The World's Most Dangerous Secret Societies: The Illuminati, Freemasons, Bilderberg Group, Knights Templar, The Jesuits, Skull And Bones And Others

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The World's Most Dangerous Secret Societies: The Illuminati, Freemasons, Bilderberg Group, Knights Templar, The Jesuits, Skull And Bones And Others Page 10

by James Jackson

  Goals of the Committee of 300

  All secret societies must have an underlying agenda, and the Committee of 300 is no different. Some theorists have chosen to tack on all manner of far-fetched theories onto them, presenting them as a conglomerate of evil of superhuman proportions; others have chosen to present rational, clearly-thought out objectives. What we are concerned with in this work is verifiable evidence, and so we have chosen to select only a specific few:

  1.) A One World Government with a singular currency, singular police/military force and absolute and unquestionable authority. This is the singular strand that connects all groups we have discussed to date.

  2.) The abolition of national identity, as tantamount to the formation of a singular world-state.

  3.) Establishment of technological advancements (described by Brzezinski in his book Between Two Ages) in mind and populace control. This is the real rationale by the establishment of think-tanks such as the Tavistock and Chatham House; to mold public opinion and engineer changes in social structure to allow greater susceptibility towards Committee-constructed initiatives.

  4.) To bring about the end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what is known as "the post-industrial zero-growth society". As noted earlier, the influence of Malthus looms large within the sphere of power wielded by the Committee, and the dissemination of zero-population growth was widely disseminated by the Club of Rome, whose founder Aurelio Peccei has been quoted as saying, “Why should I concern myself with how many die? Even the Christian Bible says what is man that God should be mindful of him? For me men are nothing but a brain at one end and a shit factory at the other.”

  5.) To suppress all scientific and medical development except for those deemed beneficial by the Committee. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. In an era in which greater funding for feasible energy solutions, medical discoveries and biotech research is at an all time high, the ongoing slew of world health and energy crises has increased exponentially. That the collective efforts of energy and world health organizations have been unable to meet these crises gives significant thought to ponder.

  6.) To cause, by means of limited wars in advanced countries, and starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050. As an adjunct to points four and five, both the ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the increase of Ebola and its transmission seem to indicate that this may very well be reachable over the next 30-40 years.

  7.) To weaken the moral fiber of nations and demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. The labor and economic crises facing both America and the EU for much of the past eight years is largely the result of both predatory banking practices as well as corporate rapaciousness which sacrifices family over profit, skill over automation, and craft over mass production.

  8.) To cause a total collapse of the world's economies, engendering political chaos. Riots, such as those that occurred in Greece, Italy and Spain in 2012, to say nothing of domestic tensions in the U.S., have and will continue to become common-place as more and more political efforts are forced into states of panic and adaptation to a rapidly volatile and changing climax.

  9.) To take control of all foreign and domestic policies of the U.S. This is particularly cogent during a time in which “Super-PACs”, lessened restrictions on lobbying and campaign financial contributions, and noted special interest funding is at an all time high.

  10.) To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements, the World Court, making local institutions less effective, by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the UN.

  11.) To penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.

  12.) To organize a worldwide terrorist apparatus. The sudden rise of militant groups such as ISIS, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and al-Shabaab are no accident. Their funding generally comes from government assistance (in the case of al-Qaeda, directly from the U.S. during the 1980s) and with a widespread network, including nations generally inimical to terrorist operations, the threat has never been more dire; nor will it appear to dissipate anytime soon.


  Reputed members of the Committee of 300 have included: King Abdullah II of Jordan; Anglo American PLC CEO Cynthia Carroll; British Prime Minister David Cameron; Fox Media CEO Rupert Murdoch; former French President Nicolas Sarkozy; Senator Joe Lieberman; former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan; former British Prime Minister Tony Blair; Microsoft founder Bill Gates; former Vice President Al Gore; former U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner; British Chancellor Ed Balls; Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands; economist Mervyn King; Federal Reserve President William C. Dudley; former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; economist Paul Krugman; Senator Arlen Specter; Lloyds TSB Director Jan du Plessis; Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn; former Swiss National Bank Director Jean-Pierre Roth; Prince Charles of Wales; investor Warren Buffett; former de Beers Diamond & Mining Chairman Nicholas Oppenheimer; former International Monetary Fund director Dominique Strauss-Kahn; former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker; Duke Edward of Kent; economist George Soros; Fiat Chairman John Philip Elkann; former World Trade Organization General Director Pascal Lamy; former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer; Banco Safra founder Moises Safra; Queen Elizabeth II; Matheson & Co. CEO James Sassoon; European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker; Alfa-Bank Chairman Pyotr Aven; former U.S. SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt; Banque Nationale de Paris Chairman Michel Pebereau; former Bank of Italy Chairman Mario Draghi; and former European Central Bank Vice President Christian Noyer.

  Chapter Nine: BOHEMIAN GROVE

  Monte Rio. Snuggled deep into the woods of Sonoma County just overlooking the Russian River, this idyllic California hamlet of barely more than 1,000 residents is an ideal vacation getaway populated by dense forests of redwood trees and viaducts, lakes and streams. It’s easy to lose yourself in the natural splendor of the surroundings, enraptured by the scenery and the warmly glowing Northern California nights, unaware that just a mile away, on a private 2,000 acre campground, some of the most powerful and elite leaders in world politics are gathered together to re-enact their ancient pagan forefathers’ rites of drinking copiously and unrepentantly around a bonfire loomed over by a massive owl—the ancient Greco-Roman herald of knowledge and secrecy.

  It’s easy enough to perceive this highly-guarded two-week getaway as nothing more than a cabal of some of the most high level political magnates reaping their respective mid-life crises through a collegiate level weekend of alcohol-fueled high jinx draped in highly suggestive mythological motifs. It’s as far removed from the daily life of the upper-class vacationing families nearby as the more sinister myth surrounding Bohemian Grove; those of sinister Luciferian rites lorded over by wealthy politicos hell-bent on world domination and infant sacrifice. It’s tempting to think of the conversations between such turn of the century literati as Frank Norris and Jack London and statesmen such as Oliver Wendell Holmes and Theodore Roosevelt over an unending flask of undistilled moonshine, with only stale cigar smoke and Japanese lanterns summoning an eerie ambience in this preternatural landscape; but it’s likely that such conversations belong to the hangovers of ghosts and rash hubris.

  What is it about Bohemian Grove that invites such wild and far-fetched speculation? Other highly publicized weekend retreats for world politicos—such as Camp David or the G8 summit—rarely result in the sort of crazed allegations surrounding the Grove. Is it merely the garish “rites” that mark what would otherwise be seen as “blowing off steam” for overgrown frat boys accustomed to Brooks Brothers suits and bureaucratic spools of red tape that hold the lives of millions of Americans in their arthritic hands? Is it the vision of
a naked Henry Kissinger leading a ghoulish coterie of Senators and industrial magnates around a bonfire to pay homage to an elite bloodline bestowed by the fortune of supernatural forces? Or is it that Bohemian Grove represents one in countless annual soirees among those very same names we’ve grown all-too-familiar with in the course of this book as being those which have an intimate link to the same threats of globalization and unswerving authority that have been amply demonstrated by this book over and over again?

  A plaque directly outside the entrance to the campgrounds of Bohemian Grove bears a legend from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here.” An ominous warning to would-be intruders that their fate could be the same as that of the humble spider; squashed and tossed out the window of a moving car into the rapids of the Russian River, lost to the rippling maw of nature? Or a knowing allusion to the myth of Arachne; that to penetrate the web of guarded secrets and defense will only result in an inescapable entanglement?

  Despite successful attempts from researchers and documentary producers to break the spell of hermetic silence that surrounds the myth of Bohemian Grove, in the end only one neutral party knows—the Redwood trees. And they’re not talking, either.

  Origins of Bohemian Grove

  “The Bohemian Grove, that I attend from time to time—the Easterners and the others come there—but it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, that San Francisco crowd that goes in there; it's just terrible! I mean I won't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco.” - Richard Nixon, quoted during the Watergate Tapes sometime in 1973.

  Researchers and critics are quick to point out that the origins of Bohemian Grove may lie in the ancient Druidic circles of the Celts or the Eleusinian mysteries of the Greeks; exclusive, typically all-male, rites in which celebrants huddled around a bonfire beneath starlit nights, sharing communal mysteries of death and rebirth through the sacrifice of a bull in homage to the gods. But the truth of the Grove’s origin is much more mundane—if no less romantic, in a distinctly American way.

  Bohemian Grove emerged from a private but informal club of artists, journalists and writers known as the Bohemian Club. The original Bohemian Club was founded in 1872 by a group of journalists who sought to foster a mutual appreciation of the arts and pursued a romantic if hackneyed notion of the artist as a poverty-stricken garrett dweller devoted more to his chosen medium than the mundanities of daily life (although Oscar Wilde was noted to have remarked upon visiting the Club in 1882, “I never saw so many well-dressed, well-fed, business-looking Bohemians in my life.”) There’s always been a long-running pretension of artistic patronage among political figures (perhaps as true today as it was in the 19th century) enamored with the myth of the starving artist, and it soon became apparent that the meager salaries of a journalist could be easily bought by both political and industrial funding. The result being that by the turn of the century, the likes of Ambrose Bierce and composer Louis Glass were hobnobbing regularly with the likes of Henry Morgan and WIlliam Randolph Hearst.

  Eventually by the 1940s, owing to frequent visits by such prominent entities as Presidents Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge, artists represented only a minute fraction of the Grove’s regular visitors, with Senators, bankers and prominent diplomats soon came to dominate the booze-soaked discourse and atmosphere. Alliances of global significance were forged; plans were laid; and plots were hatched that came to designate Bohemian Grove as less a relaxing weekend getaway as some of the most significant blueprints for social engineering as we know it.

  In 1929, a 40 foot statue of an owl, sculpted by noted Armenian-American sculptor (and Grove president) Haig Patigian, came to serve as a central focus of Bohemian Grove and has been associated as the most visible emblem of this secretive clique ever since. Most notably, it serves as the backdrop for the Grove’s climactic “Cremation of Care” ceremony, a dramatization intended to symbolize the sacrifice of the cares, anxieties and worries of day to day existence (presumably, only of those affecting beleaguered servants of international finance.) The rite has since been enhanced by advanced electronics and pyrotechnic displays and, most dramatically for many years, the stentorian voice of Grove member Walter Cronkite; with leaked video footage giving the impression of something between a pagan ritual, an elaborate high school drama production and a laser light show (one quote regarding the Grove’s penchant for dramatics has been noted as stating that there are far more cost effective ways to waste energy budgets than on a fraternity talent show; but then again, the average American’s tax dollars are typically spent in any number of irrelevant ways and that politicians need creative expense budgets as much as anyone else.)

  It’s worth noting here that the owl has a myriad different meanings from culture to culture. While for the Greeks, the bird was most strongly associated with the figure of Athena, goddess of wisdom and learning, for cultures including the Egyptians and the Celts, the owl represented the underworld; the overseer of souls through the subterranean hallways of death. And given that many of the top players over the years at Bohemian Grove have been linked to not only the shadowy echelons of power and control but assassination and wholesale murders under the guise of national wars and elaborately pre-staged “accidents,” it is perhaps more fitting that this latter symbolism be kept in mind.

  Of somewhat curious interest are the ‘encampments’ (a term sometimes found in Masonic and Masonic-derived circles in reference to a gathering of Masons) found at Bohemian Grove. These are primarily patrilineal quarters assigned to participants based on their particular status or field of industry, typically assigned with a self-effacing or jovial nickname; for example, the “Hill Billy Camp” is assigned to banking, political or media figures (typically with a net worth in excess of $15 Million). Others have included the Owl’s Nest (for presidents and military/defense contractors); Lost Angels (banking and defense Contractors); Cave Man (education and think-tanks, as well as oil companies and the media); Uplifters (corporate executives); Stowaway (oil companies, big business and Rockefellers); Silverado squatters (big business and defense contractors); Hideaway (think tanks and military/defense contractors); and Sempervirens (California corporations). It is in these encampments (in 2007, there were some 118) that contacts are forged and plans laid in the musk of the cabins reeking of 18-year old single malt Scotch and smug vainglory.

  It is presumably in one of these very cabins in July of 1942 that plans were initially hatched between Dr. Ernest Lawrence, Dr. Robert Oppenheimer and the Hungarian-born Edward Teller, as well as various military and defense officials that would eventually lead to the Manhattan Project; an undertaking costing in excess of $2 billion dollars that led to the development of the Atomic bomb. Grove members are understandably proud of an achievement that cost the death of over 135,000 individuals—the vast majority, innocent civilians—and rarely miss a chance to regale newcomers to the festivities with countless tales heard second, third, fourth, and fifth-hand about what really went on beneath the whispering of the pines when Standard Oil money met U.C. Berkeley hands to fund the decisive American victory of WWII.

  It should be noted that the Grove even has their own patron saint in the form of St. John of Nepomuk, a martyred fourteenth century saint who was tortured and drowned by the Bohemian King Wenceslaus in the Vltava River rather than reveal the confessional secrets of the Bohemian Queen. Grove members claim that the figurehead represents the vow of secrecy that each member is sworn to uphold. Yet in light of the figure’s symbolic placement directly overlooking the Russian River, one wonders if it serves as a warning to would-be trespassers of the fate that may occur should they accidentally spill on to the secrets of the Grove.

  Controversy of Bohemian Grove

  It should here be noted that no official deaths or accidents have ever been noted in conjunction with the Grove’s almost 150-year existence. Infiltrators have gone on to publish, document and videotape accounts of the on-goings without censure;
presumably other than the embarrassment suffered by grown men—the supposed exemplars of cultural and moral prestige—drunkenly cavorting in front of a 40 foot effigy of an owl while the fate of the western world hangs in the hand of their junior executors. Still, not only is the correlation between Bohemian Grove and numerous other, much less frivolous, cliques well documented, on-goings at the Grove still carry the stigma of numerous unanswered questions.

  As mentioned earlier, one of the central ‘rites’ of Bohemian Grove is the ceremony known as the Cremation of Care, which invokes the figure of Bacchus—e.g., the Greek Dionysus, god of divine intoxication, ecstasy and vision—as patron of the Grove to rise from beyond the dead (it is interesting to note that ‘Grove’ itself is a term used by adherents of the modern Witchcraft movement, also as a court of ‘learning’ with ‘inner groves’ reserved only for the elect initiates of a coven). This seems parallel to the central plot of the Bacchae of Euripides, written in the fifth century B.C. where the god, enslaved and imprisoned by King Pentheus, Lord of Thebes, escapes and, disguised himself as a foreigner, leads his band of female Maenads in rites of sexual licentiousness and frenzy, eventually resulting in the sacrifice of Pentheus. Keep in mind that the celebrating Maenads are exclusively female; the participants of Bohemian Grove, on the other hand, are of course exclusively male. A quote from author and noted Grove member Herman Wouk springs to mind here: “Men can decently love each other; they always have, but women never quite understand.”


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