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Bought And Paid For: The Tycoon's Sheikha Bride

Page 7

by Holly Rayner

  Bayim considered the Sheikh for a moment longer before acquiescing with a nod of his head.

  “I will transfer the funds as needed, and will keep you informed of what is happening with them.”

  “Keep a good eye on them, Bayim. I would hate to hear of any overspending by the general.”

  Bayim’s expression was somber.

  “Of course, Your Highness.”

  He made his exit then, casting a sideways glance at Jasmina; the council still didn’t quite know what to do with her there—a teenager sitting among the most powerful men in the country, hearing national secrets. As Bayim closed the door, Jasmina stood and walked to her father’s side.

  “Why did you do that? There had to be other funds to go to that project. The state is doing fine financially.”

  The Sheikh kept his eyes on the desk, but after a long pause he finally looked into his daughter’s eyes.

  “Yes, perhaps we could have done that, but it is not that simple, Jasmina. Everything in our economy is connected. If we take from someone else’s pile to fund military action, suddenly we will have people on our doorstep that we hadn’t considered. It is important not to act rashly, not to take when money has already been given. It isn’t just money, after all. It is services, help, things that people need. Someday, you will grow to understand this.”

  “I do understand it, Father, but I still think that we could have looked harder.”

  “Jasmina,” the Sheikh said, his tone curt.

  Her spine stiffened at his tone. She hadn’t believed she had done anything wrong, but clearly she had messed up somehow. Her father’s shoulders were tense, but at her stricken expression he took a deep breath, lowering them.

  “Self-sacrifice is a big part of this job. It is up to us to protect our people at any cost. Today that cost came from our funds. Perhaps someday you might not be able to afford a fancy dress that you want, in exchange for national security. Today is not that day—we have enough, and we must give of ourselves everything we can. That is our job. It will be yours someday.”

  “But not for a very long time, right, Papa?”

  Her father smiled at her then, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

  “Not for a very long time, my flower. Now come, we have a dinner to get to.”

  “Never a moment’s rest,” Jasmina said, grinning.

  “Never!” the Sheikh agreed, holding her closer.

  A tear trickled down Jasmina’s cheek as she relived the memory. Her father had made so many sacrifices for the good of their people, and he had been betrayed by a wicked group of men who were now somewhere out there with the funds he had worked so hard to amass.

  She sat up a little straighter, remembering how many times her father had showed her what it took to be a leader. She wiped the tears from her eyes and considered her own situation.

  Jenson was a scoundrel and a cad, and she wasn’t sure if she hated or despised him, though she knew it had to be one of the two. Still, they were connected now, whether she liked it or not, and it was her turn to make a sacrifice for the good of the nation. Her one hope was that they never found out what she had done.

  Rising, she walked over to her small writing desk, her mind whirring. She began considering a way to get Jenson to realize just what he was getting into; this wasn’t just a business deal—he would be by her side ruling a country. Perhaps it was time for Jasmina to show him what that really meant.

  As she opened her laptop, Jasmina’s lip curled into a tiny smile. Jenson Black had no idea what was coming.

  Chapter Eleven

  Several days later, Jasmina finally accepted one of Jenson’s phone calls. He had been calling her at least once or twice a day, while she had been busy running a country, not to mention preparing for one of the biggest ruses she’d concocted so far.

  “This is Jasmina,” she said into the receiver.

  “Well, it’s good to know you’re alive, princess.”

  “I am not a princess. What can I do for you, Mr. Black?”

  “Oh, so you do know the sound of my voice?”

  “Unfortunately, yes, I do.”

  “So what’s up, sweetheart? You miss me enough to answer the phone?”

  “I’m surprised you’re bothering to call your ‘hot piece of royal ass’ at all.”

  “Now that’s unfair.”

  “Is it?”

  “Look, I don’t want to fight with you. Can we try and be civil, so we don’t have to argue for the rest of our lives?”

  Jasmina was banking on such a request, and she tried to repress her smile, so he wouldn’t hear it across the phone.

  “I suppose we should. I am available for dinner this evening, if you can make it to the palace tonight.”

  “I think I can make time for that.”

  “Good. Until then.”

  “What, no ‘I love you’?”

  “Goodbye, Jenson.”

  She hung up the phone before he could get the last word in. The swagger in his voice was enough to set her teeth on edge, and she was forced to take several deep breaths before calling in her security guard, Deniz. When the burly man strode in, he nodded at Jasmina, a semi-automatic rifle strapped to his side.

  “Nice touch,” she said, tilting her chin toward the firearm.

  “I don’t think he knows enough about our country to guess how wholly unneeded this is.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. Is everything ready?”

  “It is. The safe house has been stocked with all the basic necessities…at least the ones that won’t look suspicious. No fresh foods or anything like that. We tried to leave it a little dusty for effect. We left clothing in the closets for you to use.”

  “Excellent. I can’t thank you enough for your help on this, Deniz. I owe you one.”

  “You owe me nothing, Your Highness. Still, I don’t really like the idea of this charade. We will need your leadership and guidance.”

  “I can communicate with my council while I am away. Besides, it’s not like I’ll be far.”

  “Yes, but I still must express my concern.”

  “I understand your reservations, Deniz, but Mr. Black thinks that running this country with me is going to be some kind of cakewalk. It’s up to us to show him what he’s really getting into.”

  “And if he decides to back out of the marriage?”

  Jasmina’s eyes clouded over.

  “Then that is his decision. We have a signed contract, and our resources and jobs should remain safe, even if he does change his mind. No matter what happens, he seeks to gain, and so he shall.”

  Deniz nodded, though he still looked uneasy. Jasmina stood and faced him, her gaze determined.

  “This will work to our favor, Deniz, but you must trust my judgement here. Jenson is a man we must deal with in our own way…in my own way.”

  Deniz’s eyebrows narrowed. Jasmina couldn’t blame him for being skeptical; her ruse had opened doors to many questions, and she had been purposely vague when answering them. While she hadn’t admitted that the marriage would be a sham, the whole situation rang hollow, and she knew it.

  “I trust you, Sheikha. It is him that I’m not too sure about.”

  You and me both, buddy, Jasmina thought, but she simply smiled and placed a bracing hand on his arm.

  “The money and prosperity he has brought in with his company should be assurance enough. We have only prospered since Jenson Black arrived, Deniz.”

  “I know, but my instincts tell me something is off, Your Highness. Are you so sure of him that you’d be willing to marry him so fast?”

  The concern in his eyes was endearing, and Jasmina found herself on the verge of breaking down, confessing everything to her loyal guard. Instead, she gave him a reassuring smile.

  “Would I ever do anything that wasn’t for the good of the nation?”

  “No, and that is another part of what concerns me. You do your best to put this mask on, but when the room turns away, your face falls. I’ve
been watching you, and I know that something isn’t right.”

  “You have to trust me, Deniz. All will be well.”

  “You mean a great deal to our people, and to all of us who work here in the palace. We would want you to be happy above all else, Your Highness.”

  His words were sweet, and they were wrong. Jasmina took a breath, tiring of the subtle questioning.

  “Yes, I know. Which is why I’m sure you will overcome your misgivings in time and learn to love Jenson as I have. He is a good man.”

  “A good man who needs to be taught a lesson?”

  “Yes, but we all have our flaws. Our task now is to help Jenson overcome his.”

  “If you say so, Your Highness. I have expressed my concerns, and will now leave to prepare my men. Once we are alerted to your situation, we will make the move.”

  “Thank you, Deniz.”

  The guard nodded and made his exit, his broad back passing through the doorway before he closed the door behind him. As he did, Jasmina frowned. It was clear that she would have to be far more convincing in the future if she had any chance of passing this ruse off as reality.

  Checking the time, she saw she had enough of it to get some work done before going back to her room to change for her arranged dinner. Placing her glasses on her nose, she buried herself in matters of state until the door opened, startling her.

  “Just me,” said Asha, carrying a small tray of tea.

  “What time is it?” Jasmina asked, glancing at the clock only to realize that she would have to meet Jenson for dinner within the hour. Rising, she cast an apologetic glance at Asha.

  “I forgot to update you. I will be having dinner with Jenson tonight.”

  “Is this Operation Safe House?” Asha asked, her eyes sparkling with humor.

  Jasmina wondered how Asha was never able to take her seriously. All she did was sing the praises of Jenson, like she knew him or something. Jasmina knew him. He was nothing but a greedy fraud, but perhaps she could at least help him see that such a personality would not last long in the royal household.

  “It is. I must get ready—we will be meeting soon.”

  “Allow me to assist,” Asha said, leaving the tea tray on a side table and following Jasmina back to her room.

  Together they picked out a dress that would pass for formal while also being easy to run in, one that could be destroyed without too much heartbreak. The ruse had to be real, and Jasmina had put a lot of thought into the plan. Once she was dressed, she bid Asha a fond farewell, knowing that she would be gone for quite a bit longer than anticipated, and headed out the door.

  She had planned for the dinner to be in a private courtyard, from which they could sneak out easily, without causing too much commotion. Her council had been advised that she would be working remotely for a few days at least, and had planned accordingly for her absence. Everything had been worked out—now she just needed the bait.

  As she strolled through the glass doorway into the courtyard, she found Jenson already there, looking at something on his phone. When he heard her enter, he pressed the button to silence it, gazing up at her in that obnoxious way he had—like he was devouring her with his eyes.

  “Yellow suits you,” he said, rising.

  “I’m so glad you approve,” she said.

  Jenson placed his hands up in a defensive gesture.

  “Already with the combat mode. I was trying to give you a compliment, Jasmina. Accept it graciously, like you do when literally anyone else gives you one.”

  Jasmina took a breath. He was right, unfortunately. She always assumed anything he said was offensive, when in fact he hadn’t said anything of the sort. She nodded.

  “Thank you. You also look presentable.”

  Jenson grinned.

  “Now look at you, nearly paying me a compliment back! We might make for a successful match after all, Jasmina.”

  “Indeed. Shall we sit?”

  “Allow me,” he said, gallantly pulling her chair back so she could take a seat.

  Jasmina did, holding her breath. The scent of him always managed to make her knees tremble, and she didn’t want to react to him in any way. They would be in close quarters soon enough.

  She waited to exhale until he took his seat across from her, his eyes gleaming in the candlelight from the surrounding side tables.

  “This is quite the romantic setup you have here.”

  “It’s just a standard dinner. I wouldn’t say there’s anything romantic about it.”

  “You don’t think candlelight is romantic?”

  “It’s a candle. It provides light.”

  “How practical-minded of you! But look at how your face glows in the flickering shadows. I’m afraid I have to disagree with you, if you can believe it. Candlelight is one of the sexiest things on Earth.”

  “You know, we can have a conversation that doesn’t involve you alluding to sex. This dinner is meant to be a peace offering, wherein I forgive you for being a boorish pig and you apologize for it.”

  “And yet I told you that what you see is what you get. I’m sorry that you aren’t satisfied, for I see nothing but potential in you.”

  “Potential for what? Having babies?”

  “And so much more,” he said, his eyes boring into her.

  She wanted to look down, away, anywhere but him, but instead she held his gaze.

  “You couldn’t handle it,” she said.

  Jenson laughed in delight.

  “The tigress emerges! I love it! There is much more to you than meets the eye, Jasmina. I can’t wait to peel back the layers and find what’s beneath that tough exterior.”

  Though his statement clearly had double meaning, Jasmina decided to stick with the emotional component to that statement.

  “And what about you? What lies beneath your obnoxious exterior? There has to be some good in you. You’ve kept your word, and because of it my people have prospered. It’s enough to make me believe you might have some kind of soul in there.”

  “You keep dreaming, sweetheart. Maybe one of these days you’ll be right.”

  He was pouring a glass of red wine when two of her security guards busted into the courtyard, right on cue.

  “What is it? What’s going on?” Jasmina asked, her eyes filled with panic. She had practiced that look a lot in the mirror over the past few days.

  Deniz was frowning, his expression ferocious. He looked absolutely terrifying. It was perfect!

  “Your Highness, we have received reports of a code red threat. We need to evacuate you from the premises immediately, for your safety.”

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked.

  “As far away from here as possible. You need to be out of sight.”

  “No! I won’t leave my people. There is a safe house in the city, I am sure of it. You must take me there.”

  Deniz nodded tersely before he looked at Jenson.

  “You must come, too. Now.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Jasmina cast a frantic glance at Jenson, and almost ruined everything by laughing out loud.

  No longer cocky and assured, the handsome CEO had blanched, his expression panicked as he stared with wide eyes at the guard.

  “What do you mean I have to go too?”

  Deniz grunted, which didn’t answer the question one way or the other. He was exceptional at that.

  “As the fiancé of the ruling monarch, that puts you in immediate danger as well. It is vital that we get you both to safety. Now!”

  He raised his voice, then, his gun protruding heavily from his side as the two guards who had accompanied him waited silently at the door.

  Jasmina tossed her napkin onto the table and followed him, turning to look at Jenson. She lifted a dark eyebrow at him.

  “Well? Are you planning on dying today? Because I certainly am not,” she said, turning to address Deniz. “You will bring us to the safe house in the city. I’m sure we’ll be plenty protected there.”

p; “You must dress in disguise. No one can know who you really are. You are putting yourself at great risk by not leaving the city.”

  Deniz sounded perfectly believable in his concern, and for a moment Jasmina almost bought into his ploy herself. She made a mental note to get him into theater when all this was said and done.

  “Nevertheless, I will not abandon the majority of my people. This is a small country, Deniz. It would not make much difference.”

  “Don’t you think you should listen to your head of security?” Jenson asked, waking up from his reverie and falling in step beside her.

  “We have a duty to our people, Jenson. If you intend to take this throne, this is the reality. There are threats all the time. People wanting to oust our government so that they can control us. We have a million guns and bombs pointed in our direction at any given time. This isn’t some company you’re running. This is reality.”

  They walked on in tense silence as Deniz led them toward a busted up old car idling behind the palace. Before he had a chance, Jasmina opened the door and slid inside, the better to hide her face from invisible foes. Jenson slid in behind her, grasping her hand, hard.

  “Don’t be frightened, Jenson. It’s going to be fine.”

  “You just told me we have a million guns and bombs pointed at us, and I’ve got a guard shoving me into a car because there’s a threat on my life. I fail to see where the ‘fine’ is in all of this, Jasmina.”

  She bit back another smile. It was quite amusing to see tall, proud Jenson Black reduced to a fearful infant with one little threat. The car kicked dirt up behind it as the driver sped away from the palace, turning onto a back road and meandering through the city so as to avoid being followed.

  Jasmina leaned forward, speaking with the driver as he picked streets at random to lose any imaginary person who might be trailing them.

  “Shouldn’t you be hiding your face? You’re pretty distinctive,” Jenson said, looking around for something she could use.

  Jasmina shrugged.

  “We’ll get to the safe house soon enough.”

  “You seem terribly relaxed for someone who could be murdered at any moment.”


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