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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 20

by A. K. Michaels

  Kyle's steps grew quicker as he made his way to the office. The door behind the reception desk was closed and he pushed it open and walked inside.

  Mistress Blood sat with a host of books in front of her and looked as if she had been doing exactly what Kyle thought. Trying to sort them before he got a look at them. Her head shot up as he entered, a smirk was on her lips.

  “Kyle, what a nice surprise, are you seeking me out all on your own?” The feral look on her features turned her from a striking female to a downright ugly one.

  “Not exactly.” Kyle said as Sabrina and Thomas appeared at his back in the large room.

  Mistress Blood frowned, the look she gave Thomas turned Sabrina's blood to ice. The woman looked downright dangerous. Sabrina could feel the power coming from the female and she was extremely glad that Kyle was between the woman and her and Thomas.

  “Telling tales Thomas?” The vampire's voice was low and almost sultry as her eyes bored into the large wolf's eyes.

  Kyle moved so he was in her direct line of sight. “He didn't need to tell tales, I knew you were misbehaving. You're not quite as good as you think at hiding your thoughts. So tell me, just how much have you stole? How many people have you hurt?” Kyle's tone was hard and one that Sabrina had never heard.

  “Kyle. Master Kyle, since when do you care about humans? You never used to care. Is it this little human here that's changed you? If so, it doesn't suit you Kyle. Doesn't suit you at all!” Mistress Blood was now standing and everyone saw the power thrumming through her body. It was so strong that it was as if there was a strange smell in the room. Sabrina was sure she could smell it and forced herself not to take a step back.

  Sabrina was NOT going to show any weakness in front of this bitch.

  “You haven't answered my question. How much have you taken?” Kyle was trying to gauge when she would attack. He knew she would, she would not go quietly and he was aware that he was going to have to kill her.

  “What does it matter? You have plenty, I'm just looking out for myself.” She stared down at the older vampire, knowing she had to time things right or he would end her.

  “You get paid well and all this is irrelevant, isn't it? As you've worked for me for a long time I will give you one chance Mistress, one only. Leave now, with nothing but what you are wearing, and I'll let you live.” Kyle's body was so full of his energy that it hurt. He needed a release and knew he would get it.

  There was no way she would go quietly. He had to offer though.

  A split second before the bitch moved Thomas grabbed Sabrina and pushed her behind him. His body making sure that he was between the Mistress and her. Sabrina caught only glimpses of what entailed, but it was anything but pretty.

  Mistress Blood now wore her long black evening gloves; having put them on earlier when she thought there might be a problem. In her hand she held a long sharp knife, a silver knife. One she used to get rid of any Supers that she felt got out of line. Wolves, Vamps – silver worked on both.

  She had no intention of losing her position here. The money she was making was immense, it gave her so many options. She could buy what she wanted, when she wanted, and she was not giving that up easily. Kyle must be mad if he thought she would.

  Kyle saw her body tense and knew it would be a fight; saw it in her eyes. Eyes that were now so cold and hard he barely recognized them from the person he used to know.

  “Knife!” Thomas shouted, the warning coming to Kyle's ears just as the bitch launched herself over the desk. Her speed and agility brought her to inches in front of Kyle. The silver blade shining in her hand was heading straight for his heart.

  Kyle's heart didn't even speed up; did she think she could take him with a bloody knife? She was delusional.

  Kyle's power flew throughout his body and he moved a finger – one finger – and the Mistress flew through the air and landed with a dull thud against the wall. She was up and flying back towards him before Sabrina could even focus on where she landed. Sabrina's heart was beating way too fast; she couldn't stand it if Kyle was hurt.

  As the Mistress neared Kyle he moved a few steps from Thomas, trying to make sure the Mistress stayed well away from the wolf and Sabrina. As he did so he realized his mistake a second too late.

  The Mistress changed direction and the silver knife sank deep into Thomas's belly. The wolf roared and fell forward clutching his front as blood started to run freely from the deep wound.

  A millisecond later the Mistress grabbed Sabrina and held her in front of her. One arm was around her neck and the other at the back of her head.

  “I'll snap her neck Kyle – you hear me! I'll snap this fucking bitch's neck!” Mistress Blood was desperate now; knowing her one chance of wounding Kyle was lost.

  Kyle's heart froze. He knew with only a tiny amount of her strength the Mistress could kill his mate. His Sabrina. His insides coiled with hatred and he pulled more power into his body. A body that was already full of his ancient and colossal power.

  “Let ---- her ---- GO!” Kyle bellowed and the look on his face scared even Sabrina.

  “You better let me go Kyle – or I'll kill her!” Mistress Blood tightened her hold around Sabrina's neck and Kyle saw red.

  Kyle's eyes were literally turning red and he knew he had to be careful. If he just lashed his power out it would hurt his mate. He had to focus. Focus on that fucking bitch that held his Sabrina in a death hold.

  Kyle never took his eyes from Sabrina's as he focused his power. His arms moved forward and up, his palms facing towards the ceiling. The power now coming from him in waves so large it was like a tsunami.

  His power was vast and he flicked his palms out toward the bitch. Both of her arms flew backwards and Sabrina jumped forward, towards Thomas who still lay on the floor. The silver blade embedded in his belly.

  Kyle's power now threw Mistress Blood against the wall and upwards. Her feet left the floor and she tried to struggle, tried hard to move, but couldn't. One of Kyle's hands moved, as if he was grasping something in midair and Mistress Blood felt those fingers around her throat. Even though he was more than ten feet away she felt his fingers tighten on her throat.

  She couldn't breathe and knew she was going to die.

  Kyle's other hand moved towards his own chest then punched forward forcefully. A hole appeared in Mistress Blood's chest as the invisible force invaded her with such power and pain that she tried to scream but no sound came from her lips, Kyle's power was still strangling the breath from her body. The hand that punched forward now started to close as if he was crushing something in his hand. Mistress blood knew in that split second what he was doing. He was crushing her heart.

  No more than a second passed before the Mistress was dead. Her lifeless body held against the wall only with Kyle's power.

  Kyle released her and she fell to the floor in a crumpled heap with a crushed throat and a gaping hole in her chest. A hole that used to house her beating heart but which now held only a bloody mess.

  Kyle turned and found Sabrina on the floor next to Thomas. Thank God she wasn't hurt.

  He moved to her side and knelt down beside her. “Are you ok? Sabrina! Are you ok?” Kyle's panic was clear in his voice and Sabrina turned to look at her mate.

  “I'm fine! Thomas is hurt. I don't know what to do; normally I wouldn't remove a knife from a wound! It could be fatal but he keeps asking me to take it out. What do I do Kyle?!” Sabrina's voice held her own panic,wanting to help this wolf but not sure how to do it.

  “Kyle, it's silver, if it doesn't come out I can't heal!” The pain Thomas felt from the silver was enormous and he just wanted it out of his body. The sooner the better. Then his wolf's healing abilities could kick in and that's what he wanted more than anything.

  “Sabrina, pull the knife out, quickly. It's silver; it's like poison to his system. Do it now Sabrina.” Kyle could do it but he would have a nasty
burn on his hand.

  As he was going to meet the pedo in a short while he didn't want to have any kind of wound, even if a minor one.

  Sabrina nodded her head and grabbed the hilt of the knife, pulled quickly, and it popped free of the huge man's belly. The spurts of blood she expected to follow the removal of the knife didn't happen.

  Thomas took a deep breath in, his body feeling better as soon as the silver was removed. He lay still for a few minutes and felt his body start to heal.

  A wolf's healing ability was only rivaled by an ancient vampire's. He knew he would be back to full health in a day.

  Kyle moved down nearer to Thomas and helped the wolf to his feet. Kyle half carried him to an armchair in the corner of the office and sat the wolf down.

  “Do you need anything?” Kyle asked and Thomas shook his head.

  “No Kyle, I'll be fine. Tomorrow I'll be fighting fit.” Thomas gave Sabrina a smile, trying to reassure the woman who looked terrified.

  “Good – because you're now in charge. You'll need to go over everything. Get the books back in order. There's a lot of clean up to do Thomas. I want whoever was doing things wrong to be banned, from every club I own and I want a message sent to every other club with the names of those people. I want those folk shut down.” Kyle was still more than a little angry at what he had learned.

  “Done. Kyle can you go and get my second – I'll need him to take over tonight. Make sure everything's ok in the club.” Thomas didn't want anything going wrong tonight.

  “Sabrina stay here with Thomas, I'll go and get Stephen.” Kyle went towards the door and Sabrina grabbed his arm.

  As he turned around Sabrina reached up and grabbed his hair, none too gently, and pulled his head down. Her lips pressed to his hard and she kissed him deeply for a moment before letting him go. Kyle smiled at her and turned and left the office.

  Sabrina turned to Thomas. “Are you sure you'll be ok? Don't you want to go to a hospital or a doctor?”

  Thomas chuckled. “No miss, I'll be fine. I've suffered worse than this before.”

  Sabrina was more than a little in awe of this wolf. The wound was severe and now he was sitting in a chair chuckling.

  Sabrina kept an eye on Thomas and Kyle was back in a few minutes with another large man following behind.

  As they entered she saw the man look at the broken body of Mistress Blood and a small smile crept onto his face. He obviously hadn't liked her either.

  “Thomas, I've told Stephen the basics, you can fill him in. I've got another appointment or I would stay and help with this clean up. Stephen, get rid of that!” Kyle motioned towards the body and the man nodded his head.

  “It's fine Kyle. Go, if I need you I'll phone. I'll try and sort out the books and thanks for the promotion. I won't let you down Kyle.” Thomas was serious; he would work his tail off to make this club the way it had been when Kyle was there.

  “Ok Thomas, if you need any help at all just call. I'll be in the city for another few days. However, please don't call unless you need to, it's a little holiday for us.” Kyle now wrapped his arm around Sabrina's waist and pulled her to him. Holding her tight to his side.

  “I won't. It'll take me a while to go through everything but I'll get a report to you as soon as I can. One of the subs is an accountant. A pretty little thing, I'll get her to help if I get stuck.” Thomas smiled thinking on the girl he had in mind. She was a gorgeous, shy, little thing. He thought he might just ask for her help even if he didn't need it.

  “Good. Gotta run, take care Thomas, Stephen look after him 'til he's healed.” Kyle turned to leave the office and threw a disgusted look at the body of Mistress Blood.

  He was angry at himself; he should've kept a closer eye on her. He knew she had a sadistic streak a mile wide but thought she was keeping it under control.

  “It's not your fault Kyle.” Sabrina's words made their way into his mind and he realized she knew exactly what he was thinking.

  “Maybe not but I could've probably kept a closer eye on her. Come on, I've not got a lot of time til my meeting with the target.” Kyle moved a bit quicker and soon he was settling Sabrina into her seat in the SUV, fastening her seat belt as he usually did.

  Chapter 12

  Kyle drove in silence back to the Hotel, still going over what happened in his head. He was still feeling more than a little guilty at his inaction regarding Mistress Blood.

  As they pulled to a stop he leaned over and kissed Sabrina. He was running late and had to get goin' “I'll be back soon. Go and have a nice bath, try to relax baby.”

  Kyle's eyes held no sign of nervousness and Sabrina wondered again how he could go into something like he was without getting uptight.

  “Ok, be careful Kyle.” Sabrina let her fingers trail down the side of his face before she got out of the vehicle and went inside the hotel.

  Relax? How could she relax? She wouldn't relax until Kyle was back and safe in her arms.

  When she got to their suite she thought about how Kyle killed Mistress Blood. He did so without laying a hand on her. It was utterly amazing, and downright terrifying.

  The power she felt coming from her mate had been enough to almost choke her. The air in the room having been thick with it and she found it difficult to get oxygen into her lungs.

  For the first time Sabrina realized just how powerful Kyle was. She found the knowledge brought her a feeling of safety and more than a little arousal. Jeez, she couldn't wait 'til he was back here with her.

  A hot bath seemed like a good way of passing the time and Sabrina. Her thoughts were still on her mate as she filled the bath and stripped her clothes off.

  She hoped everything went ok and he was back with her soon.


  Kyle parked quite a distance from the warehouse where he was meeting the pedo and moved onwards on foot. The streets were dark, dirty and empty, which meant he could move far quicker. His speed brought him to the meeting place quickly, he released his powers to see if all was as it should be.

  Kyle could sense a host of living things, most of them rats. There were a couple up an alleyway and from what they were up to Kyle deduced it was a prostitute and her client. The client seemed to be having a real good time going by the sounds he was making.

  Kyle moved his powers around, closer to the warehouse but there was nothing but a few rodents running around. He started to walk towards the rear entrance, wanting to get inside and conceal himself. He wanted to take this guy by surprise.

  As he pushed open the small door the hinges screeched loudly. Obviously not having been used in a very long time. Inside it was dark but not too dark for even human eyes, the street lights casting an eerie glow. There were several large mounds of rubbish and old cardboard boxes, the smell nearly overpowering Kyle's sensitive nose.

  There were several large steel pillars, big enough to stand behind. Before he moved on he closed the door and pressed his hands against the hinges bending them sufficiently so that the door would no longer open.

  He wanted to make sure anyone that came into the building did so through the front door, where he could keep a very close eye on them.

  Kyle moved inside, his senses on high alert, making sure all was still, quiet, and deserted. Nothing alerted him so he moved further on, towards the first row of steel pillars about twenty feet from the front door. He stood behind the last one on the left, the door in the middle and to his right.

  Kyle settled down to wait, hoping the guy wasn't late. Around ten minutes later he heard a car drive slowly past on the street and stop further on. The door opened and slammed shut.

  The footsteps that drew nearer were confident, not hesitant in any way. The fact annoyed Kyle.

  This guy was a fucking pedo and he walked with confidence; as if he didn't have a care in the world. He was on his way to 'sample' a child from another pedo Kyle couldn't wait to get his hands on
this guy.

  Kyle checked his pockets one last time; the drugs were there. He hated guns but considered using one to make it look more like a drug deal gone wrong.

  After thinking about it for quite some time he decided just to use his hands. Beat the guy to a bloody pulp before breaking his neck. A bullet was too quick a death for someone like this fucker.

  The door in front rattled and Kyle stood straighter, waiting to get his first look at the guy. As he did he pushed his powers out again, making sure he hadn't brought any kind of back up.

  Nope, nothing, this guy was so brazen it surprised Kyle. He obviously held no fears for his own well being, or was just plain cocky.

  As the man entered Kyle saw why the man was sure of his safety. The guy was large, he obviously lifted weights and was bigger than a picture could show.

  Kyle also smelled something. Gun oil? The man was carrying a gun. Probably in the pocket of his jacket. A small, cold, smile crept onto Kyle's face, he was going to enjoy this.

  “Hello, anyone there?” The guy shouted and Kyle saw him strain his eyes to look into the darkness beyond the small area in front of him. Kyle waited, wanting him to move further inside. Not wanting to give him even a slim chance of getting away.

  Kyle stood still, held his breath, and waited. The man moved forward, his hand still stuck inside that jacket pocket. The pocket Kyle was certain he held a gun in.

  Kyle had on the thin medical gloves he wore whenever he was on a mission. He had already wiped the drugs packet clean, and when the gun was found it would only have the pedo's fingerprints on it.

  Kyle had also picked up a tattered piece of paper from the ground and used it to write exactly what Sabrina suggested, in Russian. His contact replied and let him know the Russian Mafia was rife in this area.

  Many decades ago, at the dawn of fingerprinting, Kyle had left prints. It hadn't taken a lot for him to get them and destroy them though but luckily security having been non existent then; after that he was always very careful. There was nothing of him in any database anywhere and that's the way he was going to keep it.


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