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The Holiday Sweet Spot: An opposites attract, gorgeous, feel-good romantic comedy (Falcons in Love Book 2)

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by Sophia Knightly

  Before he officially dumped her, Ben ghosted her for two weeks. Worried about Molly, Pilar had doggedly called and texted him until he finally surfaced and admitted he’d gone back to his wife for a second chance. Now he was back, vying for a second chance with Pilar.

  “What are you going to do?” Jake said carefully.

  She drew a labored breath. “I don’t know.”

  Chapter 13

  With the employee party successfully over yesterday, Pilar took a day off to do a bit of Christmas shopping. She didn’t mind navigating the hordes of shoppers, mostly men, searching for last-minute gifts for their loved ones. She only had a few gifts to buy, but she wanted them to be extra special.

  Yesterday had been amazing in many ways. Meeting Jake’s childhood nanny, Aletha, and learning more about him when he was little had been a revelation in a good way. And later, The Sweet Spot team loving her dishes, eating heartily and praising her cuisine had made her feel valued.

  Gracie’s delivery of a beautiful baby girl had been so touching, and Pilar had welcomed reconnecting with Jake in the car. But their moment got ruined by Ben’s inappropriate text. The whole dilemma kept swirling in her mind, and she needed to talk to her sister.

  At lunchtime, she stepped into an Italian bistro, lured by the warm and festive atmosphere. A snow-flecked Christmas tree with multi-colored lights glowed at the entrance of the small, crowded restaurant. Customers sat elbow to elbow at tables covered in red and white checkered tablecloths. The heady aromas of freshly baked pizza, garlic knots and simmering tomato sauce made her mouth water.

  She took a seat at the far end of the counter bar where most of the patrons had their noses in their phones or were busy eating. It wasn’t the most ideal spot for a phone call, but in bustling Manhattan during the holidays, privacy wasn’t an option.

  She ordered a grilled chicken and provolone panino with a side of marinara sauce for dipping from the sinewy server behind the counter. The crusty old guy, most likely the owner, had a heavy Brooklyn accent and kept calling her sweetheart.

  After she finished her tasty lunch and was waiting for her steaming cappuccino to cool, she called Erica.

  “Pili,” Erica exclaimed, answering the call on the first ring. “I was just about to call you. How did your party go last night?”

  “It went great. Everyone loved all the dishes, especially the tamales. But you won’t believe what happened. It was a night of surprises.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Remember I told you about Gracie and how she got pregnant with IVF in her mid-40s?”


  “Well, she went into labor just right after we finished dinner.”

  “Oh, no. I hope it wasn’t your cooking,” Erica teased.

  Pilar laughed. “Maybe, but she was due next week.”

  “Did everything go OK?”

  “Yes, thank God. She delivered a healthy baby girl and named her after Emily. Jake drove her and her husband to the hospital. I went with them. It was heartwarming seeing Gracie’s husband with her. He was so sweet and attentive. I hope we both have that someday.”

  “Me too,” Erica said fervently. “What were the other surprises?”

  “Just one, but it was awful. Ben texted me in the middle of a nice conversation I was having with Jake after we dropped off Gracie in the ER.”

  “He did?” Erica sounded shocked. “What did he want?”

  Pilar sent a screenshot of his text to Erica and waited for her reaction.

  “Selfish jerk,” Erica muttered with a disgusted snort. “He has a lotta nerve coming around before Christmas and dangling his little girl as bait. Did you text him back?”

  “No, and I’m not going to. Ben will never change. As much as it breaks my heart, I don’t think it would be a good idea to see Molly again.”

  “I agree.”

  “She’s not my daughter, and it wouldn’t be fair to confuse her. It’s best for her to forget about me.” Pilar’s throat thickened with emotion, and she swallowed hard. “Even though I’ll never forget her.”

  “You’re making the right decision,” Erica said. “She’s still little, and she has a mother already.”

  “A loving one at that. I’ve met her mother, and she’s devoted to Molly.”

  “If I were her mother, I wouldn’t want my husband’s ex-girlfriend to be in touch with my daughter.”

  “That’s what I was thinking too. I knew you’d agree.”

  “So, tell me about Jake. Has that Jessica girl disappeared? You said you were having a nice conversation with him before Ben’s text interrupted you.”

  Pilar let out a lungful of air. “I don’t know what’s going on in Jake’s head. Yesterday, we reconnected after I distanced myself for two days, but I have no idea where I stand. All I know is that he wants to take me out and show me the sights. All fun things, but he hasn’t mentioned what’ll happen after New Year’s Eve when we both go back to our lives.”

  “Why don’t you just enjoy the moment with him? I would. He sounds like a great guy from what you’ve told me.” She paused. “Other than the complication of Jessica, that is.”

  “Yeah, she’s a complication all right. Frankly, I think he’s clueless about how I feel.”

  “Then clue him in,” Erica said. “Look, I know he’s your employer’s son, but I wouldn’t stand on formalities with him. He sure hasn’t with you. Lay it out there,” she urged. “Men can take blunt talk. But wait until after Christmas.”

  “Of course. I want to see how things develop. Last night, I got to know him a lot better. After Ben’s text, we stayed in the hospital parking lot and chatted about our childhoods. I told him all about my family, and he said he was envious. He’s an only child, though his mother loves to refer to her dog as his little sister.”

  “I’m sure he loves that,” Erica said sarcastically.

  “Yeah, it’s funny how she teases him.” Pilar looked up and noticed a line of people at the entrance waiting to be seated. She quickly downed her cappuccino and signaled for the check. “Gotta go, Rica. I’m at a lunch counter, and a lot of people are waiting for my spot.”

  “OK. We’re all going to FaceTime you tonight so you can be a part of our Noche Buena.”

  “Oh, good. I was planning on it,” Pilar said. “Miss you.”

  “Miss you too. Talk later. Bye.”

  By late afternoon it was already getting dark, and Pilar still hadn’t bought Emily’s gift. Thanks to Choco Bear, she’d gotten the perfect one for Jake, but she wasn’t sure if she’d give it to him. It all depended on how things went tonight. He’d texted earlier to let her know that Emily was having dinner with Choco Bear, and he’d take care of ordering their dinner in tonight. He said he’d be home by seven.

  That suited her perfectly. She looked forward to winding down with a nice cozy dinner with him and was thrilled that he wanted to spend Christmas Eve with her and not Jessica. Maybe Jessica wasn’t a threat after all. Or maybe Jake was spending the day with her. The very idea infuriated her. She pushed the self-defeating thoughts away and vowed to enjoy the evening with him. Hopefully, she’d get a better feel of his intentions tonight.

  Snow flurries were falling as she exited Bloomingdale’s on 59th and Lexington. She put a few dollars in the Salvation Army guy’s bucket and praised him on his soulful rendition of “Joy to the World.”

  A yellow taxicab pulled up to her, but she shook her head and waved him away. She wanted to walk back and check out the boutique stores along the way. Hopefully something would strike her fancy as a gift for her wonderful host and employer. As she strolled along, she breathed in deeply, enjoying the enticing aroma of honey-roasted assorted nuts wafting from a sidewalk vendor’s smoky cart.

  Hugging herself, she relished every minute of the joyful vibes surrounding her. When would she ever have the chance to experience Christmas Eve in Manhattan again? The city was alive with bright lights, lavishly decorated store windows and shoppers laden with pac
kages. Caught up in the holiday spirit, she was in no rush as she took in the exciting sights and sounds.

  She was amazed at how much she’d experienced in the week she’d been here and surprised by her reaction to the hectic pace. Rather than exhaust her, it energized her. She didn’t mind the cold weather or the cloudy days, because when the sun did peek out, it was glorious on a chilly day. And if she got tired of the city hustle and bustle, she could always head to Central Park to unwind in the beauty of nature.

  She loved bundling up from head to toe and walking everywhere. It was liberating and fun. And if she couldn’t get somewhere by foot, she could always take the subway or a taxi. The city was rife with car services.

  She spotted Central Park in the distance and strolled toward it, stopping to take a few pictures to share with her family. She gazed in wonder at the fine patina of snow frosting the bare limbs of the majestic trees. She hadn’t had a chance to fully explore the park, but she planned on doing so before returning to Naples.

  Turning right on Fifth Avenue, she spotted a fanciful florist shop with gorgeous flower arrangements in the window. Perfect. That’s what she’d get for Emily. Several minutes later, she left the store holding a cedar cube filled with deep fuchsia, burgundy and white peonies interspersed with bay laurel and frosted sage green leaves.

  The arrangement was too heavy to carry, so she hailed a taxi. Once inside it, she turned and gazed through the back window as the cab sped up Fifth Avenue, dodging through traffic.

  She was going to miss this vibrant city. But most of all, she realized with a pang, she was going to miss Jake.

  When Pilar arrived at Emily’s townhome, she set the flower arrangement on the floor, took off her wool beanie and hung her coat on the wrought iron rack. She stepped out of her wet boots and left them drying on the brush mat in the entryway before she entered further.

  The townhouse was uncharacteristically quiet as she approached the living room with the flower arrangement. She set it on Emily’s marble table in front of her white damask sofa and took a moment to admire it before she headed to her room to freshen up.

  She stepped into a hot shower to get the chill out of her bones. After the blissful shower, she toweled off and wrapped herself in the plush white robe that Gabe and Lily had given her with matching slippers as an early Christmas present.

  Glad that no one was home, she sat cross-legged on the bed and opened her laptop. It was only six o’clock. Jake would be here in an hour. She had plenty of time to get ready, but first she’d chat with her family. She texted Erica to gather them for a FaceTime session, then fluffed the pillows behind her and waited.

  Soon, they all appeared on the screen wishing her a raucous “Merry Christmas” in unison. She heard music in the background as Mamá and Papá beamed at her and blew kisses. Gabe stood beside them holding baby Xavier with one arm and the other draped around his beautiful Lily’s shoulders, looking happier than ever.

  Nico, the tallest and youngest, grinned and waved from behind everyone. And front and center, Erica hugged Abuelita as they smiled and waved at Pilar. Abuelita wore a Frida Kahlo flower crown on her head, most likely a gift from Lily, Gabe’s wife.

  Pilar promptly burst into tears.

  “What’s wrong?” Abuelita exclaimed, her eyes wide with alarm. “Why are you crying, mi niña?”

  “Don’t worry, Abuelita. They’re happy tears. I miss all of you, that’s all. I guess I’m feeling extra emotional today,” Pilar said with an apologetic smile.

  “Oh, OK, you scared us there,” Erica said, shaking her head. “We miss you too, Pili, but it’s not like you’re moving there.” Her lips lifted cheerfully. “We’ll see you in the New Year.”

  “Yes, indeed, and you’ll have a lot to tell us,” Abuelita predicted. “I hope you are staying warm. We saw it’s snowing there.”

  “It is, and it’s beautiful. I’ll send you some pictures I took of Central Park tonight.” Pilar heard the sound of a door opening and closing. “I gotta go now. I think Jake’s here.”

  “Jake?” Mamá said, her feelers instantly going up. “Who is Jake?”

  “Yeah, who is he? Are you keeping him from us, Pili?” Gabe said, a smile hovering on his lips.

  Lily nudged Gabe. “Stop teasing her.”

  “Quién es Jake?” Abuelita inquired, leaning into the screen to peer at Pilar.

  “Jake is Pili’s boo,” Erica announced, dissolving into hilarity.

  “Thanks a lot, Rica,” Pilar said in exasperated amusement. Erica knew how to make Pilar crack up. Her parents and Abuelita were probably wondering what a boo was. “How many drinks have you had already?”

  “Not enough,” Erica replied, faking hiccups.

  “Stop being silly, Erica. We want to know about Jake,” Abuelita said, raising her voice.

  “I’m right here. What do you want to know?” Jake said, walking into the room.

  Pilar let out a high-pitched squeak and nearly toppled off the bed when she saw him. Too late, she realized she’d left her bedroom door open. Her face burned wondering if he’d heard Erica call him her boo.

  “Come on, sis, introduce us to Jake,” Nico pressed.

  Jake sauntered over and appeared next to Pilar. He gazed into the screen and greeted them warmly. “Hello, Falcon family. It’s great to finally meet you. Pilar has told me wonderful things about you.”

  “Pilar, why are you in your bathrobe with a strange man in your room?” Papá blustered, squinting at the screen from afar.

  Everyone burst out laughing. Everyone except Papá, who remained unsmiling as he waited for her answer.

  Pilar shot a glance at Jake. His jaw was clamped as he struggled to keep a straight face.

  “He’s not a strange man, Papi. This is Emily’s son, Jake Radcliffe. We’re both staying in his mother’s home. Enough questions. Feliz Navidad and Merry Christmas! Talk to you later,” she said and quickly shut the laptop screen before they continued to rib her.

  “Now that you’ve met my family, please leave so I can get dressed,” she said, clutching the lapels of her bathrobe together.

  A grin spread over his face. “Your family is great, but I’m a little concerned about your father.”


  “Is he going to come after me with a shotgun?”

  Pilar bit back a grin and shrugged. “Maybe.”

  Chapter 14

  Emily sat beside Choco Bear on his oversized couch sipping a glass of port as they watched the snow fall through his living room window. One of the best things about his apartment was the view of the neo-Gothic Catholic church across the street.

  Suzette was contentedly snuggled between them, fast asleep. Decked out in a sweet little plaid sweater with tiny red velvet bows on her floppy ears, she was Instagram ready in her chic outfit.

  “Would you mind if I spent the night here?” Emily said suddenly, catching Choco Bear by surprise. She laughed when he choked on his drink.

  “Mind? I’d be honored. But are you sure you want to spend Christmas Eve here?” he asked curiously.

  Emily nodded. “I’m sure.” She pointed to her tote bag. “I brought everything I’ll need in that bag, including Suzette’s food for tomorrow morning.”

  His brows drew together as he stared at her. “So, this was premeditated?” A hint of a baffled smile touched his lips.

  “Yes, but not for the reason you’re thinking,” Emily said quickly.

  “What does that mean?” Disappointment edged his tone.

  “I’m doing it because I think Jake would appreciate an evening with Pilar without his momma around. Those two lovebirds need some alone time to sort a things out.” She smiled to lessen the blow to Choco Bear’s ego. “Hence, my sleepover.”

  He patted her knee. “Still playing matchmaker, Queen Bee?”

  She shook her head. “I really don’t need to. Jake is smitten with her. I’m just moving things along faster.”

  “Why not let things happen in due time?”
br />   “Because Pilar is leaving after New Year’s Eve, and every day counts.”

  Choco Bear nodded. “I see what you mean.”

  Emily reached for her iPhone on the end table beside her. “I’m going to call and tell him not to expect me tonight.” She pressed Jake’s number and waited.

  After several rings, he answered sounding rushed. “Hey, Mom, what’s up? Everything OK?”

  “Everything is fine. What are you up to?”

  “I just brought in a delivery for dinner.”

  “Where did you order from?”


  “Perfect,” Emily said approvingly. “I’ll let you enjoy your dinner then. I was just calling to let you know that I won’t be coming home tonight.”

  “You’re not? Why?” he said, sounding alarmed.

  “A water pipe burst in front of Choco Bear’s building, and his street is sectioned off while they work on it.”

  “Sounds like a mess.”

  “It is, and with the snow coming down faster, I imagine it’s going to take all night to fix it.” She winked at Choco Bear, noting how his shoulders shook with merriment. “I can try to get to a cab, but I’ll have to walk down to the next avenue.”

  “Are you crazy? Do not head out in the snow at this hour,” Jake said adamantly. She could just imagine him frowning at the phone.

  “Don’t get grumpy. I promise I’ll stay put.”

  “Good,” he grunted. “Enjoy the evening with Choco Bear. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Yes, until tomorrow,” she agreed. “I’m sure it’ll be fixed by then. Please give Pilar my love.” Emily hung up smiling triumphantly. She gave Choco Bear a thumbs-up signal.

  “That was too easy,” Choco Bear observed with a bemused smile.

  “It’s not often I tell a white lie, but when I do, I make sure it’s believable and that it won’t hurt anyone,” she explained. She didn’t want Choco Bear to think he couldn’t trust her.


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