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The Holiday Sweet Spot: An opposites attract, gorgeous, feel-good romantic comedy (Falcons in Love Book 2)

Page 14

by Sophia Knightly

  Humming softly, she left her tote with the coat check attendant and made her way to the party. As she approached the event space, she spotted Emily standing outside the venue, resplendent in a teal blue satin dress.

  Emily walked toward her with outstretched arms. “There you are. I was just asking about you,” she said, giving Pilar a hug when she reached her side.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting. I was changing for the party.”

  “You look positively gorgeous,” Emily trilled.

  “Thank you. You look stunning,” Pilar said, gazing at her in awe. “I love your dress. It’s beautiful.”

  Emily’s eyes glimmered with nostalgia. “This dress is very special. John bought it for me, and I wore it 25 years ago for the opening.”

  “Wow, it still fits you perfectly.”

  “It’s a miracle it fits with all the scrumptious food you’ve been spoiling me with,” Emily said merrily.

  “Are you satisfied with the desserts?” Pilar said, holding her breath.

  “Satisfied? I’m thrilled!”

  “Oh good.” Pilar exhaled a relieved breath.

  “Everyone is raving about the dark chocolate and chestnut Mont Blanc dessert you concocted, and those mini baked Alaskas were spectacular with the sparklers,” she enthused. “What was in the ramekins?”

  “The first layer was chocolate Sacher torte, the second layer, Tahitian Madagascar vanilla and raspberry swirl gelato, and the last, meringue topping. I’m so thrilled you liked them.”

  Emily regarded her with bemusement. “Why are you so relieved? I knew your desserts would be splendid. And the passion fruit sorbet you served between courses was sublime. You really nailed it with the dark chocolate shavings on top.”

  “Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback.” Unable to contain her elation, Pilar practically bounced on her toes.

  “You’re very welcome. Every detail has been perfection. Oh, and the Aztec hot chocolate shots with the boozy marshmallows the servers are passing around while everyone dances are a huge hit.” The corners of her eyes crinkled in delight. “I have a feeling you’ll be back in the city working bigger gigs than this one.”

  “Really? Why do you say that?” Pilar asked, pleasantly surprised.

  “I’ve had several inquiries about the catering, specifically your desserts. Many of the guests here own high-end businesses, and they like to entertain lavishly.”

  “Oh my gosh, that would be amazing. You just made my night,” Pilar said, elated.

  Emily’s lips lifted slyly. “The night isn’t over yet. You’d better join the party now. Jake is getting impatient to spend the evening with you.”

  “Me too. I can’t wait.” Pilar said caught up in the excitement of seeing him again.

  Jake had stopped by the kitchen earlier to wish her well before dinner. Her senses had cartwheeled when he entered looking formidable and scorching hot in formal evening clothes. He’d led her to an empty room nearby and kissed her until her knees gave out. Greedy, consuming kisses that had roused a restless ache deep inside her. His amorous abduction had left her dying for more and now she was breathless with wanting him.

  She noticed Emily watching her intently and forced herself to shake off the spellbinding, sensual cravings for the woman’s gorgeous son. She started walking away but stopped when she saw Emily hadn’t budged. “Aren’t you coming too?” she asked her with a quizzical tilt of her head.

  “In a moment.” Emily made a shooing motion. “You go first, and I’ll follow behind.”

  “OK, but why?”

  An enchanted smile lit up Emily’s face. “I want to see Jake’s face when you enter the room. You are going to knock him off his feet.”

  Pleased by Emily’s over-the-top, romantic prediction, Pilar felt like she was walking on air as she strolled toward the spacious music room set aside for the party. She heard the band’s vocalist singing John Legend’s “All of Me,” one of her favorite songs, and immediately wished she were already inside dancing to it with Jake.

  She tried to calm the anticipation building inside her with calming breaths, but they didn’t help. Her heart still raced with excitement. This would be a night to remember, and she didn’t want to miss one detail of the party.

  She entered the elegant, airy room and paused, wide-eyed as she took in the grandeur of the soaring ceilings and enormous windows with skyline views of New York and Central Park from the 10th floor. Dazzling bright city lights juxtaposed against the dreamy winterscape met her awestruck gaze. She paused to etch every detail to memory so she could recount the evening to her family.

  Her eyes eagerly scanned the tables for Jake. He wasn’t among the diners, nor was he at the bar. Strolling further inside, her gaze moved to the dance floor, and her heart nearly stopped when she saw Jake from the side. He was slow dancing with Jessica, who was cozied up to him, one hand possessively resting on his back and the other in his as he led her. Pilar’s heart constricted at the sight of them dancing like a couple.

  What on earth had happened between Jake’s earlier impromptu visit and now? This was a living nightmare. She staggered on her feet, her eyes smarting as she stared at them. Gripping the sides of her dress in tight fists, she backed away slowly.

  For the love of God, please don’t notice me, she silently implored.

  She turned and bumped into Emily. “Oh, I’m sorry. Please let me by. I have to go,” Pilar mumbled.

  “Where are you going, dear? What’s wrong?”

  Pilar choked out, “Jake is slow dancing with Jessica on the dance floor,” she said under her breath.

  Emily’s gaze shot to the dance floor. “What the heck is he doing?” she said crossly. “Pilar, honey, it’s not what it looks like. Jessica has been circling Jake all night like a—” She paused and blew out an exasperated huff. Her lips formed a tight line of condemnation as she muttered, “That girl just won’t give up. She must have dragged him onto the dance floor.”

  “I can’t even.” Pilar numbly shook head as her throat tightened. “I don’t want to talk about them. Where is the bathroom? I feel sick,” she said, clutching her stomach.

  “It’s to the right. I’ll come with you.”

  “No, please, I need to be alone. Don’t come,” Pilar begged.

  “OK, dear.” Emily’s troubled eyes searched Pilar’s with helpless despair. “If you need me, just call or text. I’m here for you.”

  Pilar nodded and lowered her head as she scurried to the ladies’ room, praying that Jake wouldn’t see her. Once inside, she entered a stall and leaned her back against the closed door as she sucked in erratic breaths, desperately trying to erase what she’d just seen.

  She shook her head furiously as she recalled Emily’s reasoning. Of course, his mother would say that Jessica had dragged him to the dance floor. Profoundly hurt and disappointed, Pilar recoiled from the pat explanation.

  Jake knew better. He was a compelling man, and nobody could make him do anything against his will. He had freely slow danced with Jessica—there were no two ways about it. She couldn’t stay at the party a moment longer.

  Exiting the stall, she almost stumbled when she saw Jessica enter the restroom.

  Why, God, why was this evening deteriorating so fast?

  Pilar pretended not to notice Jessica as she washed her hands and dried them.

  “You’re Pilar, right?” Jessica said, walking up to her.

  Pilar looked up and nodded. The girl was an idiot and her question insulting. She’d been in Pilar’s company twice previously, yet she was acting like she’d just met her.

  Jessica’s lips spread in a catlike smile. “Congratulations,” she said. “Your desserts were incredible. I normally don’t eat sweets, but I got tempted by them tonight.”

  Tempted by Jake, not the desserts, Pilar thought in stony silence.

  “My parents were very impressed,” Jessica continued. “They want to invite you back next year to make the desserts for The Sweet Spot’s holiday
party for top clients.”

  Pilar stared at her in utter consternation. “What do you mean? It would be Emily inviting me back. Not your parents.”

  Jessica’s eyes brows lifted in disbelief. “Hasn’t Jake told you the good news?” A smug smile lingered on her lips as she regarded Pilar.

  “What news?” Pilar demanded.

  “My parents and I are going to buy The Sweet Spot, and we’re going to keep the employees,” she announced triumphantly. “Isn’t that great? Now, Emily can relax and move to Florida.”

  Chapter 18

  “Do you have any idea where Pilar is?” Jake asked Emily when she appeared at his side outside the ladies’ room. “I’ve been waiting for her to come out of there,” he said, waving a hand at the restroom, “but she hasn’t yet.”

  “Why do you think she’s in the ladies’ room?” Emily said, watching him intently.

  “I saw her crossing the room towards it while I was dancing just now. She looked absolutely stunning in her red dress.”

  “Yes, she did. Who were you dancing with?” she inquired icily.

  “Jessica,” Jake said, taken aback by his mother’s accusatory tone. “Why are you looking at me that way?”

  She briefly closed her eyes. “Because I can’t figure out why you would dance with Jessica when Pilar was going to be your date tonight.”

  “I didn’t plan on it. I was ambushed by her while I was speaking to her parents,” he said in a controlled tone.

  Emily hiked a brow. “Ambushed? A big guy like you?”

  “Jess came up to me and asked me to dance with her in front of her parents. I couldn’t exactly say ‘no’,” he said impatiently. “Her parents have been some of your best clients for years.”

  “I’m well aware of that.” Emily’s brows lowered and pulled together. “It’s too bad Pilar saw you slow dancing with Jessica and instantly got sick to her stomach. I offered to go with her to the ladies’ room, but she asked me not to. She said she needed to be alone.”

  Jake’s jaw clamped down. “Now I feel sick. Pilar’s evening was ruined because of my stupid dance with Jess. I’m going in to explain everything to her,” he said, marching toward the ladies’ room door.

  Emily grabbed his wrist. “Wait,” she hissed. “You can’t go in there. I will. Stay here.”

  Just as Emily said that, Jessica came out of the ladies’ room and stopped when she saw Jake. “Is something wrong?” she asked, peering at him curiously. “Why are you scowling? It’s not exactly the smile I was expecting given the good news for our families.”

  “What good news?” Emily’s eagle eyes narrowed on Jake before she turned to squint at Jessica.

  “Oh, dear. Did I spill the beans?” Jessica’s wide-eyed gaze swung from Jake’s annoyed face to Emily’s perplexed one.

  “Did you see Pilar in the restroom?” Jake said, ignoring Jessica’s ill-timed remark.

  “Yes, she left a few minutes ago.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder with an evasive smile. “Ran out of there like her skirt was on fire.”

  “I’ve been standing here for the past fifteen minutes, and I didn’t see her come out,” Jake said evenly. Why did Jess look like the cat who ate the canary?

  Jess gave an offhand shrug. “That’s because she left through the other door.”

  “What other door?” he demanded.

  “There’s a second exit that leads directly to the coat room near the elevator,” Emily explained tersely.

  Jessica gently touched Emily’s forearm, and Jake noticed how his mother stiffened.

  “I’ll leave so you two can resume your chat.” Jessica aimed a sweet smile at Jake. “I’m looking forward to your toast, and maybe another dance?”

  When he didn’t respond, she left, and Emily turned to him with a caustic look. “That girl is on my last nerve. I wonder what happened in there between her and Pilar.”

  “I’m going to find out now,” Jake vowed. He called Pilar’s number, but it went to voicemail. Frowning, he typed a text message and sent it to her.

  “I doubt she’ll answer your call or your text, Jake. Let me try calling her.” Emily heaved a pained sigh as she began to walk away, but Jake stopped her.

  “Don’t go,” he said. “I want to hear what she says.”

  “Be quiet then,” Emily fussed, “so I can speak to her freely.”

  Jake nodded, and Emily dialed Pilar’s number. He listened intently as she spoke to Pilar in a low, sympathetic tone, asking how she was feeling and why she’d left.

  When she hung up, Emily pressed her hands to her temples and exhaled heavily. “No wonder Pilar is disappointed in you. What’s this about Jessica and her parents buying The Sweet Spot? It’s the first I heard of it.” She eyed him with deep disappointment. “I’m stunned that you would do all this behind my back.”

  “I did not do it behind your back,” Jake bit out, incensed by her unfair accusation. “You specifically asked me not to discuss any details about prospective buyers until after the holidays.”

  Emily put her hands on her hips. “That’s true, but if I’d—”

  “I never guaranteed a sale to Jessica and her parents,” Jake cut in impatiently. “I merely mentioned to them that The Sweet Spot was for sale, and they jumped for it with a generous bid. They also agreed to keep all the staff on, but at no time did I say it was a done deal.”

  “Exactly. It is not a done deal.” Emily stepped forward and poked his chest. “I don’t care how much they offer. The answer is a resounding no! You may own one half of the shares, but I own the other half. Without my vote, there is no deal.”

  Jake pinched the bridge of his nose. “This isn’t the time or place to discuss it.”

  “Agreed,” she said through tight lips. “What are you going to do about Pilar?”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m going to go home after I make the champagne toast,” he said, drawing on patience, “and try to talk some sense into her.”

  “Good luck,” she muttered with mocking snort. “Better change your tactic though. Pilar doesn’t need any sense talked into her.” She waved her hand at him. “But you do.”

  He scratched his jaw irritably. “I have no idea why the two most important women in my life don’t trust me,” he grated. “But I mean to make things right by both of you.”

  “Honestly, if you can’t figure it out, I can’t help you. I have to go. Choco Bear is waiting for me.” With a lift of her chin, Emily stalked away leaving Jake simmering with exasperation.

  At the stroke of midnight, Jake gave his champagne toast to the reveling guests and cut out of Carnegie Hall as fast as he could. He was glad that Emily had stayed behind with Choco Bear, allowing him the privacy for a conversation with Pilar.

  When he arrived home, he went directly to Pilar’s room. He knocked on her closed door twice. When she didn’t answer, he turned the handle to see if she was asleep.

  Carefully opening the door, he adjusted his night vision to search the pitch-black room. Seeing it was empty, he flicked on the light and checked the closet for her suitcases and clothes. Everything was gone.

  Walking toward the bed, he spied an envelope on the nightstand. Well, at least she left him a note. He lifted the envelope, anxious to tear it open and read her message, but his heart sank like lead when he saw it was addressed to Emily, not him.

  Jake spun on his heel and bolted out of the townhouse. He hailed a taxi, intent on getting to LaGuardia Airport before Pilar boarded her flight. It took him an hour to get there amidst the New Year’s Eve revelers jam-packing the streets with traffic.

  Jake sprinted into Terminal C at LaGuardia Airport and checked the flight board for information on Pilar’s flight. It was on schedule, and she probably wouldn’t board for several more hours. Surely, she hadn’t cleared security yet. He searched every eatery in the vicinity and came up empty.

  He went directly to the airline counter and asked the agent if Pilar Falcon had already checked in for her flight.<
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  “I can’t give you that information, sir,” the tall, big-boned woman said. She adjusted her glasses on her nose and straightened her shoulders with authority.

  “Is there any way I can get a pass to go through security? It’s urgent that I speak to the passenger,” Jake said.

  “The only way to go through security is if you buy a ticket, but Ms. Falcon’s flight is completely sold out.”

  He leaned into the counter, wishing he could see the screen. “Is first class available?”

  “No. Every seat is taken and there are non-rev passengers on standby.”

  “What about a flight to another destination? Tampa would be the closest airport or Miami or Fort Lauderdale,” he suggested.

  The woman squinted at the computer monitor and scanned it for several minutes. “I’m sorry but every flight is completely sold out today and tomorrow. People are rushing to get back to work after the holidays,” she said as if he should know that.

  “Look, I’ll buy a ticket anywhere. Just sell me one so I can go through security,” Jake pressed.

  She blinked rapidly. “Sir, that is completely out of…out of the question,” she sputtered. She exchanged a cautious look with her co-worker.

  “OK, never mind. Thanks anyway.” Jake turned away and left before she called security on him.

  Chapter 19

  Back home from New York, Pilar sat next to Erica on the living room couch of their shared apartment. She curled her feet under her and hugged a pillow to her chest. The lights on the Christmas tree that she’d decorated in November glowed brightly in contrast to the darkness in her heart. Leave it to Erica to light up the tree before she’d gone to pick her up at the airport.

  So much had happened since Pilar had left here for New York two weeks ago. She was no longer a naïve, hesitant chef going to the big city for the first time. It was the first day of the New Year, and she felt far more independent and professionally confident returning from her successful trip.


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