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How To Catch A Crook

Page 19

by Linda Verji

  “Why would I?” he asked as he rubbed his nape. His skin was hot, and it prickled when he touched it. “It’s just the flu.”

  “Have you taken anything for it?” she asked.

  “It’s just the flu?” he repeated.

  “Have you eaten since yesterday?”

  “Ugh!” Worth let his chin fall to his chest and closed his eyes. “Your questions are giving me a headache.”

  “I assume that that means you haven’t eaten.” Without waiting for his response, Sin stood up and walked away.

  Worth assumed that she was leaving, but when he looked up, he saw her purse was still on the couch as was the document. Moments later, he heard banging coming from the direction of his kitchen. If he had any energy, he would’ve gone in there and told her not to bother. But he didn’t. He leaned back against the couch and closed his eyes.

  He must’ve fallen asleep because the next thing he felt was Sin shaking him. “Worth, wake up.”

  “What?” He half-opened his eyes to find her seated next to him and carrying a bowl of soup.

  “You need to eat,” she urged.

  Worth didn’t want to, but the soup smelt savory enough that he found himself taking the bowl without complaint. His stomach grumbled at the sudden invasion but soon quieted down, allowing him to eat. The soup was surprisingly good – surprising because Sin didn’t look like the type who could cook. He snatched a glance at her and found her watching him as if to make sure that he ate everything, as if she was really worried about him.

  Biting back his instinctive smile, he asked, “Shouldn’t you be on your way to the office? Didn’t you say the contract was urgent?”

  “It is,” she said. “And that’s why I’ve already sent it to NERD’s offices.”

  He frowned. “How? When?”

  “While you were sleeping, I sent it by courier.”

  How deeply had he been sleeping that he hadn’t even heard her open the door?

  “I don’t know what you use when you have the flu but I asked your building’s concierge if they had anything, and he gave me those.” She pointed to the bottle of pills that sat next to a glass of water on the coffee-table. “It’s just ibuprofen. You should have that too.”

  “Thanks.” Worth offered her a grateful smile, but as he did so he wondered how much of this was genuine. Did she really care if he was sick or was this just another tactic in her seduction plan? Oddly enough, he it wanted to be real.

  Yup! He was sicker than he knew.

  She stayed long enough for him to finish his meal, take his medicine and even helped him back to his bedroom. Once he was in bed, she said, “I need to go back to the office. I’ll resche-”

  “Stay,” he cut into her words.

  “What?” Surprise glimmered in her eyes.

  He hated himself for begging, but his mouth seemed to have a mind of its own and he found himself repeating, “Stay. Just for a little while longer. There’s nothing urgent at the office, is there?”

  After all the hard work she’d put in to avoid him unless necessary all this week, he half-expected her to refuse his request. He was pleasantly surprised when she nodded then settled on the edge of the bed. Though she was doing everything to avoid looking at him, he knew she was just as aware of him as he was aware of her.

  Even though he was drowsy, he couldn’t help staring at her and tattooing her features into his memory. Slowly but inevitably, slumber took him. When he next awakened, it was to find the room dark because the drapes were closed. The medicine and soup must’ve worked because he didn’t feel quite as feverish as he did before. He tried to move his leg sideway to stretch but found something heavy blocking it. When he lifted his head slightly, he found Sin asleep at his feet.

  She was still here?

  Her presence sent relief and happiness bubbling within him. For a moment he just watched her then he frowned. Though her upper body was on the bed, her legs were hanging. The position had to be uncomfortable. Careful not to wake her up, he exited the bed from the other side then circled it until he was standing next to her.

  Sin was such a deep sleeper that she barely stirred when he lifted, carried and set her on the bed. All she did was sigh then turn and curl up in fetal position, like a baby. Grinning, Worth drew the covers over her then circled the bed again to get in beside her. His head propped on his raised arm, he watched her.

  She looked so innocent as she slept. Her long lashes were like crescent shadows on the smooth skin under her eyes, and her mouth was parted slightly as she took in and out breaths. Without conscious thought, he kissed her forehead. As soon as his mouth brushed against her skin, a rush of odd feelings flooded him.

  He reeled back, wondering what the hell those feelings were. It was at that moment that he realized that his life had just become complicated. This sleeping siren had already dug her claws into him while he wasn’t looking. It should’ve angered him, instead it left him confused and frankly, terrified because he knew that when this was over, he’d have a hard time letting her go.

  With a sigh, he set his head on the pillow while he watched her. She must’ve felt his eyes on her because without waking up, she shifted closer to him, as if seeking his warmth. Even though he knew that holding her when he was feeling so conflicted was a bad idea, he dragged her closer and wrapped his arms around her. He buried his nose in her hair.

  Man, he was screwed!

  * * *

  OF COURSE SIN hadn’t planned to wake up in Worth’s arms the previous day. All she wanted was to get him to sign the document then she could leave. But once she’d seen how bad he looked, she couldn’t help taking care of him. And when he’d asked her to stay for just a little longer, how could she say no?

  She’d be lying if she said that it hadn’t felt good to find herself wrapped in his embrace when she woke up. However, nothing had changed. No matter how good it felt to be in his arms, he was still her ex-mark; the guy she’d lied to just so she could steal from him.

  With the choices she’d made in life, a man like Worth was out of her league. He was too good for her. She’d had no choice but to extricate herself from his hold and get out before he woke up and begged her to stay again. Still, she couldn’t help the relief and pleasure that swept through her when he walked into the office this morning looking well.

  There was nothing unusual about their day; they went through the usual tasks, meetings and back-and-forth emails. Even so there seemed to be a subtle change in Worth’s attitude to her. He wasn’t as curt or as rude as usual. In fact, he was downright friendly.

  When she gave him his coffee, he thanked and smiled at her. When he found a mistake in a document she sent him, he didn’t haul her over the coals with that mocking tone that she’d gotten used to. He just told her what the mistake was and politely asked her to correct it. It was unnerving.

  Since Worth had a meeting late in the evening, she stayed in the office until seven-thirty when his guest left. She was just putting on her coat when Worth emerged from his office.

  “Are you on your way out?”

  “Yeah!” She nodded.

  He didn’t say anything but he seemed to be waiting for her. When she grabbed her purse and started towards the elevators, he matched his step to hers. However, when they got to the elevator and she reached for the ground floor button, he stopped her. “I’ll drive you home.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” Sin protested. “I’m okay with taking-”

  “I’ll drive you home.” He firmly pressed the basement button. “I kept you late, so it’s the least I can do.”

  Well, this was a surprise! He’d kept her late several times before yet he’d never offered to drive her home. She studied him; had his flu seeped into his brain?

  Given that he’d picked her from her place when they went for Claire’s shindig, he didn’t need directions. They set off for Sin’s place in silence.

  A few minutes into the drive, Worth broke the silence. “What time did you leave ye

  Immediate nervousness fluttered in Sin’s belly. They were going to talk about yesterday? Deliberately keeping her tone nonchalant, she answered, “Around ten. Why?”

  Glancing in her direction, he gave her a small smile. “I missed you.”

  Her heart immediately jerked. Still she managed to keep her voice steady as she warned, “Don’t do that! We agreed to keep things professional between us.”

  “We didn’t agree on anything,” he reminded her. “You just told me what you wanted then walked out of my office.”

  She answered his comment with silence.

  “What do you want from me?” Worth’s voice was low but tight.

  “What do you mean?” She kept her eyes forward, trying to avoid looking at him. “I don’t want anything from you.”

  “Do you want a real relationship?”

  “What?” Startled, Sin snatched a glance at him.

  He was still focused on the road, but his fingers were wrapped so tightly around the steering wheel that she was surprised that he didn’t just jerk it out. Still, she couldn’t believe what he’d just asked. Maybe she was hearing things. She was so shocked that she didn’t even realize that they’d already reached their destination. Not until Worth brought his car to a stop in front of her building.

  But before she could get out, Worth repeated, “Do you want a relationship?”

  When he met her gaze, his eyes were serious and his expression grave, like he meant it. Surely, he didn’t!

  He prodded, “Would you like us to date?”

  “Um… um…” She gulped to ease the sudden tightness in her throat. His offer was more tempting than she expected but she knew she couldn’t do it. It took a while, but she finally forced the right words out. “No… I… I don’t want us to date.”

  He was watching her keenly, like he was trying to read her mind. “Didn’t you say you weren’t interested in a no-strings-attached relationship?”

  “Yeah… yeah… I did.” Sin stumbled over her words as she tried to gather her thoughts. “But that doesn’t mean I want to date you. I’m not… I’m not interested in any kind of relationship with you.”

  He sat back in his seat, his dark eyes burning into her stiff form. “That’s not true.”

  “It is,” she insisted.

  “No, you’re interested in me.” He unclipped his seatbelt. “I’ll show you.”

  Sin didn’t see it coming. One moment she was staring at him and wondering what had gotten to him, and the next his lips were on hers. She was so shocked by the unexpected kiss that she kept her eyes open, but that didn’t deter Worth. He eased his mouth over hers, nibbling and teasing her lips until she sighed with pleasure.

  The temptation was just too great.

  Her eyes closed and her lips parted. Before she knew it, she was kissing him back. It had been so long since they’d kissed that his taste seemed new, like something that she hadn’t ever tasted but had now discovered that she loved.

  “Worth!” she moaned against his lips.

  It was all the encouragement he needed. He cupped her cheek with his hand and deepened the kiss. Slowly, their tongues tangled, danced and mated, driving her deeper and deeper into need. When he ended the kiss, she was reluctant to let him go. Still aching with desire, she opened her eyes and found him watching her.

  “See.” He smiled softly. “You still want me.”

  His smile was enough to yank her from her stupor. Fumbling to get rid of her seatbelt, she insisted, “No, I’m not.”

  “Sin, you don’t have to deny it!” Exasperation tinged his tone.

  “No!” The belt was finally off her body. She turned to face Worth. “Please, please, please, just leave me alone. I don’t want anything with you. Please.”

  Before he could do anything else to prove to them both that she was lying, she opened the door and got out of his car. Sin had never walked so fast. She didn’t even turn back once to make sure he’d left. She just kept moving until she got to her apartment. It was only once she was in the house with the door locked that she took a breath.

  Damn! She leaned back against the door and sighed. Damn!


  It took everything in Worth to keep from following Sin to her apartment and to leave for his own home. He had no idea what Sin was playing at but it was working. He wanted to say that when he’d asked her to date, it was a test; a way to see if that was her new strategy; force him into a relationship by denying him sex. But the truth was that he was half-hoping that that was what she wanted and that they could go back to how they were before her sudden pulling away. Worse, after that kiss, he’d been ready to give her what she wanted. Want to date? Sure, just take me back.

  What the hell was the matter with him?

  The following day, Worth couldn’t even look Sin straight in the eye for fear that he’d beg her for one more kiss if their eyes so much as met. When she called his phone at around mid-morning, he actually considered not answering. Even hearing her husky voice would be a reminder of everything they’d done and everything he wanted to do with her.

  He answered anyway. “Yes?”

  “Your father is down at the lobby.”

  “What?” Worth sat up straighter.

  “Security says he’s on his way up,” Sin said. “Should I let him in as soon as he gets here?”

  “No…” Worth paused. Realizing that his father would only make things hard for Sin if he refused to see him, he sighed. “Yeah… just send him in.”

  “Okay.” Sin hung up.

  Five minutes later, Worth’s door flew open and Senior sauntered into the room like he owned it.

  “Don’t you know how to knock?” Worth met his father’s eyes.

  “Why should I have to knock?” The older man settled on the couch and tossed a brown envelope on the coffee-table. “This is practically my office.”

  No, no it’s not, Worth wanted to say, but he didn’t because he knew it wouldn’t have any effect on his father. Watching the other man from behind his desk, Worth asked, “What are you doing here?”

  Instead of answering the question, Senior asked, “I heard you had a new secretary, but I didn’t know that she was so pretty. Have you had a go at her?” The older man waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  Anger like Worth had never felt before shot through him. He’d heard of sons punching their father but he’d always thought that regardless of how much of a dick his father was he’d never be one of those sons. However, right now, he was considering it. How dare his father be so disrespectful to Sin? A second later, he realized that he was being hypocritical. Until a few days ago, he’d treated her like she was just a body to warm his bed.

  “What are you doing here, Dad?” Worth gritted between his teeth.

  “Does that mean you haven’t had her yet?” Senior grinned wolfishly. “Send her to my office. She can be my secretary.”

  “I’m not sending her to your office,” Worth bit out.

  Almost as if Sin knew they were talking about her, she pushed the door open and came in carrying a tray of refreshments.

  Worth couldn’t help himself, he barked, “Get out.”

  “What?” Startled, Sin stopped moving.

  “Get out,” Worth ordered harshly.

  “What are you so mad about?” Senior said even though his gaze was now trained on Sin. He gave her a lingering onceover, leering at her body. “The pretty lady just wants to quench our thirst. Bring it over, sweetheart.”

  Worth gripped the arms of his chair so hard to keep from standing that he was surprised his fingers didn’t break. But instead of going at his father, he glared at Sin. “Get out.”

  She looked at him then at his father as if deciding whose order to follow. However, before Worth could haul her out of the room himself, she turned and walked right back out, closing the door.

  “Well, well, well.” Senior whistled as he stared at the door. “I can see why you don’t want to let her go.”

  This time Worth couldn’t hide his rage as he enunciated, “What. Do. You. Want. Here?”

  “Damn! Okay, okay. You don’t have to get your panties in a bunch.” Senior chortled derisively as he sat back in the seat. “I’m here to introduce myself.”

  “I already know who you are,” Worth bit out.

  “No, you just know me as your father and the owner of RGC.” The older man grinned. “Meet Wentworth Ransom the Second, your newest equity partner. We’re partners now.”

  “What?” Shock ricocheted through Worth.

  Maybe someone else would’ve been happy to have their father as their partner, but Worth wasn’t. He was sure that this was just another attempt by Senior to run him out of W Sport and straight into the arms of RGC. The old man was probably planning to stage a coup in W Sport or to damage it in some way so Worth had no choice but to kowtow to his wishes.

  “Orwell Martin sold me his share of the company,” Senior gleefully announced as he picked the envelope and waved it around.

  “You bought out Martin?” Though Worth owned the most equity in W Sport, Orwell Martin owned a significant enough share that he could influence company decisions.

  Senior explained, “He had some outstanding gambling debts, and the mob was on his tail.”

  Worth was surprised that his voice was so even as he asked, “You know that’s illegal, right?”

  “What’s illegal about it?”

  “Did he show you our agreement?” Worth said, “It clearly states that there has to be notification before transfer of ownership, and that I have first buying rights.”

  “Yeah, that’s why he notified you,” Senior said, “then he sold it to me.” He laughed before adding, “I bet you didn’t know that Royden was my company.”

  Worth narrowed his eyes. “When?”

  “When what?” The older man frowned.

  “When did he notify me?” Worth clarified, “I didn’t get any notification. He didn’t tell me he was thinking of offloading his share of W Sport.”

  “Yes, you did.” Senior tossed the envelope in the general direction of Worth’s desk. It fell just a few feet from him but he didn’t bother to pick it up.


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