Australia is far more sinister than it seems and that the Shadow Demon might be the least of her problems when it comes to her reclaiming her life.

  You can find out more about Breukelen Girl– A Werewolf Blog in Brooklyn


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