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Inheriting A Mafia

Page 4

by K. L Hart

  “Craig!” I shout and a guy stands forward, He is not the biggest in the line but he could knock most guys out easily, I point for him to stand to the side and I see some smirks from the others. I walk up to the one who is actually snickering,

  “Why do you think I have singled him out?”

  “Cuz he is weak, he doesn’t get the girls to do what they need too!” His voice horse and deep.

  “Wrong!” I say walking away from him, I point to the two smaller guys at the end of the line who are obviously the bar staff,

  “You two run the bar?” I ask, making sure! They both nod and I jerk my head in the direction of Craig and they both go and stand with him! I turn back to the others and stand with my head held high.

  “You are all fired! I need Men that protect the girls not abuse them because it makes them feel better! I hear your names involved in anything regarding women and I will come after you! I hear you have done so much as call a girl a bitch and I will send someone to cut your balls off! Do you understand?” All the men nod except one, the one who commented on Craig, I stalk to him,

  “I said do you understand!”

  “I don’t have to do anything you say, you're just a weak little girl!” He says, I spot Sam edging closer to us from the corner of my eye and I put out a palm to stop him. I pull my gun from the back of my jeans and shoot the guy in the knee; he crumples to the floor with a scream of pain.

  “Fucking Bitch!” He growls, I turn to some of my men that are stood to the side,

  “Take him, teach him a lesson he will never forget!” Two of them come over, grab the guy and drag him away, he’s grunting some curses out but he soon gone from my sight.

  “The rest of you can fuck off now!” I have never seen people move so quickly. I go back to the bar and retake my position sitting on it.

  “Craig! I am trusting you to hire new a new security team, you will be in charge of them, I do not want anyone touching the girls!” He gives me a nod.

  “What are your names?”

  “Ryan,” The blonde one answers,

  “I'm Scott!” The one with mousy brown hair says.

  “You two are now in charge of the bar! I need you to hire three more staff members and you need to create a new menu, cocktails, champagne everything!” I stifle a chuckle when Scott’s eyes sparkle in excitement, I can tell he is trying hard not to bounce around!

  “I expect you all here at Ten AM, two weeks from today with your new staff members, we will sort the rest out then. I imagine your all on crappy money just like the girls so you're all getting a pay rise! Leave your numbers and addresses and I’ll have your wages for the next two weeks dropped off later today! You need me for anything contact The Vellucci Resort and Casino ask for Baxter he will get through to me!”

  Chapter Six

  I just sit down on my couch with some popcorn, dressed in my silk pj shorts and matching cami when the doorbell rings. I walk through the house and open the door, Matteo stands there and when he sees what I'm wearing his eyes go wide, a split second later and they're back to normal. I cross my arms and lean against the door frame,

  “Hey!” I say,

  “Hi, I just thought I would drop this off!” He hands me the deed for the club that I completely forgot to grab off him earlier,

  “Thanks, you want to come in, have a beer?”

  “No thanks, I have to go!” And the awkwardness is back, what is it about this guy that has me feeling this way? Does he feel it too?

  “I know you did not come here just to give me that! What? No lecture today?” I start walking to the kitchen and Matteo follows me reluctantly.

  “I did not come here to give you a lecture!” I open the fridge and toss a beer too him, grabbing one for me too.

  “Yeah right!” I lean on the breakfast bar, next to where he is now sitting. Matteo takes a huge glug of his beer and I do the same.

  “I do want to say that you handled things well today, you thought things through and made good business decisions!” I nearly choke on my beer, I take this opportunity to ask him the question that has been annoying me for days,

  “Why were you sent here?”

  “I was trained by my Grandfather to run a Mafia; I can help you and I am free to do so!”

  “But aren't you needed on your own turf?”

  “No, I'm just the spare! Dad disappeared years ago and my older brother Lorenzo is the one to inherit the turf, I was just there for the training in case anything happened to him!” He shrugs and I start feeling bad for the guy,

  “I'm sorry I’ve took you away from your family!”

  “Don’t be! Me and my brother basically hate each other and I'm not important enough to see my grandfather!”

  “You must have friends?”

  “A couple, but they are coming to visit soon!”

  “For what it’s worth, I have no one here either, I'm just as alone as you are! Matteo snaps his gaze to mine and I shudder under his intense stare.

  “We should look out for each other then!” He says and I give him a small nod.

  “You have my back, I’ll have yours!” I put my hand out and Matteo stands and shakes it.

  “I best go, looks like you were on your way to bed!” I chuckle, Matteo raises an eyebrow at me,

  “It’s nine o’clock! I was planning on chilling on the sofa with some popcorn and a movie,” Matteo gives me a small smile, which makes his whole face transform, and I thought the guy couldn’t get any hotter!

  “Oh! I’ll leave you to it then,” He makes his way towards the door,

  “I’ll see you at work tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, good night Sienna.” He says and then he’s gone, and the awkwardness disappears with him.

  I'm amazed with my new Office, the interior designer did a fantastic job given she had one week, the walls are now white, the bookcases have gone and replaced with grey glossy shelves, the family portrait has been taken down and took to my house, the other paintings have gone into storage and a professional photo of me is now hanging on the wall. The old brown sofas have been replaced with bright white ones with grey cushion's, the chairs in front of my desk are classy and sleek. I sit in my high-backed white desk chair; it is too comfortable! I look at my desk, its legs and drawers are a glossy grey and the top is glass, there is a small finger print scanner on the corner of the desk, I press my finger on it and the desk basically comes to life! It has Music apps, TV apps, and even some games, basically a cell phone! I press the Spotify icon and choose a playlist; the music booms out of the surround sound speakers that have been cleverly concealed around the room! The desk is very big and the whole thing is touch screen! My new iMac is sat in the corner of the desk with the wireless mouse and keyboard tucked away in a drawer. My favorite part of the office is the mini bar in the corner which also has a coffee machine and a candy dispenser. I am singing along to the music while looking over some reports, feeling much more comfortable in this room than I did before! I jump when I look up and Matteo is stood in the middle of the room looking at me with a smirk on his face!

  “Don’t sneak up on me!” I growl as I tap the volume down button on the desk.

  “I did knock! Nice voice by the way!” He has this sexy smirk on his face which makes me want to print his face on a pillow! I am turning into a stalker now, but that’s ok, I can look right?

  “Yeah, Yeah! Did you need something?”

  “I just wanted to update you, Baxter has sent the designer to The Diamond Lounge and she said she will have it done in the two weeks, I have summoned Sam he will be here at Three and the bouncer from yesterday has been let go, he will not be causing trouble for a while given the state the men left him in!”

  “Good!” I say, my phone rings I look at the screen and answer the call,

  “Uncle Rocco!”

  “Sienna, I'm just ringing to say that your father's funeral is organized and will be held in three days' time, I have informed everyone so you just need to show up.” I hang u
p, not wanting to continue the conversation.

  “Everything OK?” Matteo asks, I feel numb as I stare at my phone,

  “Daddy’s Funeral is on Thursday,”

  “I'm Sorry, Sienna, this has got to be tough!” I look at him and see pity in his eyes, great just what I need!

  “Thanks, I'll be alright, I need to get it out of the way so I can get on with all of this other shit!” I waving my hand at the computer. Matteo gives me a small nod and then leaves the room. I lean back in my chair and stare at the ceiling! I give myself ten minutes to feel sorry for myself then I get right back to work!

  “Boss?” Sam says as he taps on the open door to my office,

  “Hey, Sam,” I wave him in, Sam comes and stands in front of my desk looking like the soldier I pay him to be.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  “How would you like to change posts?” Sam eyes flash with worry, but he disguises it quickly.

  “To where?”

  “I want you to be my security, you dropped everything to follow me yesterday to make sure I didn’t get hurt! I need that, I need someone I can trust to follow me into stupid situations without hesitation! I need someone to have my back!”

  “Well, I can’t really say no, can I Boss?” He says with a grin and a wink.

  “Good! I throw down some cash on the desk, go get yourself some nice suits, Go see Henderson he will kit you out and give you a run-down of what you have to do! I expect you at my house at Nine Thirty AM tomorrow to drive me to work!”

  “Yes Boss!” He says and I give him a genuine smile, I like Sam, his cheeky attitude is what I need around me! I need people to keep me grounded and follow me regardless of how much danger I put us in, which will probably be a lot because I'm hot headed and have a slight anger issue, or so I'm told anyway.

  Chapter Seven

  I watch as my Father is lowered into a hole, the numb feeling is back and I feel like I'm watching a film, not standing here staring coldly at my father's funeral, I throw a Rose into the hole and spin on my heel and leave. I know I should be crying and saying my last goodbye to the person I loved most in this world but I can't bring myself to feel anything, I have tried but every time I think about Daddy or Luca, I just feel like I've been pumped with anesthetic! What kind of person does that make me! Sam opens the car door for me, I slide in and tell him to take me to The Casino! I stare blindly out the window for the twenty-minute drive. I get out of the car and head straight to the bar ignoring the staff who are attempting to say hello to me!

  “Tequila, and keep it coming!” I snap at the barmaid as I slide onto the stool.

  “Have you got ID!”

  “I Don’t need ID; I own the fucking place!” The woman goes white and stands there obviously not knowing what to do! I pull out my phone and dial Vinitto, at this point I am ready to punch someone, I want to get white girl wasted and no one will stop me!

  “Boss,” He answers,

  “Any particular reason why your bar staff won’t serve me?”

  “I'm on my way!” I throw the phone on the Bar and wait, I tap my nails on the bar while I stare the barmaid down, I can see sweat appear on her brow from how I'm making her scared, right now I couldn’t give a shit about her feelings, I'm busy trying to find mine! It takes Vinitto mere minutes to get to me, He swaps the barmaid with another one,

  “What did you want, Boss?” He looks a little nervous.

  “Tequila! And for you to inform the staff in the Casino who actually pays their wages!” Vinitto nods and the new bar maid hands me a tiny plate with Lime and salt on it and then a shot of Tequila. I don’t bother with the salt, I down the shot and suck on the lime, I slam the glass back on the bar, gesturing for another. I turn to face Vinitto,

  “You can go do your job now!” He leaves giving me a strange look as he does.

  A bottle of Tequila later and I am officially wasted,

  “I like you! You're getting a pay rise!” I slur to the barmaid who ended up sitting next to me with the bottle and just pouring! She smiles at me. I rest my head on the bar for literally a minute, when I come back up for another shot my lovely new barmaid has gone and has been replaced by Matteo!

  “You're not my barmaid! I want my barmaid!” I slur, I'm not even sure I can be understood at this point!

  “Sienna, are you ok?” He has this tiny crease in his forehead, either from worry or annoyance,

  “Shhh! You pour the drink and be quiet, or bring back my barmaid!” He slides a bottle of water in front of me and it looks like its bendy when he moves it.

  “Drink this water and Ill pour you another shot!” I roll my eyes at him.

  “Fine!” I pick up the bottle and down the water. I suddenly don’t feel great and I put my head back on the bar.

  “Sienna?” Matteo asks concerned; I turn my head to the side so I can look at him without lifting my heavy head!

  “Are you hungry?” I attempt a nod; I don’t think that’s what I did though.

  “Come on we will get food on the way back to your house!” I nearly fall flat on my face when I get off the stool but Matteo catches me, he scoops me up and I wrap my arms around his neck on instinct, I rest my head on his shoulder,

  “You smell nice!” I murmur and he chuckles, didn’t know he could do that!

  “Thanks!” Is it strange that this is the first time it hasn’t been super awkward between us? Maybe I just need to be drunk to be around him! He gets to the car and opens the door without even jostling me, he slides me in the passenger seat and buckles me in! I hear him talking to Sam but I can't be bothered to make out the words, soon he’s sitting in the driver's seat and starting the engine up!

  “Matty, can I have a Big Mac?” I have given him a nickname and I am sticking with it, if it pisses him off even better!

  “Sure?” He raises an eyebrow at me and that’s all the reaction I get! I lean my head against the window and the lights flashing past my face make me feel sick so I close my eyes.

  I'm woken up as Matteo picks me up and carry's me into my house,

  “Sienna, where’s your room?”

  “First floor, third on the left,” I sound a bit more sober than before. He walks us up to my room and puts me down softly on my bed,

  “I’ll go get the food and be back OK?” I just nod. After he leaves the room, I attempt to undo the black dress I have on but fail miserably, I do manage to pull the hair band out of my hair and my blonde locks falls down my back and over my shoulders. I kick off my heels and wait for Matteo to come back! He enters my room and when he hands me my burger, I attack it, it is gone within minutes and I can hear Matteo snickering beside me but I have no fucks left to give!

  “So, bad day huh?”

  “Yup! Do you think I'm some sort of psychopath, I mean I can't even feel anything at my own father's funeral!” I blurt.

  “No, Sienna, I think you have buried your feelings so much you can't get them back out! That’s self-preservation!”

  “Selfish more like!” I mumble, He places a finger under my chin and forces me to look him in the eyes.

  “You are not selfish! You are dealing with a lot right now! Give yourself time!” His eyes are soft and I know he is being genuine! I am not sure how it happens but I end up pushing my mouth against his and kissing him! Tequila makes you do strange shit! He starts to kiss me back and then pulls away!

  “Sienna, your too drunk to do this! You will regret it!” I shake my head.

  “I'm sober enough to know I want to kiss you!” Am I? Do I? Yes, I do, I have since he first walked in my office! I can see him thinking about it for a second,

  “Fuck it!” He grumbles before Kissing me again, his hand grips the back of my neck, pulling me closer and my hands work their way through his hair. The kiss is hard and deep and seems to be never ending. Eventually we pull away from each other both panting for breath, he stares into my eyes, his gaze is dark and stormy and it sends shivers down my back.

  “Sienna, I have to g
o!” He gets off the bed and backs away from me like I have a virus!

  “Ok!” I say, confused as to what just happened.

  “I’ll come back in the morning!” He says as he basically sprints out of my room, I try again to get off my dress but I give up quickly and crawl into my bed fully dressed! I try and figure out why Matteo rushed out of here like a bat out of hell, the only conclusion I can think of is regret! He regrets kissing me.

  Chapter Eight

  I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, I sit up slowly and groan at the pounding in my head,

  “Fucking Tequila!” I mumble, I grab my phone and answer it,

  “What!” I say quietly,

  “Boss, are you going to work today?” Sam asks,

  “No! Are you at my place?”


  “The door should be open; can you grab me some painkillers and a coffee and bring it up to my room? it’s the third door on the left!” Sam chuckles down the phone, I roll my eyes, prick!

  “Hangover that bad? I'll be up in five!” I hang up the phone. I get out of my bed slowly and try to get my dress off but the zipper will not move. I give up and brush my teeth and wash my face instead of the shower I desperately need! I reenter my bedroom just as Sam knocks on the door, I open it and basically snatch the pain killers and bottle of water from him! I pop two tablets and drain the bottle before taking the coffee and placing it on the bedside table!

  “As your personal Security would you like me to enact revenge on the Tequila?” He tries to hide his grin, but fails miserably and I glare at him.

  “Next time!”

  “Seriously though, are you OK?”

  “I'm good, you can enact some violence on this fucking dress though, the zipper is stuck!” I say, Sam gives me a smile and nods his head, I turn around and gather my hair over my shoulder. Sam Tugs on the zipper but it will not budge, he tries a few more times,

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I snap my head around to look at a pissed off Matteo standing in the door.


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