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Avalyne Series 01: The Queen of Carleon

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by Linda Thackeray

  The arrival of the king had renewed him and given him a sense hope while Ronen reminded Dare of a childhood friend and a trusted member of his circle who died before the war against Balfure had begun. Ronen’s renewed sense of hope and Dare’s memory built a bond between them that was more than the service of a lord to his king, it was one of real friendship.

  There was no need for informality when she regarded Aeron. He was fair like all her people were fair. Tall and lean, his brown almost black hair was worn loose and always seemed wild and tousled even though it was braided in places to keep from being unruly. Only the tips of his elven ears were exposed through the dark strands. Aeron was handsome and never lacking in female company though he had yet to bonded to anyone. Even though he had walked Avalyne for a thousand years, to men he had the appearance of a thirty-year old.

  ‘My queen,’ he said, his dark blue eyes dancing with mischief while a small smile crossed his lips.

  Arianne rolled her eyes at the formal greeting, wondering how it was that Aeron with whom she had spent many summers as a child during Lylea’s visits to Eden Halas, could still be as vexing as when were children. No matter how many times she reminded him that since she had given him first kiss when they were both eight, had witnessed his first fall out of a tree, and that they had known each other most of their lives, he continued to ignore her request to call her by name. Arianne was convinced he was doing it to be annoying like he was when they were children.


  ‘Arianne, is something wrong?’ Dare asked his wife gingerly as she was easier to provoke these days than an ogre with a bad tooth.

  ‘Nothing my love,’ Arianne assured him, and disarmed his anxiety with a smile he’d know was meant just for him. ‘I would just like a moment alone with my king if my lords do not mind?’ She glanced at the two men.

  ‘Of course,’ Ronen answered without hesitation and glanced at Dare for the king’s leave to depart.

  ‘I will send for you when we are done,’ Dare replied, thinking absurdly that she wanted privacy so there would be no witnesses when she slaughtered him.

  Both man and elf obeyed and left the room.

  ‘If this is about where I left my boots again, I swear that affairs of state occupied my mind and I forgot…’ Dare started to apologise before Arianne closed the distance between them and silenced him with a kiss.

  Caught by surprise, he stared at her with puzzlement for a moment before the pleasure of it made him slide his arms around her waist and kiss her back with equal affection. She was the love of his life, and being king would not mean as much if she were not at his side. Her love had given him the strength to take back his kingdom, to save his people and be the man he was today. If he became a great king it was because she had made him so.

  ‘I am confused,’ he finally admitted when they parted.

  ‘Of course you are,’ she said smiling, ‘I come here on an entirely new matter. However, now that you have made mention of it, is it so hard to put them away?’

  ‘You are teasing me,’ he retorted, a brow cocked over one eye in playful accusation.

  ‘Yes I am,’ she confessed smirking.

  Dare pulled her to him and kissed her again, glad to see that she was in a better mood than she had been during the past few days. In truth, his desire for self preservation was superseded by his love for her, and so he worried what could have bothered her so greatly that she was lashing out so uncharacteristically. Arianne’s nature was playful and spirited but she was never biting in her manner. Her behaviour of late had been a new experience for him.

  Yet all it took was a kiss to fall in love with her all over again.

  Her effect on him was always the same. Since the very first moment he laid eyes upon her at Lylea’s court, Dare was lost. She was a vision of loveliness that almost made him forget everything he came to say during that first audience with Lylea. Like her mother, who was known for her deep mahogany hair, Arianne took after her, possessing the same hair that shimmered when she wore it long. It framed her oval face with its high cheek bones, full lips and eyes so brown—it was how Dare imagined the earth to be, rich and full of life. Her skin like all elven ladies was pale but to his eyes it was almost luminescent. She did not seemed quite real, like something that had wandered out of a dream. Watching her that first time, his heart pounded in his chest like he was a boy.

  To this day, Dare never understood why she loved him enough to give up immortality.

  ‘And what can the king do for his queen today?’ he asked, considerably more at ease.

  ‘I came to apologize for how I have been these past few weeks,’ Arianne admitted first and foremost. ‘I know I have been difficult.’

  That was an understatement but he wisely chose to remain silent.

  ‘What troubled you my love?’ he asked, grateful that at last she was talking to him about this. They always shared everything, and not knowing the reason for her foul mood had provoked his worst fears about their relationship. ‘I was starting to fear that you might have regretted the choice to give up your immortality for me.’

  Arianne stared at him with disbelief at the mere suggestion.

  ‘Fool,’ she snapped and slapped him on the arm for still harbouring such foolish insecurities. Did he still not grasp even now, that he was her life? ‘You men can be so frightfully wrong at times.’ Arianne chided.

  ‘I warn you lady,’ he returned playfully ‘Striking the king is a mortal offense.’

  ‘I will take my chances,’ she snorted dismissively. ‘I will tell you this once more but if I have to do it again, I will call upon all the powers at my disposal to show you my displeasure. I love you and I always will. Were I was immortal or not, you are my soul-mate. If one life time with you is all there is, I will never regret it. You hold my heart, king. Be secure in that fact, if no other.’

  Admonished, Dare nodded in silence and knew that it was foolishness that allowed his mind to travel such dark roads. She had proven her love for him on more occasions than he could count and he had faith in her. Still he could not help but wonder what in the name of Celestial Gods she saw in him to abandon her immortal existence to share a very mortal one with him.

  ‘All right,’ he conceded defeat, ‘but you must admit you were rather frightening these past weeks and fear is not something I succumb to easily. I’ve fought monsters.’

  ‘I have my reasons,’ she said dryly, disappointed that the surprise she had intended to give him had been waylaid by an old argument. Then again, what in life ever took place according to plan? ‘Something had been preying upon my mind that I could not speak of to you until I had confirmation of it. I am afraid waiting for an answer frayed at my nerves more than my disposition could endure.’

  ‘What Rian?’ he demanded, a little alarmed that she had not told him that she was so vexed about something. Theirs was a relationship that turned on their ability to confide everything to each other. It worried him what she might think too much for him to bear. ‘Did something happen? Are you alright?’

  ‘I am fine,’ she stilled him again her finger. ‘Dare, we are going to have a baby.’

  The expression of stunned silence that crossed his face was so acute that there was an instant she thought this news was not to his liking. All men wanted sons, did they not? She wanted to give him an heir, to consolidate his claim to the throne and show him that he was not the last son of his house. However, his astonishment was but brief and her fears were dispelled when a great light flickered into being behind his eyes and soon it encompassed his face with a brilliant and happy grin.

  ‘A baby!’ he exclaimed with the eagerness of a boy given a wondrous gift. ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Yes,’ she nodded, relieved to be able to tell him finally and now being able to share the joy of it by his reaction to her news. ‘I had begun to suspect weeks ago that I might be quickened but I could not be certain until today. That is why I was seemed so out of sorts. I am sorry that I upset you but I s
o wanted to be certain before I told you.’

  ‘And you are now?’ He asked, staring at her in wonder before his gaze dropped to her stomach where his child, no their child, was growing within.

  ‘Yes Calfax confirmed it for me today. We are going to have a baby in the spring.’

  ‘Oh Rian!’ he exclaimed and he lifted her up by the waist and twirled her around in an uncharacteristic show of exhilaration. ‘I love you and I will love our son.’

  ‘Your son?’ She gazed down at him with an imperious stare. ‘Are you so sure its going to be a boy? It could be a girl.’

  ‘I don't care what it is,’ he admitted immediately. ‘I do not care if we have a boy or a girl. I will love it either way. You have already made me happier than I ever thought possible, but now, knowing that we have created this together—there are no words to describe it.’

  ‘Oh Dare,’ she spoke, her voice choking with the emotion that corresponded with the tears glistening in her eyes at the delight she saw in his face. Resting her head against his chest, she took comfort in the sound of his heart beating so close to her ear and wondered if her baby was listening to hers in the same fashion. ‘We are going to have a baby! Keeping this to myself has been so hard, I've wanted to shout it out from the roof tops ever since I first thought I might be with child. I am so glad I no longer have to keep this from you!’

  ‘I wish you had told me,’ he said brushing the top of her dark hair with a light kiss. ‘You should not have to keep such a thing to yourself. It’s no wonder you were so disagreeable.’

  ‘I did not want to plant false hopes, my love. You have so much to worry your mind already, I did not wish to see you disappointed if I was wrong.’

  ‘Nothing that you do could ever disappoint me my love,’ Dare stared into her face and wanted her to see that it was the truth. Still, he could not deny that he was delighted that they were going to have a child and he truly meant it when he said that he cared not if it were a boy or a girl. ‘However, now that we know for sure, I feel as you do. I want everyone to know!’

  ‘Everyone?’ She gave him a look wondering what devilry was he conjuring in his mind.

  ‘Yes,’ he grinned. ‘I think it is time that the King and Queen of Carleon hold court with their friends again. How about we have a little party and we can make the announcement to the whole city?’

  Arianne thought of her Lylea, Queen Syanne, the wizard Tamsyn, Kyou the dwarf, Celene, Tully and Keira of the Green who had given Dare refuge when Balfure's most evil servants—the Disciples—had been hunting him. The last time they had all been gathered was during Dare's coronation and wedding. She would dearly love to see them again, and knew that Dare would also be pleased to spend time with the people who knew him before he became king.

  ‘I think that would be most acceptable my Lord.’ She showed her agreement with another kiss.

  ‘Well then run along and arrange it,’ he smirked, dismissing her with a wave of his hand.

  ‘This was your idea!’ she exclaimed with mock outrage. ‘How is it the duty falls to me?’

  ‘Well celebrations are strictly your responsibility, my queen. I only deal with the running of the kingdom, the fighting of the wars and the killing of the occasional insect in our chambers. If you wished the arrangement changed, I have no objection.’ He winked at her.

  ‘Really?’ Arianne snorted and pulled away from him. In truth, her duties amounted to a little more than that. As his queen, it was her responsibility to ensure the well being of their people by seeing to the creation of schools, houses of healing and other public works. Nevertheless, her mind whirling already with all the things had to be done for such a celebration to take place. ‘I will do your bidding this once, my king,’ she teased. ‘But only because it suits me.’

  ‘Well thank you my queen,’ he returned, smiling as he watched her sauntering towards away. Knowing that he was soon to be a father by a woman he never thought could love him back made the day's duty a little less tedious. Arianne was able to lift his spirit like no one else alive, and he still marvelled at the discovery that someone so beautiful could also be as equally kind.

  ‘Rian,’ he called out before she left the hall.

  ‘Yes Dare?’ She cast those magnificent brown eyes back at him with a quizzical expression.

  ‘I love you,’ he said softly.

  ‘As you should, my love.’ she replied as she left.

  Chapter TWO:


  Visitors to the Green were rare.

  Nestled in the western shadow of the great Baffin Range, the village was hidden away in the middle of Barrenjuck Green, the oldest forest in Avalyne. It was also the only community of size before one reached the distant fishing towns of Lenkworth. Shielded by the mountains and flanked by the Brittle Sea, the people of the village were of human stock but had managed to remain untouched by Balfure and his armies. Consisting of farmers, the folk of the Green found no reason to venture beyond their borders, particularly when they heard the tale of travellers who spoke of all the trouble that was happening in the rest of Avalyne.

  Even after the outside world had invaded their lands seven years ago and tortured one of its own, the villagers continued as they always had, indifferent to the world-changing events taking place beyond the Green. They were, after all, a village of produce and livestock farmers, who maintained their prosperity by selling their goods to other lands and retreating back to their own, seeing little reason to be neighbourly when such things only invited trouble.

  During the war they had remained largely unscathed. Their geographical location made invasion by Balfure’s forces difficult. Aside from having to cross the formidable mountains, known to have the highest peaks in all of Avalyne, an invader would then have to enter the Green to reach the village. The forest was old and dense, with a reputation for being haunted (though that would have done little to deter Balfure). However, the locals believed that the spirits of those killed during the Primordial Wars had found their resting place in the ancient trees and that was enough to discourage visitors.

  Respecting the village’s desire for isolation, the High King after his ascension, established the Watch Guard who would watch over the lands of the Green, ensuring that no unwanted incursions would be made into its territory. It was in keeping with a promise he had made to one of its people, whose courage and charity had led to a devastating personal cost after his life had been saved.

  Seven years ago Dare, Aeron and his childhood Braedan was pursued into the Green by Balfure’s evil Disciples. Forced into unfamiliar woods after Braedan and Aeron led the enemy away, he came upon Furnsby Farm, owned by Tully and Keira, a newly wed couple who spent their days growing vegetables and rearing cows. Tully, who was often considered too inquisitive for his own good gave Dare refuge despite his wife’s reservations about becoming involved in non-Green affairs. Tully agreed to take Dare out of the wood, as he was more than familiar with the dense forest that had caused many a traveller to become lost, with fatal consequences.

  The effort to lead the Disciples away from Dare resulted in Braedan’s death and Aeron barely escaping alive. Unfortunately, in resuming their search for the exiled King, the Disciples were able to track the future king to the Furnsby farm and found Keira there instead. Stubbornly refusing to surrender the king’s whereabouts, she was subjected to the Disciples’ dreaded torture of the Blinding Curse.

  When the blood of the Desert Burrowers, a small worm-like creature native to Abraxes, was administered to a hapless victim, it had the terrible effect of burning out the victim’s eyes and brains beneath the flesh. It was forced upon a victim in small doses, until the extreme pain or fear of blindness, produced the desired results. Keira's courage proved more than a match for the Disciples but her refusal to yield had agonising consequences.

  It was hours before Tully would return but when he did, it was to the discovery that Keira was almost dead and her sight near lost. Dare had raced back to the farm as soon a
s he learned that the Disciples had entered the Green and found the couple in their desperate situation. It was a situation that he was painfully aware he had brought upon them. Arianne who was to meet him at the edge of the Green, ferried Keira back Eden Taryn as quickly as she could. Only the healing skills of the elves could save Keira’s eyesight but she would bear the scars of her torture from that day onward.

  Despite this however, the couple bore no enmity toward the king who had brought the Disciples into their lives. In gratitude, Dare promised that no invader would ever set foot in the Green when he became king. It was a promise he held sacred and upon ascending his throne, he fulfilled it by the establishment of the Watch Guard whose duty it was to watch over the Green and its gentle folk.


  Everyone noticed the rider from Carleon.

  Garnering curious stares from the locals as he rode through the small community to deliver his message, the messenger knew his instructions. Deliver the news, wait for a message if there was one to be received and then leave immediately. He was to disturb nothing in this small community beyond the duty he needed to perform. Once he had left the Green, the town of Tumbur which sat at the foothills of the Baffin Range would be the only place he could stop for rest before crossing the mountain and returning to Carleon.

  Although the presence of the visitor drew much interest, the locals knew for whom the messenger had come. There was not one person in the village who did not know the High King’s connection to the occupants of Furnsby Farm. Although the couple had been deemed foolish by most of the village for becoming involved in the whole business with the Disciples in the first place, there was no denying the courage displayed by Keira Furnsby or the admiration she so rightly deserved for saving the High King.


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