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Vegas Bites

Page 12

by Dunbar, Natalie; Glass, Seressia; Jeffries, J. M. ; Banks, L. A.

  He’d noticed her? What a surprise! Normally she thought she just blended in next to her more flamboyant pack sisters. “With the tournament and Esther and Julius’s farewell party, all I want to do at the end of the day is fall into bed. I don’t have any excess energy to burn.”

  “I should be glad you don’t come. The way you move just whips everyone into a frenzy and makes my job a lot harder.”

  “I’m sorry.” She had no idea she had such an effect. She just liked to dance. The thought almost made her uncomfortable, but she did like the fact of him watching her. More than she should.

  “Don’t apologize. I like watching you.”

  This man was very appealing. He had a way of delivering a line that made her blush again. She sniffed delicately and could tell he was telling the truth. She could smell the hint of attraction on him. Her nose told her, he was interested in her, not what she was. Good, she hated human’s who wanted to be were groupies.

  “Don’t be embarrassed,” he continued. “Women usually dance for two reasons at a night club. Either they dance to impress, or they dance to entice.”

  Shocked, she needed to defend herself. “I go for different reasons.”

  He planted his elbow on the table and placed his chin on his fist. “Then why?”

  “It’s the only place I feel like I can let loose. I don’t have to be me.” A chance to leave her professional self at the door was priceless to her.

  “I don’t understand.”

  In for a penny…in for a pound. My God he was easy to talk to. He just had an aura that made a girl want to spill all of her secrets. This was not good. Or was it. “There are different Solanges. One Solange who has to be gracious, another has to be on top of everything and the third Solange has to keep the peace.” She didn’t always do a very good job. Uncertain how the last statement had slipped out, she snapped her mouth shut. She had always been the peacemaker in the pack and frequently grew tired of everyone’s demands on her.

  He dug into his food, and after a few seconds said, “I know how you feel. I have five sisters. Each one more beautiful than the next.” He held up his hand. “I’m not bragging, but someone had to referee.”

  No wonder he knew how to talk to a women. His sisters were probably gorgeous, because he was gorgeous. The tingle in her arms expanded up and down her spine. He was smooth and she liked his delivery. She couldn’t remember being so attracted to a were male, much less a human male.

  “I’m doing a short shift tonight,” he said after he took sipped his coffee. “I get off at ten. How about a late dinner so I can see you get a proper meal before you go off to bed after your energy sucking day.”

  For a second, Solange was too surprised to respond. Her heart started racing. Why would a sexy man like him want to be with her? She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been propositioned so blatantly and so sweetly. Simone Temple entered the café and started toward her, the waves of anger bouncing of her.

  “Yes,” Solange said in a loud voice, “I’d love to have dinner with you.” Maybe too loud.

  Two beta males got up and stalked by them, their gazes flicking between her and Maitland challenge plain written on their faces. Simone stopped, her mouth forming a surprised O then and held up the thumbs up sign. Then she veered off and plopped down to speak with Laurel. Solange arranged her knife and fork, hoping to hide her nervousness. “Chef Marcel is making Beef Wellington tonight.” She stopped; embarrassed, remembering he was a bouncer and probably couldn’t afford a fine dining restaurant. “Never mind. We can go someplace else. You chose.” She left the words, affordable, unsaid.

  He leaned toward her. “Julius and Esther pay me a lot of money. I can afford Chef Marcel.” He grinned at her and stood, his tray in hand. “Wear some amber tonight. It looks beautiful against your skin.”

  His words were said low and sexy. Their meaning undeniable. He was attracted to her. And she felt the niggling pulse of desire curling in her stomach. Heat raced through her. She nodded and grinned.

  “Tonight.” He walked away and she watched him.

  Simone slid into the spot vacated by Jarred. “My, my, my, big sister.” The fact the Simone always called Solange big sister made her feel good. “He is one tasty man. I’m almost jealous.”

  “I’m allowed to have dates with regular guys?”

  Simone chuckled. “When they look like him, yes. Look at that ass.”

  Solange twisted around to watch Jarred walk toward the exit. His rear end was two perfect moons moving in rhythm. She bit her bottom lip to stop the sigh. “It is a work of art.”

  “Not a bad piece to hang on any girl’s wall,” Simone said with a sigh.

  Solange didn’t want to talk about him with anyone. In a strange way she didn’t understand, she wanted to keep him to herself. “Were you looking for me?”

  “Yes, there’s a problem.”

  She couldn’t think of a moment when she didn’t have a problem. “Don’t let it be with the food.”

  Simone shook her head. “Nope.”

  “The entertainment?”


  “The tournament?”

  Simone shook her head again. “Not the tournament. I need you to come play good cop. I’m the next big-thing, my shit-don’t-stink, Danny Sawyer is here. Somehow, this little no-neck pipsqueak thinks he gets the Presidential Suite just because he decides to show up without a reservation, and insists we move Mr. Billionaire Vampire my-shit-don’t-even-move-through-the-plumbing-into-thebasement. You need to go handle him, because mom and dad are going to eat him and his entire bimbo entourage. Then we’d all die from silicone poisoning.”

  Solange rubbed the side of her cheeks. She hated having to be Little Miss Suck-Up. “Tell the duffus we’ll be happy to comp his room. He shows up unexpectedly, because he knows he’ll get free stuff.”

  “Can’t we send him to the Luxor. I’ll pay for the limo. In fact, I’ll pay for everything.” Solange patted her hand. “You already know we don’t do business that way. Why aren’t you handling him?”

  Simone pushed dark strands of hair out of her face. “Because last time I almost took a chunk of meat out of his thigh. It all started because I insulted his teeny, weeny pecker.”

  “How can you insult something that doesn’t exist?” Simone simply grinned. “I’ll hurt him, and that won’t look good as front page news on some tabloid.”

  Solange pushed herself to her feet. “Then I guess I’m on.” She dumped her uneaten food into the trash, put the tray on top the trash bin, and headed for the reception area, Danny Sawyer and his unpredictable temper.

  Chef Marcel outdid himself. Jarred was a meat and potatoes kind of man, but the Beef Wellington was melt-in-his-mouth good. Solange enjoyed her food as well, though her beef was a lot bloodier than he liked. He wondered if it had been cooked at all. But then again, she was a werewolf, and she ate with relish. He discovered she was delightful company, even though she was the first werewolf he’d ever had a meal with. She was actually more human than he’d expected. Nor was he expecting how attracted he’d be to her. This was one of those times he hated his job. To get what he wanted, he had to use her. He hadn’t felt this dirty in a long time.

  “Why me?” Solange asked as the dinner plates were being removed. The waiter refilled her wine glass, and she took a sip.

  For a second he didn’t know how to answer her. Yes, she was a means to an end, but she was still a beautiful woman with a sad smile. And he wanted to make her happy, not just to get close to her. Everyone in the casino had told him she was kind, generous, and nurturing to all the casinos employees. Anyone who worked in the French Quarter knew, if you had a problem, Solange Warrick would make it better. What the fuck was Malcolm Temple’s problem to not want a woman like her? “You’re a beautiful woman. What man wouldn’t want to spend time with you?”

  She shook her head. “I think your motives go much deeper.”

  He leaned back in his high backed chair, studyin
g her. This woman was not a pushover. She may have this delicate air about her, but she was sharp, and he would have to work really hard to get her where he needed her. Part of him also wanted her to like him. Maybe it was time for him to unleash Mr. Suave on her. Or at least let her take control. If he wanted to turn her then he needed to know her. “I didn’t know I needed a reason other than the one that reminds me I’m a man and you’re a woman.”

  She threw back her head and laughed. “I’m not your usual type of woman.”

  Okay the laugh shot him down a notch. “I don’t know what you mean?”

  “I get furry. You don’t.”

  The wolf thing not with standing, she was every man’s type of woman. She was the kind of woman you wanted to come home to. Make a life with. Damn, that scared the shit out of him. Thinking these kinds of thoughts got good agents in trouble. He knew he had to focus on the job, but all he wanted was to get up close and personal with her in a way not involving clothes. He was shocked at himself even more for wanting to bed a werewolf. “What type do you think I like?”

  She studied him for several moments, her brown eyes seemed to be peering into is soul. “Fun-loving, no interest in commitment. I’m not saying you don’t like substance, but I think you don’t want anything too heavy.”

  Over the years, he’d concentrated totally on his career. He hadn’t had time to set up housekeeping and start a family. Black men in the FBI still had a lot of prove, and working most of his assignments undercover didn’t lead to commitment. Most women wouldn’t tolerate a man who could be gone months at a time. “I’ve been busy.”

  A graceful batwing eyebrow rose and trained those soulful eyes on him. “Doing what?”

  Okay lady break out the rubber hoses. Did she have any idea how hard it was to lie to her? Right now his attempt to lead her down the garden path was making him feel dirty like he was corrupting an angel. “Working.” He knew the answer was vague, but he hoped it worked.

  “You seem like an intelligent man, is a bouncer all you aspire to be.”

  He shrugged. “I like working at night.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.” She smiled, swirling her finger around her wine glass.

  She made him want to come clean and tell her everything up to and including a desire for her so strong he’d risk his job. He couldn’t tell his thoughts, but he still had to answer her question? He turned over several responses in his mind. “I don’t dislike being a bouncer.”

  Her nose twitched. “You’re lying.”

  Was she smelling him? Do lies stink? He was going to have to do some research on weres. He was so taken aback, he didn’t have a response. “What would you like me to say?”

  “Being a bouncer isn’t all you’re interested in.”

  The waiter brought Solange a slice cheesecake; she flashed a mega watt grin at the man. She didn’t order it.

  “Thank you. Bill. You know what I like.”

  Must be a standing order with her. Jarred was going to slip the waiter an extra twenty just because he had good timing. Hopefully the act of eating the cheesecake would distract her from her inquisition.

  “Well I’m waiting?” She said then raised the fork to her mouth.

  Sharpest tack in the drawer, his mother would say about her. His plan had failed, he thought. The sly smile on her full lips as she chewed told him she knew she’d outwitted him too. God, he liked this woman. “Okay, maybe I don’t like being a bouncer, but it’s gonna pay off.” Okay, he’d just let something slip, and he saw her eyes go sharp and focused. “If something better came alone, I’d jump on it.” Like a promotion back to D.C. field office.

  “You have an unusual way of phrasing it.”

  Okay, how did he salvage his slip? He smiled. “I got to meet you, didn’t I?”

  Again, she sniffed delicately, her nostrils flaring slightly. “You’re good, but don’t patronize me.” She shook her fork at him. “I’ve been in the people business a long time and can smell a lie from across the casino. “

  Okay, he thought. How do I get out of this? He leaned toward her. “Listen, we’re having a good time here. The wine is good, the food is outstanding and the company is totally and captivatingly delicious. Let’s not get into some of my emotional territory just now and ruin a good time. Let’s keep this evening light and fun.” He ended his speech, just keeping the pleading note out of his voice. “You have secrets and so do I.”

  “Fair enough. We’ll keep things light. I can do light.” She dug into her cheesecake again.

  He found himself enjoying watching her eat. She didn’t pick daintily at her food, but ate as though she hadn’t eaten in two weeks.

  Afterward, he took Solange for a walk down the strip. The French Quarter had originally been off by itself for many years, and the strip grown up to it. Instead of being a part of an almost slum, the casino was now in an area gradually up scaling to better and grander things.

  Solange swayed and bumped into him, sending his libido into overdrive. How could she be so beautiful, so sweet and delicate and be a werewolf. He didn’t ask her. But he couldn’t help a thrill of desire sweep through him at the danger she represented. He didn’t feel physically threatened, but detected a more subtle emotional kind of risk he wanted to explore.

  Despite the lateness, the strip was still alive with tourists heading toward wherever tourists went when they were being tourists. A kid in a black sweater and baggy pants gave Solange a blatant leer, and Jarred felt a spurt of anger. He wanted to slap the kid; instead, he held her hand possessively.

  The kid smirked at Jarred and turned away, grabbing the hand of a girl and moving off.

  The water show at the Bellagio started just as they approached. Solange leaned against the cement fence and cupped her face in her hands. Jarred couldn’t take his eyes from her. She was so beautiful, so poised, and so friendly for being what she was. The were packs were known for their aggression, and here he was taking a midnight walk with one. Everything seemed so normal.

  “It’s a beautiful night,” Solange said when the water show ended. “But it’s time for me to be getting back.” Jarred didn’t want the night to end. “It’s a long walk back, how about a taxi ride?” he asked, though she didn’t seem one bit winded.

  “Works for me.” A slight breeze fluffed her hair about her face, and she gave him a look that sent his libido into overdrive. The gentle scent of lavender invaded him. He used to think lavender was an old-fashioned scent old ladies used, but on her it smelled like desire. He wanted her. He didn’t care she was a wolf. Right now, all he saw was a beautiful woman he needed to get into his bed no matter what the consequences.

  “Then let’s get back.” He raised a hand and hailed a taxi. And, suddenly, he was more than anxious to see what developed next.

  Solange couldn’t believe she’d accepted an invitation to walk with this man. Was she crazy? She didn’t need the complication. But she couldn’t seem to keep her desire for him under control.

  What was it about him? They’d shared a meal and some witty conversation. She’d done exactly the same thing with plenty of men over the years. But she couldn’t stop the feeling he wanted more. He seemed so intent on seducing her. For some strange reason, he knew all the right buttons to push. It made her feel so wanted.

  The taxi deposited them at the front door of the casino. Jarred paid the driver and the taxi roared off.

  “Walk me inside.” She couldn’t believe she uttered the words. She was never so aggressive.

  He slid warm fingers around her elbow and guided her into the casino.

  Inside the tournament was still in full swing. This round wouldn’t stop until it stopped and had narrowed the field a little bit more. Music blasted from the nightclub. Though the casino wasn’t as crowded as it usually was, there was still a respectable crown.

  At the center of the casino, the glass case exhibiting the twenty million was empty. The money went off display at midnight and came back at six a.m. But the
empty case still caused curiosity. A group of people clustered around the empty case, staring at it as they talked. Solange figured they were all dreaming about what they could do with so much money.

  The tournament had been a logistics nightmare, but Solange had mastered it and pulled it together. She felt a sense of pride of all the work she’d done. Her job as the Temples’ assistant was to get done what they wanted done. And with the popularity of Texas Hold ‘em, they had gambled on filling the casino with not only players, but also guests. The hotel was filled to the brim, and for the first time an almost friendly cooperation between the vampires, the werewolves and assorted other creatures of the night had formed. With humans in the mix, the situation was more volatile, but nothing bad had happened, and Solange hoped nothing bad would happen.

  At the bank of elevators leading to the family apartments, Solange turned to wish Jarred good night, but he forestalled her with a kiss. His lips on hers were warm and soft, and she swayed into him, her arms going around his neck. His breath fanned lightly across her cheek and he smelled of the night air and cinnamon. She thought about all the lonely nights she spent in her bed and knew she wanted him to go up with her.

  The elevator doors opened, and he started to turn away. Solange grabbed his hand and pulled him in after her. They had the elevator to themselves. She found her eyes drawn to him. He looked at her as though she were the most precious thing in the world.

  When her eyes came to rest on the hard ridge in his pants, sensual heat rose inside her, and her stomach somersaulted. God, she wanted him. She closed her eyes for a second, reliving the intense pleasure of his hands on her body, and his lips on hers. Jarred Maitland embodied every fantasy created in her love-starved imagination. She was crazy for going outside the boundaries of the pack, but realized she could not get away from him. She didn’t want to escape. She couldn’t wait for the elevator to open on her floor. When it finally did, she almost pulled him down the corridor to her apartment, opened the door with her keycard and pulled him inside.

  When the door closed, Jarred braced his large hands on either side of her shoulders. Solange curled her hands into fists, forcing them to her side, not trusting herself to touch him. She inhaled the subtle, woodsy notes of his soap mixed with the heat of his body. She remembered the salty taste on his skin, the texture of his smooth flesh, and the hardness of his muscles. Shivering, she pressed harder against the door. “Tell me you want me.”


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