Barrow King: The Realms Book One (A LitRPG Adventure)

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Barrow King: The Realms Book One (A LitRPG Adventure) Page 32

by C. M. Carney

  “Still getting my feet wet, as they say.”

  “And performing quite admirably. Your Godhead has already evolved.”

  Gryph tensed. How could he know that?

  “Well, my father instilled a strong work ethic in me.”

  “As all father’s should. If it is acceptable, I will dispense with the small talk.”

  Gryph nodded.

  “You are an enigma Gryph. You are not supposed to be here and you are not supposed to possess … what you possess. I do not know who you are, or where you come from, but I dislike unknowns.”

  “On that we can agree,” Gryph said.

  “Excellent. You are a civilized man. I believe that we can come to an accord.”

  “What is it you want?”

  “Straight and direct. I appreciate that.”

  Aluran turned away and walked, hands clasped behind his back a few paces away. Gryph knew that it was another ploy, designed to make Gryph feel comfortable. It was failing. Gryph tensed.

  “I ask that you join me. I ask you to join the Pantheon. I ask for your fealty,” Aluran said, turning his potent gaze on Gryph. “In exchange I will teach you. Help you achieve your ultimate potential.”

  He truly doesn’t know who I am, Gryph realized. If he did, then he’d use Brynn to threaten me. Which means my presence is no threat to Brynn, yet. Waves of relief surged through Gryph. To hide this joy, Gryph smiled a wry smile.

  “I’ve always been more of a solo kinda guy.”

  Aluran's expression soured as a deep anger surged from the depths of his being. Gryph got the smallest of peeks at the high God’s true nature before it was buried.

  “That presents a problem. I brought the Pantheon here to restore justice and order to a world long infected by corruption and evil. I have built a better realm for all who reside here and I will let no power threaten my world.”

  Gryph’s mind flashed back to the ancient scene he’d experienced in the Barrow. I know you Morrigan, Gryph thought. I know what you truly are.

  “I’m just a man trying to get by in a strange world,” Gryph said. “I have no plans to throw a wrench into your gears.”

  Aluran smiled. “Ah, so you are a Crusader then. I suspected as much.”

  Shit, Gryph thought. I need to watch what I say. Damn colloquialisms. What else have I given away?

  “Tell me, how do you still have access? Or are you trapped? Do you have loved ones who miss you? I could send you back.”

  “Like I said, I’ve always been a solo kinda guy.”

  “Too easy I suppose,” Aluran said with a smile. “Well Gryph, I suppose if you behave I can let you stay.” He gazed into Gryph’s eyes. “It is time to meet you brethren.”

  Twelve other figures materialized on the stone chairs arrayed in front of Gryph. As they coalesced, Aluran took his seat on the central throne.

  “Welcome, gods of the Pantheon,” the Hooded Man intoned.

  Gryph took an involuntary step back as he saw the deities before him. He saw Aluran smile. Gryph’s eyes scanned the arrayed gods. Several were female. He had already met Heleracon and Zeckoth, but neither showed any sign that they recognized him.

  Just recordings after all, Gryph thought in relief.

  His eyes scanned the other goddesses and his eyes settled on one, a few spots to the left of Aluran. She was tall and regal, with a warm face that did not look like Brynn, but it felt like her. Gryph used Analyze on her.

  Ferrancia, The Messenger Goddess. Goddess of the Travelers and Guests.

  Aluran noticed Gryph’s attention and smiled. “Ferrancia my daughter, our new friend has taken a liking to you.”

  Ferrancia leaned forward in her chair and grinned at Gryph. The small uptick of the mouth that Gryph had seen a thousand times on his sister when they were kids.

  This is Brynn.

  “I suppose he is rather cute,” Ferrancia said, showing no sign that she recognized Gryph.

  This both saddened and soothed Gryph. He stared at her Brynn it’s me, Finn, he thought at her. No change came to Ferrancia’s face. She doesn’t know who she is?

  “I have called you here so you could all meet Gryph. I have offered him a place at outside, but he is reluctant.” Aluran leaned forward ever so slightly. “I wanted him to meet you, so that he understood exactly how things work here.”

  The threat was obvious. If Gryph stepped out of line, Aluran would bring the full power of the Pantheon down upon him. Gryph wouldn’t be fighting one god, but thirteen, including, it seemed, his own sister.

  “What say you Gryph, I ask you one last time. Will you join us?” Aluran boomed.

  All eyes were on Gryph and he flashed back his childhood. The time as a teen when he’d stolen a car and gone on a joyride. The cops had not scared him. They were nothing compared to the Colonel. As Aluran's gaze drilled into him, Gryph realized that the Colonel was nothing compared to this god.

  Fear ate at him, but he pushed it down and stared back at Aluran. Aluran's gaze and body knew Gryph’s answer before the words came from his mouth. Had the Agora allowed for it, Gryph knew he’d be dead this very moment.

  “I appreciate the High God’s most gracious offer, but I believe I will make my own way in this realm.”

  To his credit, Aluran held in his rage. With no further ceremony Aluran stood. “Then this Quorum is at an end.”

  Aluran flicked his hand in a dismissive manner and suddenly Gryph was back in the glade with his friends. He stumbled and Ovyrm caught him.

  “You okay?” Wick asked, seeing the fear in Gryph’s eyes.

  “I’m in a world of shit,” Gryph said.

  The End of Barrow King Book One of the Realms.

  What the Hell Happened to Lex?

  Turn the Page.

  What the Hell Happened to Lex?

  The dude just disappeared. Last we saw him, he was flat on his ass in a dusty street. Find out what happened to Lex in Killing Time a novella of the Realms.

  Download the Novella Killing Time for Free.

  Go to this link:

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  The Realms Book Two

  Coming Spring 2018

  The Lost City - The Realms Book Two

  Other Books By C.M. Carney

  Planewalker - A Sci-Fi Short Story


  To my father, Kevin Carney.

  I could not have written this book without you.


  I couldn’t have this book what it is without the help of numerous people.

  Thanks to Erica, my first reader, and the love of my life. Thank you for being you.

  Thanks to my mother Kathy for always believing in me, and my sister Melissa, for never letting me forget I was a dork.

  Thanks to Charlie and Mary Lou Adams for so generously letting me house sit their home in Colorado. Without your roof over my head I’d still be slogging away at this book.

  To my awesome Beta Readers, including Robert Petersen, Ben Evans, Jennifer Haviland, A.J.P., Jo Hoffacker, Wade Tiberius Pena, Florian Cadwe, Zach Goza, and the others who gave me feedback. Without you guys, Barrow King would be a shell of what it is today. Thank You.

  And thanks Lou Harper for the awesome cover.

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