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Making a Point

Page 32

by David Crystal


  sacred texts 13–14

  sarcasm marks 339

  Scanlon, Jesse 328–9

  scare quotes 312–13, 317, 319

  Schulz, Charles 360

  Schwalbe, Will 180

  scriptura continua 4, 16

  section (of a text) 115–16

  mark 82, 118–19

  numerical 119–20

  semantic approach 87–95, 111, 229, 321, 329–30, 351–2

  apostrophes 287–9

  asterisks 332

  colons 220–22

  commas 230, 241–8, 250–51

  dashes 145–54

  ellipsis dots 165

  hyphens 265–70

  italics 325

  paragraphing 125–6, 132

  periods 135–7, 172–5

  poetry 168–70

  quotation marks 312–13

  semicolons 203–4, 208–11

  text organization 111–22

  semicolon 201–14

  child use 114

  early uses 51

  first recorded use 37–8

  frequency 228

  legal importance 212

  support 214–15

  vs colon 58–9, 207, 218, 220–22

  vs comma 203–6, 230–33

  vs period 202–8

  Semicolon Appreciation Society 215

  semicolash 219

  Senhouse, Roger 209

  sense units 138–9

  serial comma see comma

  Shakespeare, William 38–43, 49, 90, 153, 177, 216, 261, 280, 290, 299, 308, 324

  Shaw, George Bernard 281–2

  Sheridan, Thomas 62–3

  Shipley, David 181

  silent reading 7, 10

  Simo, Joseph 121–4

  Sing, Sue 358

  slash 27, 35–6, 332–4

  Smallfield, George 43, 76–7, 282, 209

  smart quotes 310

  smiley see emoticon

  Smith, John 70–71

  sociolinguistic function 346

  solid setting 165, 262–9


  between initials 80

  by children 121–3

  in paragraphs 126, 130, 318

  Internet 331, 334

  of ellipsis dots 163–5

  on page 111–22

  showing section-break 117–18

  vs hyphen 262–70

  vs quotation marks 315

  Speckter, Martin K 186

  speech marks see quotation marks

  Spees, Kiran 359

  spelling and punctuation 318, 330

  spelling reform 45–6, 281–2

  square brackets see brackets

  standardization 29, 34, 276, 290, 292, 328–30, 347–8

  statement (in grammar) 142, 182

  Steel, David 58–9, 61, 64, 87, 252

  Steele, Joshua 66, 192

  Stein, Gertrude 188–9, 347, 349–50

  Sterne, Laurence 151

  Stevenson, Angus 264

  stop, first recorded use 37

  Stoppard, Tom 150

  stories about punctuation 359

  Stower, Charles 71

  Strunk, William 104, 252–3

  stylistic varieties 91, 346–7, 355–6

  apostrophes in 292

  brackets in 296

  dashes in 147–8

  Internet 175, 291–2, 329, 337

  italics in 324

  ornamental marks in 118–19

  paragraphing in 127–8, 132

  periods in 171

  subject/verb comma 28, 57–8, 243, 258

  suspension dots see ellipsis dots

  Sutherland, Kathryn 97, 100–102

  swung dash 147–8

  system, notion of 107–10, 345–6, 354–5


  tag questions 189–90

  Taylor, John 68

  Taylor, William 102

  teaching 351–61

  apostrophes 282, 290, 292, 345

  approaches 107–8, 197

  commas 229–30, 239, 246

  consistency 83, 138

  criticised 63

  dashes 145

  games 89–90

  hyphens 261

  indention 129

  Internet usage 175, 329

  letter-writing 131

  paragraphing 127, 130

  quotation marks 312

  spacing 121–3

  unauthentic rules 345

  Teberosky, Ana 357

  Tennyson, Alfred 68

  testing 39, 83, 124, 250

  texting 171, 173–4

  Thomas, Dylan 169

  tilde 147–8

  Tiro 20

  titles and italics 322–3

  tolerance 342–8

  Tomlinson, Ray 334

  tone of voice 142–3, 160, 166, 182–3, 190–93, 240–41, 298–9, 334, 336, 352–3

  Tonson, Jacob 68

  topic sentence 125

  trigon 21

  trivium 27

  Truss, Lynne xiii, 83, 329, 342, 347

  Twain, Mark 68, 74, 80, 87, 137, 177, 184, 267, 343–4

  Twitter 162, 331, 335

  typewriting 147, 179, 319–20

  poetry 200

  Typo Eradication Advancement League 275–6

  typography see graphic design

  typo hunt 275–6, 290


  Udall, Nicolas 47–8

  Ulysses 93, 94, 151, 253, 315

  underbar 334

  underlining 132, 319–20, 326

  Undley bracteate 6, 9

  uptalk 191–3

  Urban Dictionary 293–4

  URLs see Internet

  US Board of Geographic Names 272, 288–9


  vertical bar 334

  Vespasian Psalter 11

  Vonnegut, Kurt 201, 214, 361


  Ward, Artemus 340

  Ward, J P 200

  Warren, James 212

  Waseleski, Carol 179–80

  Waterhouse, Keith 283

  Waterstones story 285, 287–8

  Waugh, Evelyn 209

  Webster, Noah 262, 266

  White, E B 104, 252–3

  Wilde, Oscar 343

  Wilkins, John 187

  Wilson, John 77–9, 87, 137, 248, 252, 309

  Wilson, Thomas 48–9

  Wilson, Woodrow 272

  Winfrey, Oprah 92

  Wit and Mirth 112

  Woolf, Virginia 214

  Worcester, Joseph 266

  word-spaces 2–16, 19, 331

  Wordsworth, William 67–8, 314

  Wordsworthians see Jonsonians vs Wordsworthians


  zero punctuation 167–74, 234, 330–31

  zero tolerance 342




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