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Page 7

by Sean Michael

"We could all use a shower. I have a big one." Bake winked at him.

  "Cool." They all slipped out and he took Dev's hand. "Hey."

  Devvy's squeezed his fingers. "Hey."

  Bake led them into the house and down the hall into the bathroom. The man hadn't been lying. The bathroom was big, the shower was bigger -- certainly big enough for the three of them.

  Devvy started stripping him down, fingers sure and warm on his skin. Bake stripped himself, watching them as Devvy got him naked. God, those eyes. They were like a touch. His cock started lifting, filling again.

  "Look at you. So sexy." Bake nodded at Dev. "Start the shower when you're done."

  "Yes, Sir."

  Dare looked at Devvy, arched an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. Sir, huh?

  "Good, boy." Bake reached out and slid a hand along Devvy's back, making his twin shiver.

  "Are you a good boy, Devvy?" he teased, leaning down to bite Dev's bottom lip.

  "Better than you."

  "Don't worry, Dare. I like bad boys, too."

  "Dare's not bad. He's just tired." Dev always stood up for him.

  Bake chuckled. "I meant bad in the best way possible, Dev. Come on, get the shower started so I can fuck him up against the tile under the hot water."

  He groaned, and Devvy chuckled and nodded. "Yes, Sir."

  Bake stepped up to him while Dev got the shower going. His face was tilted, Bake taking his mouth. He cried out, that tongue fucking his lips. One big hand landed on his ass, squeezed. Dare took a step closer, his hard cock nudging Bake's belly.

  "Hello, there," murmured Bake, fingers of his free hand wrapping around Dare and tugging.

  "Hey. Hey, missed you." It was true, too.

  "I've got you now. Gonna make you remember me from the inside this time."

  Dare moaned, cried out. So excited.

  Bake pushed him into the shower, Devvy following and closing the glass door behind them. They were enclosed in a wet, steamy, hot cave, the water crashing down on them.

  "Oh..." That felt like heaven. Pure heaven.

  His ass and cock were held in Bake's hands, the man squeezing and stroking, making everything seem bigger. Dare rocked back and forth, slow and steady. Bake was tall and broad and strong. And hot. Like wow. He reached up, hands curling around Bake's shoulders.

  "Mmm. I believe I made you a promise."

  "Uh-huh." He wasn't sure what he was agreeing to.

  "Dev. Lube."

  "Yes, Sir." That sounded so weird from Devvy.

  It made Bake all but purr, though, the man's kisses getting harder. Dare opened up, tongue fucking Bake's lips. The hand on his ass shifted, fingers sliding to his crack. He spread, thighs parting as he made his offer.

  The tip of Bake's finger pushed in. "I'm going to have Dev prep you. With his tongue."

  His eyes rolled back in his head, and he whimpered. "Oh, God."

  Bake shifted, putting his own back against the wall and then tugging Dare up against him. "Spread 'em for your twin."

  He grunted, leaned hard, letting Bake hold him as he spread. Dev stood behind him, lips soft against his spine.

  "On your knees, Devvy. But take your time. We're going to love your brother into bonelessness."

  "Yes. Love you, Dare..." The touch of the hot tongue made him flutter.

  His brother's cheek rubbed against his ass in reply. Then Bake's hands slid down, fingers spreading his cheeks apart. That made him step forward, step into Bake.

  "I have you." Bake smiled as Devvy's tongue slid down his crack and into his hole.

  His eyes rolled, and he arched, heart beating faster. Devvy's tongue pushed in deeper, thrusting. "I. Dev. Dev. Please." That was a little crazy-making.

  "Open him up good, Dev." Bake's voice rumbled in his chest.

  His hips were jerking, rolling, hunger filling him.

  "Just a bit more, Dev. I don't want him coming until I'm inside him."

  "I... Oh, fuck. So hot."

  "Okay. Enough." Bake's hands left his ass as that growl went through him. "Condom, Dev."

  Devvy licked again and Dare arched, feet slipping on the tub.

  "I said condom," Bake growled again.

  Fuck. Fuck, that was hot. He whimpered and took Dev's lips, fucking them with his tongue, tasting himself there.

  Dev opened up to him and Bake growled, tugging them apart. "Soon as I'm gloved up."

  "Devvy. Devvy, please."

  "Sorry. Sorry. I just..."

  "Got distracted." Bake chuckled. "Patience, Dare, we'll get there."

  "I need."

  "I know." Bake looked at Devvy. "Come on, now. Don't make your twin wait."

  "I won't. I'm sorry." Dev rolled the condom over Bake's prick, smoothed it down.

  "We know you weren't doing it on purpose, sweet boy. Just excited."

  Bake kissed Dev short and hard, and then turned Dare so he was against the wall. "Ready?"

  "Please." He just wanted to feel.

  Stepping up behind him, Bake slid the covered prick along his crack, letting it come to rest against his hole.

  "Please. I need." So much.

  "I know." With that, Bake pushed into him. That thick, hard cock spread him open so wide.

  He cried out, head falling back, throat working. Bake's mouth dropped down onto his neck where it met his shoulder, sucking as the man's cock kept pushing in until it was completely seated. His body shuddered, shook around that thick prick.

  "God, you feel good." Bake began to thrust, pulling almost all the way out before pushing in again.

  "Yes." He felt fantastic.

  "Sexy boy." Bake's hips moved faster, harder.

  "More." He could be demanding, damn it.

  "That's for me to say." Bake jerked into him.

  "More, please." Demanding with a side of asking.

  "I like that," murmured Bake, thrust coming with more force now.

  "Oh..." He scrabbled at the tiles, soaring.

  Bake chuckled, the sound low and sexy and vibrating along his back where Bake was pressed against him.

  "So good. In me. Harder."

  Bake smacked his ass. Hard. "You'll get what you get, pushy boy."

  "Oh. Oh, fuck. Yes." He needed. He wanted. So good.

  Bake started tugging almost all the way out, smacking his ass, and then pushing in hard again. He twisted, his body not sure what to do.

  Growling, Bake pushed him up against the tile. "I've got you."

  That made every inch of his body go on high alert.

  "Gonna make you feel so fucking good."

  "Bake..." He was so into that plan.

  "You can call me 'Sir.'" Bake growled and thrust harder, reaming him good.

  "Fuck." He nodded, his entire body shuddering. "Yes, Sir." Hot. So hot.

  "That's right." Bake's fingers dug into his skin as the man pulled him back into each thrust, the rhythm solid, sure.

  "Oh. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck, I need. So fucking bad." Words were just pouring out of him, over and over and over.

  "Got me. I know what you need, Dare. I so fucking do."

  "Please." He was flying, happy. Hungry.

  Bake's hand wrapped around his cock, stroking him hard.

  "Yes. Thank you. Yes. Fuck, I want this. So bad."

  Bake just grunted, hand and cock working to blow his mind. He drove himself toward orgasm, bucking between hands and cock. Bake helped, moving harder, moving faster. The thick cock drove into him.

  "Good. Good. Yes." He babbled, his entire body on fire.

  "Show me." Fuck, that commanding growl was something else.

  He jerked, slammed back on that heavy cock and shot.

  "Yes! So good, Dare. Such a good boy." Bake kept pushing into him, kept stroking his cock, pulling out more pleasure. God. It seemed to go on and on. His cock stayed hard, his eyes rolling back in his head.

  "Nice. You want to take your twin, Dare? Wanna plow into that sweet heat?"

  "Devvy..." Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
br />   "Yeah. You can take him while I finish up in your mouth." Bake's hand slowed on his cock, thumb playing with his slit.

  He squeezed his ass around Bake in response, making Bake feel.

  The man groaned for him and pushed in a little deeper, pinging his gland. Fuck yes. Yeah. Yeah. He squeezed again. Bake kept pushing in, movements slow and deliberate. He closed his eyes, focusing on Bake's pleasure, Bake's cock. Bake's mouth wrapped around the skin at the top of his spine, sucking.

  "Sir." He squeezed again. And again. And again.

  Bake growled and began thrusting into him again, pounding him but good.

  "Fuck, yeah." He rode the heavy cock like a wild thing.

  "Get a ring," Bake growled. "Put a ring on him, Dev."

  "Oh. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck." He kept moving, trying to beat Devvy.

  Bake suddenly growled and grabbed his hips, pulling him back against the strong body, holding him still.

  "Sir!" Oh, no fair!

  "I told him to put it on you, and that's what he's going to do."

  "No fair." He said it this time.

  "You've already come once." Bake nipped at his shoulder. "I'm going to torture you now and then let you come later, and it's going to be amazing because you've been held back."

  He nodded, smiled. "Torture always sounds so awful in the movies."

  "That's because the movies don't know torture the way we do." Bake laughed and licked the water from his skin. "This is the best kind of torture, I promise."

  "I believe you."

  Dev carefully snapped the ring on him, which made him jerk and gasp.

  Bake looked down at him over his shoulder, and one hand came around to slide over the ring, over his cock. "Fuck, that's sexy."

  Dare spread, rocked up into that touch. Bake grabbed hold of his cock and squeezed, then rubbed two fingers across the tip again and again.

  "Oh. Oh." He pushed up, eyes crossing a little.

  "The pair of you are sensual buggers, aren't you?" Bake pressed against his slit.

  "Stings. Stings so fucking good."

  "Fuck, Dare. Fisting, sounding, spanking. You're a real live wire, aren't you?"

  He sobbed, nodded. "Please. Please, I've needed."

  "I'll give you everything you need, boy."

  Oh, God. Oh, God. This one was a keeper.

  Devvy groaned, hands on him, on Bake.

  "Wash him, Dev. And then we'll take him to bed."

  Bake thrust inside him again, and then that thick cock slid out of him.

  He moaned, suddenly empty. "No..."

  "Shh, shh." Something hard and unyielding pushed against his hole.

  "What?" Oh. Oh, fuck. Please. More.

  "I won't leave you empty, boy. I know you need to be filled, fucked." The plug kept pushing, working into him.

  "Yes..." His thighs spread, his ass rolled back.

  "Nice." Bake twisted the plug, played with his ass with it.

  He fucking wanted more. Now. Bake suddenly started slamming the plug into him, reaming his ass with it and pegging his gland. Words started pouring out of him, pleas and praises and shit. Devvy started fluttering a little.

  "Touch him, Dev. Pinch his titties and tug on his balls."

  "He... He's a little wild..."

  Dare was going to kill Dev.

  "Do it." Bake ordered, voice hard, sure.


  The motion of the plug never slowed and Dare was so fucking happy.

  "Come on, Dev. I know what he needs. Fucking pinch and tug. Do it. Now."

  "Okay. Okay." Dev's first tug was too easy, but the next Dare felt.

  "Good, boy. Don't stop." Bake didn't stop, either. If anything, the hard plug was pushed in harder, faster.

  "Please. Oh, fuck. So good."

  "Harder, Devvy. Lean in and bite."

  "I don't want to hurt him."

  "I need you, Dev. Please."

  "You're giving him what he needs, Dev. Do as you're told. That's how this works. Dare knows how to safeword."

  "I do. I need. Fuck." When Dev's teeth found his skin, he cried out, so fucking happy.

  "There! That's it. Beautiful boys."

  Bake's hand found his balls, tugging on them even as the man kept playing that plug into his ass. He cried out, so perfectly needy and happy that he was soaring.

  "He's got to be leaking -- taste him, Dev."

  Bake's voice was rough, like sandpaper on his skin.

  "Yes. Yes." Devvy sounded so hungry.

  "That's it, boy. Suck on the tip like it's the best fucking lollipop ever."

  "Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck." Dare leaned his head back, the water beating on him.

  Bake twisted the plug and his pierced nipple at the same time. He cried out, balls trying to draw up.

  "Enough." The plug was suddenly still, settled inside him. "We'll continue this in bed."

  He sobbed, body working the plug.

  Bake squeezed his ass. "Don't worry, Dare. I'm not nearly done with you yet."

  "Gonna go crazy." Thank God.

  Chuckling, Bake spanked his ass. "Turn off the water, Devvy."

  "Got it." Devvy turned the water off, then kissed him, hard.

  "Pretty boys."

  Bake spanked him again and tugged them both out of the shower, shoving a towel at each of them.

  Dev was flushed, hard, smiling at him. "You okay?"

  He nodded. "Uh-huh."

  "Of course he is. He's getting what he wants. What he needs."


  Devin's mouth went tight, and Dare reached out. "What about you, Devvy? You getting what you need?"

  Bake tilted his head, grinned. "Did I just spend two whole days giving you exactly what you needed, Dev?"

  Devvy had the good grace to look ashamed. "Yes. I just... I worry about him."

  Bake patted Dev's cheek. "You don't need to worry; we're going to take good care of him together."

  He bumped Dev gently. "Drama queen."

  Devvy chuckled, hand on his forehead.

  Bake laughed, the sound deep and good. "Come on, boys. The bed's a-waiting."

  Dev reached for him, started tugging. "Come on. Gotta listen to the boss."

  "That's right. You tell him, Dev. Gotta listen to the boss."

  "I'm listening! I have a giant plug making walking... ginger."

  Bake laughed and slapped his ass, jostling the plug. "You love ginger."

  "He does!" Devvy laughed. "He makes the best gingerbread ever!"

  That made them all crack up, the three of them tumbling onto the bed.

  Bake got a hold of himself first and started arranging them on the bed. "Dare, on your back. I promised you Dev's ass and my cock and you will have them both."

  The man grinned evilly and handed Devvy a half-used tube. "Get yourself ready for us, sweet boy. We want a good show."

  Devvy moaned, and Dare's fingers slid on his own bound cock. "You're so pretty, Dev."

  "You both are. Come on, pretty boy. Dance on your fingers for us."

  Devvy blushed, but started riding his own fingers, pushing three in deep.

  "Fuck." Bake growled, one hand teasing at Dare's nipples. "Look at that." Bake pinched his right tit, hard, then tugged on the piercing. "You looking, Dare?"

  "Y...yes! Yes, so hot, Devvy. So pretty.."

  "Could watch it all night." Bake chuckled. "Well, I'm sure I'd want to get a hand or cock in there before too long, but it's sexy as hell to watch."

  Dev blushed, smiled, then moved faster. Bake leaned forward and slid a finger in with Dev's. Dev stilled, moaned low.

  Bake's finger wriggled inside Dev, making him moan again. "Sexy boy. You ready to ride yet?"

  "Yeah. Yeah, I want, huh?"

  Dare reached for Dev, his twin settling easily in his arms. They didn't do this; he didn't fuck Dev. It was different with someone telling them to do it, though. He had to admit, he wanted it.


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