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Page 10

by Sean Michael

  "Cool." Clay grabbed him up by the waist again, dragged him into a hard kiss.

  Bean opened right up, ready to forget about his ice cream and movies and everything else in favor of making out with Clay. God, the man was so sexy, so strong. Of course, Clay backed off, drew him into the living room and sat him down. Trying not to pout, 'cause it was stupid to pout when you had ice cream, he dug in. His eyes stayed on the man, though, admiring.

  Clay took a spoonful of ice cream, moaning over the bite, eyes crossing. Bean grinned. God, the man was something else. He was definitely smitten. In a way he'd never been before. He took a spoonful of butter pecan, licking the cold stuff off the spoon. It surprised him when Clay leaned over and licked his lips clean. He gasped softly, his mouth opening for Clay.

  The kiss was slow and lazy, Clay lapping his lips. Fuck, he was already addicted to the way the man made him feel.

  They ate their ice cream, sharing drugging kisses in between bites. By the time they were done, he was harder than he'd ever been, his balls aching.

  "Good ice cream." Clay was flushed, breathing hard.

  "Best I've ever had."

  "Cool." Clay put the bowls on the coffee table, then slowly and deliberately pushed him back onto the sofa, muscled body covering his.

  Bean reached up and looped his fingers around Clay's neck, holding on.

  "Hey." God, that solid body felt good.

  "Hey." He smiled, legs sliding to wrap around Clay's waist. "And I thought the ice cream was good. This blows it out of the water."

  "Mmmhmm." Clay leaned down against him, hips moving lazily.

  He pushed back against Clay, wanting more. He could get off on how Clay looked at him, how one kiss became another and another and another. He'd never felt like this and it was fucking sweet, intoxicating. Moaning, he gave himself up to Clay, ready to let the man do anything to him. Anything.

  Clay didn't push it -- the kisses didn't get wilder or harder, they just kept coming and coming. Bean thought, just maybe, he'd drown in them. He couldn't think of a better way to go.

  His hands were sliding up and down Clay's back, loving the sensation of warm skin against his palms. When he found a hot spot, Clay moaned for him, pushed down into him a little harder. He'd go back to those spots over and over, and sometimes slip his hands down to Clay's ass and just hold on.

  "You're fucking addictive, babe." The words were soft, followed by little biting kisses.

  "Back at you," he managed between gasps.

  "Are we basking?"

  "I thought this was foreplay."

  "Either way works."

  Bean nodded. "Long as we're at it together, yeah?"

  "Excellent." His lips were taken again, cutting off the conversation.

  That worked for him; he liked what Clay was saying with his body just fine.

  Chapter Nine


  Tired tired tired.

  Dare'd had one hell of a day, though. He'd busted through the pastries, made chef proud.

  Trevor, the maitre d', poked his head around the door. "Dare, man. There's this guy out here. Says he wants to talk to you."

  "Huh? Okay." He brushed his hands off on his apron and headed out, curious.

  Bake was leaning against the bar, looking like a fucking stud.

  "Bake." He smiled; he couldn't not.

  Bake grinned, straightening and coming right over. "It's six, man. You ready?"

  "Is it? Already? Yeah. Yeah, I was just prepping for tomorrow."

  "Well, come on, then. It's time to forget all about tomorrow and focus on the now."

  He took a step forward. "It is?" Please.

  "Yep." Bake closed the distance between them and slung an arm around his shoulders. "I'm taking you home."

  His eyes closed and he nodded. "Yes. Hey."

  "Hey." Bake growled out the word and walked him toward the front door. "I have plans made. You can sleep in the truck on the way home."

  "Okay. I like plans." He liked Bake.

  "Excellent." They were soon out the door, and once they were around the corner, Bake turned him, took his mouth.

  Oh. Oh, wow. The world hiccupped a little bit, and his heart raced. Bake's hand was solid at the back of his head, tilting it slightly so that Bake's tongue could plunder. The man's kisses were like storming a hill, intent on taking no prisoners. His cock got so hard so fast it hurt, and he groaned with the delicious pain.

  Bake finally broke the kiss, growling a little. "Much as I'd like nothing better than to take your sweet ass up against the wall right here, I'd rather not get interrupted by the cops, either. We'll continue this at home."

  Dare nodded, swaying, dazed. Wow.

  Bake's arm went back around his shoulders, steadying him as he was led to the big, dusty truck parked at the end of the alley.

  "You hungry for food at all?"

  "No." That wasn't what he needed right now. After, he'd be ravenous.

  "Cool. Just wanna make sure you don't pass out from hunger in the middle of things." Bake gave him a wink and opened the truck door for him.

  "I won't." He had stamina.

  "Good." Bake started the truck and pulled out into traffic. "Dev's waiting at home." He was given a wolfish look. "He's plugged, cock bound, and when I get back, I'll tie him up. That way he can watch."

  "Oh..." He nodded, moaned a little. "I bet he fought you on the plug."

  "Maybe a little." Bake laughed. "He's a sweet little sub, though."

  "He is. He looked better this morning, too. Better rested."

  "You don't, though. You need a keeper."

  He snorted. "Right."

  Bake gave him a glance. "No?"

  Dare smiled. "I'm pretty hard -- I'm more of the part-time guy, pay-wise. I work eighty hours a week. There's not much to keep." And he was tired and feeling more than a little sorry for himself.

  "Why do you work so many hours?"

  "Because that's what happens." Pastry chefs were easy to find, easy to replace, so he had to work hard. Not only that, Devvy ended up taking a lot of time off, and Dare pulled his shifts or worked extra to make up for it. It was expensive to live out here.

  "Hence, you needing a keeper so it doesn't keep happening."

  He chuckled, unsure of what to say, really. It was a nice thought, kind of, to let someone else take care of the hard parts. Clay, of course, would pop him in the back of the head and tell him to grow the fuck up.

  "No? You don't get tired of always being the guy who comes through?" Bake's eyes dragged over him again. "I could take care of you. I'm good at it."

  "Please, don't ask. Dev would freak and I'd want to say yes so bad."

  "What's wrong with saying yes? And why would Dev freak? He likes me. A lot." Bake pulled up in front of his house, turned off the engine, but didn't make any attempt to get out yet.

  "Devvy... I don't know. He's complicated." He wasn't going to badmouth his twin or anything, but Dev would call it quits. Dev always did. The rough stuff scared him.

  "Twins always are." Bake sounded like he knew a little bit of what Dare was talking about.

  "Yeah." That made him smile. "That is true."

  "I've got something I want you to do tonight." Bake met his eyes.


  "Your brother's had a day of getting loved on. He'll be trussed up, plugged, and there's no reason for him to do anything but relax and watch. Tonight is yours. I'm gonna focus on you and you're gonna focus on me and you're not going to worry about Devin."

  Dare moaned, his entire body shivering, suddenly wired and awake. "Okay." God, please.

  "I mean it, Dare."

  "Okay. Okay, I'll try, real hard."

  "I want better than try." Bake pulled him in and gave him another hard kiss like the one in the alley behind the restaurant.

  His cock throbbed and he crawled across the seat, wanting to climb into Bake. One hand grabbed his ass and squeezed tight, the kiss going harder, deeper. He pushed closer, hips rol
ling, pure need riding him. He wanted, so much.

  Bake tugged his head back by the hair, stared into his eyes. "Sixty seconds, Dare. That's how long you have to get into the house and get naked."

  "Sixty..." Oh, fuck. He was going to come from pure joy.

  One eyebrow went up. "Fifty-nine. Fifty-eight."

  "Okay. Okay..." He scrambled, fingers fumbling on the door handle.

  Bake helped, leaning past him to get it open for him. Pinching his ass.

  "Thank... thank you. Is the door unlocked?"

  "Yep. Bedroom's right down the hall where you left it. You've got to move now, though." Bake pinched his ass again.

  "Moving." He ran through the yard, a little clumsy because he was so hard.

  The door was unlocked and he remembered where the bedroom was. Now all he needed was to get naked. He heard the front door open as he got to the bedroom where Devvy was lying on the bed, eyes going wide when they saw him.

  "Devvy." He smiled at his brother, tugged off his shoes and socks. "Hey."

  "Hey. Where's Bake?"

  "Coming." Pants. Shirt. God, he was hard. "Good day?"

  "Mmmhmm." Devvy stretched, looked like the cat that got the cream.

  "I hope everyone in the bedroom's already naked," Bake's voice came from down the hall.

  His boxers went down and he did a little victory dance, which cracked Devvy up.

  "Mmm, look at that ass move." Bake came right up behind him, one hand on his belly, the other on his thigh as the big, also naked, body pressed up against his back.

  "Bake." Warm. The man was warm.

  "I've got you now, Dare." Bake pointed at Dev. "You lie there and stay quiet -- just watch. And you," Bake bit his earlobe. "I want you bent over my lap for a good, hard spanking."

  Oh, fuck. Yes. "Yes, Sir. Please."

  He wasn't ashamed to ask for it, to admit that he liked it. A lot.

  "Good." Bake grabbed his hair and tugged his head back, mouth descending on his again. Fuck, he could get used to these kisses.

  He could feel his lips bruising, swelling, the pressure of the kiss making his knees weak. Bake dragged him over to the bed, the kiss never ending, never breaking. He went willingly, easily. He wanted Bake to make the world go away.

  The kiss finally ended, then Bake sat and tugged him down. He draped himself over the strong thighs, wiggling eagerly. He loved being heated, touched.

  "Let's just..." Bake shifted him a little so his cock was between the man's thighs. "There. You can come if you need to, but I'll be putting a ring on it later."

  "Yes, Sir." He kissed Bake's calf and let himself wallow in anticipation.

  "Good boy. I'm starting." It was all the warning he got before Bake's hand flew, landing on his ass with a good, hard smack.

  Followed up by a second, and a third, Bake landed his swats with heat and precision.

  His muscles tensed. The immediate, undeniable reaction was to fight it, but Dare forced himself to breathe, pant through the sting, and hold on. "Thank you, Sir."

  "You're very welcome, Dare. You've got a beautiful ass -- it's a joy to spank." Bake found a rhythm, laying the hits down one after the other.

  He groaned and his hips started moving, driving against those thighs, nice and steady. Burning. Fuck, he loved that, the growing heat. Bake knew just how to build it, too, covering his whole ass so it took longer, was slow and steady.

  He floated with it, soared a little, the whole burn perfect, rich. Then Bake's hand hit the crease where his ass met thigh and things went sharp, his relaxation shattered. "Oh."

  Bake chuckled. "Yeah, that got your attention, boy."

  "I was focused!" he argued.

  The laughter got louder, but it didn't feel mean. "Semantics, beautiful."

  "Uh-huh." He took advantage of the little break and stretched.

  Bake started back up again. "You go a nice rosy color, Dare."

  "Good. It feels good, Sir."

  "Good. That's good." And so were the swats Bake continued to give him. The man moved now, from the tops of his thighs to his lower back and all points in between, that burn coming back stronger than ever.

  The higher swats were easier to breathe through; the low ones made him shiver and jerk. Bake must have picked up on it, because he started concentrating his hits lower.

  "I. I don't..." He groaned, fighting the urge to cry out. "I can't, not like that."

  Burned. Fuck. Fuck.

  "Take it, Dare. It's what you need."

  "Burns." Oh, fuck. It was so big.

  "Yeah. Enjoy it, boy."

  The next swats were even hotter. He pushed forward, hands reaching for the bed. The next couple of swats saw Bake's little fingers pushing into his crack, just touching his hole. That made him tense, his legs kicking. The threat of a slap there was maddening. Without warning, Bake slipped a finger inside him, pushing it deep. He arched, the sudden pressure and scrape making him come, shoot spunk over Bake's thighs.

  "Fuck, smell that. So good."

  Behind them, Devvy moaned.

  Dare slumped down, head spinning a little bit. "Wow."

  Bake rubbed his ass, intensifying the burn. "You needed that." It wasn't a question.

  "Yes. Yes, thank you." He needed to fly.

  "Good boy." Bake pulled him up and kissed him again. He could get addicted to these full-out, no-holds-barred kisses. They made him a little dizzy, made him melt and lose track of time. When Bake's mouth finally let his go, he was lying on his back, the sheet cool beneath his ass.

  "I'm going to bind your brother and then it's all you, baby."

  "Please." He traced Bake's mouth with his fingers.

  Bake turned slightly, taking his fingers into the hot mouth, biting the tips. His eyelids got all heavy, a soft moan leaving him.

  "Give me five -- get your breath back." Bake winked, kissed one fingertip, and moved over to the other side of the bed.

  Dare didn't watch. He closed his eyes and breathed, nice and slow. He could hear Devvy, though. "Is he okay?"

  "Are you okay, Devvy?" Bake asked, voice soft, gentle.

  "I am. Is Dare? Spanking is loud."

  "I'm fine."

  "He's good, sweet boy. Your brother is more than capable of safewording if he needs to. He also likes it rougher than you do, and you have to let him have that." He heard Bake kiss Devvy. "Be good, sweet boy."

  "Devvy's always good."

  Bake chuckled. "Oh, I think he has the sweet brat down pat." Another noisy kiss was bestowed on Dev, and then Bake moved back over to him.

  He chuckled, trying to decide if it would be incredibly needy to ask what he was.

  "And now for you." Bake grinned, grabbing a leather cock ring and slowly wrapping it around his cock and balls. His cock slowly filled, the leather so dark against his skin. "There we go." Bake's hand wrapped around his flesh, encouraging the growth.

  "Bake." His toes curled and he drew his legs up.

  "Sexy, sexy boy." Bake leaned in, mouth pushing against his.

  Oh. Okay. He dove into the kiss, melting. That hand kept at him until he was good and hard, then it slid down and cupped his balls, tugged on them none too gently. His belly went tight, but he didn't pull away. Bake didn't hurt; the touches were simply rough, solid, undeniable.

  "What are your rules? Do you do rules?"

  "Call me Sir or Master during scenes and safeword when you need to. Those are my rules."

  "Okay. I can do that." Hell, Dev would safeword for him long before he needed to.

  "Good boy." Bake met his eyes. "Hands on the headboard."

  He nodded, hands wrapping around the brass rails.

  "I want you to hold on as if you were tied there."

  "Yes, Sir." He wanted to ask what would happen if he didn't.

  "Good." Bake leaned over and opened the drawer in the bedside table, took something out. "I went out at lunch and got this, just for you."

  It was a tiny flogger, black with maybe a dozen strands. The whol
e thing wasn't more than half a foot long.

  "It's so little..." It was lovely.

  "Small but mighty. You won't be disappointed." Bake dragged the leather up and down over his chest.


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