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Lily's Mistake

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by Pamela Ann

  Lily’s Mistake

  By: Pamela Ann

  Lily’s Mistake

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without a written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright © 2013 by Pamela Ann


  I just want to thank my beta readers, Tia Marie, Dawn Martens and Cami Hesnault for being so awesome! This novel wouldn’t be the same without you guys.

  To my family, thank you for everything.

  To my two white puffy puffballs, Sugar and Cookie, thank you for staying up late and keeping me company.

  For my mom,

  Thank you.


  Eighteen Years Ago

  “Are you ready yet?” I call out from the bush I’m hiding behind. I don’t want Drake to get a peek at me while I’m getting ready.

  “All set!”

  I’m a few yards away from the white gazebo. Fixing my wildflower crown, I stand and slowly walk towards Drake’s line of sight. My hands tighten around the assortment of flowers bundled in my hands, but my shakiness vanishes when my eyes meet Drake’s. He’s gazing at me sheepishly as he waits for my approach.

  I fight the urge to just run up to him; I know I shouldn’t, though. Weddings are supposed to be savored. Fairytales are forever and I have all the time in the world to get there.

  I reach the few steps of the gazebo and almost falter going up them when Drake whispers, “You look beautiful.”

  I give him a toothy smile in return.

  We are finally standing side by side when he asks, “How do we do this? Do we just say forever and ever, then that’s it?”

  “Gosh, I don’t know. How did they do it at your cousin’s wedding yesterday?”

  Drake bites his lips as he thinks it through. “I don’t remember much, but I can try, I guess.”


  He clears his throat and speaks, “I, Drake Tatum, take Lily Alexander forever and a day. I promise to give her flowers and kisses forever and ever until I die.” I giggle when Drake mentions kisses. “It’s your turn now, Lil. Just follow what I said.”

  I nod and clear my throat. Smiling, I repeat his words. “I, Lily Alexander, take Drake forever. I promise to give him kisses and share my Reese’s peanut buttercups once a week forever and ever until I die.”

  “That was not what I said, Lil! Now you just ruined it!”

  I giggle again. “Drake! Just stop it. Aren’t you supposed to kiss me now?” He suddenly looks nervous.

  “I guess,” he murmurs.

  When I see his face closing in on mine, I close my eyes and wait for his kiss. I catch my breath as his lips touch mine. It’s short and sweet, but it seals my fate; I will forever be Drake’s girl.

  When I open my eyes and blink a few times, I see Drake grinning at me. “There! Now we’re married!”

  “Kids! Wedding’s over! It’s snack time,” his mother, Patricia, interrupts us.

  When we pass by her, she laughs at our silliness. Once she piles our plates with sandwiches and cookies, she looks amusedly back at us. “So, how does it feel to be married?”

  “I love it!” I exclaim.



  “How did your job interview go honey?” my mother’s soft voice asks on the other end of the phone. “It looks promising. They said they’ll call me in two weeks,” I say as I maneuver my car out of the parking lot.

  I’ve been job hunting for the last three months with no prospects at all. I got fired from my last secretarial job when Mrs. Donald caught Mr. Donald trying to seduce me. Allan Donald is a true gentleman… that is, he was before his usual cocktail concoction of gin and brandy for breakfast… then he became a little comfortable. It wasn’t the first time I had slapped his hand away, but this time, Carla Donald was there to witness it and fired me on the spot.

  “I called because Patricia’s back in town and wants you to join us for lunch at The Four Seasons.”

  Patricia Tatum is my godmother as well as my mother’s best friend since they were in diapers. She married Hugh Tatum, a very well-known import/export business man who is also a major financial backer for Hollywood blockbuster films.

  “What time? It’s almost noon.” I glance back at the clock on the dashboard.

  “Well, yes, dear, we need you to meet us right now.” My mom sounds a tad urgent.

  “Sure. See you in a bit.” It’s almost lunchtime and my stomach growls.

  A simple lunch at The Four Seasons would just be super!

  What could possibly go wrong?

  My appetite, apparently, as my godmother announces the reason behind this sudden lunch date.

  I blink a few times, taken aback from what has just spouted off her rouge-tinted lips. “Excuse me? Did you just say Drake’s thinking of marriage?” I look at Patricia like she’s just offended me.

  Well, I suppose anything that involves Drake I would find offensive. Good or bad.

  “Yes, and to a monstrous, gold-digging, horrible woman!” Patricia dabs the sides of her eyes. The woman was a complete mess when I joined them five minutes prior and she has only slightly calmed in the time since.

  Her words sink in, slowly and start gnawing inside me. Drake Tatum’s planning on marriage? No shit?

  I don’t know if I should be happy or cry a freaking dam of tears to that news. Drake Tatum used to be the center of my universe. He was my first love and the first man I ever made love to… as well as the very same man who walked away like I was diseased the very day after he took my virginity.

  Drake’s two years older than me which means he’s now engaged at the age of twenty-eight. Isn’t that a bit early for a well-known ‘man whore’ to marry?

  Oh yeah, Drake’s long line of women are quite known around Hollywood. He dates up and coming actresses, models, musicians and so forth, his notoriety is legendary. He’s working alongside his father. After spending a lot of his time studying in Columbia, then staying around New York after he graduated. He comes to Los Angeles periodically from what I’ve gathered from my mother and Patricia. Not to mention, what I know from Google… I couldn’t help searching for the man every once in a while.

  “…would that work for you, Dear?” my mom, Hope, asks. Both women looked at me like I had the answer for salvation.

  “Huh? Sorry my mind went off somewhere…” Yeah, somewhere that shouldn’t have Drake in it. He’s the epitome of a player; an insensitive jerk and a two-timing prick to boot! The absolute worst of the worst.

  “I was asking if you would be Drake’s personal assistant for a while. His recent one just quit because his fiancée, Shannon, drove the poor girl crazy.”


  “Me? I don’t want to work with Drake. He and I hate each other for crying out loud!” Everybody knows it. I haven’t even laid eyes on him since I was eighteen and I want to keep it that way.

  “Please, Lily, my son’s future is on the line here. All I need for you to do is report to me about Shannon and make her a little jealous.” Patricia stops me before I can object. “I’ve met her and she’s nothing but fake. I know you and Drake don’t get along; however, please, can’t you do this? Hugh and I are desperate here.”

  “Even Hugh hates her?” How is that possible? Hugh loves everyone, as long
as they’re not against him in the business arena; he’s all hugs and kisses.

  Patricia nods. “Will you do this for us honey? You’re like a daughter to me, Lil. I would appreciate it if you could lend us a hand.”

  Man, she used the ‘you’re like my daughter’ line. How can I say no to that? If I ever had a second mom, it would be Patricia. I did grow up with them treating me like I was their own. Hugh and my father became close over the years as well. My father’s death when I was seventeen only made our bond with the Tatum’s even stronger.

  I finally concede. “Okay, I’ll do it for you and Hugh.”

  Patricia gets up and hugs me. “Thank you, Lil! I knew I could count on you!” She kisses my forehead and squeezes my hand before going back to her chair.

  “Now all you have to do is try not to kill each other before fixing this problem with Shannon, hmmm?” My mother quirks her dark eyebrows at me.

  “We shall see,” I murmur.

  I spend another hour with them, but skip the spa ritual that Patricia and Mom always indulge in after lunch; wanting to be alone. They do this once or twice a week and won’t miss me, anyway. My thoughts keep wandering around Drake; ever since Patricia mentioned him, I have been having a hard time getting him off my mind. Drake and I grew up together. We were inseparable and I worshipped the ground that he walked on from about the age of eight, I think. I suppose I loved him so much that I didn’t see any of his flaws back then. Even at that young age, Drake was already a handsome kid. His clear, grey eyes never failed to capture and hold me in a trance.

  Everything changed the summer after I turned eighteen, though.


  Eight Years Ago…

  Playa del Carmen, México

  “Are you two sure that it’ll be okay for us to stay overnight in Cozumel without you?” Hugh asks both Drake and me.

  “I don’t mind staying here; I want to go to the beach party tonight.” I smile at Hugh and Patricia.

  I met this guy, Ricardo, last night at the local bar. He invited me to a beach party tonight and I’m so going. Drake was always talking on the phone to his new girlfriend, anyway; he’s been ignoring me mostly the entire time. We’ve been here for four days and he’s only asked me to swim with him once. ONCE!

  Back in the day, he and I used to do everything together. I guess Columbia University changed him.

  “We’re good here, Mom and Dad. You guys have fun!” Drake hugs each of his parents and they kiss him back before waving goodbye.

  I miss my dad at the oddest times. It used to be all six of us vacationing here, but now it’s just four of us. Mom decided at the last minute to join her friend in Paris for a whole month. It’s only been a little over a year since my dad’s passing, but I still miss him like mad. I guess this hole in my life will stay there forever and I will never be quite the same.

  I bite my lip and start to walk towards the kitchen when Drake speaks, “You’re going alone to a beach party tonight?”

  Oh, now he’s talking to me? “No. I have a date. In fact, he’s picking me at four, so that leaves me another hour,” I announce over my shoulder and continue walking towards the kitchen.

  I get a mango from the fruit bowl on the granite kitchen counter and grab a knife when Drake joins me, sitting on the counter next to the chopping board.

  “Who’s your date?” I can feel his eyes following me.

  Why the sudden concern?

  Peeling off the mango skin with quick ease, I immediately chop it in half before I respond, “His name’s Ricardo, why?”

  “I don’t want you going on dates, Lil. You’re too innocent for those things.” He takes a piece of mango and pops it into his lush mouth.

  My eyes are glued to his pink lips. His Adam’s apple bobs and I begin to study his masculine neck. Everything about him is completely masculine, truly sexy. And that hot, handsome face, where do I begin with that? I want him so bad, but he never notices me that way. I guess I’m not pretty or sexy enough for him.

  Well, I’m tired of waiting for him to come to his senses, anyway.

  Yeah, I’ve been waiting! It’s obvious to anyone with eyes that I adore and love Drake. I’ve declined each guy who asked me out all through high school because there was never a doubt in my mind that I’ll only ever want Drake. To me, no one else comes close. I even had enough balls to throw myself at him during New Year’s Eve, but he pushed me off.

  “Stop drinking, Lily. Being a slut doesn’t suit you.” Said by the very man, himself, when he rejected me.

  Too bad! Tonight, I will let loose.

  Tonight, I’m finally getting rid of my virginity; thank you very much. The chosen man is the hot Brazilian, Ricardo Belmonte!

  I shrug. “Not for long, I won’t!” I saunter in my hot pink, bikini clad body towards the open patio doors, sit on one of the cushioned loungers and enjoy the view with my mangoes.

  “Hold on, Lily. You can’t be serious, right? You barely know this Ricardo dude! You can’t just do that!” Drake sits across from me only wearing his surfer shorts.

  He doesn’t even bother checking out my almost naked body. See what I mean? He’s immune to me. I shrug, hurt. Whatever, life moves on.

  I try to train my eyes away from those perfect washboard abs and those metallic grey eyes. Why does he have to be so fucking hot??? His dirty blonde hair even has that sexy out-of-the-bed look. I guess it’s just my luck that I had to grow up with the most handsome guy I have ever laid eyes on. A guy who doesn’t clearly feel the same about me, but I’ve decided to start living. Eighteen is the start of self-discovery and I plan to do just that.

  “Whatever, Drake. Is that all?” I take a bite from a mango slice and lick my fingers. I love me some mangoes, I think happily.

  “No, it’s not ALL. It’s a stupid idea, Lil. You’re not stupid, so don’t do stupid things that you will soon regret.”

  I sit up from the lounger and face him. “You’re one to talk! What’s your problem anyway? Now you’re talking to me? You think I haven’t noticed how you’ve tried to ignore me the entire time we’ve been here? I’m not an idiot, Drake. I told you I was sorry about what happened during New Year’s, but for some reason, you still feel weird about it.” I screech. When I glance at him, his eyes are on my breasts, but he immediately drags them away and stares at the sea instead. Sigh.

  “This is not about New Year’s, Lil. You know what? Do whatever you want!” He sounds angry as he gets up, leaving for the beach. His well sculpted back and bottom are even gorgeous!

  Great! I really need to get over it!

  It’s high time Drake Tatum moves out of my mind and hopefully out of my heart.

  “You look very beautiful, Lily, mi belleza!” Ricardo purrs. We are at the restaurant we agreed to meet up at. The party is close by and he wants us to grab something to eat before partying it up.

  “Gracias, Ricardo.” I kiss his tanned cheek. He leads us inside the restaurant where we are immediately escorted by the hostess to a table overlooking the breathtakingly beautiful Caribbean Sea.

  I don’t consider myself in the ‘knockout’ department, but some guys find me appealing. I’m five-seven, have long, dark brown hair, amber/hazel eyes, but I’m quite lacking in the breast department with my B-cups. The only redeemable asset I have is my perky bottom. My lithe, toned body is thanks to my night time swim routine and my dedication to Pilates.

  We hit the beach party right around six and the sun is setting beautifully in the backdrop. Spanish raggaeton music is blaring loud on the speakers. I have already had two strawberry margaritas and am loving the carefree beach ambiance.

  Ricardo and I go over to the bar and he orders four shots of Patron.

  “To mi belleza and to your beautiful vacation in Mexico!” Ricardo holds up his shot glass.

  “Cheers, Ricky Ricardo!” I hoot back and take the shots back to back. The Patron burns smoothly as it goes down my throat and into my stomach. “Ahh!” I shiver.

  “Come on,
time to party!”

  Ricardo hugs my hips as we grind to the music. I’m pretty much plastered, but I don’t care much because I’m letting go and finally having fun!

  I giggle when Ricardo’s lips find the back of my ear. “You smell good, Belleza.”

  “GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!” Drake yanks me off Ricardo in an instant. I blink a few times. My hazy, drunk-filled state confuses me for a second.


  “Hey! She’s my girl. Go look for a different one to tango with, no? She’s mine!” a drunken Ricky Ricardo says.

  “Lily’s always been mine.”

  “Mierda!” Ricardo cusses before he leaves for the bar.

  “Hey!” I call out to him, but Drake drags me away from the party and stomps up the shoreline that leads to the villa. It’s half a mile away and I’ll be damned if I’m walking that far drunk.

  “What the FUCK Drake! I’m going back to the party!” I try to detach my arm from his tight hold, but he holds me closer.

  “Let me go, Drake!”

  “Don’t fight me off Lily. You’re drunk!” We stop walking as he glares at me with those steel eyes. Shit, the moonlight makes him look like a dark, hot… sexy panther.

  Earth to Lily, hello? I swallow. Get a grip Lil, seriously!

  “What are you doing, Drake?” I whisper to him, searching the depths of his ice grey eyes.

  “We’ll talk about it once we get to the villa,” he says, turning on his heel and starting to walk again.

  I look back at the party and realize that we’ve been walking for quite some time now. In the distance, the beach is alight with the full moon. I stop to take in the scene and try to calm my hammering heart. Why is Drake acting out of character? He’s never acted this way.


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