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Page 5

by Isabella Jordan

  Scar turned her on, earned her admiration. He'd established trust with her, which was no easy fete. They got along wonderfully, like old lovers instead of two who'd known each other for only a couple of weeks.

  Yet as comfortable as things were becoming, there were still a few things that they needed to talk about.

  With easy grace, Scar sat down next to her at the edge of the river.

  "What's that?" He pointed to the broken piece of plastic she held in her hand.

  "I'm hoping you can tell me."

  She'd found another ruined and abandoned craft while she was wandering today. Her mind had spun with the all the old thoughts when she'd encountered it. What if someone else was here? Who were they? Did the former occupants of this craft have a way off this planet?

  The craft looked no older than the wreckage of her shuttle. Its crash appeared to have been fairly recent. It had been strangely old fashioned in appearance, the likes of which she'd seen in museums back home. Where in the realm of existence such a craft could have come from?

  Then she'd spotted the old American flag on one side...

  It had been a jarring discovery. The old American flag hadn't been used in a couple hundred years, giving way to the world flag they'd used since around 2150 if she remembered right. A search of the craft turned up little else. An old hand-held device of some kind that no longer worked and the remnants of the identification card she held in her hand were all she found.

  "Look at this."

  Holding it out, she watched as he stared in amazement. He couldn't be any more shocked than she had been when she'd found it. The card bore his image. In the photograph he'd worn a silvery uniform and his hair had been short and neat. The confident expression on his face was unmistakable.

  "That's you, right? Gary 'Scar' Eley?"

  "It looks like me."

  "It is you and the expiration date is given as the year 2010, Scar. Over three hundred and fifty years ago my time." Her heart was pounding in her chest now. "It says that you were part of NASA, back on Earth. That's where you're from. That's where I am from."

  Scar continued to stare at the card, slowly shaking his head. There was absolutely no recognition in his eyes. How could that be? He'd been part of the crew of the Prodigy according to the small piece of plastic. She remembered reading about its mysterious disappearance all those years ago while she was studying for the service entrance exam.

  "I can't understand the symbols on there, Camilla."

  So he couldn't remember any of it?

  Is that what happened to the Prodigy then? Had they been pulled through the same black hole as she and her crew back in 2010? If that was true, it would certainly explain how he and his men came to be there.

  Yet it raised another set of questions. Did that mean he'd been here for over three hundred and fifty years unchanged? Or was the gaping black hole that had pulled them through free of the restrictions of time as she knew it?

  Perhaps it was a moot point. If he couldn't remember his life before, they might never know the answers.

  Maybe in time, she and her crew wouldn't remember who they were before or how they came to be there either. Their bodies were certainly adjusting to the new things here, the environment, the food.

  The sex...

  "How long have you been here, Scar?" She had to try.

  His dark eyes met hers, searching them. He lifted a hand to her face, stroking his fingers along her cheek.

  "Always. This is home, Camilla."

  Damn it. He wasn't even trying.

  "Scar, this is important."

  He shook his head again.

  "The past isn't important, Camilla. How you came to be here, how I came to be here. It doesn't matter. We're here now and we can't undo it." Gently he lowered her hand with the card to her lap before lifting his hand and pressed it to her heart. "This is what's important. Here. Now. I want this, your heart."

  That same heart he referenced clenched in her chest. The pure emotion in his gorgeous dark eyes told her that he meant it.

  "But I worry that your heart isn't free to give to me until you let go of the past, Camilla. Will that ever happen? I want you to know that I'm willing to wait however long it takes."

  Scar's eyes burned into hers as he pulled her forward into his lap. His mouth claimed hers with a kiss of pure possession, and all questions and troubles faded from her mind for now. Maybe they'd find some of the answers in time, maybe they wouldn't.

  Maybe he was right. What was important was here and now.

  And she wanted him. Right here, right now.

  Camilla surrendered herself completely to that kiss, answering his question without words. Her lover could stand toe to toe with her without controlling her. He let her be who she was. He showed her heights of pleasure she never dared to dream of. Wasn't that enough to be her life now?

  Wasn't that better than the lonely life she'd had before?

  While the world spun around her, he ripped away the cloth covering his lower body and shifted her to straddle his lap. Scar positioned her over his straining cock, sliding easily inside her on the juices that had gathered between her thighs. Camilla groaned as his cock filled and stretched her cunt until he was sheathed balls-deep inside of her.

  How could she ever get enough of him?

  She pressed a kiss to his mouth as she began to ride him slow and easy. Scar didn't totally give her control, thrusting up into her hard enough to make her want more without hurting her.

  He growled and moaned loudly as he neared his climax, and Camilla speared her fingers into his hair and held on. Her pussy walls clenched around him, pulling a sharp moan from him. His fingers dug into the flesh of her hips and his teeth sank into her shoulder as his thrusts grew in speed and force. The light sting of pain was all it took to push her over the edge. The powerful tremors of orgasm took her over as he thrust into her so deeply she felt as if she would split in two.

  Scar came at the same time, rocking against her until both of their bodies were spent. They held on to each other, breathing harshly. Camilla rested her head against Scar's strong shoulder, his flesh warm and slick beneath her cheek while the hot suns shined above them.

  Camilla brushed the softest kiss on his skin.

  "Does that mean you might love me some day, Camilla?" he managed after several long moments.

  "Maybe it means I already do." Camilla pulled back to grin at him. "But maybe I shouldn't admit to that. Maybe you'll get all cocky and think you're in charge and all that if I do."

  Scar threw back his head and laughed.

  "I thought I was in charge. Are you challenging me?"

  "Shit yeah," she whispered.

  Tightening her arms around him, she pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss. Her promise that she'd put everything she could into building a happy future with him and that together they would shine as brightly as the two suns of their new world.

  Isabella Jordan

  Isabella Jordan is a lucky lady who spends her days with her family, doing volunteer work and writing. She loves creating new stories of all kinds and chatting with readers and friends. Visit her online at

  * * * *

  Don't miss Sache's Consort, by Isabella Jordan,

  available at!

  With the war against enemies from another star system over, Sache impatiently waits for the return of her lover, Carn. Before she can be reunited with him, however, the prince of her home planet Liera claims her as his bride.

  The future looks bleak for Sache, wed to a man she doesn't know. Worse, Carnis Prince Alavar's bodyguard. Seeing the man she loves every day but knowing she can never be with him seems the ultimate cruelty.

  But things aren't always as they appear. Her new husband is about to make an indecent proposal--one that will not only serve his needs, but Sache's darkest desires...

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