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Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors

Page 65

by Randi Alexander

Dear Readers

  Writing this book was a work of love for me and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It’s a little twist on the person-in-jeopardy because this time it’s the man who’s in jeopardy and the kickass woman who protects and saves him. Without diminishing his masculinity, of course!

  My readers are the most important people in the world to me and I constantly strive to fulfill your expectations. Writing is a passion as well as an occupation for me and I hope I communicate some of that passion to you. If this is your first Desiree Holt boo I hope you will find more of them (see list included). If you are already a reader, bless you and thank you.

  I love to hear from my readers. You can write to me at and I hope you will do that.

  Where else can you find me?”

  Facebook: Desiree Holt

  Twitter: @desireeholt

  Pinterest: Desiree Holt

  I look forward to hearing from all of you.

  Desiree Holt

  About the Author

  Known the world over as The Oldest Living Erotic Romance Author, Desiree Holt has won an EPIC E-Book Award, the Holt Medallion and many other awards. She has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning and in The Village Voice, The Daily Beast, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The London Daily Mail and numerous other national and international publications.

  “Get out the ice water and fan...Desiree Holt delivers smoking hot alpha heroes and red hot romances.” Lea Franczak, USA Today Happy Ever After blog

  Learn more about her and read her novels here:

  Twitter @desireeholt

  Pinterest: desiree02holt

  Google: desiree02holt


  Other Books by Desiree Holt

  Afternoon Delight

  All Jacked Up

  Always on My Mind

  Animal Instinct

  Back in the Saddle

  Bedroom Eyes

  Beg Me

  Bite the Bullet

  Black Cat Fever

  Blind Ecstasy


  Bound and Determined

  Buckskins, Boots and Bondage

  Carnal Caresses

  Caught in the Middle

  Cocked and Loaded

  Come To Me

  Crack the Whip

  Crude Oil

  Cupid’s Shaft

  Cutter’s Law

  Dancing With Danger

  Dangerous Addiction

  Dark Secrets

  Dark Stranger

  Delicious Danger

  Delight Me

  Diamond Lady

  Do You Trust Me

  Double Entry

  Down and Dirty


  Dream Strokes

  Driven by Hunger

  Eagle’s Run


  Eight Second Ride

  Elven Magic

  Emerald Green


  Escape the Night


  F Stop

  Finding Julia



  Freeze Frame

  Game On

  Give It To Me


  Hard Lovin’

  Having It All

  He Came Upon a Midnight Clear

  Head Games


  Hot Moon Rising

  Hot to Trot

  Hot, Wicked and Wild

  How to Write Hot Sex

  I Dare You



  Journey to the Pearl

  Joy Ride

  Jungle Inferno

  Just Say Yes

  Kidnapping the Groom

  Last Ride on the Merry Go Round

  Letting Go

  Line of Sight

  Love With a Proper Rancher

  Lust Becomes You

  Lust By Moonlight

  Lust Undone

  Lust Unleashed


  Melting the Ice

  Night Heat

  Night Mission

  Night Moves

  On the Prowl

  On the Run

  Once Burned

  Once Upon a Wedding

  One Hot Texas Night

  Out of Control

  Party of Three

  Pretty Kitty


  Riding Out the Storm

  Rodeo Heat


  Scent of Danger


  Seductive Illusion

  Shadow of the Hawk

  Silent Hunters


  Slapping Leather

  Something Blue

  Something Borrowed

  Stark Naked


  Summer Spice




  Teaching Molly

  The Bargain

  The Edge of Morning

  Touch of Magic

  Training Amber

  Trouble at the Treble T

  Trouble in Cowboy Boots

  Unconditional Surrender

  Until Midnight

  Until the Dawn

  Until Twilight

  Visions of Darkness

  Where Danger Hides

  Sparks Fly

  Sparks in Texas, book 1

  by Mari Carr

  Sparks Fly

  Copyright 2014 Mari Carr

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  “Well, look what the cat dragged in. This is an unexpected surprise. Didn’t know Maris’ biggest, baddest lawman was planning to stop by tonight. Where’s Annie?”

  Lieutenant Evan Sparks claimed a seat at the counter and smiled at his cousin, Macie. He’d left work a little later than normal and had almost been home when he found his cop car making an illegal U-turn in the middle of Sagebrush Lane to come to Sparks Barbeque instead. The restaurant had been in his family for three generations and it felt more like home sometimes than his actual house.

  He’d been depressed all day and he needed some advice. He could count on straight-shooting Macie to lay it all out for him.

  Evan shrugged. “She’s at home, I guess.”

  Macie narrowed her eyes. “You guess?”

  He glanced at his watch. It was almost six-thirty. Quitting time at the bank, where his wife Annie was a loan officer, was at five o’clock. “Yeah. She’ll be home by now.”

  Macie reached into
the cooler and pulled out a Heineken. She popped the cap and slid it across the counter to him. “And you’re here. Looking like someone shot your dog. Did you two have a fight or something?”

  He shook his head. He and Annie rarely fought. At least, not with words. Instead, there was a tension hovering in the air so thickly these days that sometimes Evan thought it would almost be a relief to break it up with some screaming. However, they couldn’t do that because they’d both be yelling at the wrong person. No one was to blame for what was making their lives together so unbearable.

  Macie looked around the restaurant. Their cousins, Jeannette and Sydney, would be in the kitchen cooking, while Macie’s mom Stella and their Uncle TJ were serving dinner and chatting with a large table of patrons in the corner.

  The general consensus in Maris, Texas, was that the Sparks family made the greatest barbeque in the world. Countless entrepreneurs and food critics had found their way to Maris in he hopes of bottling the sauce or creating a chain of Sparks restaurants. The family had turned down every offer, dedicated to maintaining quality over mass-producing something that wouldn’t live up to their standards.

  Macie always manned the bar, since she was damn easy to talk to and made one hell of a Bloody Mary. She had a bubbly personality and an incredible memory. Evan suspected she knew the drink of choice of every single person who had ever walked into the restaurant.

  Once Macie was sure they could chat relatively undisturbed, she leaned over the counter and lowered her voice. “Okay, spill. What’s wrong, Evan?”

  He hesitated, though he wasn’t sure why. He’d come here because he needed someone to talk to and he trusted Macie. Evan wondered if it was embarrassment or pride holding him back.

  “You know, Mace, there’s only one thing I’ve ever been sure of in my life. One thing I’ve known about myself since I was young.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That I want to be a father. That’s the life I’ve always wanted to live. The feeling’s always been there.”

  Macie sighed softly, her eyes filled with compassion. “Still no luck?”

  He shook his head miserably. Evan and Annie had married when they were in their early thirties, both well established in their careers. They’d planned to start a family immediately, hoping for a honeymoon baby. Everyone in town knew they were anxious to become parents and in those early days, very few weeks passed when someone hadn’t asked if they were expecting yet. Then the months turned into a year and that year extended into another. With the passage of time, people stopped inquiring, and actually tried to avoid making eye contact with him and Annie anytime the subject of babies came up.

  “I know the doctor said there was nothing medically wrong, but have you and Annie considered talking to someone else?”

  “We have.”

  Macie seemed surprised by Evan’s admission. He didn’t blame her. She’d been his confidant for most of his life. Maybe it was strange for him to be so close to a female cousin who was several years older than him, but even when they were younger, Macie had felt like a kindred spirit. “When?”

  “We drove to Austin a few months ago to see a specialist.”


  “And Dr. Bryan was right. There’s no medical reason why we can’t conceive, so the specialist gave us some tricks to try. None of them are working.”

  “So adopt.” It was an answer Macie had offered countless time in the past two years.

  “You know I’d do that in a New York minute, but Annie really wants to have a baby. She doesn’t want to stop trying yet.”

  Macie smiled sadly. “None of this is news, Evan. What’s wrong? Why are you here, sweet pea?”

  He took a drink of his beer, then he stared at the bottle, unable to hold Macie’s gaze. Then he heard the words that had been trapped inside him for well over a year falling out.

  “I’m fucking done in, Mace. I’m tired. Sex is completely regimented. We’re on this schedule. I’m all but punching a goddamn time clock in the bedroom. It’s hurting my marriage. I love Annie. Really love her, but we’re just so tense. Every month when we find out she’s still not pregnant, I hold her while she cries and tell her it will be okay. But what if it’s not? What if those words are a lie and it’s just another way I’m failing her?”

  Macie reached out and took his hand, waiting until he raised his eyes to look at her. “You aren’t failing her. Don’t say that. Don’t even think it.”

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  Macie squeezed his hand. “Everything happens for a purpose and in its own time. Can I make a suggestion?”

  Evan nodded. Her advice was the reason he’d come. He was out of ideas and running on empty. He needed someone to point him in the right direction.

  “Stop trying.”

  He frowned. Hadn’t she been listening? He and Annie wanted to be parents. They wanted to have a baby of their own. “Macie—”

  “It’s time to put the baby thing aside and focus on your marriage, Evan. I’m not saying you and Annie should stop trying to get pregnant, but don’t schedule sex or read charts about ovulation times or have Annie stand on her head for twenty minutes afterward or whatever other voodoo shit y’all have been trying.”

  Evan laughed. “You think the standing on her head thing would work?”

  Macie shook her head and snorted. “I’ll bet you twenty dollars Annie is sitting at home feeling like she’s failing you.”

  The thought bothered Evan more than he cared to admit. “That’s ridiculous.”

  “She’d say the same thing to you, and you’re both right. It is. You and Annie are a solid couple. You always have been. Don’t fuck that up. So here’s my solution. It’s a holiday weekend. Y’all should put it to good use.”

  “I think you’re forgetting I’m a cop and the words ‘Fourth of July’ in this town are synonymous with ‘party ’til you’re stupid’. I’ll be patrolling the streets, arresting drunk drivers.”

  Macie frowned. “Maris isn’t that big a town and most of the drunks know to stay put once they got a snoot full. Besides, everybody and their brother will be down by the lake, dancing on the beach then passing out in tents and cabins. You’ve got some seniority at the department. Take the early shift. Give the rookies the later one. It’ll be good experience for them.”

  Evan admitted she had a good point. He’d been with the Maris police force for eight years. And though the Fourth typically included lots of heavy partying, he could count on one hand the number of drunken arrests he’d made during the holiday weekend—be it driving under the influence, idiots picking fights, or one fella pissing in the fountain in the middle of town.

  “Well...” He couldn’t think of a good reason not to ask for some time off, except lately, work had been his escape from the stress at home.

  Macie must have sensed she was wearing him down. “We’re closing the restaurant tomorrow and taking our meat on the road, setting up a big spread like we always do. You and Annie need to come eat, drink, listen to Tyson’s band and then watch the fireworks with all of us. Let’s face it. One night with our crazy family is sure to make you forget your worries. Kick up your heels and shake the rest of this crap off for a little while. The two of you need to give yourselves a break.”

  It was good advice. His thoughts had been consumed with worry and fear of what the future held for so long, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d relaxed and simply lived in the moment. Macie was right. If he and Annie didn’t take a big step back, they were in danger of destroying a good marriage. He loved his wife more than anything and the idea of losing her felt like a hard punch to his gut.

  It was time to reignite the romance, time for them to remember what it felt like to be in love, without a care in the world. It was time to make the sparks fly again.

  Chapter One

  Evan glanced at the clock on the dashboard of his car and sighed. He only had a few more minutes left on his shift. Traffic had been steady most of the d
ay as revelers headed to the lake to celebrate the Fourth, but it had slowed down in the last hour or so. He figured most everyone had already gathered by the lake and had started digging into the barbeque ribs Sparks laid out every year. His mouth watered just thinking about them.

  He’d taken Macie’s advice and managed to talk his captain into letting him get off early. He had made plans to meet Annie at the lake around six for some barbeque and dancing.

  For the first time in months, he was actually looking forward to seeing Annie, rather than worrying about heading home to find her either waiting to rush him into the bedroom because it was a good time for sex, or upset because she’d gotten her period again.

  It was date night, and he was determined they were going to have fun. They were going to turn things around this weekend. Get back on track.

  He was just about to pull onto the road when he saw a familiar car speeding by, going way faster than the forty-five mph limit. He turned on his lights and followed, grinning at the chase.

  His wife had always had a lead foot. They’d actually met when he pulled her over for speeding.

  Evan caught up with her car on the outskirts of town. She had the top down on the convertible, enjoying the last of the day’s sunshine. The weather was surprisingly mild for July in Texas, the temperature not creeping much above eighty-five all day. In Maris, any summer day that didn’t touch a hundred was a cool one.

  She waved when she spotted him, not bothering to pull over or slow down. Obviously she thought his pursuit was a joke. They were only a few miles away from the turn off to Harper’s Lake, where they’d planned to meet up.

  Annie’s family owned a cabin on the lake that they used on weekends and holidays. However, her parents were out of town, visiting Annie’s brother in Seattle this Fourth of July, so he and Annie had decided to take advantage of the empty cabin, packing overnight bags and staying there after the fireworks. It saved them driving back into town later and added to the element of romance. They could almost pretend they were away on vacation if they weren’t in their own bedroom.

  As Annie continued to fly down the road, a wicked plan began to play out in Evan’s mind. It would mean missing the barbeque, but it would be worth it. The more road they ate up, the more Evan was convinced he’d discovered the perfect way to rejuvenate and reignite the passion in his marriage.


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