Nica's Legacy (Hearts of ICARUS Book 1)

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Nica's Legacy (Hearts of ICARUS Book 1) Page 34

by Laura Jo Phillips

  “Thank you, Queen Eibhleann,” Nica said, running one finger over the engravings. “Um…what do I do with it?”

  “You wear it,” Eibhleann said with a smile. “But first, I must make a small addition.” She reached down and touched the ring Nica still wore on her right hand, its stone now clear green with a bright spark of yellow light at its center, just like the Udari. She then touched the crown with her other hand. Both objects glowed brightly for several moments. When Eibhleann stepped back they could all see that Nica’s ring was gone, and that the stone now rested on top of the medallion hanging from the crown.

  “You want me to keep the stone?” Nica asked in surprise.

  “You are its rightful bearer, Rani Nica,” Eibhleann replied. “You healed Udari with your very essence, making you a part of it, and it a part of you. Its power is yours to use whenever you wish.”

  Eibhleann waved a hand and the crown left Nica’s hands, appearing a moment later on her head, the Udari stone resting in the center of her forehead. “All creatures of the sky, wherever you go, will recognize the power of the Rani de Alara. Remember always that it is your duty not just to rule, but to guard and protect as well.”

  “I will not forget, Queen Eibhleann,” Nica promised.

  “I know that you will not,” Eibhleann said, smiling. “The crown will never leave your head by any hand save your own, nor will anyone save you be able to hold it or even move it from wherever you might place it.”

  Suddenly the bedroom door flew open with a crash. In an instant Eibhleann and Lariah stood side by side at the foot of Nica’s bed, facing the door. Lariah’s head was already transforming into her dracon form, and Eibhleann’s hands were up, ready to send the intruder to the bottom of Apedra’s deepest ocean before they realized it was Ian. Both women relaxed, though they didn’t move from their places.

  “Is this the way you enter a lady’s bedchamber, Ian Fadden?” Lariah asked coolly.

  “I expect Apedra’s most powerful Druid to behave with more decorum than this, especially before guests,” Eibhleann added, matching Lariah’s tone.

  Ian stared at both women in surprise, then flushed with embarrassment and bowed from the waist. “I apologize, Princess Lariah, Queen Eibhleann,” he said, straightening up a bit too quickly. He wavered dizzily and grasped the doorframe to keep himself from falling on his face.

  “All right ladies, that’s enough,” Garen said with a grin as he stepped up behind Ian. “The poor man is merely anxious to see to his soul mate’s care. He would not take our word for it that she is well.” He clapped Ian on the shoulder, his eyes glimmering with pride. “He is a man worthy of our beloved Nica.”

  Lariah and Eibhleann laughed softly. “Come in then, Ian,” Lariah said, glancing over her shoulder at Nica, who had scrambled out of bed and was putting her bathrobe on over her pajamas. “We’ll let you have a bit of privacy.” She walked to the doorway with Eibhleann right behind her. Ian and Garen stepped aside to let them pass, but Lariah paused and placed a hand on Ian’s cheek. “Honor her as she deserves to be honored, Ian Fadden,” she said, staring into eyes that were almost the same shade of green as her own.

  Ian nodded, understanding her perfectly. “I shall do my best, Princess Lariah, on this you have my bond.”

  Lariah smiled, satisfied, and then left the room. Eibhleann paused in the doorway and gestured to the sprites, who flew out right behind her. A moment later the room was empty save for Nica and Ian, and the door was closed. They moved toward each other, meeting in the center of the room. He took her hands and looked her over carefully from head to toe, assuring himself that she was well and unharmed.

  “Prince Garen told me that you are now queen of the skies,” he said, reaching up to lightly touch the stone resting on her forehead. “This is very beautiful. It suits you, Nica.”

  “It’s kind of embarrassing,” Nica said.


  “How would you feel if someone suddenly slapped a crown on your head?”

  Ian smiled. “Yeah, I get it.”

  “But, it allowed me to save your life and for that, I will forever be grateful. I’ll wear this crown forever if I have to, and gladly accept whatever new duties come with it.” Her eyes went to his neck, where the horrible, life threatening wound had been, relieved to see that no sign of it remained. “Are you all right?”

  “I dreamed that I was falling into a dark, deep pit,” he said, his voice low and shaky. “Then, all of a sudden, you appeared above me. You were so far away that all I saw was a tiny point of light, but I knew it was you, Nica. I felt you. And then, you came flying down to me on great shining blue wings. You wrapped me in your arms and carried me out of the pit and back into the light.”

  “Then what?” Nica asked in a whisper.

  “Then I woke up, and remembered you falling from the crystal with blood pouring from your side. It was all real, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, it was real. I’ll tell you everything, but hold me first, okay?”

  Ian released her hands, bent slightly and picked her up. Cradling her against his chest, her head on his shoulder, he turned and walked to the big chair before the fireplace and sat down. “How’s this?”

  “Perfect,” she said, reaching up to caress his jaw. “I love you, Ian.”

  “I love you, too,” he said. “And don’t think I forgot about you telling me I was your soul mate either. I’m holding you to that.”

  “You don’t have to,” Nica said, smiling. “It’s a fact, pure and simple.”

  “You said you’d explain that,” Ian reminded her.

  “Yes, I have lots of explaining to do, don’t I?”


  “Yes, very.” Lariah said, resting her head back on his shoulder. Then she took a deep breath and started talking. Half way through they paused for a break when Nance brought in a tray of food for them at Lariah’s orders. She set the table near the window for them, and they both sat down, reminded of how long they’d been sleeping the moment they smelled the hot food. While they ate, Nance had the fireplace tended to and the bed made. When they finished eating they carried fresh cups of coffee to the fireplace and sat across from each other on the thick hearth rug. Then Nica finished her story.

  “I’m sorry about Flora,” she said. “I know you cared for her once.”

  “No, don’t be sorry for her,” Ian said. “I have the power inside of me that Luagh and Flora stole, and with it came knowledge that I could wish I didn’t have.”


  “Things they did, thoughts they had,” Ian said. “My point though is that Flora was evil long before the Changeling came along.”

  “Evil is a strong word.”

  “Yes, it is, and it suits her,” Ian said. “Flora used to take a journey once every six to eight weeks to a nearby world, Cosmane, ostensibly to visit an old friend of hers. But I know now that there was no friend. I believe the correct term for her would be serial killer.”

  Nica gasped in surprise. “She went off world to murder people?”

  “She did,” Ian said. “At least two dozen of them. Maybe more, but I have no desire to delve further into her memories. She and the Changeling committed all the murders of course, but it was her idea to kill her brother and his fiance. In fact, she insisted on it.” He shuddered with disgust.

  “Would it make you feel better to know that Flora is not exactly at peace?”

  “Maybe,” Ian said. “Why? Where is she?”

  “She made a willing pact with the Changeling,” Nica said slowly, not altogether sure how she knew what she was saying. “In doing so, she attached her soul to his. Forever. She has no power and no control, but she is aware of everything that goes on around her, and she will feel the Thorn King’s punishment as strongly as Luagh will. Her soul will remain in the Unseelie realm until the end of time, unless the Changeling finds some way to escape again.”

  “I can’t say that I’m happy about that, because I�
��m not,” Ian said. “But I do believe that she deserves to suffer for the crimes she committed long before the Changeling chose her.”

  They sat quietly for a while, sipping their coffee as they absorbed all of the changes their lives had suddenly undergone. Nica was excited to see what the future held. To explore her new abilities, and master them, whatever they were. But Ian’s enjoyment was marred by one overwhelming problem. It took Nica only a few moments to realize he was disturbed about something, but she waited for him to tell her what it was. She had to wait nearly a quarter of an hour before he got to his feet, refilled his cup, then left it on the table untouched to go stand near the window.

  “Nica,” he began, not looking at her.


  “I want you to marry me, Nica,” he said. “I want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.”

  “Why do I hear a ‘but’ in there?”

  “Because there is one,” he said, turning from the window to look at her. “From what you’ve told me, I assume that all of the problems we’ve had with our crops will now be gone.”

  “Yes, that’s right.”

  “That’ll free up a lot of my time since I won’t be needed to heal orchards any more. But I still have an estate to run, and it’s a big job. I know perfectly well that you’ll never be happy sitting around waiting for me to come home and share a meal with you, and I couldn’t bear to see you try. You need to go out and help people. More than that, it’s what you’re meant to do. But, as much as I wish that I could go with you, I just can’t. I can’t walk away from my responsibilities, or the heritage of my ancestors that’s been entrusted to me.”

  Nica stood up and walked toward him, trying to think of the best thing to say. In the end, she just wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. “Ian, it’s all going to work out. Trust me on this, okay?” Ian leaned back and she looked up into his eyes. “Please, just trust me.”

  “I trust you, Nica, completely,” Ian said. “But I do want to know one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Will you marry me?”

  “Oh yes, Ian, I’ll marry you, absolutely,” she said with a radiant smile lighting up her face.

  “Even if we have to stay on Apedra?”

  “Yes, Ian, even if we have to stay on Apedra,” Nica said. “My love for you doesn’t depend on anything other than our hearts and our souls. Not where we live, or what we do, or where we go, or don’t go. Whatever happens, we’ll work together, and we’ll figure things out together. Deal?”

  “Deal,” Ian said, wondering how he’d ever gotten so lucky. He bent his head to kiss her, and she rose up on her toes to meet him half way. The gentle kiss he’d intended heated quickly into one of passion and rising need.

  “Maybe I should lock the door,” he whispered when they broke for air.

  “Good idea,” she replied. Ian kissed her once more, quickly, then released her. She crossed the room to the bed and pulled the covers down, then took off her robe, sleep shorts and top, and climbed in. When she turned around again Ian was standing near the bed taking his clothes off, his eyes on her.

  For the first time she let her gaze roam slowly over Ian’s body. She’d always been too embarrassed to do more than catch quick glimpses before, but not any more. “You’re beautiful,” she said, her mouth dry as she watched him kick his pants away. He had broad shoulders, strong legs, enormous arms, and an abdomen that rippled when he moved, the muscles flowing beneath golden skin. Her gaze lingered on his long, thick cock, and she took a moment to wonder how something that big managed to actually fit inside of her.

  “You’re the one who’s beautiful love,” Ian said as he joined her on the bed. “Outside, inside, everything about you is beautiful.” He rolled onto his side and leaned down to kiss her, taking his time, exploring her lips and tongue thoroughly before moving down to her throat, smiling to himself when Nica shivered beneath him, her skin pebbling under his tongue. He moved further down, took one pink nipple in his mouth and sucked on it until it was hard, then moved to the other one. He spent some time on them, going back and forth, lashing them with his tongue until Nica was arching her back, pressing toward him with need. He moved down toward her stomach, but she stopped him.

  “No, it’s my turn,” she said breathlessly.

  “You’re turn?”

  “Yes, my turn,” she insisted. “Come on up here.”

  Ian did as she asked, letting her pull him up and turn him so that he was lying on his back, his head on a pillow. Nica sat up beside him, feasting her eyes on the sight of him before bending down to taste. She started with his lips, as he had, licking and kissing them until they were swollen and tender. Then she kissed her way to his jaw, down to his neck, nipping now and then just to feel him shudder with the pleasure of it. She moved further down, stopping to taste his nipples, suckling them the way he suckled hers, smiling to herself when his hands gripped the sheets beneath them and he moaned softly. When they were both hard and tight, she moved down again, running her tongue along the ridges and valleys of muscle as they led her further and further down. She paused to explore his navel with her tongue, the crown of his erection brushing her cheek.

  Then she turned her head and, without warning, gave it a long, swirling swipe of her tongue. Ian’s groan was all that she hoped for, and more. She shifted her position slightly, then wrapped her hand around his cock, her hand not quite encompassing it fully. She bent her head and traced the delicate veins that pulsed beneath the skin with the tip of her tongue all the way down its length, around and back up again. Then she dipped her tongue into the little slit at the top before taking him into her mouth.

  Ian gasped, every muscle in his body tightening with the strain of remaining still when what he really wanted to do was thrust all the way into her hot, soft mouth. When she rubbed her tongue along his length, then sucked, he thought the top of his head was going to blow off. His hands went to Nica’s head of their own accord, holding her gently as he fought to remain still, trying to focus on the feel of her hair beneath his fingers. When she used the tip of her tongue on the underside of the crown, then sucked again, he lost control a little. His hands tightened on her head and his hips thrust, pushing his cock deeper into her mouth. Nica moaned and tightened her lips around him, accepting him and urging him on. He thrust again, slower this time, not wanting to hurt her. Nica took him as deeply as she could, then pulled back. He withdrew, then thrust again. Her tongue swirled around him as she took him almost to the back of her throat.

  Ian knew he could take no more without losing it completely. He tightened his hands on her head and gently pulled her back as he withdrew from her mouth. “I’m going to come any second now love,” he panted.

  “Would that be bad?” Nica asked and he had to bite his tongue hard to keep from coming just from the mental image her question summoned into his mind.

  “No,” he said, gritting his teeth. “And one day soon I’ll teach you to swallow my cock so I can come deep in your throat.” Nica’s eyes flared with heat and her body shuddered hard, her reaction all he could have hoped for. “Right now, I want to be inside you. Climb on top of me, love.”

  Nica nodded, then let him guide her until she was straddling his hips. She reached down and guided his cock into her, moaning with pleasure at the feel of him entering her. She lowered herself onto him inch by slow inch, savoring the sensation of being stretched and filled. When she had all of him she rested for a moment, amazed at how full she felt.

  She raised herself up, then lowered herself, then up again in a tortuously slow rhythm that had Ian clenching his teeth. He watched as her head went back, breasts thrust out, the muscles of her stomach flexing and straining as she took him, and he could take no more. “Faster, love,” he said hoarsely, “Faster!”

  Nica fell forward, bracing herself with her hands on either side of him, her eyes looking straight into his as she began moving faster and faster. Ian gripped her hips as
he arched up into her as hard and fast as he could, nearly mindless with pleasure and need. “Come with me,” he ordered. Nica’s eyes widened in surprise, but he felt the sudden flood of wetness that surrounded his cock. “Come now!” he shouted, slamming himself deep while holding Nica tightly against him, not letting her move at all. She screamed as her orgasm took her, her slick walls spasming around him in a tight grip as he exploded inside of her. He came so hard that every muscle in his body clenched tightly and bright flashes of light went off behind his eyes as pleasure shot through him in waves that seemed to go on and on and on.

  The next time he opened his eyes he was mildly surprised to find Nica lying beside him, her head on his shoulder. “How are you?” he asked, surprised that his voice sounded raspy.

  “Exhausted, depleted, worn out and very relaxed,” she said, lifting her head to smile up at him. “You?”


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