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The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

Page 10

by Samuel David

  “Sure Luke, I am ready.”

  As they left, Veronica and Enoch said, “See you in Mexico City.”

  When they were gone, Veronica said, “Okay, let’s discuss travel arrangements and the next few days.”

  Chapter 23

  6:45 AM Friday Kansas City, Missouri - President Richard Stevenson’s Suite

  As was typical for his mornings, the day’s news snippets were on the table as he had his coffee. The CIA and the FBI gave these to him daily…the first Presidential briefings of the day.

  There were quite a few dispatches worldwide. Most were issues with the rain in North Africa and the Middle East. Most of the countries there had declared martial law and were scrambling to move people to higher ground and shelter.

  Many of their allies in the affected areas were having difficulty with handling the mass of people needing relocation. Most of the rivers were in or past flooding stages; and the rains were literally wiping out infrastructures in major cities.

  The European Union was providing relief efforts for them as well as they could and they were also getting help from China and Russia. Normally the U.S. would be heavily involved, but with the California earthquake and the oncoming hurricanes, they needed to hold their reserves close to home.

  The situation in Southern California was becoming epic and the death and injury count was almost to the number that Enoch had predicted. FEMA was starting to experience problems in the refugee camps; but as of now, the media had not gotten a hold of that information. But it was only a matter of time.

  Brigades from other bases in Southern California were now supplementing the National Guard. It appeared that people were living in tents, without adequate blankets, clean water, and food. The supply chain was breaking down in getting supplies into Twenty Nine Palms. Simple things like showers and restrooms were overburdened. The Air force was rerouting supplies for both refugee camps and drop parachuting body canisters into the Southern California area, for the dead. The body count and disposal was an absolute mess to deal with. There were just too many.

  Hurricane Alex was currently right on track for the eye to hit the Houston area on Monday morning. The rains were starting but they were light now. The satellite images revealed that the hurricane already covered the entire gulf.

  The other hurricane predicted, named Bosner, was right behind it. From the satellite photos on the weather channel, the entire Gulf and Atlantic were churning from the two hurricanes. The third was already forming off the coast of Africa.

  Many of the Caribbean Islands from Aruba to Jamaica had already seen the fury of Alex. With winds in excess of 120 miles per hour, and unprecedented rainfall up to fourteen inches, they had few chances. Most of the infrastructure there were either destroyed or not functioning. The U.S. Virgin Islands were also included in this carnage and the second hurricane, Bosner was coming along almost on the same path.

  Other information was that the CIA Director was currently under house arrest in Washington for his part in ordering the assassination on Enoch last night. Stevenson was concerned about what Aafre would do about this, for the Ken Giles murder was still highly suspect. Ken, on his own, had tried to take Enoch down by turning him over to the Israelis.

  This entire situation was getting out of hand. As Stevenson watched Brad Williams this morning and the disinformation going out about the Witnesses, he became even more concerned that the two prophets might challenge Brad. He had lied about them on his broadcast and the Witnesses may cause even more destruction in retaliation towards Brad’s lies. Then Enoch had already said this was just the beginning. He did not want to antagonize them and this broadcast seemed to be aimed in that direction. Definitely, that had Waldger’s touch.

  The rioting in the Middle East had reached epic proportions with the threats made by Elijah last night. The President of Iran had gone on the airwaves and threatened to destroy Israel if they moved one rock from the Dome of the Rock. Elijah had told John Roddenburg that any country threatening Israel would experience a plague of locusts.

  The Waldger Group meetings would begin in about two hours here at the Center City. That meeting would probably decide the fates of many individuals and countries. Aafre had invited the American ambassadors from both China and Russia. They would, as he knew, be representing the Shanghai Cooperation Group. Iran, Pakistan, and India were not invited, as were several other third world countries. Of course, the oil baron states would be there which included Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and so on. They, like Waldger, had all the money.

  Aafre had asked if Stevenson could speak with him one on one this morning before the meetings. This concerned him. Normally they were never public about their associations; but it seemed they no longer cared. That was obvious, for everyone who was anyone was at the sermon last night. That would have never ever happened before.

  Another concern was that he might be expendable like Ken Giles was.

  Aafre had said something about a champion, which Stevenson took to mean his new selected world leader. He had read the documentation sent to everyone from Monday’s meeting about the end time plans that had been drawn up. They were quite vague and dealt more with economics and the movement of world assets in order to protect them from the Witnesses. He was not sure whom this Champion was or what he was to do. Maybe the meeting was to talk about that and that Aafre was planning to elevate him to that position. He just did not know.

  As far as being President of the world’s largest super power, he could not even make a decision on anything right now without someone else’s approval. He was entirely in Aafre’s hands. Whatever The Waldger Group wanted was what he needed to do. If what they wanted was the sovereignty of the U.S., that was going to be difficult to hand over.

  The news media was still speculating about martial law. The legal steps required by law were completed. Therefore, when it became necessary to implement the law, no one could complain. Approval by the Justice Department was in hand. It would probably go into effect sometime after the second hurricane hit. Then the other storms were coming just a few days apart and the major destruction of the U.S. would be apparent. Without martial law, there would be total chaos.

  Congress was currently in adjournment. The individual legislators had gone to their home states to prepare for the oncoming disasters which had been predicted. For a change, no laws were being passed; which was probably for the best.

  So many things to think about yet there was so much more he had to do.

  Chapter 24

  6:50 AM Friday Kansas City, Missouri - David Matthews’ Suite

  Since his arrival in Kansas City, he had been handling things for Aafre, acting almost like a personal secretary.

  He had spent most of the previous day digging into Reverend Marks’ background, trying to find some dirt on him. He had found some. After his divorce, he had been sexually active with some of his followers in New York. One woman, with whom he had had an affair, had become pregnant and the Reverend had paid for the abortion and allegedly paid her off for her silence. Other than that, there was nothing else on him.

  Armed with some blackmail material, David had called Reverend Marks. He had played the part of Aaron in the Moses story from the Bible last night. He offered him a bribe to get him away from Jack South and his team. David told him he would get his own TV show, and would spearhead a new religion. Marks had declined. David then asked about the woman to which Marks reply was that God had forgiven him for that. The Reverend asked if there was anything else, after which he hung up. David did not pursue it. He did not want to.

  He was in a bad situation. He had the feeling that he was on the wrong side of this entire situation. Over the last few days and for the first time since reading about these end times from scripture and other writers, he now wanted salvation himself. However, he had a problem. He was almost second in charge with the group even though he made no decisions. However, he knew that after last night, God would hold him accountable. <
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  David well knew that failure when working for The Waldger Group meant possible extermination. There was no way out of the organization and he did not know what to do. In his heart, he believed that these men truly were Witnesses from God and that whatever god Waldger had, was not the true God.

  Last night, he had accepted Jesus while at the rally. Fortunately, for him, he had not been seated with the dignitaries, and was able to get on his knees when Jack gave the invitation for all to profess their beliefs. As a born-again Christian, he now needed a game plan.

  In less than an hour he needed to be ready for the first meeting with the leaders and members of The Group. For the first time, there would be no hiding of the dignitaries attending and they were being very open as to who attended. Usually these meetings were discreet, to say the least. Some members attended without the public ever being aware of it. Now it seemed they wanted people to know their allegiance to The Waldger Group and major world leaders, like the President of the United States.

  Today, Aafre had told him that he had invited the Speaker of the House, third in line for the U.S. presidency, and without President Stevenson’s knowledge. Aafre gave him strict instructions to register him under a false name at the hotel and keep him concealed until he himself gave further notice.

  Robert Cain, Speaker of the House, was third in line for succession of the Presidency; in the event that both the President and the Vice President died or became incapacitated. Upon the death of the President, the VP would assume office and would appoint a new VP who, per the Constitution, had to be ‘confirmed’ by Congress. This new law was the result of passing the 25th amendment in 1967. and was put into effect after Kennedy’s assassination.

  The first time it was implemented was when Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned and President Nixon appointed Gerald Ford as VP. Then, Nixon had resigned and Gerald Ford became president. He then appointed Nelson Rockefeller as Vice President.

  David had a very strange feeling that somehow, Robert Cain being here under secrecy would somehow cause the government to have to invoke the 25th Amendment again. Aafre never did anything on a whim; he always had a plan, always.

  David had been reading about the Witnesses and prophecy. At first, he had thought that maybe Aafre would be the one to battle the Witnesses. Now, with the Speaker’s presence, maybe Aafre was just meaning to give him or someone like him the power. David could get none of this out of his mind since last night.

  What bothered him the most – and it was just one of those things that caused the hair on the back of one’s neck to stand on end, was the name, Cain. The Cain from the Bible had killed his brother, committing the world’s first murder. Somehow, deep down, he felt that that was important. Silly but he was usually right about his intuition. Something was going to happen and very soon.

  David was not sure what he was going to do, but for now, he would act as he always did. Maybe he would figure out how he could do his job without offending God and Jesus Christ. It was not his desire to spend eternity in hell with the Beast. Maybe he could help the Witnesses in some way and still do his job for The Waldger group. Maybe he could do something.

  Chapter 25

  7:30 AM Friday Kansas City, Missouri – Center City, Enoch’s Suite

  Veronica had stayed with Enoch a while to discuss the upcoming schedule. She told him that they were staying today to start the attack on The Waldger Group in the streets with the people. They also discussed his family and she agreed that contacting them would only put them in harm’s way. Veronica said she would explain to them that he needed to be about God’s work. He still wanted to see them but he guessed that like the disciples who left everything to do as Jesus asked, he was in the same boat.

  He looked out his window from where he could see the mass of people outside the hotel. Even this early, they were shouting out slogans like, “Down with one world government.” Many signs were being displayed that read, ‘Down with the Antichrist,’ ‘We are Not Slaves,’ and many more. He even saw a few against him.

  People protesting was a normal occurrence. Every meeting Waldger ever had drew a display of protestors from all over the world. Today, since so many people were still here, the crowd was much larger than normal for a Waldger meeting. If history were any indicator, they would probably become more volatile as the day wore on. It was wall-to-wall people as far as Enoch could see.

  In addition to this, he still had the disasters in California, Northern Africa, and now the upcoming hurricanes getting ready to hit the U.S. on his mind. Seven of them were to arrive over the next three weeks. They would be making landfall from Houston all the way around the Gulf States, then Florida and the East coast. He knew that The Waldger Group was meeting here today because of things he had predicted. They had to deal with God’s wrath and he knew that they were also the organization that would produce the False Prophet and the Antichrist.

  Elijah should be in Israel about now. He, as the other Witness, had the issue of dealing with the Jews worldwide and the Arabs or Muslims. He had threatened the enemies of Israel last night on the worldwide broadcast. Today would certainly be an interesting day.

  Veronica had also stated that they were driving to Mexico City with two specially built RV’s. One he was to live and travel in and the other had a Jumbotron built into it. From the pictures, she had showed him last night, it also had its own sound system and stage.

  She said that they would be using it for traveling all the way to Mexico then into Panama and on into South America. This way, they could reach a lot of people and local media outlets on a daily basis, similar to politicians who used RV’s on the campaign trail. It would also allow them to keep on the move, if necessary, when in hostile territory. After South America, they would be going to Europe, then hopefully, Russia; moreover, if they could get the permits, then it would be off to China and other Asian countries. Once they left the Americas, the RV would be transported by airfreight to other venues. This would allow them to use it when stadiums or large venues were not available in other countries.

  Enoch also knew that after next week, the great receptions they had received, such as they had the night before, would be difficult. People would start to fear them then. When that happened, the rules would change and they would not want them around or even close by because of fear.

  They also knew that The Network was going to do as much as possible to discredit them. This morning’s broadcast made that very clear. Enoch knew this was not going to be easy and that he and Elijah would be causing a lot of suffering over the next few weeks, months, and years. At the rate they were going, it would destroy a good part of the world and its people. God was angry and when He was angry, He was relentless.

  This first week had been something else, but next week would be even worse.

  Chapter 26

  7:30 AM Friday, Center City, Kansas City, Missouri – Aafre Waldger’s suite

  Aafre, you are a genius, he said to himself. He was looking at a chart he had made. It had a series of checkmarks by each country’s name as to their affiliations to world organizations, such as The Waldger Group.

  Many of them were a part of various groups like the G20, European Union, NATO, the UN and various other associations, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Group. Also on the chart, he had countries marked in yellow, which would soon become part of the new world leadership under the command of his Champion and himself.

  This group of countries represented, for the most part, the Roman Empire, as it was around 200 AD; which included all of Southern and Northern Europe, and most of the Middle East, except Iran and Turkey. Of course, he thought as he smiled to himself, North and South America, which included the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Brazil, were not in existence in those days. The new world order would not include these countries, at least not with powers of decision. As far as America was concerned, their military power would be a part of the New Order. That included their technology and vast communications system. <
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  Thanks to the two Witnesses, most of North America, especially the United States, would suffer irreversible damage as a result of the natural disasters that were occurring and would continue to occur. Once the United States was no longer the world power, it was just a matter of time before the rest fell in line. Then he, Aafre Waldger, would start to consolidate the powers of the world into one distinct power. That power would then transfer to his master, the new world leader, the real Christ.

  Granted, it was not going to happen overnight. There were other groups of power in the world including the UN, Shanghai Group, Arab League, and G20. Eventually, these groups would give in, because of need more than anything else. Until then, he would string them along and let them think that their sovereignty was still intact and that they had the same freedom to govern as they did when the United States was the dominant world power.

  With two of the groups, they would probably have to use force to get compliance. However, they had a plan that would make more sense than a war.

  As he looked over the chart, he moved some countries into different groups. He placed India, Iran, Japan, Vietnam, and both North Korea and South Korea under the Shanghai Cooperative Group. He stepped back to examine the chart again. That child in North Korea might become a problem though, but there were ways to deal with him.

  That left primarily the EU, to which he would add a few countries as satellites members. Europe and the stuck up English were already on board. The government of the latter wanted nothing more than to return to the glory days of the English Empire prior to World War II.

  After further reshuffling, he moved South Africa and Brazil to the EU. Once he was through, he stepped back to admire his work.

  Shanghai Cooperative Group:


  India Iran



  VietnamNorth and South Korea

  Roman Empire

  Albania Alegría


  Austria Azerbaijan


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