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The Debt

Page 12

by D A Latham

  "I think some teeth cleaning, claw clipping and a good bath is next on the agenda," I announced. I led them back into the boot room where their supplies were kept. They clearly weren't used to having their teeth cleaned, both of them wriggled and squirmed a little when I touched their mouths.

  Clipping their claws was easy in comparison, and long overdue by the length of them. I quickly swept up the clippings and switched on their shower. Immediately, both tried to hide, scratching at the door to escape. "You're getting washed whatever you say," I told them. Bruno let out a bark of protest. "No arguments," I said firmly.

  By the time I'd gotten them both washed, I was almost as wet as them. Bruno had objected so much, that I'd had to put a collar and lead on him to gain enough control to get him in the dog bath. They'd both delighted in shaking off in front of me, soaking both myself and the entire room in the process.

  Once bathed, the pair of them were extremely pleased with themselves, bouncing around the room as I attempted to clean it up. "So you've decided to play now?" I said to Roxy as she chased every movement of the mop, making it almost impossible to wipe the floor. By the time I'd gotten the room back to some sort of semblance of normality, both dogs were almost dry, while I was still soaked and a little ragged. I let them back into the kitchen.

  "Don't you look lovely," Maggie exclaimed, confusing me for a moment until I realised she was talking to the dogs. "All shiny and sparkly." She caught sight of me in the doorway and began to laugh. "Oh Sally, did they give you the runaround? You look like you need a cup of tea." She began filling the kettle before I could answer. "After Sonia left, nobody would bathe them; they play up too much. I think the gardener hosed them down outside once, which they hated." She wittered on while making a pot of tea. I couldn't get a word in edgeways. "That's a nasty scar there on your forehead. How'd you get that?" She asked, peering at my face. I froze, before pulling my fringe back down, cursing myself for forgetting to check it.

  "I was in a car crash when I was a child," I muttered.

  "Poor thing," she said, her voice full of sympathy. "Same thing happened to Aaron. It's how we lost his dad. Thankfully Aaron survived, although his left arm is a bit scarred up. He suffered terrible nightmares for years. Did you have those too?"

  Stunned at her revelation, I just nodded.

  "Took him years to get over," she said. "Mind you, he was only six, children are so sensitive at that age. How old were you?"

  "I was eight."

  She tutted loudly and concentrated on pouring our teas. Gerry wandered back in, so she fussed around, getting another cup for him and making his drink exactly how he liked it. She then turned her attention to Roxy, who was on the cadge for biscuits, laying her muzzle across Maggie's hip. Our conversation was forgotten.

  Maggie joined me for the dog's afternoon walk, first showing me around the gardens, describing in great detail the planting plans Marcus had drawn up and how wonderful it all looked when everything came out. We then meandered through the woods, talking about the dogs, the house, and all sorts of random subjects. I liked her enormously. She was one of those people who could chat about anything, and she clearly had a compassion and empathy I'd rarely experienced. I even confided about losing my parents, to which she'd grasped my hand and said “you poor girl.”

  The dogs were exhausted by the time we returned, so I gave them their evening feed, washed their paws, and put them to bed. Maggie was preparing a roast for Aaron as a special treat, so Gerry had the evening off. I left her to it and went back to the flat for a hot bath.

  I'd left my phone in the flat, thinking I wouldn't be allowed it while working. I checked it while my bath was running, to see I had three missed calls from Andy. I called him straight back.

  "Hiya, what're you doing tonight?"

  "Nothing much," I replied, "I'm just about to get into a hot bath. I've been soaked once and frozen twice today."

  "Oh dear. Well, I can come over with a curry if you like."

  "Why don't I come over to you?" I thought I'd try it.

  "Don't be daft. Save yourself a taxi fare, plus it'd mean you'd have to get dressed. It's easier if I come over to you. What's the code for the gate?"

  "I don't think I'm allowed to give it out. Ring me when you're on your way and I'll walk down and let you in."

  "OK." He sounded annoyed. "You really need to ask if I can just be let in. It's not like he doesn't know me."

  "I'll ask Marcus," I promised, although I figured they wouldn't want him in the estate unaccompanied. They might know him, but neither of them liked him.

  Andy was quite perky that evening, asking about my first day, the dogs and the woods. I chatted happily, telling him about Aaron's mother and how nice she was.

  "We used to tease him about her, because she worked in a shop," he said, shifting in his chair. He stared at the floor. "Kids are cruel."

  "At least he had a mum," I pointed out. "So when am I gonna meet yours?"

  "Soon. This curry's a bit hot. Do you want another poppadom?"

  "Don't change the subject."

  "Well don't put pressure on me then. Why do you want to meet my parents so much?"

  "Because," I paused. "Am I just a fuck-buddy?" I wanted to know.

  "Course not."

  "Then why are you treating me like one?"

  "I wasn't aware that I was."

  I stayed silent. He wasn't a stupid man, and it was becoming pretty obvious that he was ashamed of me. The only doubt clouding my mind was that he'd introduced me to Rupert. Wary of making another bad decision, I decided to drop the subject.

  "Marcus said he knew you from school too."

  He seemed surprised. "Marcus Brookes?"

  I nodded.

  "He's the house manager here. Runs everything."

  "Well, he always trailed around after Aaron like a lovesick puppy. Everywhere Pryce was, Brookes would be two steps behind. He's a sneaky little shit too. Wonder why he settled for being just an errand boy though."

  "I think he's a bit more than that. He did all the interiors and designed the gardens. I suppose a place this big needs a lot of people taking care of it, which means someone managing it all."

  "So Marcus is Aaron's wife then?" Andy sniggered a little nastily. "Marcus came out when we were in sixth form. I just didn't realise Prycey was that way too."

  It answered my question about Marcus. "I don't think Aaron is. He's got a girlfriend. I've not met her yet, but I saw her the other day, she's very glamorous."

  He didn't answer. I watched as he swallowed the last piece of nan bread. A few moments later, he was stroking my face, whispering seductive words into my ear. "I really want to peel you out of that track suit and make wild, passionate love to you on your pretty, new bed." My belly squeezed.

  I shoved all my misgivings to the back of my mind as Andy made good his promise, sliding open the zipper of my top, revealing that I was naked underneath. He made a guttural noise as his large hands enveloped my breasts, softly kneading them, and then flicking his thumbs over my nipples repeatedly. I groaned at the sensation, arching my back to increase the pressure.

  "I think you need to be satisfied first," he said, smiling at me. He lifted me off the chair and dropped me onto the bed, before dragging my yoga pants down my legs. He stroked his hand slowly up my good leg. "You have such lovely skin," he murmured. He kissed his way up the inside of my thigh, before treating my clit to some long, slow licks. I was desperate to feel him inside me.

  "Please," I begged. I was trying hard not to come.

  "Please, what?" He murmured against my skin, before flicking my clit with his tongue.

  "Oh God, please fuck me. Icantholdonmuchlonger." The words came out a jumbled mess. I felt him fumbling with his buttons, wriggling his trousers down just enough to release his erection. He slammed into me, pushing me up the bed.

  He reared up onto his knees, pulling my hips forward, before licking his thumb and continuing to rub my clit while he slid in and out. It
felt amazing. I gave myself over to it completely, losing myself in his rhythmic ministrations.

  My orgasm exploded. Most orgasms flutter into existence, or race through the body. This one blew me apart. I practically convulsed with pleasure as he kept up his careful rhythm. "Hmm, think we've found something you like," he said softly, seeming amused by my helpless reaction. I opened my eyes to see him gazing at me in rapt fascination.

  Then he let go. His sculptured lips parted and let out a cry. I watched as his beautiful face screwed up, as if in pain, and then relax into a serene expression of pure bliss. He was as in the moment as I. Whatever else we had going on, we were at that moment just one entity.

  He leaned down to kiss me, his tongue stroking mine in post-lovemaking happiness. All my doubts and worries were far from my mind as I just revelled in the afterglow. "Can I stay the night?" He murmured, "I've missed sleeping next to you, and now you've got a massive bed and a fancy new duvet, we should christen it."

  I smiled and snuggled into him, nuzzling his chest. "I'd like that."


  My first week sped by without incident. The two dogs were a delight and seemed to have taken to me, my flat still felt like the lap of luxury and Andy had visited every other evening. The only issue I had was a very real lack of cash. I was getting by thanks to Andy's generous provision of takeaways, and Gerry slipping me the odd sandwich during the day. I'd had no word from the surgery and wasn't really expecting to get my final pay. It meant I just had to grit my teeth and wait for my first payday. I planned to get a warm coat with my first month's wages, maybe some warm boots too. I was walking a lot every day and regardless of how many layers I put on¸ I could really feel the biting wind. On one of the coldest days, it felt as though I wore almost every item in my wardrobe at the same time. Even Gerry had laughed as I'd waddled into the kitchen resembling the Michelin Man.

  "Don't laugh, have you felt how cold it is out there?" I said while fastening the coats onto the dogs. They had better coats than I did.

  "I'd rather not. I'm happy in my nice warm kitchen, thanks. Still, in two day's time I'll be basking in the sun, sipping a cocktail. I can't wait." Gerry was off to Egypt for a fortnight and was annoying everyone by gloating about it. His girlfriend was also a chef, working long hours, so they were both looking forward to spending some time together.

  "So who looks after Aaron while you're away?" I asked.

  "Shari's back tonight. I suppose she will. No doubt I'll have to deep clean the kitchen when I get back. Last time I went away, the place was a pigsty. It took me a day to get it shipshape again. I don't think she knows how to wipe a surface."

  "I'll try and keep it clean for you," I promised. I was quite intrigued to meet Shari after hearing so much. Maggie had been scathing, telling me she was nothing but a gold-digger who was, in her opinion, not making her beloved son happy. Having listened to all the others gossiping, I'd actually felt quite sorry for her. Nobody had a good word to say, even Jed, who was quite mild-mannered.

  She arrived that afternoon in a flashy Porsche, parking it on the skew outside the front door, which blocked the route to the garages. I was preparing the dog's evening meal in the kitchen when I heard her arrive.

  "Park the car Marcus; there's a good boy," she barked in a strident tone. I cringed on Marcus's behalf, as did Gerry. "My case is in the boot. It needs bringing in." I heard her heels tapping on the stone floor as she approached the kitchen. I noticed both dogs tense and move behind me.

  She was glamorous, in a hard-faced way. Her curtain of icy blonde hair fell in a perfect shape around her unsmiling face. She strode into the kitchen, and straight past me, as though I was invisible, which was disconcerting. "Hi, I'm Sally," I said, smiling at her.

  The bitch blanked me.

  "I'll have a pot of tea and a small tuna salad Gerry," she ordered in an imperious voice. "I'll eat in the drawing room." With that, she swept back out, back past me, without even acknowledging my existence.

  "Charming," I said once she'd gone.

  "Count your blessings, at least she wasn't nasty to you," Gerry said as he hastily assembled her food. I went back to sorting out dinner for Roxy and Bruno, who were at least appreciative of my efforts. The fact that neither of them had greeted her hadn't passed me by. They went nuts when Aaron walked in, and even I got an excited welcome. If anything, they'd been scared of her.

  The next morning, I walked into bedlam. The dogs were hiding in the utility room as Shari gave Marcus a loud and very public dressing-down in the hallway. "Our room was actually cold last night, not the right temperature at all. You forgot to stock the bathroom with my special shampoo, and the flowers in the drawing room look half-dead. It's not good enough Marcus— you're getting sloppy."

  I heard him murmur something in reply, but I couldn't hear what was said. "I don't care who hears," she told him, her voice getting louder. "I'm too busy to look after the house by myself. I've got to be at my yoga class at nine, then I'm meeting Sonia for coffee, so I can't supervise the florist, besides, what else exactly are you paid for?"

  Gerry stood holding a tray loaded with Shari's breakfast. "Wish me luck," he muttered before heading out to interrupt Marcus' dressing-down.

  "What the fuck is that?" I heard her shout. "I said raspberry jam, not strawberry. Can't anyone get anything right in this house?"

  He reappeared, red patches on his cheeks as he went to the larder to exchange the jam. "Fucking bitch," he grumbled. I escaped with the dogs, the three of us relieved to get away.

  I kept them out longer than usual, mainly because they were so jumpy and skittish that it took over an hour just to calm them down and get their tails wagging again. Roxy in particular seemed glued to my side, trying to stay close. I wondered if she'd ever actually hurt them, or they just felt unsure because of her bad temper.

  I didn't take them back until gone eleven, even though I knew she'd be out. The afternoon was spent doing ears, teeth, and paws, followed by a thorough bath. She wouldn't have an excuse to be horrid to them. I even wondered if I should take them up to my flat to keep them out of her way. She wasn't remotely interested in them, so wouldn't notice if they weren't there. I decided to let Marcus know, just in case anyone got worried. I knocked on the door of his office bearing a latte. "Come in," he called out.

  He smiled when he realised it was me. I put his coffee on his desk. "I'm gonna take the dogs up to my flat for a bit. Roxy seems a little..."

  "Tense?" He interjected. I nodded. "Can I come too?"

  I laughed, unsure if he was joking or not. "If you like. Won't anyone get cross if you sneak off?"

  "Probably, but the way I feel right now, I wish I could just walk out and never come back. She's beyond the pale at times."

  The four of us, Marcus, myself, and the two dogs decamped to my flat. I switched the TV on and watched as the pair settled themselves down in front of it. "So they like Escape to the Country?" Marcus said, smiling at their rapt fascination.

  "Most dogs like a bit of TV. It must get boring just sitting. They're having two very long walks every day, so they need a bit of chill time to rest."

  "Aaron thinks you've worked wonders with them. He said how much calmer they are since you started." Hearing it from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, was very gratifying. I beamed a smile.

  "They're great dogs, but being young, they need a lot of exercise and stimulation, otherwise they will get bored and destructive. I've made their diet a bit more balanced too, which'll help."

  He settled himself on the sofa. "So has she been vile to you yet? I take it you heard it all this morning?"

  "I've kept out of her way, and so far she's not acknowledged my existence. Long may it last," I paused, "Has she always been like that? You know, difficult?"

  Marcus nodded. "She's never been nice, but once Aaron paid off all her bills and bought her a new car, she got insufferable. Personally, I think she's gotten too comfortable, too quickly. I've seen it all before. They star
t acting like the lady of the manor, then get all upset when Aaron ditches them. He's easy-going, but he's no fool."

  "I don't even understand why she's so bad tempered," I mused, "I mean, it's not like she's got a hard life is it?"

  "It's because she's so bizeee," said Marcus, mimicking her South London accent. I laughed, so he carried on: "It's so stressful, fitting in all the Pilates classes, coffee dates, and fings. I hardly get time to get a propah manicure, and my waxing girl has to accommodate me on the rare occasions I can squeeze in a visit. It's so hard when everyone in the world wants to have lunch wiv me." He was outrageously camp, getting Shari's mannerisms down to a “T.” "It's Shari, not Sharon, and I'll scratch out your eyes if you say different."

  I was giggling so much that the dogs looked up from their telly program. "Has Aaron ever seen your impression of her?"

  He nodded, a mischievous smile on his face. "He thinks it's hysterical."

  "So why is he with her?" I was curious.

  "God knows. She must be good in bed or something." He was scathing.

  "Maybe it's because she's available?" I volunteered. "It's not as though she's got a career to worry about is it? She can just be at his beck and call."

  "You've probably hit the nail on the head," admitted Marcus. "Aaron doesn't get attached to women. The moment they make his life awkward, he tends to ditch them. She'll be as nice as pie when he's around, wait and see."

  We headed back to the main house around teatime. Thankfully, Shari was nowhere to be seen, so Marcus went to his office to do some paperwork, and I set about making the dog's evening meal. "Where did you two slope off to?" Gerry asked, his nose bothering him. "One of the cleaners was looking for Marcus."

  "Just in my flat. We had to sort out the dog's worming regime," I said, arranging my features to appear innocent.


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