The World's Most Dangerous Secret Societies: The Illuminati, Freemasons, Bilderberg Group, Knights Templar, The Jesuits, Skull And Bones And Others

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The World's Most Dangerous Secret Societies: The Illuminati, Freemasons, Bilderberg Group, Knights Templar, The Jesuits, Skull And Bones And Others Page 9

by James Jackson

  There is considerable controversy regarding Bush’s tenure in the CIA. Uncovered evidence indicates that he may have been involved as early as 1963, in particular with a counter-intelligence unit code-named ‘Pegasus’ implicated in a potential plot to assassinate President Kennedy according to transcripts of tapes obtained from a tap on the phone of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover; transcripts which include the names of Hoover, future Vice President (and brother of David) Nelson Rockefeller, CIA Director (and Council on Foreign Relations Director) Allen Dulles, and one “George Bush” of the CIA. Both Bush and the CIA have implicitly denied the allegations of the existence of both Pegasus and Bush’s involvement prior to his nomination as Director in 1976; which, as an intelligence agency responsible for disambiguation of both information and misinformation, naturally befits a secret organization.

  One thing is for certain; the invocation of a ‘New World Order’ raised many an eyebrow when Bush delivered his famed address before congress on September 11, 1990 (exactly 11 years prior to the date of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center; a date forever ingrained with many Americans as the rationale behind Bush’s son George W.’s entrance into the Afghanistan conflict and subsequent war on Iraq.) In it, the senior Bush justified his invasion of Iraq precipitation the Persian Gulf Crisis of 1990-1992 with the following words:

  “A new partnership of nations has begun, and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective—a new world order—can emerge: A new era—free from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice and more secure in the quest for peace… America and the world must defend common vital interests. And we will… Americans have stepped forward to share a tearful goodbye with their families before leaving for a strange and distant shore. At this very moment, they serve together with Arabs, Europeans, Asians and Africans in defense of principle and the dream of a new world order. That is why they sweat and toil in the sand and the heat and the sun.”

  The ‘New World Order’ is, of course, a phrase most commonly associated with the Illuminati. And it is equally indicative of the ultimate goal of all globalist and international institutions who strive to forge a new era; perhaps one of peace, justice and prosperity. But only to those who can afford it.

  There have been approximately 7,000 U.S. casualties to date resulting from both the Persian Gulf Crisis of 1990-1991, and the ongoing US Wars on Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001. How many were lost for “the quest of peace”; and how many were lost for the sake of a ‘New World Order’?

  Dangers of Skull & Bones

  It is all too tempting to view Skull & Bones as a breeding ground for future recruits into the Illuminati or conversely, more overt societies such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations or even (as amply demonstrated by this chapter) the CIA. It seems that given the vast links and behavior of Skull & Bones alumni, one would be hard-pressed to find an outfit more smug about their elitism, secrecy and implication in a tangled web of conspiracy and duplicity at the highest levels of American political intrigue; a smugness and arrogance the organization has done little to dispel in the 180-plus years of their existence.

  During the Regent degree of the Illuminati, the candidate, after being directed to a skeleton, is asked “Whether there lies the body of a king, nobleman, or beggar?” His expected answer is that “The character of being a man is the only one that is of importance.”

  The legend engraved on the inner chamber of the Skull & Bones Tomb reads: “Wer war der Thor, wer Weiser, Bettler oder Kaiser? Ob Arm, ob Reich, im Tode gleich.”

  A rough translation of which is, “Who was the fool, who the wise man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, all's the same in death.”


  In addition to the previously named parties, other members of Skull & Bones have included: investment banker and founder of Morgan Stanley Harold Stanley; Time-Life magazine founder Henry Luce (a member of the Council on Foreign Relations); NY Mets co-founder (and uncle of George H.W. Bush) George Herbert Walker, Jr.; writer Archibald MacLeish; Banker and Dean Witter founder Dean Witter, Jr.; former Senator and Heinz heir H. John Heinz; Senator of State John Kerry; former Federal Reserve chairman Pierre Jay; co-founder of the Council on Foreign Relations Charles Seymour; publisher, creator of the Fortune 500 Russell Davenport (also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations); former Senators John Patton Jr., James Buckley, John Chafee and Victor Ashe; Sears Chairman Edward Lampert; FedEx founder Frederick Wallace Smith; former U.S. Ambassadors David Thorne, Winston Lord, Evan Galbraith and James Jeremiah Wadsworth; National Review founder William F. Buckley, Jr.; Cornell University co-founder Andrew Dickson White; and U.S. Trust President Daniel Davison.

  Chapter Eight: THE COMMITTEE OF 300

  So far to date, we have chosen to examine secret societies that are rooted in incontrovertible historical evidence. Other examples of secret societies throughout history, such as the White Dragon Society, the Order of Nine Angles, the Knights of the Golden Circle, the Esoteric Order of Dagon and the Order of the Palladium and the Four Pi Society mentioned in this book’s introduction, have been omitted either because their existence has been proven to be a hoax, evidence for their existence is tenable at best or their influence is so marginal as to have virtually no effect whatsoever on the world at large.

  When it comes to the Committee of 300, we are straddling the line between fiction, exaggeration and historical possibility.

  In literature pertaining to secret societies and conspiracy theories, the Committee of 300 is sometimes overlooked or understated. Certain researchers simply assume that the Committee is simply another code-name for Illuminati, and use it interchangeably. Still others have pointed out critical flaws in existing theories behind the Committee’s existence, such as texts which have proven to be forgeries. Still others have meticulously pieced together historical evidence that links many of the figures we have discussed to date with the alleged origins of the Committee itself; and it is this last factor that is of particular interest to us.

  The correlation between industrialization, media communication, economic control and globalization has been amply demonstrated throughout history, and was present even as early as the dawn of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century (coincidentally, a period that saw the rise of both Freemasonry and the Illuminati.) Parallel to this has been an increase in global population growth, which British economist and scholar Thomas Malthus predicted as early as 1798 would ultimately result in what has come to be known as a ‘Malthusian catastrophe’; in which both natural causes, such as famine, starvation and disease as well as artificial constructs such as war, poverty and violence would be inevitable conclusions that were fundamentally cyclical results necessary to redress this expansion in population growth when faced with a scarcity of resources. The reason this highly controversial conclusion is brought up here is not just to reinvigorate long-dormant economic theories, but so the reader will have a bit of context when addressing the plausibility of certain long-scale plans of the Committee of 300.

  World population statistics indicate that the 2014 global census was estimated at roughly 7 Billion people. The World Health Organization predicts an incremental increase of approximately 10% every 5 years; meaning that by 2029, we could be facing a global population of 9 Billion. With both global economic disparity at an all-time high, crises of food shortages, incessant and transglobal conflicts and the spread of highly contagious viral diseases such as Ebola, the question isn’t whether or not Malthus was right, but whether or not we can afford not to entertain the ramifications of the existence of the Committee of 300?

  Origins of the Committee of 300

  Generally speaking, many theorists attribute the Committee of 300 to a quote from murdered German industrialist Walther Rathenau in a 1909 article when he
stated, “Three hundred men, all of whom known one another, direct the economic destiny of continents and choose their successors from among themselves.” At the time, Germany was facing an unprecedented increase in national wealth, and subsequently, a marked increase in both the cost of living and contrast between both labor and leisure classes; a discrepancy not helped by Kaiser Wilhelm II’s contentious relations with distant nations as well as his diplomatic support with neighboring countries, which precipitated Germany’s entrance into WWI in 1914. This discrepancy, which saw an increase in wealth for only a few of the nation’s 15 million residents, found an immediate target through anti-semitism, which had been a hallmark of German culture since the Middle Ages.

  By 1912, journalists such as Theodor Fritsch declared Rathenau’s statement an “open confession of indubitable Jewish hegemony” (Rathenau was indeed of Jewish origin) and relied upon the previous century’s apocryphal Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion—a document since proven to be a hoax—as testimonial evidence of a global Jewish conspiracy. Despite Rathenau’s insistence that the three hundred leaders he referred to were industry leaders and not necessarily Jews (and clarified that he abhorred the ramifications of such exclusivity), the industrialist was assassinated by three accomplices in 1922, one of whom, Erwin Kern, explicitly cited Rathenau’s membership in the “300 Elders of Zion” as rationale for the murder.

  Still, others trace the existence of the Committee not to early 20th century Germany, but all the way back to 1727 and the emergence of a mysterious “Council of 300” orchestrated by the British East India Trading Company.

  The East India Trading Company was a private trading company that was actually officially chartered by Queen Elizabeth I as early as 1600 (it is worth noting that a constant strategic advisor to the Queen was Sir John Dee, a noted purveyor of Hermetic and Rosicrucian doctrines.) The company’s primary focus was within the Indian subcontinent and the Chinese mainland, where it rose to account for more than half the world’s trade, importing silks, teas, dyes—and most notably, gunpowder and opium. These trades may have indeed been the business model for such modern day clandestine operations as the Mafia and various Central and South American drug cartels.

  The company’s shares were owned by various wealthy British merchants and aristocrats, and was only indirectly controlled by the British government, who owned no shares. This may be the first instance of a private company holding more executive power and wealth over trade and exchange than its own government, but it would be far from the last. It just so happened that many of these merchants and aristocrats belonged not only to the chivalric Order of the Garter (one of the highest and most prestigious honors to be bestowed upon a non-monarchic British subject, and itself a semi-secret society which is the cause of much speculation), but also Freemasonry and various Masonic offshoots, such as the Order of the Scarlet Cord, the Red Cross of Constantine, and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. It is from the latter (an offshoot of the Knights of Malta, which in turn is claims direct lineage from the Knights Templar) that the core of the Council of 300 was alleged to have formed, primarily as an exclusive trade committee made up of only the most elite and high-ranking European (for at this point, the founding members of the Council had turned mercenary and established negotiations and alliances with other European trading unions, such as the Dutch, French and Portuguese East India Companies and the Barbary Company) merchants and noblemen of only the highest wealth. It was rumored that this Council had exclusive control of over 300 ports; hence the title, Council of 300. Inevitably, these strands were to weave their way into the fabric of the Illuminati; where they were to weave their way into even more disparate societies and institutions.

  The British East India Trading Company was formally dissolved in 1874, largely as a result of British colonization of India (which many theorists believe to be largely the result of a Council of 300 plot.) Competitive maritime trade was rapidly declining, both as a result of industry saturation as well as the rise of inter-European continental trade owing to quicker means of transport, such as the railroad. Yet the Council of 300 had already established themselves as an unassailable and omnipresent mercantile force, whose numbers had now grown to some 300 families, individuals and institutions. Some of the more significant among the latter included the Bank of London, NM Rothschild, Standard Oil (established by Rockefeller patriarch John D. Rockefeller), De Beers Diamond and Mining Co. (established by Cecil Rhodes) and Barclays Bank—all of which have had figures associated with and closely intertwined elsewhere in this book.

  Informally, it is said that the Council refers to themselves as “the Olympians,” owing to their identification with the gods of Greek myth.

  It is one thing to wield omniscient power in the fields of industry. But true power comes from domination of the political sphere. If Freemasonry and the Illuminati have taught us anything, it is that both politics, industry and an ulterior agenda hidden and plotted behind impenetrable veils of secrecy have made for some of the most successful bedfellows in history. Even unsuccessful political candidates such as Mitt Romney and Donald Trump—both of whom began their political careers after achieving inordinate success in the spheres of finance and real estate—are aware of this. The key factor then, is how to achieve political strength subtly and unobtrusively? The answer is through the manipulation of public attitudes by the dissemination of information. The media. To this end, the Council established both non-profit think tanks and worldwide conglomerates with political aims. Included among some of the more influential ones are the following four:

  1.) Chatham House, the Royal Institute of Affairs. A private, non-governmental agency headquartered in London established in 1920, who claims their mission is “to help build a sustainably secure, prosperous and just world” by “engaging governments, the private sector, civil society and its members in open debate and confidential discussion on the most significant developments in international affairs.” In actuality, the Royal Institute of Affairs was established by Lionel Curtis, a staunch British federalist who worked alongside the Council of Foreign Relations during its development. Curtis was one of the direct descendants of the founding core of the Council of 300, and worked extensively with Illuminati member and Freemason Cecil Rhodes towards the expansion of British colonization in Africa. In reality, Chatham House has worked extensively to disseminate views calling for British unity and expansion as well as publishing reports in favor not only of a fully integrated European Union, but has also worked to establish stricter regulations ensuring a centralized constitution.

  2.) The Council on Foreign Relations, whom we’ve already gone over in detail during Chapter Six.

  3.) The Club of Rome. A global think tank founded in 1968 by Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King in Rome (now headquartered in Switzerland), the Club of Rome purports “to act as a global catalyst for change through the identification and analysis of the crucial problems facing humanity and the communication of such problems to the most important public and private decision makers as well as to the general public.” The Club first came to prominence in 1972 with a publication entitled The Limits to Growth, a Malthusian document which argued that the limits of economic growth were contingent on rapidly dwelling resources—in particular oil; hence growth was subject to scarcity and in inverse proportion to demand (a notion which presaged the Oil Crisis of 1973.) Peccei, a noted Italian industrialist, was a known Freemason with ties to Licio Gelli’s ‘Propaganda Due’ lodge; King, a British chemist and environmental scientist, is reputed to come from a long line of British Illuminati backers, and has been known to work “independently” alongside both the Trilateral Commission and the council on Foreign Relations.

  4.) The Tavistock Institute on Human Relations. A Rockefeller funded think tank formed in 1947, the Tavistock Institute describes its mission as “dedicated to the study of human relations for the purpose of bettering working life and conditions for all humans within their organizations, c
ommunities and broader societies and to the influence of environment in all its aspects on the formation or development of human character or capacity.” In reality, the group is acutely adept as a social engineering mechanism that has worked closely with the CIA during the MK-ULTRA project. Both Henry Kissinger and Paul Warburg—both of whose relationship with the Rockefellers and the Council on Foreign Relations we have covered elsewhere in this book—were early funders of Tavistock projects, and indeed, the Institute has worked closely in tandem with the Council on Foreign Relations for many years now. One of the founding members of the Tavistock, psychiatrist John Rawlings Rees, made this revealing quote about the dynamic of social engineering during this 1940 speech before the National Conference on Mental Health is particularly revealing: “We can therefore justifiably stress our particular point of view with regard to the proper development of the human psyche, even though our knowledge be incomplete. We must aim to make it permeate every educational activity in our national life…. Public life, politics and industry should all of them be within our sphere of influence…. If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people, we must imitate the Totalitarians and organize some kind of fifth column activity.”


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