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Moses and Akhenaten

Page 29

by Ahmed Osman

  Muhammed the Prophet, 76

  Murray, Helen, 245

  Mutimuya, Queen, 119, 222

  Mutnezmat, Queen, 122, 181

  Muwatallis, Hittite King, 44

  Nahr el-Kelb Stela, 46

  Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of France, 112

  Naville, Henri, 230

  Nebnufer, 216

  Neby, mayor of Zarw, 97, 118, 121, 172, 222

  Neferhotep, 90

  Neferkheprure, 200

  Neferneferuaten see Nefertiti

  Neferneferuaten Tasheri, 73, 126

  Neferneferure, 126

  Nefertiti, Queen of Akhenaten: as devotee of Aten, 6; children, 9, 236, 239; marriage, 62, 122, 180–1; at Amarna, 126, 132; status, 127, 181; disappears, 132; tomb representations of, 137, 234; and Tutankhamun, 146; parents, 180–1; depicted and named on Karnak temple, 181; nursed by Tiy, 182; as Miriam, 182; on Amarna rock tombs, 199–201, 207–8

  Negeb, 196

  Nehesy, Pharaoh, 114, 220

  Neshi (shipmaster), 93–5, 215–16

  Nubian Stelae, 40, 42

  Nubnofret, 215

  numbers (figures): and Jewish chronology, 52

  Numbers, Book of, 19–20

  Nuttall, Mary, 245

  Nuzu Texts, 247

  Oedipus, 8

  Old Testament: history and myth in, 189–90; see also individual books

  Osarseph (priest of Heliopolis), 29, 31–3

  Osiris (god), 65, 79, 114, 172–3, 175, 187, 220, 227

  Osman, Ahmed: Stranger in the Valley of the Kings, 51, 53, 124

  Pah-Nehas, 172

  Panehesy, 72, 127, 172, 185

  Papa (priest), 215

  Pa-Ramses see Ramses I, Pharaoh Paser (vizier), 222

  Paser I, 105

  Pa-Twfy, Waters of, 110, 112–13, 225, 227

  Pe-Kanan (Gaza), 43, 194

  Penamun (vintner), 121–2

  Pendlebury, John: on Akhenaten, 6, 69; excavates Akhenaten’s tomb, 136–40, 142, 144, 153; on Karnak colossus, 236; Tell el-Amarna, 128

  Pere (nobleman), 69, 132, 154

  Petrie, W. M. Flinders, 37, 69, 116, 169–71; Tell el-Amarna, 125

  Phinehas (son of Eleazar), 185

  Pi-Ramses, 94, 106–7, 109–15, 217–21, 224–7, 228; see also Avaris

  Pirizzi (messenger), 82, 85–6, 214

  Pithom (city), 13, 32, 34

  Piyer, The Fields of see Fields of Piyer, The

  Plutarch, 27

  Poem of Pe-natour, 112, 217

  Pollock, Dr, 232

  Potiphar, 53

  Prehotep, 93

  Pritchard, James B., 56

  Psalms, Book of, 163

  Ptolemy II, Pharaoh, 26

  Puah (midwife), 14

  Puipri (messenger), 82, 85–6, 214

  Qantir, 109, 115, 222–8

  Qumran, 56

  Raamses (city), 13, 32, 64, 106

  Rakhit, 220

  Ramasseum, 46

  Rameses (Ramses; place), 36, 48–9, 112, 228

  Ramose, mayor of Thebes, 88, 204–11

  Rampses, 30, 184

  Ramses I, Pharaoh (formerly Pa-Ramses): at Thebes, 35; reign, 37, 42, 49–50, 64, 90, 99–100, 105, 167, 169, 179, 184; Horemheb appoints, 97, 108, 172; building, 104, 226; Zarw residence, 110, 219, 221; military background, 159; Sarabit stela, 169–70

  Ramses II, Pharaoh: builds Hermopolis, 9; as Pharaoh of Oppression, 37–8, 247; treaty with Hittites, 41; campaigns, 42, 44–8, 112, 196–7; marriages, 45; visit to Horemheb’s tomb, 101; and Khayri court case, 94–6, 215; reign, 100–5; building 104; age, 104; at Zarw, 109, 111, 217–18; and city of Pi-Ramses, 217–20, 222, 226

  Ramses III, Pharaoh, 226

  Ramses IV, Pharaoh, 247

  Rathosis, 157–8

  Rbn, 45, 196

  Re (deity), 119–20, 200; see also Amun-Re

  Re-Harakhti (Horus of the Horizon), 120, 127–8, 163, 195, 206–7, 209, 211

  Red Sea: Israelites cross, 17–18, 49

  Redford, Donald: on Jewish settlement of desert area, 33; on Akhenaten’s rebellion, 58; opposes coregency theory, 69, 75, 77, 79–80; on Soleb Temple, 70–1; on Meketaten, 72; on Amarna rock tombs, 75, 77, 198–9, 20–5; on Tushratta letters, 82–3, 86–7; on Akhenaten’s reign, 152, 154; Akhenaten, the Heretic King, 9–10; Pharaonic King-Lists, 31

  Reu’el (Jithro; Midianite), 15, 25–6

  Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, 221

  rod, ‘magic’, 174–9

  Rosetta Stone, 4

  Rowley, H. H., 183–4

  Sa-Gaz see Khabiru

  Sakkara, 88, 90–2

  Samson, Julia, 239

  Sandison, A. T., 236, 238–9

  Sarabit el Khadim, 118, 169–72

  Scharff, Alexander, 75

  Schmidt, John D., 44–5

  Schulman, Alan R., 129

  sed festival, 178–9

  Seele, Keith C., 69, 150–3, 180–1

  Sehel (Upper Egypt), 205

  Seir, Mount, 45, 196

  Semenkhkare, Pharaoh: descended from Joseph, 2; name excised, 27, 92; installed as coregent, 63, 68–9, 131–2, 154; reign, 92, 96, 99–100, 105, 147, 148–9, 154; 231; name and epithets, 132, 154; and religion, 132; death, 132, 146–7, 149; mummy, 145, 235, 237, 243; relationship to Akhenaten, 145–6, 235; burial and tomb, 241, 244–5

  Sementawi, 216

  Setepenre (Akhenaten’s daughter), 126

  Seters, John van see van Seters, John

  Seth (deity), 110, 114, 187–8, 219–21, 223, 225–7

  Seti I, Pharaoh: reign, 2, 37, 100–5; campaigns against Shasu, 42–5, 47, 49, 103, 112, 187, 193–4, 196, 219; and Wadi Haifa stela, 90; appointed by Horemheb, 97, 108; temples and reliefs, 102–4, 111, 113–14, 218; military background, 159; and death of Moses, 187–8; at Zarw, 219, 221

  Shasu (tribes): wars with Egyptians, 42–9, 101, 103, 112, 179, 187, 193–4, 196–7, 219; as Akhenaten’s troops, 200

  Shi-hor, Waters of, 110, 225, 227

  Shimeathites, 45, 196

  Shiprah (midwife), 14

  Shutarna (father of Tushratta), 118, 212

  Sikket es-Sultan, 126

  Simyra, 44

  Sinai, 169, 171–2, 179, 197

  Sinai, Mount, 171–2; see also Horeb, Mount

  Sinuhi, 108

  Sitamun, 29, 54, 62, 181

  Smith, Grafton Elliot, 145, 232–1, 236, 242

  Smith, Harry S., 156

  Smith, Ray Winfield, 181

  Sm’t, 45, 196

  Sobek temple (Fayum), 31

  Soleb temple (Nubia), 70–1

  Steindorff, George, 69, 228

  Succoth, 17

  Suppiluliuma, Hittite King, 42

  šūš (sixty-year period), 52

  Sutarna (Tushratta’s father) see Shutarna

  Syncellus see George the Monk

  Tabernacle: constructed, 18, 20

  Tadukhipa, Princess, 84, 122, 180–1, 212

  Takharu, 93, 95–6, 215–16

  Talmud, 22–4, 32, 134, 156, 169, 183, 186

  Tanis (city), 45, 109, 196, 217, 220

  Tehenu see Libya

  Tell Abu-Seifah, 113

  Tell el-Amarna, 4, 62, 69, 88, 91, 125–6; see also Amarna

  Tell el-Dab’a, 97, 109, 115, 222–8

  Tell Heboua, 113–15

  Ten Commandments, 18, 172–3

  Tentpaihay, 216

  Thebes: as capital, 35–6, 159; Moses at, 62, 65; Semenkhkare’s coregency at, 63; tombs, 79; Akhenaten at, 83, 120, 122; inscriptions, 89; Tiye and, 109; temple of Amun, 132, 159; Akhenaten leaves, 158; Ramose at, 210–11; as site of Zarw-kha, 228; see also Malkata palace

  Tiy (wife of Aye), 158, 180–2

  Tiye, Queen: as mother of Akhenaten/Moses, 8, 54–5, 57, 61–2, 81, 146, 182; marriage, 54, 117; on Penehesy stela, 72; and Amarna rock tombs, 73–4, 198–201; and Baketaten, 75, 77; age, 76–7; on Theban tombs, 79, 139; status, 79, 81–2, 120, 127, 198; correspondence with Tushratta, 83–7, 21
2–14; gift to Aper-el, 88, 185; and Zarw-kha, 106–8, 116, 118, 172, 222, 228; as daughter of Yuya (Joseph), 107–8, 130, 185; relations with Akhenaten, 120, 122–3; mummy and burial, 144, 147, 231–2, 232, 240–1; and parentage of Tutankhamun, 146–7; Sarabit statuette, 170; on Kheruef tomb, 178, 203–4; and Nefertiti, 180–2

  Tjaui, 93

  Tomb 55 (Amarna), 231–45

  Tushratta, King of Mitanni, 82–8, 118, 180, 211–14

  Tutankhamun (formerly Tutankhaten), Pharaoh: decended from Joseph, 2; name excised, 27, 92; succeeds to throne, 63, 146, 149, 183; reign, 68–9, 92, 96, 99–100, 105, 132, 134, 153–4; tomb, 91, 144–6, 224, 240–1, 244–5; and Aten cult, 121; Restoration stela, 131; marriage, 132; burial, 137, 139, 141, 241–2; and Amarna tombs, 144; parentage, 146, 234; coregency, 148–9; readopts Amun, 149–50, 155; at Amarna, 153, 155; changes name, 155; death, 160; skull, 234–5, 237–8; and burial of Akhenaten, 244; and Hebrews, 246

  Tuthmose, 8

  Tuthmosis (Moses’ brother), 61, 117

  Tuthmosis III, Pharaoh, 2, 82, 99–100, 104, 105, 119, 159–60, 221

  Tuthmosis IV, Pharaoh: and Joseph, 13, 53, 124–5; tomb, 90; reign, 99–100, 105, 108, 119, 167; harem at Zarw, 118, 222; and hostility to Aten, 124–5; and religious revolution, 160

  Tuya (mother of Tiye), 107, 144, 229

  Uphill, Eric, 114–15

  Urnero, 93–6, 215–16

  Usimare Setpenre, 195

  van Seters, John, 220, 224

  Velikovsky, Immanuel, 8

  Wadi Abu Hassan el-Bahri, 134

  Wadi Haifa (Nubia), 42, 90

  Weigall, Arthur, 6, 140, 144, 147, 231, 233, 241–2

  Wilson, Sir J. Gardiner, 200

  Yahuda, Abraham S., 7

  Yanoam, 40–1, 43, 47

  Young, Thomas, 4

  Yoyotte, Jean, 48, 121, 229–30

  Yuni, 105

  Yuya: identified with Joseph, 2, 13, 32, 53, 108, 229; as father of Tiye, 107–8, 130, 185; posts, 130, 229; mummy and tomb, 137, 144–5, 233; military origins, 158; and religious revolution, 160

  Zarw (Zalw; Sile; city): location, 12, 106–16, 217–30; as birthplace of Moses, 61–2; Israelites at, 64; Amenhotep III at, 118; shrine of Aten, 121, 172; Akhenaten at, 121–2; and Seti I’s campaigns, 187; name and writing of, 230

  Zarw-kha, 106–7, 116, 228–9

  Zin, Desert of, 19

  Zipporah (Moses’ wife), 15, 57

  Zivie, Alain-Pierre, 88


  BIBLICAL quotations are from either the Authorized Version or the New English Bible.

  Further details of works cited below will be found in the Bibliography, pp. 253–5.


  1 Breasted, A History of Egypt, p. 355.

  2 Breasted, The Dawn of Conscience, p. 296.

  3 Weigall, The Life and Times of Akhenaten, p. 2.

  4 Baikie, The Amarna Age, p. 234.

  5 Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs, p. 214.

  6 Pendlebury, Tell el-Amarna, p. 15.

  7 Aldred, Akhenaten, pp. 101–4.

  8 Redford, Akhenaten, the Heretic King, pp.232–5.


  1 Osman, Stranger in the Valley of the Kings.


  1 Polano, Selections from the Talmud, p. 132.

  2 Ibid., p. 126

  3 Waddell, Manetho.

  4 Josephus, Against Apion.

  5 Against Apion III, p. 295.

  6 Against Apion I, p. 281.

  7 Ibid., p. 287.

  8 Osman, Stranger in the Valley of the Kings.

  9 Redford, Pharaonic King-Lists, p. 293.


  1 Aldred, Akhenaten and Nefertiti, p. 8. Gardiner, who unlike Aldred does not believe in a coregency during the Amarna period, here gives a figure of 267 years.

  2 Ibid. Aldred also disagrees with Gardiner about the length of the reign of Seti I.

  3 Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts, pp.377–8.


  1 Murnane, The Road to Kadesh, p. 144.

  2 Schmidt, Ramses II, p. 180.

  3 Kitchen, ‘Asiatic Wars of Ramses II’, p. 66.

  4 Ibid.

  5 Ibid., p. 68.

  6 Ibid., p. 70.

  7 Posener, A Dictionary of Egyptian Civilisation, p. 83.

  8 Ibid., pp.82, 83.

  9 This has been interpreted as meaning that the king’s body was recovered and buried.

  10 Ali, The Meaning of the Glorious Qu’ran.


  1 Cassuto, A Commentary on the Book of Exodus, p. 86.

  2 The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Part 2, p. 1016.

  3 Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts, p. 320.

  4 Brown, Hebrew and English Lexicon, p. 108.

  5 Cassuto, Commentary, p. 54.


  1 Exodus Rabbah I, p. 24.

  2 Ranke, Die ägyptischen Personennamen, p. 164.


  1 Redford, History and Chronology, pp.86–169.

  2 Redford, Akhenaten, the Heretic King, p. 79.

  3 Carter, The Tomb of Tutankhamen, p. 5.

  4 Redford, History and Chronology, p. 109.

  5 Davies, The Rock Tombs of el-Amarna, Part III, p. 21.

  6 Ibid., p. 23.

  7 Redford, History and Chronology, p. 107.

  8 Ibid.

  9 Ibid., p. 108.

  10 Carter, The Tomb of Tutankhamen, p. 14.

  11 Ibid., p. 6.

  12 Redford, History and Chronology, pp.111–12.


  1 Redford, History and Chronology, p. 115.

  2 Carter, The Tomb of Tutankhamen, vol. III, p. 3.

  3 Redford, History and Chronology, p. 119.

  4 Ibid., p. 144.

  5 Ibid., p. 145.

  6 Ibid., p. 168.

  7 Ibid., p. 69.

  8 Ibid., pp. 71–2.

  9 Ibid., p. 51.

  10 Ibid., p. 79.

  11 Hayes, ‘Inscriptions from the Palace of Amenhotep III’, pp. 36–7.


  1 Harris, ‘How Long Was the Reign of Horemheb’, p. 95.

  2 Martin, ‘Excavations at the Memphite Tomb of Horemheb’, p. 15.

  3 Redford,’Chronology of the Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty’, p. 123.

  4 Peet, The City of Akhenaten, Vol. III, pp. 157–8.

  5 Harris, ‘How Long Was the Reign of Horemheb’, p. 96.

  6 Gardiner, ‘A Later Allusion to Akhenaten’, p. 124.

  7 Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb Chapel of Mose, p. 25.

  8 Ibid., p. 23.

  9 Ibid., pp.23, 24.

  10 Ibid., p. 23.

  11 Ibid., pp. 24–5.

  12 Björkman, ‘Neby, the Mayor of Tjaru’, pp. 43–51.

  13 Bietak, ‘Avaris and Piramses’, p. 270.


  1 Maspero, The Struggle of the Nations, p. 387.

  2 Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, pp. 59–60.

  3 Ibid., p. 60.

  4 Maspero, The Struggle of the Nations, p. 386.

  5 Ibid., p. 380.

  6 Ibid., p. 379.

  7 Reisner, ‘The Viceroys of Ethiopia’, p. 28.


  1 Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, vol. 3, p. 349; also Yoyotte, Le Bassin de Djârouka, Kêmi, vol. 15, p. 23.

  2 Osman, Stranger in the Valley of the Kings, p. 107.

  3 Hayes, ‘Inscriptions’, p. 101.

  4 Papyrus Anastasi III.

  5 Ibid., IV.

  6 Gardiner, ‘The Delta Residence of the Ramessides’, p. 136.

  7 Waddell, Manetho, p. 83.

  8 Gunn & Gardiner, ‘New Renderings of Egyptian Texts’, p. 49.

  9 Gardiner, ‘Delta Residence’, p. 185.

  10 Naville, ‘The Geography of the Exodus’, p. 22.

/>   11 Clédat, ‘Le Site d’Avaris’, pp. 185–201.

  12 Although the cross inside the circle is not found in all cases, this may be the result of weathering or error by the. scribe.

  13 Clédat, ‘Notes sur l’Isthme de Suez’, p. 58.


  1 Harris & Weeks, X-Raying the Pharaohs, p. 144.

  2 Hayes, ‘Inscriptions’, p. 159.

  3 Björkman, ‘Neby, the Mayor of Tjaru’, p. 51.

  4 Černý, Hieratic Inscriptions from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, p. 2.


  1 Davies, The Rock Tombs of el-Amarna, Part V, p. 30.

  2 Ibid., p. 29.

  3 Schulman, ‘Military Background of the Amarna Period’, p. 52.


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