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Mating Rights

Page 6

by Jaide Fox

  Rows of doors on each side of the hallway seemed to be already occupied, but the women were soon shown to their rooms. Four beds to a room didn’t offer much in the way of privacy, but in Mali’s mind, it was better than sleeping on the floor or in a tent.

  “I need to wash my hair,” she said, watching Kimber change into the long white gown with bell sleeves that was required for all the maiden wolves.

  “Your hair won’t be dry for hours,” Kimber said with a frown. “Don’t you want to watch them burn the wolf? Meet the others?”

  “No. I’m ready for a bath and some quiet time. If my hair isn’t too wet, I’ll find you later.”

  Kimber draped a white shawl around her shoulders. “Suit yourself. Have fun,” she said, wiggling her fingers goodbye as she followed the other women out the door.

  Mali breathed a sigh of relief. She walked to the window and looked out at the straw wolf and the gathering crowd. A bath was definitely in order. And after that, she had to explore the boundaries holding her inside Fangor. Alone.


  “Ah! Jaxon! Returned from the borders as whole as you left, I trust?” Nicodemus bellowed loud enough the thick stained glass on the back of the inn rattled in its lead beading.

  “You’ve a taste for fresh picked cherries? Is that why you wait here?” Jaxon said.

  “Aye. The tarter the better.” Nicodemus waggled his red brows and stood. He clapped forearms with Jaxon. “Find a woman worthy of claiming for yourself this year, you ol’ dog?”

  Jaxon scowled. Nicodemus laughed.

  “You know I don’t care for maidens,” Jaxon said, taking a seat at the table. “Screaming and crying over lost innocence.” He made a disgusted face.

  Nicodemus signaled for ale. A barmaid sloshed fragrant ale into two tankards then wiped the table as Nicodemus pinched her bottom. She smacked his hand playfully and pranced away.

  “Someday one will catch yer eye and you’ll be gobsmacked. Unable able to eat or drink for fucking the gel,” he said squinting at Jaxon before taking a long draught.

  Jaxon shook his head, tipping up his own tankard. The warm brew lit a fire down his throat before it hit his belly with mellow heat. “I saw ursine tracks. They’ve come into the valley,” he said low, for only his Alpha’s ears.

  Nicodemus set his cup down. “Aye. I know. They’ve been hitting the valley. Deer, sheep, even the orchard. What the fuck does a bear want with apples?”

  “Maybe they’re making pies.” Jaxon cleared his throat, propping his elbows on his knees as he leaned in. “You knew this and said nothing to me?”

  Nicodemus waved his hand. “The drought in the mountains is driving them down for food. They’ll be hibernating soon enough. You’ve naught to worry about. Did you see one?”

  Jaxon frowned. “No.”

  Nicodemus clapped him on the bicep. “See. They’re after food. Wild bears. That’s all.”


  “No sign of ‘em this week. We’ve guards on the walls. Torches burning round the clock during the festival. Too many of us to be worried about bears shitting in the woods. You listenin’?”

  “Aye, sir,” Jaxon said. He finished his ale.

  Nicodemus leaned back rubbing his flat stomach. A twinkle entered the Alpha’s eyes. “What you need to be worried ‘bout is putting that shriveled thing betwixt your legs to good use. Too many females needin’ a good fuck. What’s it been? Five years? Ten?”


  Nicodemus laughed. “Too long. You’ve forgotten how good it feels inside a woman, I gather.”

  Jaxon snorted. “I’d slug you if you weren’t Alpha.”

  “Only you’ve got the bollocks to threaten me these days, boyo,” Nicodemus laughed. “Go. Get your cock wet. Find a cozy armful for the night and get that stick out your arse.”

  Chapter Seven

  Mali had two options. Wear her dirty borrowed clothes, or the white garb left on her bed. She didn’t fancy wearing a banner that announced to all and sundry she was ripe for the taking. Then again, they were clean and smelled of lavender.

  Her stomach hurt—worse than her monthly menses. She knew from past experience that the unbidden heat was upon her. The gnawing ache normally subsided with a long hot bath, but this time it had not. She assumed the pheromones of the wolf clan were wreaking havoc with her body. A walk in the cold might help. And besides, she wanted a closer look at the perimeter trapping her in Fangor.

  With a resigned sigh, Mali slipped the gown on and tied the laces in the front to cinch in the waist. The pressure felt good against her stomach and kept her from doubling over as pain nagged her insides. She imagined the color looked striking against her dark skin and hair, but since she was alone and there was no mirror in the room she’d just have to assume it was favorable. As much as she enjoyed cleaning and detangling her hair, it was still damp. At least it wasn’t tangled. Soft black curls clung to her jaw and neck. Brushing them back, she tied them loosely at her nape with a length of ribbon.

  The glass felt cold beneath her fingertips as she looked out the window to the straw wolf. Her breath fogged the window, and she swiped a circle. Above, grey clouds swirled around the full moon. On a platform, a man with visibly red hair stood giving a speech as men walked to the huge effigy. With a wave of his hand, they lit the base on fire. Orange flames licked up the legs, quickly devouring the beast in a mesmerizing glow. Their room had a wonderful view of the grounds. Too bad she couldn’t just stand there and watch all night.

  Feeling braver with everyone’s attention on the festival, Mali ventured downstairs. The chaotic and noisy barroom now stood empty save for the barkeep. He nodded to her as she wrapped her white shawl around her head and headed out the door. Cold breezes slipped around her cheeks, finding her damp hair. She shivered, tightened her shawl around the bottom half of her face, and crossed the road as quickly as her legs would carry her.

  She wasn’t sure what she should expect since she hadn’t bothered to attend the opening ceremony. In the distance, drums beat loud and steady. A sharp crack broke the air and a burst of colored fire lit up the sky. People gasped and cheered. Mali gazed at the star-shaped fire until it winked out. Dropping her gaze back to the fence, she saw Jaxon walking along the perimeter. What was he doing? Curious, she decided to follow him.

  Jaxon disappeared under the shadow of a large building, seemingly focused upon something only he could see. Mali followed slowly, keeping close to the edge of the building. She strained her ears listening for his footsteps, but could hear nothing but her heartbeat. Dragging in a harsh breath, she rounded the corner and stopped dead in her tracks. Jaxon turned from the fence and looked straight at her. Panic froze her feet like blocks of ice. The white gown and shawl made it impossible to blend in with the shadows of the building. She would have been better off naked than having that banner wave around her body. He bounded across the flattened dead grass, seemingly unencumbered by his bad knee. His rapid threatening move ignited her brain into function.


  Mali spun, intending to head for the alley on the other side of the building that would hopefully lead to the crowd where she could lose herself. She didn’t want to find out what he’d do if he caught her. Her shawl unwound from her face, the ends trailing in a wind of her own making. Crisp night air made her rapid breath look like puffs of smoke.

  The mouth of the alley loomed. She crossed the threshold, entering blackness which the moon overhead couldn’t penetrate from the shadows of the buildings. Halfway through the passage, Jaxon’s voice stopped her flight.

  “Don’t make me chase you, Mali. You won’t like the outcome.”

  Something in the low rumbling brogue sent a shiver down her spine. A stitch pierced her right side, making it hard to take a deep breath without pain. She turned, steeling her resolve.

  He walked toward her, slowly…almost stalking. Was he in pain? She could tell he favored his leg. And the look in his eyes as he approached made a shudder go thro
ugh her.

  Mali swallowed. “How—how did you know it was me?”

  Jaxon stopped an arm’s length from her. She could see his chest and shoulders go up and down with every harsh breath.

  “I could smell you,” he said in a low, predatory tone.

  She gasped and raised her hand to slap his face. He snatched her hand from the air, locking his fingers around her wrist.

  “And I’d have to be blind not to know you.’

  She struggled to pull her hand free. He merely tightened his hold until her wrist bones ached.

  “You have no right to hold me,” she gritted out.

  “Why were you following me?”

  “I wasn’t following you.”

  He was silent.

  “I thought you had a bad knee,” she said.

  “I can ignore the pain when something is worth the chase.”

  Mali harrumphed. “I wasn’t following you. I needed a walk.” With her eyes adjusted to the darkness swallowing them, she could see him narrow his eyes and tighten his jaw. Subtly, he sniffed the air, advancing on her until her back was trapped against the wall. His wolf was awake, she realized. Fresh panic set in, and something more. Between her legs, the gnawing pain of her heat pulsed as if he’d stuck her with a knife. She wanted to cry out it hurt so much.

  She tried in vain to jerk free and run.

  “You’re in heat,” he said quietly.

  As if without conscious thought of his actions, he pinned her hand to the roughhewn wood behind her head. His other hand grabbed her free wrist.

  “A man can only take so much temptation, Mali,” he ground out, dropping his forehead until it touched hers.

  She shivered. “I can’t help it. It must be the moon and the festival.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.”

  She licked her lips. His hot breath fanned the hairs around her face. “I-I thought a walk would help with the pain.”

  He took a heavy breath. She could practically feel his chest against the tight peaks of her nipples. So close, but not nearly close enough.

  “Only one thing will help with the pain now, Mali. You and I both know that.”

  She took a shaky breath, tilting her face ever so slightly upward. “Can you help me?”

  Jaxon shuddered. He didn’t answer her. His hands tightened on her wrists to the point of pain. Mali gasped, arching against the wood slats, trying to get away or do something. Anything.

  He pushed his knees between her legs, making her ride his thick muscled thigh. Her pussy flooded with wet heat and raw need. She’d never experienced anything like it. He sawed his leg between hers, but the fabric of her dress muffled the sensation.

  She wanted to scream.

  “You shouldn’t have followed me,” he whispered hoarsely. Releasing her wrists, he grabbed her hips and lifted her off the ground, pushing himself between her legs until they splayed wide.

  He hiked her dress up, allowing the cool air to caress her skin as he ground his hard cock against her wet, achy mound. Mali moaned, unable to protest, unwilling to fight. She grabbed his shoulders, needing something to hang on to. He thrust against her once. She felt a shudder wrack through his big hard body.

  “Take me, Jaxon. Take this ache away,” she said as she tangled her fingers through his long, silky hair.

  “I can’t.”

  She grabbed his jaw, looking into his eyes. Close to the breaking point—just like her. “You can. I need you.”

  His eyes were so intense she felt seared by the heat in them. A pulse threaded through her center, beating dull and hard in her clitoris. The smallest push could send him over the edge. They both knew it. She just needed this one thing from him. No more, no less.

  Mali bit his lip, coaxing him. His skin tasted…good. She craved more.

  He just stood there, not doing anything, as if fighting a war inside himself. “I don’t need a mate, Jaxon. You don’t want one. It doesn’t mean we can’t do this.”

  His voice barely a whisper, he said, “No.”


  She released his bristled chin and pushed her hand down his chest until she found the tie holding his breeches closed. The heat between them was so hot she thought he’d burn her fingertips.

  Tension erupted in his belly. The muscles jerked as she pulled on the lacing and unknotted the leather tie with one hand. “Stop,” he said.

  They both knew he didn’t want that.

  “Stop fighting me. I’m going to take what I need from you, Jaxon,” she whispered as she pulled his cock free. The moment her hand locked around the satiny sheath he gave a great shuddering groan that she felt rumble her insides to pudding.

  Jaxon buried his face against her temple, breathing in the scent of her skin. “Take me inside, Mali.”

  His capitulation exhilarated her. Shocking thrills raced beneath her skin, lighting her on fire. Blood pulsed in his cock, throbbing with desire. He hitched her legs higher, dropping her ass into his hands. She felt cool night air touch her skin. The wet folds of her womanhood parted as the shockingly thick head pushed against her narrow entrance. Almost mindless, barely in control, he dug his fingers into her ass cheeks and rutted through the tender petals. The ache intensified, centering on their point of contact. Her breath caught in her throat. Her heart pounded in her chest as blood roared through her body in anticipation.

  “Now,” she sobbed. She struggled to maneuver herself into a better position. Her fingers dug into him. She bit her lip, trying to contain the need to cry out. “Please…”

  “You’ll regret this,” he whispered one final time.

  The silken glide ceased. He pushed. A thick, bulbous head pushed into her core. The mouth of her pussy opened to receive him, but not enough. She couldn’t produce enough cream to ease his passage, and he couldn’t stop himself to give her surcease. She wouldn’t take him stopping now, even if she could. Locking her calves around his hips, she pulled him in, aiding in his impalement of her body. The ache had to go away somehow. Now.

  Mali cried out as he thrust to the hilt and destroyed the barrier that marked her virginity. He smothered her cry with his mouth. She tasted the desperation and regret in his kiss. He sucked her tongue into his mouth—hard. He bit her until she swore she tasted blood. Beyond the fleeting pain, that desperate ache, which had only magnified, disappeared as if it had never been.

  Jaxon held still, stretching her, trapping her to the feel of his body filling every available inch. He tore his mouth from hers and kissed the corners of her jaw. And then he moved.

  “Sweet gods above, you’re killing me,” she said, biting back a moan as he withdrew almost to the point of freedom and then came plunging back inside.

  “Rub your nubbin for me,” he said.

  His shaft was so long he could free enough space between them to allow her hand to slip down. She reached the swollen nub, gasping as he crushed her hand against it and ground into her. A forbidden thrill rushed her head, making her dizzy. She’d only dared touch herself a few times before, when the heat had gotten so bad she couldn’t leave the bed. She’d felt guilty for it, but at the same time it had felt so good. Now, with the added fullness and stimulation of him, her feather-light strokes increased the tension winding her insides like a coil.

  Jaxon bit her neck, sucking a spot beneath her ear before he suddenly broke free and caught her earlobe with his teeth. She felt herself edging toward bliss. Only with him, everything felt too intense. She couldn’t stand it; couldn’t seem to drag enough air into her lungs. She clenched her thighs tight, ripping her hand free to hang onto his shoulders as she fell into the mindless abyss of pleasure. Tingles erupted along her nerve endings. The soles of her feet, the backs of her legs, her belly—ecstasy permeated every muscle and pore until she cried out. Jaxon locked his mouth over hers, driving her into heaven. She was still cresting the waves when he suddenly pulled free of her quaking pussy and dropped her feet to the earth. He jerked against her, and she felt the warm wetne
ss on the front of her dress. She shuddered, leaning against the wall, not trusting herself to move. She was certain her legs would give out.

  He breathed heavily, his head close to hers as he held her steady. “Stupid.”

  Mali swallowed, trying not to feel hurt. “Me?”

  “No. Me. I done lost my damned mind.” He straightened and looked her over. “You can’t go back looking like this.”

  He pulled his cloak off and draped it around her shoulders. She clutched the edges together.

  “Go. Now. Don’t stop for anyone or anything. Clean up and hide yer dress.”

  Mali nodded, scurrying away without a look back.

  Chapter Eight

  “Mali! Is that blood on your dress, Mali?” Kimber pointed at Mali the moment she was inside their room with the door closed. “Are you okay?”

  She froze and glanced wildly around to see if anyone else was inside. Thankfully, no one else was there to witness her disgrace.

  Mali didn’t say anything.

  Kimber rushed forward and took Mali’s hand. “Let’s get this off before the others come back,” Kimber said.

  Mali felt sick seeing her virgin blood on the dress. Kimber handed her a damp rag to clean herself with while she went to get a sleeping gown. Mali hissed as the cold cloth touched her still swollen labia. She’d wanted to be hurt—needed it. He’d given her just what she wanted. So why did she feel like something was missing?

  Kimber returned and handed Mali a nightgown and tucked her into bed before going to her own bed. “I’m used to taking care of others,” Kimber said.

  Sinking into the mattress, Mali sighed. She looked across the short distance to Kimber. “Thank you. For everything.”


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