Barrow King: The Realms Book One (A LitRPG Adventure)

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Barrow King: The Realms Book One (A LitRPG Adventure) Page 31

by C. M. Carney

  “I will die with it.”

  Gryph’s mind flailed. “I will not let this be.”

  “There is nothing to be done,” Simon said, looking up at Gryph. “But I thank you. At least I am free.”

  The white nothingness encroached further, eating at the fabric of the tower itself. Gryph’s mind floundered. There had to be a way. He felt Wick’s gentle touch on his shoulder and he knew his friend was telling him they had to go.

  Simon walked over to the pile of dust that had once been Ouzeriuo and toed it with his left foot.

  “At least he has nowhere to go either.”

  Gryph’s eyes widened. “But he does.” Simon and Wick both looked at Gryph. “Or more accurately you do Simon.”

  Simon’s face went grim as millennia of lies and mistrust flashed though his mind. It was as if the boy was angry at hope. Gryph could not blame him. He'd been betrayed and abused in a way that was inconceivable.

  “Can you trust me?” Gryph said, hand extended.

  Simon hesitated as the whiteness at away the world behind him. It had taken the walls and was now eating at the floors. Wick’s grip on Gryph’s shoulder intensified, but Gryph ignored his friend.

  “Please,” Gryph said. His eyes locked with Simon’s and time stretched. Finally a small smile curled the boys lips, and he ran forward taking Gryph’s outstretched hand.

  Gryph closed his eyes as the whiteness became the world.


  G ryph awoke with a start. His body was sore and his mouth parched. He coughed and hacked as a set of hands helped ease him up. His eyes opened to see a haze of motion and shapes. He blinked and muttered and finally the world came into focus.

  Ovyrm held him and smiled down. “You okay?”

  “Uggh, I feel like total shit.”

  “You look like it,” Ovyrm said with a grin. He helped Gryph up into a sitting position.


  Ovyrm grinned and moved aside. A few paces away Tifala was forcing a health potion down Wick’s throat. As expected, the gnome was grumbling at all the fuss. “I’m fine. I’m fine,” he said, pushing her away.

  Tifala smacked him lightly across the face and his eyes darted up in indignation. “That’s for being the stupid hero,” Tifala said. She smacked him again. “And that’s for almost leaving me alone.” She drew her hand back again and Wick flinched. Instead of another smack, the pretty gnome eased down and kissed Wick on the lips. “And this is for coming back to me.”

  “Always,” Wick said.

  Xeg jumped down from his perch on the back of the Barrow King’s throne and landed lightly on Tifala’s shoulder. He curled his tail around her neck and nuzzled her. Tifala smiled up at the imp and scratched him behind the ear.

  “Great, you’re still here,” Wick said with a frown.

  Xeg smacked Wick across the face. “That for being stupid hero.”

  Wick’s shock was such that he didn’t see the imp’s second smack either. “That for leaving Xeg,” the imp said. Xeg then leaned in. “And this..”

  Wick grabbed the imp by the neck. “You kiss me and I’ll send you back to the chthonic realm permanently.

  Xeg frowned and crossed his arms in a teen girl pout. “Xeg only joking. Stinky blue hair wishes Xeg want kiss him.” He jumped back up on Tifala’s shoulder.

  Gryph exchanged grins with Ovyrm before looking down on Wick. He extended a hand helping the gnome to his feet. Wick gave him an abashed smile of thanks. Gryph gave him a nod that said all the gnome needed to hear.

  “So it is over?” Tifala asked, clutching to her man.

  “It’s over.” Gryph said with a nod.

  “Going to explain what happened in there?” Ovrym asked.

  “Over a very large beer when we get out of this hellhole,” Wick said.

  Behind them, a clatter of bone said otherwise as the Barrow King’s skull shook. A white glow grew from the depths of its empty eye sockets and flared. The skull floated upwards and gazed down on the group.

  Ovyrm was the first to move, swinging his crimson saber towards the skull. Right before it impact Gryph’s spear parried the blow. Ovyrm looked at Gryph in shock.

  “Wait,” Gryph said. He also held a hand out to Tifala who had pushed Wick behind her and emblazoned her hands with white life magic. Wick lightly grabbed Tifala’s wrist and eased her palm down.

  Both companions stared at them as if they had gone mad, but they held their attacks. Satisfied that he had bought some time, Gryph tuned his attention back to the skull.

  “Woah, this is really weird,” the skull said in Simon’s voice. The skull hovered off kilter as Simon got used to his new existence. After a few moments it balanced and a spectral essence flowed from the skull and Simon made an ethereal body in the image of his long dead physical one.

  “You okay kid?” Gryph asked.

  Simon looked from his hands up to Gryph and smiled.

  “I think so. This is a little weird. Feels like my old body, but more, much more. I can feel…” he looked around, but his eyes seemed to be looking past the stone walls of the chamber. “This entire place.”

  “You can feel the Barrow?” Wick asked.

  “I am the Barrow,” Simon said. Then his mouth turned into a frown.

  “What is it?” Gryph asked, nervousness creeping into him.

  “This place needs a serious redesign and better tenants.”

  Gryph and Wick grinned and laughed. Ovyrm and Tifala exchanged confused glances, but both eased back on their attacks.

  “Somebody please explain what is going on,” Ovyrm said.

  Wick took his friends aside and explained. Gryph held his palm out to Simon, who placed his spectral hand up against it. Warmth flowed into Gryph’s body. Simon smiled and then wandered off, exploring his new home, his new body.

  Gryph walked away from his friends and sat against the wall. Prompt alerts had been flashing at the corner of his vision since he woken up. He brought them into focus.

  You have earned 120,000 XP for slaying The Barrow King.

  You have earned 45,000 XP for slaying Dread Knight (x10).

  You have earned 55,000 XP for slaying Thieves of the Gray Company (x3).

  You have earned 150,000 XP for completing the quest Cleanse the Barrow.

  You have earned 50,000 XP for completing the secret quest Simon’s Second Chance.

  You have reached Level 11, 12, 13 and 14.

  You have 24 (20 Base + 4 Bonus) unused Attribute Points.

  You have 4 unused Perk Points.

  You have reached level 13 in Air Magic.

  You have reached level 6 in Earth Magic.

  You have reached Level 5 in Thought Magic.

  You have reached level 25 in Soul Magic.

  You have reached level 11 in Staves/Spears.

  You have reached level 8 in Thrown Weapons.

  You have reached level 12 in Light Armor.

  You have reached level 10 in Dodge.

  You have reached level 8 in Stealth.

  You have reached level 15 in Analyze.

  You have reached level 11 in Perception.

  Gryph’s mind was at peace for the first time since he’d arrived in the Realms. He was still worried about Brynn, but he knew that, at this moment, there was nothing he could do for her. “You need to take care of yourself before you can tend to others,” he heard the voice of his long dead mother say.

  To reward himself, he opens his Character Sheet and did some shopping. He still had the 5 points he’d saved from the last time he’d upped his Attributes. He’d been so engrossed in battle he hadn’t even considered using the game hack. Well that meant more to spend now.

  He decided to put 5 points into Strength, Constitution, Dexterity and Intelligence. The last 4 he dumped into Wisdom. Now that his Spirit was available, he figured it was time to up the Stat. He didn’t yet know what an Incantation was, but he hoped to find out soon enough.

  There was one last prompt blinking in the corner of
his vision. He knew it was the Godhead, and while part of him was excited to see what amazing things the prompt would reveal, another part of him was terrified by the divine artifact. He took a deep breath and clicked the prompt.

  Congratulations, due to your completion of the Legendary Quest Cleanse the Barrow in which you slew a Legendary Adversary (The Barrow King) your Godhead has evolved to Tier 2.

  The mote of creation inside you has increased in power.

  You are awarded +75 to Health, +75 to Stamina, +75 to Mana and +75 to Spirit.

  You are also granted +5 to all attributes.

  All skills (including those learned in the next 24 hours) are increased by 2 levels.

  +1 Divine Perk Points.

  Once again Gryph was stunned. He was growing in power quickly and he suspected that it would not go unnoticed. He decided to hold his Divine Perk Point in reserve alongside his regular Perk Points. He needed to consult with Ovyrm about the best way to proceed. The xydai seemed to be the most knowledgeable of the strange artifact that had bonded to him. Gryph inhaled and closed out his interface. He took a quick peek at his Skill Sheet.

  Magic Skills: Level (Tier)

  100% Affinity in All Spheres

  Fire: 0 (Base)

  Air: 12 (Base)

  Water: 4 ((Base)

  Earth: 6 (Base)

  Chthonic: 0 (Base)

  Empyrean: 0 (Base)

  Chaos: 4 (Base)

  Order: 0 (Base)

  Life: 0 (Base)

  Death: 0 (Base)

  Thought: 7 (Base)

  Aether: 0 (Base)

  Soul: 27 (Base)

  Martial Skills: Level (Tier)

  Unarmed: 7 (Base)

  Small Blades: 7 (Base)

  Staves/Spears: 13 (Base)

  Thrown Weapons: 10 (B)

  Stealth: 10 (Base)

  Light Armor: 14 (Base)

  Dodge: 12 (Base)

  Knowledge Skills (Tier)

  Alchemy: 7 (Base)

  Harvest: 7 (Base)

  Analyze: 17 (Base)

  Perception: 13 (Base)

  Lockpicking: 7 (Base)

  Traps: 7 (Base)

  Perk Points: 4

  Divine Perk Points: 1

  Gryph was wowed by the 100% Affinity in every magic. That could sure come in handy. Now, he just needed to find people willing to tech him. He suspected that magical knowledge was an incredibly valuable coin in the Realms, and he doubted everyone would be as free with the knowledge as his companions in the Barrow had been. The need to survive made people do odd things.

  Gryph opened his Character Sheet.

  Gryph - Level 14

  High Elf (El’Edryn)

  Deity: None

  Experience: 452,303

  Next Level: 182,697


  Health: 347

  Stamina: 342

  Mana: 325

  Spirit: 280


  Strength: 38

  Constitution: 47

  Dexterity: 47

  Intelligence: 40

  Wisdom: 24

  Attribute Points: 5


  Health Regeneration: +25%

  Mana Regeneration: +25%

  Night Vision: 120 ft.

  Master of Tongues

  Wick’s tale ended by the time Gryph finished inspecting his interface. Ovyrm walked up to Simon and chatted with him. Wick and Tifala were inseparable. Even Xeg seemed shipper as he gnawed on one of the Barrow King’s arm bones. Gryph had to smile at the motley crew of companions he’d assembled around him.

  Is this what life in the Realms will be like? he thought. If so, I could do worse.

  Not long after Simon opened a portal to the outside world. Gryph was worried that the expenditure of energy would drain the spectral teen too much, but Simon said he had some ideas about how to sustain himself and fix up the Barrow.

  “That’s something Ouzeriuo never discovered, never could discover,” Simon said. “A willing soul is far more powerful than a consumed one. Give me a few weeks and you won’t even recognize this place.”

  Gryph promised to return when he was able and walked through the shimmering portal. The sensation was much more pleasant than the last several portals he’d walked though and soon he felt a cool spring breeze blowing on his face.

  He stood in a grass clearing in the middle of an ancient forest. Beyond the trees were tall mountains. Birds chirped and flew in lazy circles. Insects buzzed. Life was everywhere.

  He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. The smell of fresh air brought tears to his eyes. Somewhere near he could hear a babbling brook.

  “I will say one thing, Dinkwick Flintspanner, you sure now how to show a girl a good time,” Tifala said. She hugged Wick fiercely as the gnome’s body tightened before his head snapped back at his taller friends.

  “So…," Gryph began, a smirk splitting his face.

  “Don’t say it,” Wick grumbled.

  Gryph stifled a laugh, but kept quiet.

  “Your name is Dinkwick?” Ovyrm asked.

  Gryph erupted in laughter to the horror of Wick.

  “It’s a family name,” Wick said, head hung low.

  “It is a good name,” Ovyrm said, with no sense of irony or humor. “A strong name. A warrior’s name.”

  Gryph couldn’t help himself as he laughed out loud. Tifala smiled and Xeg barked what may have been a laugh. Ovyrm looked confused.

  “Am I missing something?” Ovyrm asked.

  Even Wick had to smile at that one. “You really aren’t from around here are you?”

  “I am confused,” Ovyrm said again.

  “I’ll explain it over one of those beers,” Gryph said, clasping the tall xydai by the shoulder.

  The group walked down a small trail, laughing and smiling.

  Then the world shifted and Gryph was somewhere else.


  O ne moment Gryph was in a forest walking next to Ovyrm and the next he stood on a massive balcony overlooking a wondrous, blue ocean. Gryph spun in a panic, moving to draw his spear. But he had no access to his inventory. In fact, he was no longer dressed in his armor, but wore a flowing robe of white and gold.

  The patio was massive. Columns held a half moon roof above the back part of the massive outdoor space. Arrayed in a matching half moon pattern were thirteen stone chairs. The space was familiar and Gryph remembered the Chamber of the Pantheon from his entry to the Realms. It wasn’t identical, but the similarity was too close to ignore.

  “Welcome,” a voice that was both sure and serpentine said.

  Gryph spun to see a tall mad clad in a hooded robe that shrouded his features. On instinct, Gryph prepped Flying Stalactite, but the magic sputtered like an engine stalling.

  “My apologies Your Eminence, but magic does not work here,” the Hooded Man said with a slight bow of apology. “And as you have already discovered weapons are also prohibited.”

  “Where am I?” Gryph asked, his fists clenching and his body relaxing into a defensive pose. He may have no magic and no weapons, but he was hardly unarmed.

  “This is the Agora your eminence. The meeting place of the gods.” The Hooded Man walked past him.

  Gryph asked, reaching a hand to grab the tall, hooded figure. His hand pushed though the man as if he were a ghost or a hologram. The Hooded Man looked at Gryph.

  “No harm may be dealt or received while in the Agora."

  “Why am I here?” Gryph asked.

  “Because you are a god. And a Quorum has been called.”

  Gryph’s eyes went to the thirteen stone chairs. The central throne was larger than the twelve that ringed it, six to a side.

  “Called by whom?”

  “By me,” came a powerful and familiar voice. “I felt it was time that we met face to face, so you could meet your brothers and sisters.”

  Gryph turned, not at all surprised to see the High God Aluran standing behind him. He wore the same simple robes as Gryph,
but he was no less imposing than he had been in his golden armor. He stood, arms clasped behind his back with a beatific smile that would have been at home on the Pope’s face.

  Gryph attempted to use Analyze on the High God, but got nothing but his grandiose titles. The High God Aluran, Arche of the Pantheon, Prime of the Realms. Father to all.

  “The others will join us shortly, but I felt it proper that you and I had a chat.” The way he said chat suggested that casual conversations were beneath him. Aluran turned to look down upon the wondrous city.

  Gryph recognized Aluran's attempt to put him at ease by exposing his back. “He knows that I cannot hurt him,” Gryph thought. Gryph walked up next to the man and took in the city below. It was a stunning view. If the most wondrous of magical cities existed on Italy’s Amalfi Coast, it would still pale compared to the wonder of this place.

  “The Shining City,” Aluran said. “My home.”

  “It is amazing,” Gryph said.

  “Thank you. I have worked very hard, over many long years to build it and make it my home.” He turned his gaze to Gryph. “And I am very protective of what is mine.”

  “As you should be.”

  Aluran smiled and gave a small bow. “But, how rude of me. I have not introduced myself. I am the High God Aluran, Arche of the Pantheon, the Ruler of this Realm. But, I suspect you already knew that?”

  Gryph nodded.

  “And you are?” Aluran asked.

  Gryph stared at Aluran, mulling over the dangers of letting him know his name. “I am Gryph.”

  “Just Gryph?”

  “I have yet to acquire any fancy titles,” Gryph said with definite snark.

  “Well you have just arrived,” Aluran said, a verbal jab back at Gryph.


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