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The Living Weapon (Davenport Manor Book 2)

Page 3

by Melissa Zaroski

  Zachariah took her by the waist and slowly turned her back around to him, then slid one hand past her to grab Emma’s waist, keeping them close together. While he could be a wild man, he was still nothing short of being a gentleman.

  “May I kiss you?” He asked Christine.

  She didn’t use words to answer, but leaned upward until her lips reached his. He slid his hand around to the back of her head while still holding onto Emma with the other. Emma caressed down the sides of Christine’s body; slightly grazing her breasts, down to the curvature of her waist, rounding her hips, then moving back up again. Zachariah pulled away and gently directed her head, moving her around to face Emma once again. He swayed himself to be on the side of them, guiding both of their heads toward one another, savoring the sight in front of him.

  Christine, who had never kissed a girl before, was nervous but excited for the experience. She felt a little awkward and gave Emma a giddy smile. She knew this couldn’t have been Emma’s first time because she was no holds barred. She moved right in and pressed her ruby-red lips against Christine’s, slightly opening her mouth while she followed Emma’s lead. As Christine became more comfortable, she opened her mouth wider until they were full-on, French kissing. Zachariah continued to move with the music while he simultaneously caressed both of their backs. He moved his hands down to their round, perky buttocks and gave them both a good squeeze before sliding his hands upward again.

  Emma had run her fingers into Christine’s silky, golden hair; gently stroking her head and occasionally cupping her face. Christine followed Emma’s lead and began to do the same to her raven-black hair, savoring the sensation of being with a girl. It was so soft and gentle, nothing like she had ever experienced. She had hoped her friends weren’t judging her for making out with this random girl, but little did they know that she was Daniel Davenport’s sister. And the fact that she was on her way to a threesome with her and Zachariah Dancy made her uninterested in what her friends thought.

  Emma pulled away and leaned in to Christine’s ear and spoke loud enough so only she could hear, “Do you want to go back to our limo and have a little fun with us?”

  She looked to Zachariah who gave her a sly, seductive smile, his eyes spoke volumes of how much he enjoyed the show…and wanted more. She looked back at Emma and fed Zachariah’s visual pleasure by sensually kissing Emma’s lips and nodding.

  Zachariah took them both by the hands and led them away from the dance floor and through the crowd. People stared as he walked by, holding the hands of two beautiful and completely opposite women; a sunny blonde and a raven brunette. Men were jealous of his fortune and women wanted to join him. They exited the doors to find paparazzi waiting outside with their cameras aimed and ready. The flashes were strobe-like as they tried to plow past them as quickly as they could with their heads down. Christine had seen this type of thing on television, but never thought she would be in the middle of it herself. She had no doubt her picture would land in a tabloid magazine.

  Zachariah led them to their awaiting limo in which they climbed in very quickly without responding to the photographers yelling Zachariah’s name. He told the driver to just drive around the city before rolling up the divider. He turned back to the ladies and seated himself next to Christine, who was once again sandwiched between him and Emma. He began to kiss her while caressing her breasts; his hands cupping each one.

  Emma leaned in and began to kiss her shoulder where her billowy top draped off. She reached down and placed her hand on her upper thigh, gently squeezing as she kissed along her collarbone and neck. Christine reached her hand out and began to run it up and down the length of Emma’s thigh; the feeling of her silky dress made the experience even more enticing. Emma slightly spread her legs and hiked up her dress, guiding Christine’s hand upward to the middle, which she had never done on another girl before. Emma’s skin and private area was cold to the touch, which Christine chalked up to the cold air outside.

  She then became bold and used her other hand to unzip Zachariah’s pants, reaching in to take hold of his solid member. She began to stroke him as he undid her jeans, reaching down to return the favor. Emma continued to squirm rhythmically around her fingers, which was a sensation Christine had never felt before, but actually liked it. After a moment of being in this very odd and unexpected bliss, she couldn’t help but notice that they were both unnaturally cold. His fingers were frigid inside her, which wasn’t an unwelcome feeling, just peculiar. She pulled away from his lips, but he continued to gyrate against her hand.

  “You’re both so cold,” she said with confusion.

  He locked eye contact with her and said with a steady voice, “You won’t be afraid and you won’t scream. After this is over you can tell your friends that you had a threesome in the back of the limo, but that’s it. You won’t remember what is about to happen.”

  She repeated everything back to him, trance-like as she spoke. She saw his fangs descend as he slowly leaned his head back. She didn’t understand why she wasn’t frightened, even though the sight was terrifying. She turned to Emma for an explanation and saw that she looked the exact same way, ready to strike. Since Zachariah had charmed her not to be afraid, she accepted what she saw and continued on, nearing her own climax. Emma and Zachariah both moaned and writhed, and had shattering orgasms with the help of Christine’s hands. As they climaxed, they both struck her shoulders, puncturing the skin and drinking her warm blood that poured from the wounds. The painful sensation from the moment sent her over edge and she reached her own orgasm with the help of Zachariah’s long fingers pounding away. She threw her head back and gasped, loudly moaning from the unfamiliar feeling of pleasure and pain.

  She panted during her aftershocks as Emma and Zachariah licked any remaining blood from the punctures in her shoulders. Emma bit down on her own wrist and put it to Christine’s mouth, encouraging her to drink a few drops to heal up fast. Christine obliged to this foreign request, but somehow knew that it was what she needed to do in order to relieve the pain on her shoulders.

  After Zachariah zipped up, he rolled down the divider and asked the driver to return to Castle to drop off their friend.

  “Wow…” Christine breathed as she zipped up her jeans. “Totally didn’t expect something like this tonight! I’ve never had a threesome before, so thanks for being my first, guys!” The fact that they were vampires had already left her memory due to Zachariah’s request. All she knew was that she just had a threesome with Zachariah Dancy, a Hollywood heartthrob and Daniel Davenport’s sister. She knew of Emma from the media reports surrounding their parents’ deaths when she was awarded custody of Daniel. The evening was completely surreal.

  She checked her phone and saw that her friends had texted her asking where she was. She replied that she had one hell of a story for them and would be back at the club in a few minutes. Zachariah took out his phone and texted Declan to find out where he and Vivienne were. He responded that they were still in the club, but had found some dark corners to have a “drink” in. They had planned to head out of there to their limo and meet up back at the Manor.

  They pulled up to the curb in front of the dance club, ready to drop off their human toy for the night.

  “It was nice meeting you, Christine,” Emma cooed as she laid a gentle kiss on her lips. “Thank you…”

  Christine beamed, “It was nice meeting you, too. I will never forget tonight!” She turned to Zachariah and gave him a kiss and thanked him. She couldn’t wait to tell her friends what she had done when she walked out of the club with them. Whether they would believe her or not, she wasn’t sure. But, she would always remember her night in the back of a limo with the movie star and his friend.

  After she climbed out of the limo, Emma sat back and had satisfied thoughts running through her mind. Ha! Todd may have gone home with that redhead girl, but he missed out on living every man’s fantasy. That’ll teach him for running off without telling anyone!

  She chec
ked her phone to see if she missed any calls or texts from him during her romp, but there were no alerts. Reality was, she was still trying to convince herself that he really did go home with Kelly. However, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something else had happened and that he may be in danger. After all, he was a living weapon.

  Chapter 3

  Todd wearily blinked his eyes and tried to focus through his lashes. It was dark, but he could still see faint flashes of light going past him. He was lying on his side with his legs bent; his 6’3” body didn’t fit the space where he was. He tried to stretch his legs, but a hard surface stopped his feet from going any further. The more he came to, the more the inside of his head pounded relentlessly—a throbbing pain that he was trying to will to stop. He felt his arms wrapped unnaturally behind his back, making his shoulders and joints ache, so he tried to bring them forward. He felt irritating pain in his wrists, and his hands were cold and numb from the circulation being cut off. The more aware he became, he realized he was tied up. His face felt funny and when he tried to speak, he physically couldn’t open his mouth. He wasn’t paralyzed, but something was holding it shut. He wiggled his jaw and cheeks around to find that his mouth had been taped shut.

  He heard an old Frank Sinatra song faintly playing, only to suddenly change to Nine Inch Nails.

  “Stop it!” A man’s voice yelled in irritation. “I liked that song!”

  “You’re so lame, it’s old man music,” a woman’s voice replied.

  “That’s the problem with you young ones, you don’t appreciate good music,” he scolded. His dialect sounded like a news reporter from the 1950’s—a distinct way of talking that you don’t hear anymore.

  They continued to bicker about the differences between generations like a grandpa and granddaughter. Todd tried to make noise with sounds coming out of his nose when the girl turned around to look at him.

  “Well, look who’s up,” she said with an attitude while glaring at him.

  To Todd’s own surprise, he wasn’t afraid…he was pissed off. He yelled through his nose, his eyes were infuriated as he thrashed around the back seat. He was trying his hardest to pull his arms free from the restraints, but they were tied so tight it was impossible. He attempted to kick when he discovered that his ankles were tied tightly together as well. He was still wearing his suit from the premiere, which was uncomfortable, but the least of his worries.

  He managed to kick his legs to propel himself into an upright position, hoping a passing car would see him through the window. Judging by the interior, it wasn’t a modern car, but it was big. The seats were gray and black and he spotted a yellow and orange “6” in the center of the steering wheel. He knew enough about cars to know that he was in a Buick Grand National, a rare muscle car that was only made for a couple of years in the late 1980’s.

  The girl shoved him back down onto the seat, forcing him to remain unseen. At that moment he knew that these weren’t just random people; judging by the strength from the girl’s arm, they were most certainly vampires. There could be only two reasons that prompted them to take him. Either they were going to use him to rebel against the Queen and/or they knew he was a living weapon. But he couldn’t figure out how they would have known; that secret was kept under lock and key by the Queen’s most trusted vampires. The only ones who knew that he was a living weapon were Emma, Zachariah, Aidan, Mackenzie, Vivienne, and Declan.

  Todd knew that Emma wouldn’t have told anyone; he wasn’t just a living weapon to her, he was a trusted friend and sort-of boyfriend. She loved him, he had no doubt about that. He couldn’t figure that it was Zachariah either. Perhaps a year ago he may have ratted him out due to jealousy, but they had become great friends over the past year of living under the same roof. Aidan wouldn’t have done it, he had too much fear of a vampire using a living weapon against them. He didn’t know Mackenzie very well, but assumed she wouldn’t want to cross Aidan. However, he couldn’t be sure that she wasn’t the culprit. That left Vivienne and Declan; Vivienne was Emma’s best friend and Declan had become a good friend of Todd’s. He was at a loss and he couldn’t stop sorting through scenarios from running through his mind while he lay in the back seat.

  After a while, he had no idea how much time had passed, but it felt as though they were pulling into a driveway. Todd’s kidnappers checked to make sure that no neighbors were looking. The girl unlocked the back door of the ranch house and the man dragged Todd out of the backseat of the car. Since Todd’s ankles were tied together, the man had to fling Todd effortlessly over his shoulder and carry him in. Any piece of Todd’s remaining dignity was gone now. He was furious for being so helpless, especially since he knew that one drop of his blood could kill these two instantly. He was deadly to vampires, he knew this. But, without even the tiniest paper cut on his skin, he was completely defenseless.

  They took him down to a dimly lit basement that had minimal furnishings. An old, twin-size bed with an iron frame was pushed off into the corner. There was a tiny bathroom nearby along with a washer and dryer on the other side of the room. The old, linoleum floor was an ugly shade of mustard yellow contrasted by the dark wood paneling around the walls. The room hadn’t been updated since the house was built.

  They flung him onto the bed, his weight causing it to bounce up and down a few times. Before pulling the tape off of his mouth, they warned him not to scream. He nodded his head and rolled his eyes, knowing he was defeated at this point. The girl abruptly yanked the tape off of his mouth, leaving a burning red, swollen rectangle on his face. Todd’s instant reaction was to rub his face to ease the pain, but could only do so with his shoulder.

  She untied his hands and held his wrists tightly while the man prepared to tie him to the iron headboard. Once his wrists were securely fastened, they did the same to his ankles, roping them down to the foot board.

  “The boss will be here later on,” the man told Todd as he began to make his way up the stairs.

  “So, are you just going to starve me to death down here? Am I going to die of dehydration?” Todd questioned through clenched teeth.

  “Oh, that’s right,” the girl said in genuine surprise. “I totally forgot about the eating and drinking thing! Haven’t done that sort of stuff in a while, you know? We will give you sustenance and bathroom breaks. We have been instructed to keep you alive.”

  Without looking at her and keeping his eyes on the speckled ceiling, Todd requested, “Can I get some water then?”

  Without responding she disappeared and returned with a glass of water and a straw, aiming it to his mouth while he awkwardly drank. She set it down on the floor next to him and left, leaving him in the quiet basement alone with nothing but his thoughts. He noticed that the small windows in the basement were stuffed with foam blocks, obviously serving the purpose of blocking out prying eyes and to absorb any sound that would come from the basement. They took those extra precautions just in case he decided to start screaming for help. He closed his eyes, attempting to get some rest while he waited for whoever “the boss” was.

  Miraculously, Todd had fallen asleep, but he had no idea for how long. When he awoke, he had forgotten for a split moment of the night before and didn’t know where he was. His mind registered that the night hadn’t been a bad nightmare and he was still tied up in this ugly basement. He saw thin rays of light streaming through the small space between the foam and the windows, so it was at least morning, but it added to the yellow hue that permeated the outdated room.

  He heard voices speaking upstairs, definitely more than one. The basement door opened and he jolted completely awake, waiting for whose face he would see. He watched the feet stomping down the stairs, making them creak loudly. First in line was the man, then the girl, then someone he had not expected to see. His eyes widened in disbelief.

  “This is our boss…although I’m afraid you already know each other,” the man said to Todd, motioning to the familiar vampire.

  “Hello, Todd,” the boss sai
d with a slight smirk. “It’s nothing personal, I hope you know that.”

  “Then why are you doing this?” Todd asked, feeling embarrassed by how he was strung across the bed.

  “It’s simple, I have wanted what the Queen has for decades, but there was no easy way to take her out of the equation. Then, you came along,” the boss looked at Todd with a proud smile. “However, I have set my sights a little higher…I want it all. I don’t want just North America, I want the world. I have no doubt that the Kings and Queens will be descending upon Chicago sometime soon, especially once everyone realizes that you didn’t run away.”

  The boss pulled out a knife, making Todd’s stomach drop with anxiety. The female vampire handed Todd’s captor a large vile as they approached Todd.

  “It’s quite simple, really,” the boss continued. “When the Kings and Queen arrive at the Manor, all I have to do is slip some of your blood into the jugs in the refrigerator…and I’m sure you know what happens after that.”

  “You’re going to kill all of your friends? Not just the Kings and Queens, but all the people who trust you?”

  The boss chuckled, “It’s nothing personal, it’s just what I have to do to get them out of the way. I’m looking at the bigger picture here.”

  Todd couldn’t stop himself from beginning to panic. “You’re going to kill Emma,” he quietly said. It wasn’t a question, it was a realization that he didn’t want to believe. “How could you? She has put all of her trust in you, has never spoken a bad word about you,” he pleaded.

  The boss shrugged, “Like I said, it’s nothing personal—not with you or her or anyone else. I want the power over all vampires, plain and simple.”


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