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Cabin Bear Heat Box Set: A Paranormal Fantasy Bear Shifter Romance (A Bear Shifter Romance Retelling of the Billionaire Redemption Series Book 2)

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by Love-Wins, Bella

  What is it with me and these women?

  After he lost his wife, all the wrong ones made advances to him. Andrew sighed and laughed softly, dismissing the idea that this kind of thing only happened to him. His own sister Joy was just as relentless. She had been pursuing the same man for almost seven years. Andrew wondered how Matthew—the object of Joy’s romantic obsession—had managed to stay sane all this time. He and Andrew had been fairly good friends before Joy laid claim to him, but he completely understood why Matthew kept his distance afterward. It didn’t help that Andrew’s father had dug his claws into the Lewis family business in support of Joy’s unending need to exert power over Matthew. With all the fuss, he and Matthew had kept their distance.

  It took Andrew a few minutes to gather his thoughts and stop his mind from wandering off in every direction. When he was back to his senses, his attention landed on Abby again. He would have to tread lightly with her. He was sure he saw a hint of desire in her eyes before he left her room. Having experienced how Barb hit on him so hard, he dismissed any thoughts of getting to know Abby better. He was not going to put anyone through the intolerable advances Barb had just made—even if Abby might be the one.

  With guests in the house, sleeping naked was also out of the question. Andrew changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt after stepping out of his master bathroom, and slipped into bed.

  If only it would just stop snowing, everything could go back to normal.

  Chapter Seven

  ABBY could not stop thinking about how badly their night could have ended, had they not been found by Andrew. She relaxed on the bed, with her sprained ankle propped up on a pillow. From time to time her body would tense up and shiver from the images still whirling around in her head. She remembered how, for all the clothes, hats and scarves she wore, blowing snow had managed to find its way up into her nostrils, into her eyes, and had frozen her face, hands, and basically everywhere from head to toe.

  She wiped a single tear that fell down one side her face, a reminder of how her eyes watered from the elements.

  It’s okay now, Abbs.

  “Thank God for Andrew,” she whispered.

  Saying his name made her recall his touch on her skin. The way he looked at her was mesmerizing. Abby hoped she didn’t also give off a “deer-in-the-headlights” kind of gaze when she stared back at him, but the reason for her reaction was two-fold. First, she was positive he was a shifter. She saw the glint in his eye that she had seen in only one man’s eyes before this. There was no mistaking it. The other reason she stared at him was she could not ignore the energy between them. Their chemistry was fierce. She had never felt that level of attraction to anyone before.

  I’ve barely said two words to him and I’m already wet for him.

  I need to get laid.

  She shook her head to force him out of her mind. Knowing it was unlikely she’d fall asleep anytime soon, Abby turned on the bedside lamp and sat up. It was time to make a concerted effort to get out of bed and use the washroom again. She contemplated just waiting until morning, but with all the soup, tea, and water she drank, her bladder was not going to hold. She grabbed the foot of the bed, limping around it to get closer to the bathroom door. It was only a few yards away, so she hopped on her good leg, taking fairly large jumps to get across the room.

  Abby laughed when she made it to the bathroom, thinking how silly she must look. When she was finished, she took the same hop-along strides, but as she made it closer to the bed, her foot slipped. It landed half-way on the end of one of her oversized pajama pant legs. As if in slow motion, she felt her body seize up, trying to brace and turn so she wouldn’t hit her bad ankle anywhere near the bed. Her arms stretched out to reach out and grip anything nearby, but all she clasped was the corner of the comforter, which came down with her. It landed softly, while she hit the ground on her hip with a loud thump.

  “Shit,” she shouted between clenched teeth, feeling the pain of the impact shoot from her hip. “How am I going to get up now?”

  * * *

  ANDREW had been tossing and turning in his sprawling bed for the past hour, uncertain how he could be so tired yet unable to sleep. He sat up and took off his t-shirt, leaned up on one hand, and punched his pillow in the middle, trying to make himself more comfortable. He spread out on his back again and stared up at the ceiling, wishing for sweet slumber to wash over his brain.

  He was about to slam the pillow beside him over his head in frustration when he heard a noise in the guest bedroom. It was loud enough to make him sit up in bed, given Abby was already injured and in pain. Without skipping a beat, Andrew was out of his room and knocking on his guest’s door.

  “Is everything okay in there?” he called out against the closed door.

  “Not really,” Abby answered weakly. “Come in.”

  Andrew was aghast as he saw her on the floor beside the bed. His gut seized as he looked at her, so weak and helpless, exhausted from pain.

  “What happened?” He rushed over and knelt beside her. He sat her up and looked at her ankle.

  “I had to use the ladies’ room again. I made it in there all right, but had a slight hitch on the return trip. Nothing big. Just call it a wardrobe malfunction.”

  “Sorry, what?” he asked, confused.

  “I tripped on the pant leg. I should have just rolled them up more.”

  “Ouch. I’m sorry. I should have offered you ladies some of my sister’s things instead. They’re in one of the bedrooms upstairs.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Abby insisted. “Totally my bad. I could have dragged a chair along for support, if I was thinking.”

  “Still, I should have thought about that.” He gently cradled her, picked her up, and carried her around to the other side of the bed.

  “Did you hurt the ankle?”

  “Thankfully, no more than it already was. I fell at such a bad angle, I just couldn’t get up.”

  “Don’t worry. You’re fine now.” He walked around the bed again and picked up the comforter to take to her.

  “Thanks again,” she whispered nervously. “Gosh, I feel like a disaster zone right now. I swear I’ve never been this accident-prone in my life.”

  “I believe you. Hey, wait a minute. I’ll be right back.”


  He hurried out of her room and went to his own, grabbing a clean robe off a hanger inside his walk-in closet. She was in the same spot when he returned, looking just as puzzled as when he left.

  “You should wear this. Take off your pants.”

  As he passed the robe to her, she raised an eyebrow.

  “No, no…I didn’t…it’s not what you’re thinking…I didn’t mean it like that,” he scrambled to recover. “The robe is shorter.”

  She kept looking at him with her eyebrows slightly raised. Surely she didn’t think he was trying to take advantage of her.

  “Wait, you…you think…you don’t think that I’m…”

  “I understand and it’s fine. I get it, Andrew. I’m a nurse, remember?” She smiled playfully, taking the robe from his outstretched hand. “I know why we have all hospital patients wear gowns. And I agree with you. The robe’s a smarter bet. It’s less of a trip hazard.”

  Andrew was relieved. “Okay, good. Glad you agree.”

  “Can you help me stand up so I can get changed?” she asked, stretching one arm out toward him.

  “Sure.” He practically jumped to her side and lifted her off the bed.

  “Thanks. You can turn away now.”

  “Of course.” He smiled, shaking his head as he turned away from her.

  “I’d ask you to leave, but I’ll probably need you if I can’t get the pants off,” she said with a chuckle.

  “Not a problem.” He couldn’t wait to help her with that.

  He kept his eyes trained on the bedroom door, but his mind imagined what she was doing, and what she looked like. He tried not to recall the glimpse he had gotten of Abby in just her
bra and panties in the living room. It was no use, though.

  “You can turn around now. I’m fine. The pants are so big, they fell right off me. No need for you to rescue me again.”


  “Glad you’re all right.” He turned to face her.

  Andrew needed to leave the room as soon as humanly possible. He was being swept up into a whirlwind of sensations from sheer proximity to Abby. Seeing her in his robe, standing there looking helpless, sent his mind to places it should not visit at all.

  “Well, I’d best let you settle back in,” he said, turning to leave. “Have a great…”

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?” she called to him.

  “I’m not sure…um. What do you mean?” he asked.

  “The sash for the robe,” she explained. “It’s over your shoulder.”

  “Oh, right.” He laughed nervously, pulling the band from his shoulder to hand it over. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks. As you’re here anyway, do you mind walking me back to the other side of the bed? I kind of have a preference for the right side.”

  “Not at all.”

  Any excuse to touch this woman is a damned good excuse.

  He swept her up into his arms again and carried her around to the side. Before he could set her down, he became unavoidably aware of her arms wrapped around his neck. He could feel her breath catch and release on his cheek, and her slight body pressed against his chest—and wearing his robe. He looked down at her face, and she was staring up at him, eyes filled with what he could only call longing.

  Andrew could not resist whatever bubbled to the surface when he was around Abby. Not anymore. He set her down gently in front of him, ensuring her uninjured leg landed first. When he felt her arms rest on his chest, he went with it. He cupped her chin in his palm. He lifted her face and searched her eyes for any sign of the passion he felt coursing in his veins. He needed to be sure she felt the same sparks he did. He was so overcome with his need for her, he couldn’t be sure if it was all one-sided.

  Abby looked into his eyes. Her green eyes were darker, the golden flecks sparkling in the dimly lit room, her pupils dilated.

  She wants this.

  She wrinkled her nose and lifted her chin at the feel of his breath against her skin. He leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose. She began to pull away, but he held her steady. Even if her brain wasn’t ready for the thought of them, her body was. The look in her eye was a dead give-away. He pressed another quick kiss to her nose. He searched for the right words to tell her what he was thinking.

  “Andrew.” She spoke in a whisper. “I know.”

  He shushed her with a brief shake of his head. He kissed her forehead. Then, the corner of her eyes. He pressed his lips to her temple and nibbled a line to the curve of her ear. Pausing, he debated his next move. He wanted her to melt, not freeze in fear. He pulled away and kissed her opposite cheek. Cheeks were safer than ears. As nervous as he was—what else could he be, with all the debating going on in his head about what to do next—he was compelled to continue. That force between them gave him no choice.

  His thumb stroked along her chin and up to trace over her plump lips. Her breath caught, the line of her lips tightening. He could feel her shoulder under his other hand rise and the muscles underneath flex. She was panicking, or just as excited as he was. He still had no idea about her ears, but her lips were obviously very sensitive. The realization both excited and terrified him.

  He caressed them again, pressing gently on her bottom lip as he did so. Her gaze dropped to stare at his mouth, her shoulders suddenly dropping, and he seized the moment. She was just as caught up in their attraction, feeling it just as strongly as he was. He was sure of it. He tipped her head back with his hand. Her eyes widened and flicked back to meet his. He took her mouth quickly, giving himself no more time to think.

  He wanted to feel her. Just feel.

  His lips met hers and he felt his blood boil. The urge to bend her backward, undress her, and take her now was incredibly strong. He groaned. A few deep breaths through his nose and he felt a little more control. Back and forth across her lips. The friction of their thin, nerve-dense flesh against each other sent him reeling, and he dropped his hands to grip her waist—for her steadiness, and his security.

  Her knees knocked and buckled, bumping into his. Andrew noticed her arms wrapped around his waist and her head tilted back. He couldn’t react fast enough when she let gravity pull them both down onto the bed. Together, they tumbled and landed softly.

  “Shit. Did I hurt your ankle?” He wondered what had come over Abby to cause her to fall onto the bed with her injury. Then again, he knew. She couldn’t avoid their heart-stopping, punch-drunk, magnetizing attraction either.

  Abby shook her head. She tilted her chin up to reconnect with his lips. Andrew rested on top of her, lips pressed in the same way his body pressed to hers. His hands came up to tangle in the hair at her temples, holding her in place as his tongue entered her willing mouth. He claimed her mouth in the same way her eyes had claimed him out in the blizzard. His fingers stroked the inner spirals of her ears, and he found out exactly how sensitive they were. She moaned and bucked beneath him, her tongue suddenly warring with his.

  He wrapped his tongue around hers, licking and tasting her special, unique flavor. He sucked her tongue into his mouth and savored every nuance of what made Abby so sweet. She whimpered. He pulled away and kissed her everywhere his lips could access on her. She moved under him now, as hungry as he was.

  Andrew smiled and licked at her lips. She opened her mouth, smiling up at him, and lifted her hands to run her fingers through his hair.

  “Wow,” he whispered.

  “What?” Her grin softened into a warm smile.

  “This has never happened before. I think I owe you an apology.”

  “For what?”

  “I don’t know what came over me. I didn’t mean to…” Andrew was not sure what happened to his ability to speak.

  “Whatever it was, it happened to the both of us. Don’t apologize.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss the tip of his nose.

  The feeling was insane, crazy, and felt so right. Why had he second-guessed himself about doing this? Why had he held back when she had shown him with her body and her touch that it was mutual? For a fleeting moment, he resolved not to question it, or to think.

  He fell on her a second time. This time, he didn’t try to ease her into it, didn’t worry whether or not her brain was in line with her body. He just took from her all the passion she gave him and freely returned it in kind. He kissed and caressed her mouth and explored every inch of what her lips offered.

  Chapter Eight

  ABBY was reeling when she woke up the next day. Reeling was not a word she had ever related to before, but now, it had taken up residence inside her mind and body.

  What on earth got into me last night?

  That was the overwhelming rhetorical question that traveled at high speed on her train of thought as she sat up. Still, the question was accompanied by a wide smile that showed no chance of ever extricating itself from her face. Thinking back to those few minutes for the hundredth time since it happened, she was relieved that Andrew had found a sliver of self-restraint. Right afterward, he had lifted himself off her and graciously retreated from her room, after what she now dubbed as The Kiss.

  She had never expected it, yet, when Andrew had cupped her chin and sought nonverbal permission in her eyes, she knew it was coming and had no desire to resist him. It was as if an outside force had reached its tendrils into her brain and disconnected any reason or rational thought. By then, it was not too soon, and he was not the heroic stranger she and her friends had just met hours before. He was the soul to which her own soul latched onto as he led her tongue in a passionate duel.

  When she had pulled him down on the bed with her, she was completely outside herself. She had to admit, her knees did initially weake
n—which is why she had lost her balance—but it was desire that gave her primal self the extra push.

  “I’d better go now, before we have something to regret,” he had said between nervous laughs, propping himself up and carefully sliding away to avoid her ankle. Before he stood up, he slid his arms under Abby, positioning her so her head was on the pillow, and spread the comforter over her. As he stood, he backed up all the way to the door, staring at her until he turned to leave. Abby didn’t want him to go, but she agreed when he put on the brakes. She knew absolutely nothing about him.

  There was a knock on the door that pulled her out of her thoughts.

  “Come in,” she called.

  “Hey,” Rob greeted her as he walked in. “Good morning. How’s the ankle?”

  “Good morning, Rob. It’s a little stiff and swollen, but I’m sure it’ll be fine. I can probably use a fresh ice pack.”

  “Done. Let me grab one for you. There were a few in his fridge. Be right back.”

  Rob took the old ice pack with him,, and was back within a few minutes.

  “Here you go, Abbs.”

  “Thanks. What about everyone else? How were the rooms, and did you sleep well?”

  “Let’s just say you’re lucky you slept down here.”

  “Why? What happened? Was something wrong with the rooms?” She was curious. Rob rarely complained about anything.

  “Nope.” He seemed a little embarrassed. “Something was wrong with the occupants. Trina and John made out like rabbits. The loudest rabbits I’ve ever heard. I never heard a woman scream so much in one night.”


  “And then, get this. Not one, but two women invaded my room last night.”

  “You mean, you, Ruth and Barb…in a threesome?” Abby’s eyes widened with a mix of disbelief and intrigue.

  “No, no, nothing like that. First Barb came in, demanding that I switch rooms once she realized it was farthest away from John and Trina. She almost got me to cave, but I stood my ground and sent her packing.”


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