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Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors

Page 52

by Randi Alexander

  The first stomp off hoof didn’t hit Sunshine who was rolling as fast as he could away from the angry animal. JT and Clint were already at the animal’s backside and both lassoes were tight around the horse’s neck pulling him back.

  Sunshine was scooped up by the bull fighters and helped behind the gate. JT had to take care of two more riders before he could check on Sunshine and it was killing him. At least between now and then the paramedics would be looking at him and have him cleared. Sunshine had to be made of rubber the way he bounced. At least that’s what JT kept telling himself. By the time JT was off Smash and able to check on Sunshine he was cussing up a storm.

  “Goddamn it I’m just fine. See... I can stand straight, breathe in and out and even spin in circles.”

  “That’s why they’re worried. You can’t do that on a normal day.”

  “JT, will you tell these assholes I’m fine.”

  “Let me see.” With the back of his hand, JT slapped Sunshine in the stomach to which Sunshine caught JT into a headlock. “He’s fine,” JT grumbled, then pulled a reverse and got out of Sunshine’s hold.

  “See, that’s from my worry wart of a hand maiden. If this pansy ass bitch says I’m fine, you know I’m good to go.”

  “Watch for symptoms of concussion,” the paramedic warned and packed up his stuff.

  “What year is it, Star Glimmer?”

  “At least fifteen years since you made up that stupid nickname.”

  “I’ll never call you Fuck-fine. I don’t care if it rhymes,” JT chided. “You really okay?”

  “I’m good. Please, you think a little bronc can hurt me. I’m a bull rider.”

  “What was that? Bull shitter?” JT goaded as he tapped his ear.

  “You’ll see when I win the purse tomorrow night.”

  “Gotta stay on.”

  “They open the gate right I’ll ride three times as long as you do with Bets. Nine seconds... bitch.”

  JT threw up his hands and got back on Smash to get ready for the saddled bronc riders. Tipping his hat to Betsy as he passed her, she blushed then focused on her cameraman who was wrapping her ankle again.

  After the rodeo was over JT found Sunshine to see if he could get a ride with someone else back to the hotel. He found him on the side of the horse barn coughing hard.

  “You ain’t puking are you Sunny?”

  “No,” he gasped. “I’m just...” he gasped again. “hard breathin’.”

  “What’s wrong?” JT approached and placed his hand on Sunshine’s shoulder. He winced then grabbed his side in pain. “Your ribs? They hurt?” JT pressed on top of Sunshine’s hand and he screamed.

  “Goddamn it.” He tried to suck in air, but stopped half way in his attempt and punched the side of the building.

  “You’re going to the ER.”

  “No, I’m not,” he fought for breath.

  “Okay,” JT said as he leaned against the building and crossed his arms. “I’ll just wait ‘til you pass out.”

  “Not funny,” Sunshine wheezed.

  “Talk some more,” JT prodded. “That way it’ll take less time.”

  Sunshine’s nostrils flared as he tried to growl, but sounded like a puppy who’d been kicked by a giant.

  “That supposed to scare me?”

  Putting his head down, Sunshine was willing his strangled breath to release, but whatever was wrong with him wouldn’t let the air fill his lungs.

  One of his hands took off his cowboy hat and waved it in surrender.

  “Was that so hard?” JT said and helped Sunshine to his truck. On the way he saw Clint and asked him to let Betsy know where he was going because there was no way he’d be back in time for her broadcast.

  “You... happy...”

  “I will be when you can breathe.” JT looked at the GPS on his phone and drove as fast as he could to nearest hospital.

  By the time he pulled up Sunshine was looking a little Smurfy so JT jumped out of the truck and found the nearest wheelchair. With Sunshine smacking at him he helped him out of the truck and into the chair. The second they rolled into the waiting room a nurse jumped from behind the desk and instantly began assessing Sunshine. He did look beat up. She pulled out a mobile supply of oxygen and placed a mask on Sunshine.

  JT tried to answer the questions the best he could, but he didn’t know how Sunshine could have hurt his ribs. He replayed the ride over and over in his head and he couldn’t see the spot... unless...

  “What happened tonight?” the doctor asked as the nurse finished getting Sunshine settled. He was already perking up from the oxygen.

  “He was flipped over the top of a horse.”

  “You guys with the rodeo in town?”


  “Why didn’t he come by ambulance?” the doctor asked.

  “If we went by ambulance every time someone’s knocked from a horse we’d never have time to rodeo.”

  “Right,” the doctor said as he shook his head. “So what made this time different Mr...”

  “Parker,” Sunshine wheezed. “Sunshine Parker.”

  “Your real name please.”

  “That is.” JT teased. “I guess his parents figured he’d either be a stripper or a cowboy.”

  The nurse stifled a laugh.

  “Okay, Mr. Parker, what happened around your ribs?” the doctor pressed against Sunshine’s left side and he pulled away.

  “Horse was stomping.”

  “He got you?” JT asked. “Fuck. Sunny, I tried to get there as fast as I could I swear.”

  Sunshine shook off his friend and then turned to the doctor.

  “His hoof missed... but on the... way... back up it clipped me hard.”

  “I’ll order x-rays, but I’m guessing at least two ribs are fractured.”

  “No.” Sunshine waved his hand. “Can’t ride with broke ribs.”

  “Then I guess you can’t ride.” The doctor turned to the nurse. “Order an AP and Lateral chest x-ray and get him some T-three for pain. Let’s keep him on four liters until his pain level decreases. Don’t worry Mr. Parker, we’ll get you better.”

  An hour later Sunshine was in no pain and being wrapped. He had three fractured ribs and could take up to six months to heal.

  “I’ve gotta ride tomorrow,” he told JT. “I can rest and heal after, but now I need that money for sure.”

  “Sunshine, you need to rest. You know you can’t ride with broken ribs.”

  “JT, damn it, this is all I have.”

  “And in six months you can come back with a vengeance. You know your mama would love to have you on her couch for a few months.”

  “Now you’re trying to kill me.”

  “No, I’m trying to save your life. I’ll tell ‘em you’re not riding.”

  JT pulled out his phone, only to have Sunshine snatch it from his hand.

  “It’s nearly one o’clock in the morning, I’ll tell Danny tomorrow. No reason to wake him.”

  JT looked over Sunshine’s face to see if he could see a crack in his demeanor. He wasn’t sure if the Sunshine’s stubborn streak would show up or not.

  “You not trustin’ me? You’re right, my mama would love to have me home for a few months. And I’d like to go home and not be put to work, just be waited on hand and foot. I might even call Katrina to come on help with that.”

  “It scares me how quickly you can recover when it involves pussy.”

  “Plus it’ll take me all the free time I can muster to get your profile just right on”

  “Not needed. Betsy and I are back together.”

  “Then where is she?”

  “She’s working.”

  “At one in the morning?”


  Betsy was stuck getting up to date scores from the Giant’s game when Clint approached.

  “Hey Bets, long time.”

  “Hello Clinton, how you been?”

  “Good, rodeo hoppin’ like everyone else.”
/>   “Teaming up with JT, why you stop ridin’?”

  “Fractured three bones last year.” Clint stretched his fingers out then pulled them into a fist. “My grip sucks.”

  “That’s gotta hurt your sex life.”

  Clint gave her a half smile.

  “JT sent me over here to tell you he’s gotta go do something with Sunny.”

  Betsy didn’t think she could feel cold in eighty plus degrees with heat index three degrees below Hell, but instantly she chilled. Sunny. Right. Why did she think things would be different? When it came down to it she was never going to be his priority no matter how many promises he made. She was a nice stop in his life, but not somewhere he’d ever stay.

  “Was there a problem with his horse or something?”

  “Not that I saw.”

  “Great,” she bit back the bitter words and thoughts. “I have to get some things ready, I only have fifteen minutes until air time.”

  “It was good seeing you again.”

  “You too, Clint.”

  Betsy refreshed her score app on her phone and held back tears. They could show up later... much later. Maybe when she was at home... no not even then. She refused to go down that hole again.

  “Bets,” Cole called as he stepped down from the stands.

  “Cole, just the guy I need.”

  Cole eyed her suspiciously.

  “Part of my segment for tonight is camera shy, would you be willing to help me with the last two minutes?”

  “Of course, although I don’t know what I could add to the conversation.”

  “I’ll come up with something.”

  Betsy muddled through her interview with the barrel race winner and the latest bull rider to be thrown from Yankee. When they left she had a quick interview with Cole about him being at the rodeo and why he enjoys it. Fluff, with no meat, just enough color to make them happy at home.

  “We’re clear Betsy,” Ron said as he began unhooking the camera from its tripod. “You ready to come to the hotel or are you staying for the concert?”

  “Um...” Betsy looked over her shoulder as if magically JT would appear with flowers and an apology. Instead she saw Danny introducing the band. The fireworks had ended right before her segment, which was a blessing.

  “I’ll give you a ride back to the hotel,” Cole said. “If you want to stay.”

  She looked up at Cole who for the first time didn’t have a look of desire in his eyes or sound like he meant more than just a ride. A friend. Betsy had spent enough time hiding from the world in fear of getting attached. Cole could be a friend.

  “I’d love that, thank you Cole.”

  Ron pulled back a bit and crossed his arms.

  “Can you find us some seats? I’ll be up in a minute.” Betsy placed her hand on Cole’s forearm.

  “Betsy, what are you doing?”

  “I’m going to a concert with my friend.”

  “And JT?”

  “Chose his friend over me again,” Betsy said and even though it took everything in her to not burst in tears at the truth in her words, she wasn’t going to let JT hold her back anymore. “Tomorrow I’m gone. He doesn’t have my number and I’ll block him if he tries to contact me through social media. Fool me once right?”

  She threw her backpack over her shoulder.

  “You gonna be okay?”

  “I’m gonna be more than okay. I don’t need to lose this part of my life to forget JT. And I don’t want to forget him, but I can’t keep living for him. Especially when I’ve been the one chasing him from the beginning.”

  With a limp Betsy climbed the stadium stairs and found Cole three rows up. It was nice that the stadium had bench seating instead of chairs. She stretched her legs out and leaned against the back of the bench behind her. Cole didn’t try to make a move. They chatted while the band played and she learned the backstory that would never make it on the news.

  Cole had been the problem in middle school, smarting off to teachers, and being perpetually late to every class. He grew though and stopped chasing girls and started truly focusing on baseball. His stat line improved and the natural talent he possessed improved after a coach benched him and said “hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.”

  The night sky was clear and the heat disappeared. By the end of the concert Betsy had curled into Cole’s arms to keep warm. He felt so different from JT. Cole had bulk with his muscles, JT was lean... she shook her head from the comparison and pulled herself away from Cole.

  “Don’t go Bets,” he said. “I like holding you. Nothing more I promise.”

  “I’m going to need to lean on you to get to your car anyway. My ankle has it’s own heartbeat.”

  “In that case.” Cole stood and swooped Betsy up into his arms. She instantly wrapped her arms around his neck to balance herself. “How about I just carry you?”

  “Cole...” Betsy growled. “Put me down.”

  “I can barely tell I’m carrying you?” He then gave her a crazy look. “Then again it’s always easier carrying a bag.”

  He tossed her over his shoulder so her ass was up in the air.

  “Cole!” she screeched.

  “Oh yeah, this is much better.” He bit at her hip.

  He picked up her backpack, which made him swing her around again. Blood was rushing to her head and she felt like she could puke at any minute. The good thing was she’d throw up on Cole’s ass which looked way better in jeans then his pinstriped uniform pants. Why hadn’t she noticed this? Damn. Then again she was upside down and becoming lightheaded.

  “I think your backpack weighs more than you do.”

  Betsy smacked Cole’s ass as hard as she could.

  “Ooooh... oooh... do that again,” he teased as he hopped down the stairs. Every jump made her head swim.

  “How much further?”

  “I’m by the barn. Why? You not liking the view?”

  “The view is fine, but remember I’m elderly so I’m liable to stroke out on you pretty soon.”

  “Fine, I’ll run.”

  Betsy wrapped her arms around Cole’s waist, which crushed her head against his ass.

  “Please don’t. Please,” she begged, but part of her was laughing.

  Cole slowed up and began to pull her back down and into his arms like he was reeling in a fish. She slid up his body, then back down and into his arms. Betsy closed her eyes to get settled in the world again. When she opened them she saw Cole looking at her with a peaceful face as he walked.

  “You’re almost back to perfect,” he whispered as he leaned in closer to her.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “The bright red is turning pink, you’re back to being you.”

  “And I’m perfect.”

  “Someone has to be or there wouldn’t be anyone to base the standard on.”

  Cole set her feet down on the ground, but she still held on to his waist and arms. She told herself it was because she was unsteady on her feet, but she feared it was something else. Something dangerous.

  “Which hotel are you at?”

  “I’ll show you the way.”

  Betsy kept her eyes focused on the road ahead and tried to not look over at Cole. She thought her mind was muddled when she was upside down. Now it was completely tearing off in every direction.

  “Will you help me in?” she asked as softly as she could. If he didn’t hear, no loss.

  “Always.” Shit!

  Entering the building from the side Betsy flipped the key card against her palm over and over until Cole placed his hands over hers. Their eyes locked and every reservation left her mind.

  When the door closed behind them Cole placed his hands around her waist and pressed himself against her backside. His lips dipped to her neck and he brushed them against her shoulder. She stepped into the room and saw the sheets still tossed around from her afternoon with JT. Her body warmed at the memory, but cooled where Cole’s hands were wandering along her

  “I’ve wanted this for so long,” he hissed in her ear.

  “I can’t.” Betsy pulled away and crossed the room. “I’m sorry Cole, this was a mistake.”

  “I did everything right.”

  “You did. I’m the one...” her right hand covered her mouth and her left clutched the side of table. “I went to the concert with you as a friend.”

  “Me too... but something happened between us,” he said as his hand flew back and forth between the two of them. “It wasn’t just me this time.”

  “It wasn’t, I felt it too, but... fuck,” Betsy tossed her hand around and ended up sending the Styrofoam containers on the table flying. “I’m in love with someone else. Sex with you would be a mistake. It’d be...”

  “You trying to make your feelings go away.”

  “I’ve been lying to myself for years that I’m over him.” She turned around and flopped into a chair. “Why is it girls always want the ones they can’t have?”

  “Who the hell said you could have me?” Cole snapped, then flopped himself onto the corner of the bed. “That sounded funnier in my head. Is funnier a word?”

  “Yes. It is.”

  “Who’s this fool that doesn’t want you?”

  “JT. He’s the only black cowboy here this weekend.”

  “The one that rides up along side the horse?”

  “Yeah, the pickup man,” she chuckled to keep the tears from coming, but they still escaped.

  Chapter Seven

  JT opened the door to his room to see the maid cleaning Betsy’s room. He wandered in, but her bags were gone. She’d checked out. That was weird. She wouldn’t need to be at the fairgrounds for a few hours, but then again she had gone early yesterday.

  Sunshine was still sleeping off the drugs the hospital gave him so JT headed to the fairgrounds in search of Betsy. She wasn’t anywhere to be found. No one had seen her or the news van that morning. Okay, this was really weird. JT pulled out his phone to see if she’d posted anything this morning, but he could barely figure out his own social media pages, let alone someone else’s.


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