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Time for a Duke

Page 6

by Ruth J. Hartman

  The driver, like Sarah, was someone Charles trusted, and the large sum of money he'd paid the man also helped ensure his secrecy. Charles stepped from the carriage to the ground and smoothed out his gloves. He walked the few steps toward Izzy and held out his hand.

  "Isabella, you truly are a vision."

  Izzy felt heat rise from her neck to her cheeks. "Thank you, Charles. You're most kind."

  He raised one corner of his mouth and wrapped her arm in his. "Come. Let's hurry to meet Uncle Sebastian and then on to the ball where you will surely render the lords and ladies of the ton speechless."

  Izzy giggled, feeling every bit the princess, which she even kind of liked. Never having been fond of wearing dresses, especially dresses of this magnitude, she found it not altogether unpleasant. But then, she was sure it had everything to do with the way Charles was staring at her, one side of his mouth pulled up in a smile. There was something about the gesture that tugged at her heart.

  Charles placed his large hands on Izzy's waist to assist her into the carriage. Even through the thick material of the petticoats and dress, she felt the heat from his gloved hands. If it were any hotter, sparks would shoot from her body. The nearness of him caused her to perspire in the most interesting places. Even her skin felt ultra-sensitive when she was this close to him.

  Once seated, Izzy held her breath as the driver took them the short distance around to the front of the house. When she blew out her breath, it emerged as a tiny white cloud. How would Charles' uncle react to her? Would Izzy be able to pull this off? It would be a good trial run before the ton. She held on to the edge of the seat as the carriage bounced. Cold air filtered through the open windows causing her to scrunch further down in the seat. Even though she was grateful for the gloves she wore, it didn't stop her from missing her wool mittens from home. If only Charles could sit with her and keep her warm.

  The carriage stopped at the outside of the front gate. A short walkway led to the front door. Wasn't it strange she'd been here two weeks and had never even seen the outside of the house? It almost seemed as if it would be her first visit here. Now if they could just convince the uncle it was true.

  Charles got out first, reaching up to assist her and help her step down. Izzy would let him do that all day if it meant they could be in such close contact. Taking her hand in his, he led her through the gate, along the walk, and up the steps to the front door. He opened it, his other hand now reassuringly on the small of her back.

  "Wait in here, Isabella. I will only be a moment." He guided her to the den just off the foyer.

  Izzy nodded, too afraid to do much else. She stood, feeling lost and alone. With Charles not standing near her, it felt as if a piece of her had broken off and now floated in the breeze. How had a man whom she'd just met two weeks previously become so important to her life?

  "Ah, here we are." Charles winked at Isabella, as he preceded another man into the den. "Uncle Sebastian, this is Lady Isabella Hodgkin."

  The older man beamed and then frowned. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Isabella."

  Izzy held out her hand as she had been instructed. Sebastian bent down, taking her hand, raising it slightly to kiss the back of her glove.

  Uh-oh. What had Izzy done wrong? She hadn't even spoken a word, yet Charles' uncle seemed somehow displeased. When he released her glove, she grasped her hands together, resisting the urge to wring them.

  Sebastian pivoted toward Charles. "Nephew, it is indeed a pleasure to meet Lady Isabella. I was under the impression, however, her surname was Russell."

  Charles feigned a frown. "No, Uncle, I'm afraid you are mistaken."

  Sebastian lowered his eyebrows. "On the contrary, Charles, I distinctly remember our conversation."

  Charles leaned toward Izzy. "Lady Isabella, if you would excuse my uncle and I, we must have a word."

  "Certainly." After uttering the word, Izzy realized the man would now know she was not English."

  Sebastian whipped his head around toward her, eyebrows raised. Charles grasped Sebastian's arm, gently tugging. "Uncle, a word?"

  Sebastian unlocked his gaze from Izzy and switched it to his nephew. "Pardon? Oh, yes, of course. Please excuse us, Lady Isabella."

  Izzy nodded, afraid to utter anything else. When they moved into the foyer, she hurried toward the wall, just able to make out their conversation.

  "Charles, what is the meaning of this? I distinctly remember you telling me her name was Russell."

  "Uncle Sebastian, I beg to differ. The day we had that conversation, you'd had a lot to…"



  There was a pause and then a clearing of someone's throat.

  "Oh. I see. Yes, well, I'm sure you're right, then, Charles. Please excuse my blunder."

  "It's all right, Uncle. I'm sure Lady Isabella didn't even notice." Four footsteps toward the den propelled Izzy back toward the middle of the room. When the conversation continued, she edged against the wall.

  "I'm afraid, Charles, there is another matter, however."

  A couple of footsteps sounded on the hallway floor. "Yes, Uncle?"

  "I happened to notice a certain quality to Lady Isabella's speech."

  "I believe Lady Isabella uttered only a word, Uncle."

  "Nevertheless, I'm quite sure I detected a different… accent."

  "Ah, you must be referring to her American background."

  Izzy heard a gasp.

  "American, you say?"

  "Why yes, Uncle. We discussed it the same day I told you her surname was Hodgkin."

  "You did?"

  "That's when I explained she'd come to England to see her relatives."

  "Ah, yes. Uh… since I was taken with the wine that day, as it were, would you kindly remind me of those facts?"

  Izzy heard a sigh. "Her relatives are prosperous, successful nobility. I'm sure you're familiar with the Viscount Edward Hodgkin of Stonebrooke Manor?"

  "Of course, of course. I've certainly heard of them. Fine family. Fine indeed."

  Izzy covered her mouth with her hand to hold in a giggle. Charles was extremely convincing when he weaved a story for someone. She sobered when she remembered they needed to convince the entire ton of the same thing. Most likely, that wouldn't be nearly as easy.

  She scooted back toward the couch when the conversation ceased and she heard more footsteps. Seating herself and arranging the folds of her dress were barely accomplished when Charles appeared from the doorway. His uncle was close behind.

  Charles came toward her, bending slightly to take her hand. "Forgive me, Lady Isabella, for my rudeness. I should not have left you alone this long."

  Sebastian hurried toward her at such a pace she feared he might end up in her lap. "Please also forgive my rudeness, Lady Isabella. I daresay you have the right to be quite upset with me."

  Izzy bit her lip to keep from laughing. Poor Sebastian did look contrite. "It's quite all right. Please don't give it another thought."

  Sebastian let out a huge breath. If it had been any stronger, he would have extinguished the candles lighting the room. "Thank you, my lady. It is most generous of you."

  Something moved in Izzy's peripheral vision. A flash of orange. Darting a glance at the doorway, she saw Henrietta running toward her at full speed. When the cat reached the couch, she jumped straight up, landing on Izzy's lap. Purring and kneading, she turned in a circle for a nap. Izzy widened her eyes. What if Henrietta snagged her dress? It must have cost Charles a fortune.

  Sebastian tilted his head. "I say, Lady Isabella, the cat acts as if she's your best friend."

  Izzy shrugged. "I…"

  Charles picked up Henrietta and placed her on the floor. Henrietta glared at him, flipped her tail and left the room. "Think nothing of it, Uncle. Lady Isabella is a lover of animals. I'm sure you've heard animals sense that in people. I'm certain Henrietta just knew she'd found a kind soul."

  Sebastian frowned . "Who is Henrietta?"

  Charles' face colored pink. "It's… well, Kitty. We — I thought she needed a new name."

  "After all these years?"

  Charles shifted from his left foot to his right.

  Isabella leaned forward. "I think Henrietta is a lovely name, your grace."

  Sebastian raised his eyebrows and scratched his chin. "Can't say I've heard of renaming a pet before, Charles." He glanced in the direction of the hallway. "But, as with many other matters, I shall take you at your word."

  Charles let out a breath. "Thank you, Uncle. And now Lady Isabella and I must be on our way to the ball."

  "Why, yes, of course."

  With the help of Charles' outstretched hand, Izzy managed not to trip over the folds of her skirt as she stood. "Lady Isabella, are you ready to go?"

  Izzy nodded. "Yes, your grace. I'm ready."

  Sebastian waved as they made their way to the front door. "Have a wonderful evening."

  Chapter Six

  Izzy grasped Charles' hand tightly as they made their way toward the gate. "I can't believe how well it went! You were amazing."

  "Why thank you, Lady Isabella. But, it does help that Uncle Sebastian is easily susceptible to suggestion."

  Izzy laughed as Charles helped her once again into the carriage. When she claimed one of the seats, she expected Charles to take the one opposite her as he'd done before. Instead, he sat right next to her, causing an inferno of thoughts and feeling to warm her body and mind. Sudden flashes zipped through her mind of what it would feel like to kiss his lips, feel his arms around her, without all of the many layers of clothes they now wore.

  Charles took her hand. "I realize this is inappropriate behavior, sitting on the same seat as you, but I thought you might need some encouragement before we encounter the ton."

  Izzy raised one corner of her mouth. She was encouraged, all right, but not for the ton. She wanted so badly to kiss the man but was trying to stay in her 1812 persona. Would Charles make the first move? Please just kiss me!

  As if reading her thoughts, Charles leaned closer. He released her hand, placing both of his on either side of her face. She inhaled, intoxicated by his mingled scent of peppermint, spice, and just plain man. Time slowed as she watched his lips. They curved up, forming a dimple on the left side she'd never noticed before.

  The carriage dipped as its wheel encountered a rut, causing Izzy to fall forward. Charles wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. Sighing, she closed her eyes, resting her cheek against the soft lapel of his coat.

  Charles loosened his grasp. "Wait. This isn't right. Something's missing."

  Izzy angled her head back to see his face. "What's missing?" Had he changed his mind about being close to her? No, please don't pull away.

  "This." Charles placed one gloved finger under her chin, lifted it, and touched his lips to hers. Izzy's skin buzzed, a low-level hum that penetrated down deep into her core. If her heart beat any quicker, it would fly out of her chest and disappear into the night.

  She felt her lips rise at the corners against his. Yes, just as she'd hoped, Charles' lips were soft and smooth as velvet. Izzy melted further into him, though she wondered how she could have gotten any closer. The fabric of her gloves swished against his coat lapel. Did proper ladies ever discard their gloves when passionately kissing a man in a carriage? It would be so much more enjoyable to feel his skin with her fingers.

  Charles brushed his lips across her cheek, her neck, and just below her earlobe. The warmth from his breath made her skin tingle. As he angled his head, Izzy felt his breath over her closed eyes, feathering across her eyelashes. He pulled her tight, until she was nearly on his lap. He set his chin on the top of her head. Surely heaven wasn't any sweeter.

  "Oh, Charles, after that I'm expected to be introduced to the ton?" She felt the vibration from his throat before the chuckle escaped his lips.

  "Isabella, in all honesty, I'd completely forgotten the ball."

  "Oh, but—"

  The carriage slowed to a stop. Izzy scooted away from Charles just as he hopped to the other seat. As she smoothed her hair and gloves, she glanced up to see him mirroring her actions. She giggled. "Do I look presentable, your grace?"

  "Perfection, Lady Isabella. And I?"

  Izzy nodded. "Perfection as well."

  "All is well then, my lady. Shall we?"

  Charles helped Izzy from the carriage and then paid the driver, who tipped his hat. The clip-clop of the horses' hooves echoed on the cobblestone as the carriage bumped down the street. They walked up the short path to the Kringle's home, hurrying to escape the cold. Izzy held up the folds of her dress so she wouldn't trip on the steps, but not high enough to warrant scandal from any passersby. What had been so foreign and silly to her just two weeks ago now seemed almost second nature. Almost. She'd yet to encounter the ton. All of her training and practice might just fly out the window when they confronted her.

  As a butler opened the large ornate doors, Charles escorted Izzy inside. She stood motionless, uncertain what to do next. When she glanced up at Charles, she relaxed as he squeezed her hand and led her further into the foyer. She'd have to follow his lead, because without him, she'd be a quivering mass of gelatin.

  Her slippers padded on the dark green floor runner. Christmas wreaths and garlands of holly decorated the walls. When they rounded the corner to the entrance of the ballroom, Izzy's breath caught. High vaulted ceilings sported several crystal chandeliers, and the marble floor had been buffed to a shine.

  She glanced around the huge room and noticed tables with refreshments and chairs placed along the walls. When she turned her head back toward Charles, she realized he must have been watching for her reaction. He grinned, giving her hand a gentle pat.

  "Is it to your liking, Lady Isabella?"

  "Yes, your grace. It's quite impressive."

  "Excellent. Shall we make some introductions?"

  Izzy swallowed down a lump in her throat. "Certainly, your grace." As she and Charles headed toward the herd of curious onlookers, her stomach gurgled. Her legs tingled like the day she'd been locked in Charles' closet, and she mentally scolded herself. Not now. Please not now. I don't want to embarrass Charles.

  Charles leaned close, whispering so only she could hear. "Remember, Isabella, try to only speak when spoken to, and in as few words as possible. Hopefully it will make it easier for you."

  Izzy nodded. Ready or not, ladies and lords of the ton, here I come.


  Charles kept his hand over Isabella's, which rested on his forearm. He felt her trembling. As he angled his head down in the vicinity of her ear, he whispered, "Fear not, Isabella, things will be fine. Remember, I am a duke. Dukes garner respect from the ton."

  Isabella's lips curved upward, making Charles shiver, but for quite different reasons. Yes, he loved showing her off to the ton, but would rather be alone with her, as in the carriage on their way to the ball.

  "Let's introduce you to Lord and Lady Kringle, as they are our hosts for the ball."

  "All right, Charles — I mean, your grace."

  Charles felt his own lips curve. "Well done, Lady Isabella." He gave her fingers a squeeze as they approached Lord and Lady Kringle. While he kept a steadying hold on Isabella's hand, he guided her toward the couple.

  "Lord and Lady Kringle, may I present Lady Isabella Hodgkin."

  Lady Kringle tilted her head. "How lovely to meet you, Lady Isabella."

  Isabella performed a shallow curtsy. "The pleasure is mine, Lady Kringle."

  Lord Kringle raised his bushy eyebrows. "You are most welcome in our home, Lady Isabella." Switching his gaze from Isabella to Charles, he lowered his voice. "Your grace, do I detect a certain…" The lord seemed to think better of his words and cast his gaze somewhere in the vicinity of Charles left ear.

  "My lord, you do indeed detect an accent far from our own. Lady Isabella is from America." He held up a finger before the other man could react. "She is visiting relatives.
Surely you're familiar with Lord Edward Hodgkin, Viscount of Stonebrooke Manor?" Charles held his breath. He knew the lord would not contradict him in public. How he chose to speculate in private was another matter. Would he pass along Charles' version of the truth?

  Lord Kringle blinked and then nodded. "Of course, your grace, of course. I've had the pleasure of making Lord Edward Hodgkin's acquaintance on many occasions. Fine fellow. Good family."

  Charles bit his lip to hold in a snort. Being a duke did have its advantages. He could say the sky was purple and lord and ladies would flock to admire it.

  Lady Kringle nodded at Charles and Isabella. "Please enjoy your evening at the ball."

  Isabella let out a deep breath after politely thanking Lady Kringle.

  As they walked away, Charles leaned close to Isabella. "You were wonderful. I knew you could do it."

  She whispered back, "Thank you. But it looks as if we have a ways to go." She tilted her head, indicating the direction of the far wall. Charles glanced in that direction and noticed everyone staring at them.

  He chuckled. "It's just as I expected. The ton are nosier than Henrietta."

  Isabella giggled. "Is that so?"

  "It is." He inclined his head toward the curious crowd. "Shall we?"

  Isabella raised her chin. "If we must."

  Charles gave her a grin, hoping to encourage her. This was the moment they'd both been anticipating. The ton could be cruel. He just hoped they took mercy on Isabella, or at least kept their venom to themselves until later. They approached the first group, who resembled cats staring through the window of a fish market.

  "Lady Cordelia Coltrane, may I introduce Lady Isabella Hodgkin."

  Lady Cordelia tilted her head as if she were royalty. Her lips formed a barely-disguised smirk. "A pleasure to meet you, Lady Isabella."

  Isabella took a step closer. "And you as well, Lady Cordelia."

  A collective gasp rushed through the crowd. Charles knew it was because of Isabella's accent. He forced a smile he didn't feel. "Lady Isabella is from America. She's visiting relatives here in England."


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