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by Ed Diener

  Lyubomirsky, S., L. King, and E. Diener. 2005. The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success? Psychological Bulletin 131:803- 55.

  Lyubomirsky, S., and L. Ross. 1999. Changes in attractiveness of elected, rejected, and precluded alternatives: A comparison of happy and unhappy individuals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 76:988-1007.

  Lyubomirsky, S., and K. L. Tucker. 1998. Implications of individual differences in subjective happiness for perceiving, interpreting, and thinking about life events. Motivation and Emotion 22:155-86.

  Lyubomirsky, S., K. L. Tucker, and F. Kasri. 2001. Responses to hedonically conflicting social comparisons: Comparing happy and unhappy people. European Journal of Social Psychology 31:511-35.

  McIntosh, D. N., R. C. Silver, and C. B. Wortman. 1993. Religion's role in adjustment to a negative life event: Coping with the loss of a child. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 65:812-21.

  McMahon, D. M. 2008. The pursuit of happiness in history. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Magnus, K., E. Diener, F. Fujita, and W. Pavot. 1993. Extraversion and neuroticism as predictors of objective life events: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 65:1046-53.

  Maltby, J. and L. Day. 2003. Religious orientation, religious coping and appraisals of stress: Assessing primary appraisal factors in the relationship between religiosity and psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences 34:1209-24.

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  Myers, D. G. 2008. Religion and human flourishing. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Myers, D. G., and E. Diener. 1995. Who is happy? Psychological Science 6:10-19.

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  Nickerson, C., N. Schwarz, E. Diener, and D. Kahneman. 2003. Zeroing in on the dark side of the American Dream: A closer look at the negative consequences of the goal for financial success. Psychological Science 14:531-6.

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  Nozick, R. 1989. The examined life: Philosophical meditations. New York: Simon and Schuster.

  Oishi, S., E. Diener, and R. E. Lucas. In press. Optimal level of well-being: Can people be too happy? Perspectives on Psychological Science.

  Oishi, S., E. Diener, R. E. Lucas, and E. Sub. 1999. Cross-cultural variations in predictors of life satisfaction: Perspectives from needs and values. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 25:980-90.

  Oishi, S., and M. Koo. In press. Two new questions about happiness: "Is happiness good?" and "Is happier better?" In Handbook of subjective wellbeing, edited by R. J. Larsen and M. Eid. New York: Oxford University Press.

  Oishi, S., and K. O. Seel. Forthcoming. Was he happy? Cultural differences in images of Jesus.

  Oishi, S., U. Schimmack, and S. J. Colcombe. 2003. The contextual and systematic nature of life satisfaction judgments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39:232-47.

  Oishi, S., U. Schimmack, and E. Diener. 2001. Pleasures and subjective well-being. European Journal of Personality 15:153-67.

  Oishi, S., and H. W. Sullivan. 2006. The predictive value of daily vs. retrospective well-being judgments in relationship stability. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 42:460-70.

  Ostir, G. V., I. M. Berges, K. S. Markides, and K. J. Ottenbacher. 2006. Hypertension in older adults and the role of positive emotions. Psychosomatic Medicine 68:727-33.

  Ostir, G. V., K. S. Markides, S. A. Black, and J. S. Goodwin. 2000. Emotional well-being predicts subsequent functional independence and survival. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 48:473-8.

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  Pargament, K. I. 2002. The bitter and the sweet: An evaluation of the costs and benefits of religiousness. Psychological Inquiry 13:168-81.

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  Pavot, W. 2008. The assessment of subjective well-being: Successes and shortfalls. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Pavot, W., and E. Diener. 1993. The affective and cognitive context of self-reported measures of subjective well-being. Social Indicators Research 28:1-20.

  Pavot, W., and E. Diener. 1993. Review of the satisfaction with life scale. Psychological Assessment 5:164-72.

  Pavot, W., and E. Diener. In press. New review of SWLS. Journal of Positive Psychology.

  Pavot, W., E. Diener, C. R. Colvin, and E. Sandvik. 1991. Further validation of the satisfaction with life scale: Evidence for the cross-method convergence of well-being measures. Journal of Personality Assessment 57:149-61.

  Pavot, W., E. Diener, and F. Fujita. 1990. Extraversion and happiness. Personality and Individual Differences 11:1299-306.

  Peterson, C., and M. E. P. Seligman. 2004. Hope: Optimism, future-mindedness, future orientation. In Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification, edited by C. Peterson and M. E. P. Seligman. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association and Oxford University Press.

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  Pomerantz, E. M., J. L. Saxon, and S. Oishi. 2000. The psychological trade-offs of goal investment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 79:617-30.

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  Redelmeier, D. A., and D. Kahneman. 1996. Patients' memories of painful medical treatments: Real-time and retrospective evaluations of two minimally invasive procedures. Pain 66:3-8.

  Redelmeier, D. A., J. Katz, and D. Kahneman. 2003. Memories of colonoscopy: A randomized trial. Pain 104:187-94.

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  Robinson, M. D. 2007. Gassing, braking, and self-regulating: Error selfregulation, well-being, and goal-related processes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43:1-16.

  Robinson, M. D., and R. J. Compton. 2008. The happy mind in action: The cognitive basis of subjective well-being. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Roese, N. J. 1997. Counterfactual thinking. Psychological Bulletin 121:133-48.

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  Rusting, C., and R. J. Larsen. 1995. Moods as sources of stimulation: Relationships between personality and desired mood states. Personality and Individual Differences 18:321-9.

  Ryff, C. D. 1989. Happiness is everything, or is it? Explorations on the meaning of psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 57:1069-81.

  Ryff, C. D., G. D. Love, H. L. Urry, D. Muller, M. A. Rosenkranz, E. M. Friedman, R. J. Davidson, and B. Singer. 2006. Psychological well-being and ill-being: Do they have distinct or mirrored biological correlates? Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 75:85-95.

  Ryff, C. D., and B. H. Singer. 2006. Best news yet on the six-factor model of well-being. Social Science Research 35:1103-19.

  Samuelson, R. J. 1995. The good life and its discontents: The American dream in the age of entitlement, 1945-1995. New York: Times Books/Random House.

  Sandvik, E., E. Diener, and L. Seidlitz. 1993. Subjective well-being: The convergence and stability of self-report and non-self-report measures. Journal of Personality 61:317-42.

  Schimmack, U. 2008. The structure of subjective well-being. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Schimmack, U., E. Diener, and S. Oishi. 2002. Life-satisfaction is a momentary judgment and a stable personality characteristic: The use of chronically accessible and stable sources. Journal of Personality 70:345-84.

  Schimmack, U., and R. Lucas. 2007. Marriage matters: Spousal similarity in life satisfaction. Schmollers Jahrbuch 127:1-7.

  Schimmack, U., and S. Oishi. 2005. The influence of chronically and temporarily accessible information on life satisfaction judgments. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 89:395-406.

  Schimmack, U., P. Radhakrishnan, S. Oishi, V. Dzokoto, and S. Ahadi. 2002. Culture, personality, and subjective well-being: Integrating process models of life-satisfaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 82:582-93.

  Schkade, D. A., and D. Kahneman. 1998. Does living in California make people happy? A focusing illusion in judgments of life satisfaction. Psychological Science 9:340-6.

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  Schwartz, B., A. Ward, S. Lyubomirsky, J. Monterosso, K. White, and D. R. Lehman. 2002. Maximizing versus satisficing: Happiness is a matter of choice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 83:1178-97.

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  Scollon, C. N., and L. A. King. 2004. Is the good life the easy life? Social Indicators Research 68:127-62.

  Scollon, C. N., Diener, E., Oishi, S., and Biswas-Diener, R. 2004. Emotions across cultures and methods. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 35:304-26.

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  Sheldon, K. M., and S. Lyubomirsky. 2006. How to increase and sustain positive emotion: The effects of expressing gratitude and visualizing best possible selves. Journal of Positive Psychology 1:73-82.

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