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Page 19

by Maya Banks

  For a long moment, he held her there, buried between her legs, his taut muscles coiling beneath her fingertips.

  “God, I love you,” he said raggedly.

  “Carmen will be home soon,” she whispered. “And I love you, too.”

  He pulled away and smiled. Bereft of his closeness, the water quickly chilled around her, and she shivered. He picked her up and waded to the steps.

  Water fell from their bodies and splattered the concrete as he headed for the kitchen door.

  “Carmen’s going to kill us if we get her floors wet,” Jasmine muttered.

  Seth set her down inside the door. “Wait here and I’ll get us some towels.”

  She rubbed her hands up and down her arms and bounced on her toes in order to keep warm as he dashed naked up the stairs. Seconds later, he enveloped her in a towel and dried her from head to toe.

  He leaned down to kiss her. “Get upstairs and get some clothes on or Carmen will scold me for not taking better care of you.”

  Jasmine snorted. “As if.”

  But she hurried up anyway to shower and dress. Anticipation curled in her stomach when she glanced at the clock. In just a few more hours Zane would be home.

  Seth watched Jasmine yawn and battle sleep as she struggled to remain focused on the movie they were watching. She glanced at the clock every few minutes, and he knew she was anxious for Zane to get home.

  He smiled and shook his head. He should be out of his mind with jealousy but a year into his very unique relationship with Jasmine, he’d mellowed a whole hell of a lot. Learning to share the woman he loved with another man who loved her just as much—well, it hadn’t been easy. There were still times he could get mighty possessive, but for the most part, he’d learned to chill the fuck out.

  He grinned when he saw her head meet the arm of the couch. So much for staying up for Zane.

  Half an hour later, he heard the front door open. He looked up to see Zane walk in and drop his suitcase on the floor. Seth held a finger to his lips then motioned to the couch where Jasmine was sleeping.

  Zane’s eyes lit up, and the fatigue that seemed etched on his brother’s face lifted and fell away as he looked at Jasmine.

  “How was the trip?” Seth asked in a low voice.

  “Good, but I’m damn glad to be home.”

  “Jasmine tried to stay up for you,” Seth said with a hint of laughter. “She crapped out about thirty minutes ago.”

  Zane smiled but Seth could see the hunger in his eyes. He got out of the recliner and pointed the remote at the TV to turn it off. “I’m going to head on up to bed. You should wake her and tell her you’re home. She’s really missed you.”

  “Yeah, sure. We’ll be up in a while then,” Zane said.

  Seth turned toward the stairs even as Zane walked to the couch and knelt in front of it. Jasmine opened her eyes, and he watched the joy that filled them when she saw Zane. Then her gaze found Seth, and he saw the same love reflected there for him. His chest tightened, and an odd sort of fulfillment settled around his heart.

  This was right. Their love was right.

  He headed up the stairs, determined to give Zane and Jasmine some privacy. He cherished his own moments alone with her, and he wouldn’t deprive his brother of the same.

  Later when Zane carried Jasmine into the big bedroom they’d remodeled to accommodate the three of them, they both made love to her. And she showed them again, as she had so many times before, that there was room in her heart for both of them.

  About the Author

  Maya Banks is the pen name for Sharon Long, who writes for Samhain under both names. She lives in Texas with her husband, three children and assortment of cats. When she’s not writing, she can be found hunting, fishing or playing poker. A southern girl born and bred, Maya loves life below the Mason Dixon, and more importantly, loves bringing southern characters and settings to life in her stories.

  To learn more about Maya, please visit Send an email to Maya at or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Maya:

  Look for these titles by Maya Banks

  Now Available:

  Seducing Simon

  Colters’ Woman




  Coming Soon:

  Love Me, Still

  Into the Mist

  Stay With Me

  Forgiveness is the most difficult thing to give but the most cherished thing to receive.

  Love Me, Still

  © 2007 Maya Banks

  Available December 18, 2007 at Samhain Publishing

  Beloved mate to two wolves, Heather lived an idyllic life until hunters destroyed the pack's peaceful existence.

  Believing their mate betrayed them and was responsible for their father's death, Cael and Riyu cut Heather from their lives. But when they realize their terrible mistake, can they ever gain her forgiveness and win back her love?

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Love Me, Still:

  Cael pulled the heavy furs tighter around him as he, Niko and Riyu fanned out and trudged higher up the mountain. Their inability to shift and move faster frustrated him, but there was a human in the area. A trapper if he had to guess. They didn’t want to startle him by coming up on him in wolf form. It was a good way to get themselves shot.

  For a week, he and the others had scoured the area around their old encampment. They could detect no trace of Heather’s scent. Then yesterday, when the wind had shifted and blew from the north, he had caught the faintest whiff of her.

  They had charged up the mountain in the direction of the wind, anxious to find her.

  Suddenly Riyu stopped ahead of Cael. He lifted his head and sniffed. A low growl emanated from his throat.

  “What is it, Riyu?” Cael demanded as he surged through the snow.

  Niko joined them and raised his head as well. “It’s her. I smell her. Much stronger now. She isn’t far.”

  Cael inhaled deeply and closed his eyes as the sweet smell of his mate drifted through his nostrils. Longing, regret, so much sadness swelled within him.

  He shoved past Riyu and Niko, increasing his speed up the mountain slope. Her smell grew stronger, and his body tingled with the anticipation of seeing her, even as his palms sweated in the frigid air at the thought of what he would say to her. How he would gain her forgiveness.

  Then he stopped. Riyu nearly ran into him from behind. A low sob carried to them on the wind. Cael looked in the direction of the sound, and there he saw her. Poised on the edge of a drop off. Heather.

  She took a step closer and stared down into the abyss. Terror clutched at Cael’s chest. Beside him, Riyu hissed in fear. She was going to fall.

  Oh God. They’d never get to her in time.

  In a flash, Cael transformed, lunging forward in the snow. He dug into the terrain, running as fast as his wolf shape would allow. Behind him, Riyu and Niko shifted and set out for Heather as well.

  No! He couldn’t lose her again.

  Just when he thought she would step off the edge, she crumbled into the snow and lay still. His heart raced with relief, but still he flew the remaining distance, his need to touch her, to hold her, to reassure himself that she was okay was all consuming.

  He reached her just seconds before Riyu and Niko. He gently nudged her with his snout, but she was unconscious. He nuzzled her cheek and licked at her skin, trying to get her to awaken.

  She was burning up with fever.

  Cael shifted then stared down at his mate. Tears stung his eyelids, threatening to unman him completely. She was so fragile looking. Pale, thin, so breakable. And she wasn’t well.

  “Is she alive?” Riyu asked in a rush of fear.

  Cael nodded grimly. “She won’t be for long if we don’t get her out of the cold. She’s burning up with fever.”

  “There’s a cabin in the distance,” Niko
said pointing. “It could be where she’s been staying.”

  Cael picked his precious bundle from the snow and hefted her into his arms. She had always been a tiny thing, but her lightness, even amidst the furs she wore, was alarming.

  He pressed his lips to her hot forehead and closed his eyes as he followed Niko toward the cabin. I love you, my heart. I’m so very sorry for how I have wronged you. Please come back to me. I cannot live without you.

  Riyu fell in beside him, looking anxiously over Heather’s unconscious form. He reached out a hand to touch her cheek, and Cael could see tears in his brother’s eyes.

  “We failed her,” Riyu croaked. “When she needed us the most, we turned our backs. How are we ever supposed to get past something like that?”

  Cael shook his head grimly. He didn’t have the words to offer comfort to his brother. Not when their mate was without.

  One lucky woman…three sexy cowboys…she’s in for the ride of her life!

  Long Hard Ride

  © 2007 Lorelei James

  Channing Kinkaid itches for a change; a wild western adventure with an untamed man. Determined to shed her inhibitions and embrace the steamier, seamier side of life, she sets her sights on hooking up with a real chaps-and-spurs-wearing cowboy.

  Enter Colby McKay—bull rider, saddle bronc buster and calf roper. From the moment he sets lust-filled eyes on the sweet and fiery Channing, he knows he’s found the woman who’s up to the challenge of cutting loose. What rough and rowdy cowboy could resist a no-holds-barred sexual romp with a sassy young thing starring as his personal buckle bunny?

  Intrigued by Channing’s bold proposition of horsing around on the road, Colby impulsively sweetens the deal; sexual escapades not only in his bed, but in the bedrolls of his rodeo traveling partners, Trevor and Edgard.

  Although Channing’s secretly longed to be the sole focus of more than one man’s passions, Colby’s demand for complete submission behind closed doors will test her willful nature.

  Can Channing give up total control? Especially when not all is as it seems with the sexy trio? Or will the cowboys have to break out the bullropes and piggin’ string to break in this headstrong filly?

  Warning: This title contains the following: lots of explicit sex, going strong long after the cows come home, graphic language that’d make your mama blush, light bondage with bullropes, ménage a trois, and—yee-haw!—hot nekkid cowboy man-love.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Long Hard Ride:

  Trevor and Edgard returned to the arena to practice roping and Colby tagged along, needing to run his horse.

  Channing stayed in the room and indulged in a shower. After she’d shaved and coated her body with lotion, she wondered what would happen when her cowboys returned. Was she supposed to stay naked? Would they prefer another strip tease?

  Did she really know what she’d gotten herself into?

  The sound of a lock in the door sent her pulse tripping. She shoved the books in her satchel and flipped the page on her notebook.

  Colby entered the room first, followed by Trevor. Edgard brought up the rear and he immediately went into the bathroom and the shower kicked on.

  Trevor flopped on the queen bed against the wall. “I’m tired.”

  “I’m not,” Colby said. His gaze traveled from Channing’s bare toes all the way up her legs to linger on her face. “I’m feelin’ very energetic tonight.”


  “Who’s sleeping in the trailer?” she asked.

  “Edgard,” Trevor said.

  Did that mean he wouldn’t be joining them again? Channing was almost afraid to ask. She was secretly worried Edgard regretted having her along, or worse, that he didn’t find her attractive.

  As soon as Edgard finished his shower, he bid them goodnight. After Colby cleaned up, he left the room for a time while Trevor took his turn in the bathroom. With every minute that clicked by, Channing became more and more nervous.

  Especially when Colby returned to the room with a length of rope in one hand, a bandana in the other, and a wicked gleam in his eye. He said, “Strip. I wanna see you bare-assed naked right now.”

  Channing nodded, doffed her clothes and stood before him, feeling shy and exposed.

  “You’re mighty fine, Chan. Come here and turn around.”

  She crossed the room. The folded red bandana flashed in front of her eyes before everything went dark. A quick pinch on the back of her head and she was blindfolded.

  Colby made no move to touch her besides guiding her back to the bed. “Sit here and wait for further instructions. You’ll do as you’re told. No questions. We clear on that, shug?”


  He placed a soft kiss on the corners of her lips and whispered, “Good girl. Don’t be scared. We ain’t gonna hurt you—” his teeth sank into her earlobe, “—much.”

  Channing shivered.

  The door to the bathroom clicked open and shut. She heard Colby’s and Trevor’s voices, but she couldn’t hear what they were saying. That was probably a good thing.

  She swallowed to moisten her dry mouth. Her heart rate kicked up again when humid, soapy-scented air drifted out of the bathroom and she sensed Trevor and Colby standing in front of her.

  “Here’s the deal, darlin’. We’re gonna play a little game of blind man’s bluff. You’re gonna try to figure out who’s touchin’ you. If you guess right, you get a reward. If you guess wrong, well, let’s just hope you don’t have to find out.”

  Channing went absolutely motionless.

  “Lay back on the bed and press your arms together above your head. That’s a girl.” Scratchy twine wrapped around her wrists several times. Colby whispered, “It ain’t too tight, mostly it’s to keep your hands out of our way. If you cooperate, we’ll leave them loose. The second you try to touch either of us or those hands move? We’ll fasten you to the bed frame. We clear on that?”


  Trevor said, “Spread your legs wide. I wanna see those heels hangin’ off the side of the bed.”

  She complied.

  “You’re beautiful, Chan. No matter what we do to you, leave ‘em like that until we say otherwise.”

  Channing had a flash of insight. If they talked, she’d easily be able to figure out which one was doing what. Colby loved to talk dirty, so chances were good he wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut. She withheld a grin.

  Until the music turned on.

  Before she could contemplate how she’d differentiate one man from the other in the dark, a hot mouth closed over her left nipple and suckled strongly. Rough fingertips dragged up and down the center of her body. Smoothing over her ribcage and the sensitive bend in her waist. A light stroking over the pulse pounding in the column of her neck.

  A work-roughened palm traced her contours, from the arms displayed above her head, down her tensed shoulders. Over the soft curve of her belly, across her, hips and the roundness of her thighs. Past her quaking knees, down her calves to her ankles, ending at her ticklish feet. Those maddeningly thorough hands reversed the process with just as much sensual deliberation.

  Channing began to shake with pure unadulterated need.

  Then those eager hands palmed her breasts, bringing both nipples together to suck and lick and taste. Teeth nipped the tender tips, causing a pain-filled sound to escape from her throat.

  The sting was soothed by pursed lips blowing a stream of cool air, followed by a warm, wet tongue lapping and curling around the abused flesh.

  “Who?” a gruff male commanded.

  Well, shoot. Her chances of guessing correctly were 50-50. “Trevor?”

  “Wrong. Turn her over,” Colby said.

  A hard slap burned across her left butt cheek.

  When she protested—“Hey! That stings”—two more smacks landed in rapid succession.

  “Keep talkin’ and I’ll take great pleasure in turnin’ this heart-shaped ass rosy red, shug.”


“Got any other protests?” Trevor asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Good. Turn her the other way so I can get my licks in, too,” Trevor said.

  She was rolled to her left side and four solid smacks landed on her right buttock. “Now we’re even. Don’t make us get out the bullrope, Chan.”

  The humiliation she thought she’d feel never came. What did that say about her?

  Nothing, besides she’d never been wetter or more turned on in her life.

  Strong hands gripped her ankles and jerked her body down until her stinging ass nearly hung off the end of the bed. Then a cool, wet tongue licked straight up the center of her pussy.

  Her hips shot off the bed.

  A warning growl sounded next to her ear.

  Then the mouth on her sex began a full-out assault. That clever tongue

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