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The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

Page 25

by Samuel David

  “All of this is insane, Enoch!”

  “Yes, it is. Everything that has happened over the past few days have been insane; but this is the way it was planned by God. However, you have made a choice…a choice that will be with you for eternity. You made the right choice, sir.”

  There was a knock, and the secret service agent answered the door. Fortunately, he was Stevenson’s handpicked agent and they knew he could be trusted. The other agents assigned to Stevenson had been dismissed earlier, along with Jamal. As soon as the door was opened, John walked in and said, “The crew is just a few minutes behind me. Let’s sit down and plan this out."

  Chapter 53

  3:15 PM President Stevenson’s Suite, Center City, Kansas City, Missouri

  The crew had arrived as John said they would and were finishing up with sound and lighting. They picked up the desk in the living room of the suite and moved it into the center of the room, where a white background was set up behind the desk. They would be superimposing a picture of the White House and presidential seal on it electronically.

  Once they were finished, John went over the speech with the President. They had Stevenson sit down behind the desk and the crew ran a few lighting and sound tests. Once their tests were completed, they gave the thumbs up sign, signaling they were ready.

  John told them the helicopter would be there in about 10 minutes. He suggested that they tape the speech. This way he could simulate it as live. By the time they broadcasted Stevenson’s resignation speech, they would be long gone. Stevenson liked the idea and so did Enoch.

  Veronica had arrived earlier and said they would be going somewhere in the Middle East for now.

  “Unfortunately, the President has no ID, passport, or driver’s license with him. Therefore, the President, his wife, and son are going underground, temporarily,” she said.

  John turned to President Stevenson and asked, “Are you ready, sir?”

  “Yes John, as much as I can be; yes, I am ready.”

  The lights came on and then John started talking to the camera, which focused on him.

  “Ladies and gentlemen of America and the world, I am speaking to you from Center City in Kansas City, Missouri. We are broadcasting live from President Richard Stevenson’s hotel suite at the bequest of the President, who wishes to speak to the American people. So here, ladies and gentlemen, is the President of the United States.”

  The camera focused in on the President as he sat behind the desk. He began speaking, “Good evening America, and leaders of the world. I would first off like to extend my sorrow in the ill-fated crash that has happened today, taking the lives of Vice President Alvarado Johnson and his family. The Vice President and I have been working together for many years. His family and mine were as one and we will miss his leadership, his compassion and his love of God and his country, America.”

  The President waited a few seconds, then sighed as he continued, “This tragedy has prompted me to make a very difficult decision. I have come to realize over the past few days that tyrants are besieging America. Powerful men and women, today at the Waldger meetings, are planning to take over the world’s governments. Many may have heard the phrase ‘One World Government.’ Well, it is becoming a reality.”

  “This morning I was approached by the leader of this ‘One World Government,’ Aafre Waldger. Many of you know who he is. During this conversation, I was told that my services as your President were no longer needed. I was also told that the now late Vice President needed to resign. I can only assume that it was felt that as protector of the Constitution of the United States, I would fight against their takeover of the sovereignty of the country. I also believe that the Vice President may have refused to comply with their wishes. You now hear in the news, the result of his refusal; the death of he and his family in the plane crash a few hours ago. I find their deaths to be circumspect.

  Enoch noticed that the President’s hands were shaking. He must have noticed it too, for he put his hands in his lap under the desk. He then continued, “Many of you know I do believe in the Almighty God the Father and His son, Jesus Christ. I cannot turn my back on my faith and join an un-holy alliance of men and women. They deny the existence of God and His son, Jesus, as we are taught in the Bible. They believe in the fallen one, Lucifer or Satan.”

  Stevenson paused, and then shaking his head slowly back and forth said, “Strange words coming from your President, I am sure you must be saying. However, remember my words. As the days unfold, you will find that I am telling you the truth, if you have faith. I had known that the Presidency was a purchased office, even before I became a candidate. Therefore, I am as guilty as the hidden leaders of the world for the deceit that has been played upon the American People. Today, I was asked, no…told, to sign a piece of paper, which stated that the Vice President and I had taken a billion dollars in payoffs from various industries during our time as President and Vice President. I was also given the account numbers for two offshore accounts containing a half a billion dollars, each, for the Vice President and me. I was told that as long as we played along we could have the money. Therefore, I had to make a choice. I am not a crook and I would never take a cash payoff from these people.”

  “Therefore, I have turned over the information to the press regarding these accounts. Hopefully, it will be fully investigated and the real story be told of Aafre Waldger and his group of evil people.”

  “Regretfully, for fear of my life and that of my family, I have had to make a very difficult decision, for I know if I do not make this decision now, I will be next. They will find a way to dispose of me or frame me for a crime I have not committed.”

  Stevenson was sweating; everyone could see the beads of sweat on his forehead. Enoch knew this was hard for him. Finally, after his brief pause, he continued his speech.

  “Therefore, effective at the end of this broadcast, I have resigned the Presidency of the United States of America. I do so with regret. I also resign in protest of what is happening in this very building with leaders of many nations. They are joining with the Waldger Group to take over the world…your world.”

  “They will, in time, end liberty and freedom; not only for Americans, but all peoples of the world.”

  A tear started down Stevenson’s face. He used his sleeve to wipe it away before saying, “I apologize for the show of emotion but I do love my country and I also love my God and His son, Jesus Christ. Now by resigning and with what I have told you about these people, have put my family’s life and me in jeopardy. These men and women are ruthless. They will do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals.”

  “However, I want to leave you with something important that you all need to consider. It is not my life here on earth that I am concerned about; I am more concerned with my life after death. My faith will not allow me to join the ranks of Satan. Doing so would seal my fate for eternity and I want to spend eternity with Jesus.”

  Stevenson must have liked his comment for he smiled as he continued. “Yes, I have consulted with Enoch, one of the Witnesses. He has pointed out to me that I can continue to be their puppet or I can stand for what I believe in. This is the reason for my decision.”

  “In a few moments with I will go into exile with Enoch. I realize that the country is in grave danger with the on-coming storms. However, I will not, in good conscience, be forced to turn American sovereignty over to them under my watch. I can only tell you the truth by resigning the office. Therefore, the request made of me and the Vice President is fulfilled. What was demanded of me today by the real rulers of this planet,” he hesitated, then in a very forceful voice, said very slowly, “the un-holy alliance of the Waldger Group and Satan himself.”

  “My resignation and the cold-blooded murder of the Vice President and his family, over the skies of Wyoming, now give them what they want. I will be succeeded by the son of Lucifer, the Anti-Christ, the opposite of the true Christ. Unfortunately, the Vice President
paid with his life and that of his family, for he refused to resign. However, alive I can help fight these people. Somehow, I will help bring them down.”

  “Now I urge you to resist the temptation coming at you from these followers of Satan and his demons. I urge you, at all cost, to make peace with God; and I wish you the best.”

  He stopped then. After a moment, he put down the papers he had been reading from, closed his hands together, then continued. “In my exile I hope that I can use my God-given talent to save as many souls as possible from Satan. I will do my best. May God bless each and every one of you, not only in the United States but also the world.”

  “Thank you for your understanding, America, thank you.”

  The now ex-President stood up and the cameras followed him as he reached for the door and the secret service agent, his son, his wife and Enoch went out the door with him.

  The camera then returned to John who said, “People of America, I can only tell you that the past few days seem a bad dream and not reality. The resignation of President Stevenson…well, what can I say, but that it is shocking. His reasons for leaving office are concerning to me and should be to you also.”

  John took in a deep breath then continued.

  “I want to let you know we do not know where now Private Citizen Stevenson is going. All we are aware of is that he is leaving the country or as he stated, going into exile. We will have more on this unprecedented day of news soon. For now, I will turn it back to my co-anchors here in Kansas City.”

  With that, John put the microphone on the table, sat down on the couch, put his head in his hands and wept.

  Chapter 54

  3:55 PM Friday Waldger Meeting Center City, Kansas City Missouri

  All the delegates were assembled back in the theatre. David had just turned off the live feed from The Network. As per Aafre’s instructions, he was to keep monitoring both Bear News and The Network.

  Aafre then started moving towards the podium to bring the meeting back to order. As he monitored Bear News on his laptop with a headset plugged in, David heard John Roddenburg say that he was doing an emergency press conference with Stevenson in his suite, there at Center City. After listening to a few words, he immediately got Aafre’s attention; who stepped away from the podium and came to look over David’s shoulder at the laptop screen. After a few seconds, he said, “Switch the channel on the big screen to Bear News, immediately.”

  David did as he was told; and it was about the time Stevenson was finishing his statement about the death of the Vice President. Then the bombshell hit. There were murmurs of disbelief as Stevenson spoke.

  David looked over at Aafre. The veins in his neck were throbbing and his face was becoming redder by the minute. He knew that he was angry, very angry. Suddenly, he looked over at David and snarled, “Kill the feed; kill it now!”

  David hurriedly did so and the screen went blank. Aafre stood and walked to the podium and said to the audience. “In light of all these new developments we are canceling for new the rest of the meeting today. We will notify you as soon as we can on when we plan on reconvening. We need to sort through what we have just seen and heard.”

  Aafre hurriedly left the stage and motioned for David to follow him.

  Chapter 55

  4:-05 PM CST Bear News Helicopter, somewhere over Kansas City, Missouri

  True to John’s word, the helicopter was waiting on the roof. They had just touched down at MCI in Kansas City.

  As soon as the helicopter landed on the tarmac, Veronica rushed them inside a private hangar where an eight seat Citation II Bravo Jet was warming up. Stevenson, his wife, son and the Secret Service agent, along with Veronica and Enoch, climbed aboard.

  Veronica closed the cabin door then told the pilots everything was secure. Within moments, the jet taxied out of the hangar. Three minutes later, they were airborne.

  Enoch asked Veronica where they were going and she replied, “The safest place in the world right now is Israel.”

  “But that’s about seven-thousand miles from here,” Enoch said.

  “We have a flight plan that will work, Enoch. We are flying to Cuba, and then change to a plane that will take us to Israel.”

  Stevenson sitting beside his wife asked, “Why Israel, Veronica?”

  “That is the only safe place in the world right now, Mr. Stevenson. Like the Witnesses, Israel has God’s protection for the next three plus years. In a few days, Elijah will approach the Israeli government about you. They will listen.”

  “Do you then have plans for me?”

  “Definitely, President Stevenson, you are going on worldwide underground radio and television as a spokesperson for God and Jesus Christ. You and your family will be safe. And I would like to let you know I have spoken to Elijah…he welcomes your support.”

  Stevenson sighed, then smiled and said, “My best attribute is speaking and I know a lot of their plans for world domination. I will be able to help, and I am looking forward to it.”

  “You could see the confidence returning to Stevenson as he leaned back in his chair. He grabbed his wife’s hand and squeezed it. Enoch noticed that he was still smiling as he heard him quietly say to himself, “I will get you Aafre. I will get you for this.”

  Enoch looked at his watch and realized that about now, Bear was broadcasting the tape. They were safe; at least for now.

  Chapter 56

  4:10 PM Friday Waldger Suites, Center City, Kansas City. Missouri

  We went directly to Waldger’s suite where two men met him. David knew one of them. He was the man who he had charged with keeping track of Enoch earlier in the week. The other, he had never seen before. As Aafre shook hands with them, he turned to David then said, “David, I need you to go to Robert Cain’s suite and bring him here immediately. Please tell him to dress appropriately.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Oh, David, I also need you to call my contact, Danny Williams at the Justice Department of the United States in DC. Tell him I need a federal judge here in Kansas City who can administer the Oath of Office to Speaker Cain. He will understand what I want. Also, call this number.”

  He moved to his desk, opened a drawer, and pulled out a ledger. Opening it, he scanned down a page, then took a pen and wrote down a number and handed it to David. Then he said, “This is a direct link to The Network. Please tell them that within an hour, no more than two hours, I want a crew here to document the swearing in of Cain. Got it?”

  “Yes sir. Let me make sure I have it right. Go to Cain’s suite and get him ready. Call the Justice Department for a federal judge; and then contact the network.”

  “Yes, you have it right, David. I want this all done within the next hour or two. Oh, and when you are through, assemble all the delegates in the conference room; say in an hour and a half…no, two hours. I want them to watch the swearing in of Cain. Now, if you will excuse me, I have some other business to conduct with these men.”

  “Yes sir,” David replied as he grabbed his laptop and left to find the Speaker of the House, Robert Cain. He would soon be President of the United States.

  Chapter 57

  4:25 PM Friday Waldger Suites, Center City, Kansas City, Missouri

  After David left, Aafre turned to the two other men in his suite. “Well, where did he go? Does anyone know?” he asked them.

  “Yes, sort of, sir. Evidently, there was a waiting helicopter on the roof here at Center City, which is registered to Bear News. It then flew to MCI airport and then they boarded a private eight seat Citation Jet. They then took off. According to the flight plan they were flying to New York, but it appears the jet headed south, presumably out of the country.”

  “Do either of you have any idea where they may be headed?”

  “Well the craft they took only has a two thousand mile range. With that range, they could reach Mexico, or some of the Caribbean islands. Our best guess would be Cuba…most likely Cuba
, since the US does not have any diplomatic relations with them. The Cubans will not say anything if they go there. Cash is king and the right connections can get you anything, even a military transport. We should assume that their destination, wherever it might be, this could be the first stop. Cuba or wherever they go first will be used only as a hop-off place.”

  “When did they leave?”

  “They left about an hour before the broadcast of Stevenson’s speech by Bear News. They evidently taped his speech then delayed broadcasting it. A copy of the resignation letter was sent by courier to the Justice Department and the Secretary of State at about the same time.”

  “That was smart of them, gave them a good head start. Who went with them?”

  “Best we can tell so far is Stevenson, his wife, son, and his personal bodyguard; the Secret Service agent we tried to replace last year. You remember he was in Stevenson’s pocket not ours. Also that woman, Veronica, and then surprisingly enough, Enoch was with them.”

  “Enoch went with them?”

  “Yes, he did.”

  “Smart man,” Aafre said.

  Aafre was thinking that Enoch well knew that he could not and would not interfere with him. Therefore, he was protecting Stevenson, and that meant that they were most likely on their way to Israel. It was a logical choice, for then Elijah would also help protect him. He was sure of it.

  Aloud he said to the men, “Keep tabs on them if you can. Get a hold of our man in Israel. Tell him to watch for them. I am sure Israel is their destination. Tell him unlike last time, do not interfere with whatever they are doing, at least for now. They are free to go wherever they please. Now, once again, do not interfere with them. My orders are to only keep tabs on them. Explain that to our man in Israel.”


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