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NYC Vamps: Roman: Vampire Romance

Page 153

by Sky Winters

  “Will you help me?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Elena said, nodding. “We will.”

  Chapter Seven

  Savannah could see Xander half-hidden by the trees when she pulled up in the car. She tried to wipe her face clean of any signs that indicated where she had been all evening. He was at her door when she got out of the car.

  “Where have you been?” Xander asked.

  “I took my new car out for a test drive,” Savannah told him with a small smile. “Do you like the car?”

  Xander gave it a distracted look. “It’s fine. You were just out…driving all this time?”

  “Yes.” Savannah nodded. “I guess I just needed to get out and clear my head.”

  Xander nodded and then he reached out and took her hand. “Why don’t we do something fun, just the two of us?”

  Savannah smiled. “That sounds perfect. My parents aren’t home, why don’t you come in?”

  Xander nodded and they walked in together. This was the first moment amidst the madness of her current reality that Savannah actually felt like a normal teenage girl entertaining her boyfriend at home. She'd never experienced the feeling before, and it made her feel warm inside.

  Savannah drew Xander to the couch and they sat close together with Xander’s arms wrapped around her. He kissed the top of her head and laughed. “Does this qualify as doing something fun?”

  “I think so.” Savannah sighed. “We’ve never had this--”

  “You’re right.” Xander said. “We went from exchanging glances to practically exchanging vows to spend our lives together. It feels like we've skipped all the in-betweens.”

  “It’s not too late,” Savannah, reminded him.

  “I know.”

  “Maybe, after, we can go to the clearing,” Savannah suggested, feeling the strange need to glimpse the sight of the calm, pristine lake. “It feels like I haven’t been there in ages.”

  It was more than just the need to be in the clearing again. Savannah felt the urge to be with Xander in that space. She remembered the first day he had taken her there, the way his eyes had lingered on her body as she had stripped down before entering the lake, the way his hands had felt against her skin, and the way his lips had tasted.

  She wanted to experience those sensations again, but knew that they'd be enhanced somehow, this time, not that there was more between her and Xander. Now there was familiarity, comfort, and safety, mingled in with the passion and desire, and she could feel it burning, like a layer of electricity just beneath her skin.

  “That’s a good idea,” Xander said. “And you can see what the clearing looks like during sunset--it’s magical.”

  “I believe that.”

  She rested her head against his broad chest and tried to release all the worries that held fast to her thoughts. Savannah hated keeping things from Xander, but she knew he would dismiss her ideas, and she couldn’t just sit back and do nothing, especially when she felt partially responsible for everything that had happened.

  “Are things all right…with the pack?” Savannah asked before she could stop herself.

  She saw Xander’s eyes cloud over for a minute, but then he nodded. “Everything’s fine at the moment,” he said. “Rather than talk about the pack, why don't we just…be together.”

  “You’re right,” Savannah said, happy with the arrangement. “That sounds good to me.”

  They sat there for almost half an hour, sharing random conversation and exchanging little kernels of information about their lives. Savannah felt the strength of their connection strengthen as they opened up to one another. It was nice to feel normal. It was nice to have something that was completely theirs, untouched by the outside noise.

  Xander leaned in suddenly and kissed her, hard on the lips. There was an urgency there that made Savannah feel as if they were running out of time. The heat traveled up her body, and she felt the need to be with Xander, right then and there, in the dirt and muck of the forest.

  Xander pulled away abruptly. “Let’s go to the clearing,” he said, and Savannah nodded in response, noticing the urgency in his tone.

  They took Xander’s motorbike to the path that led up to the clearing, Xander holding Savannah’s hand as they manoeuvred their way up the steep hills, past the trees, past the little signs of life, past the noise, and to the furthest tip of the mountain.

  By the time they'd reached flat ground again, Savannah was a little tired, but enthusiastic. The light was beginning to fade and she knew they had made it just in time for the sunset. Savannah and Xander walked into the clearing, bright with sun-painted color, with clouds in hues of lavender, gold, and rose.

  Savannah took a breah. “Wow!”

  They moved to the bank of the lake where Savannah saw every color imaginable reflected there. It was like the water had been transformed into a cesspool of color that made her want to jump in, and find every secret each of those colors contained.

  “This is amazing.” Savannah said.

  The water winked cheekily at her and the wind made shallow ripples in its glass-like surface, so that one color moved into the others to create a unique spectrum. There was a glow about the lake, some kind of muted magic that Savannah sensed, as though from a great distance.

  “The water,” she whispered.

  “What about it?” Xander asked.

  “It feels as though it’s talking to me.”

  Xander smiled. “The lake is sacred,” he said. “We believe it contains magical powers.”

  “What kind of powers?”

  “Healing powers, strengthening powers, and cleansing powers. That’s what the legends say, though…I don’t know if it’s actually true.”

  “You’ve never tested the legend?” Savannah asked.

  “I’ve never needed to, I hope I never do.”

  Savannah looked back at the little crystals that seemed embedded in the lake. “I think it's true,” she said with conviction.

  “Can you feel it?” Xander asked glancing at her.

  “A little,” Savannah replied. “But I don’t know if that's what I’m sensing, or if my mind's just working overtime.”

  Xander laughed. “You want to go in?”

  Savannah looked toward Xander in surprise. “Now?” she asked.

  “Why not?” he asked with a shrug and a slow smile.

  It was like that first day they'd spent together, with only a few minor changes. Back then Savannah had been a stranger to him, with only the strange and inexplicable bond in common, that neither one could understand. He had trusted her enough to bring her to this perfect place and they had swum together in the lake’s clear waters and kissed under the sun’s golden rays.

  “Okay,” Savannah said, and Xander came forward.

  He undressed her slowly and tenderly, as though he were scared she would break. His eyes combed over every inch of her and Savannah felt her blood rise in response. She reached out instinctively and pulled Xander’s shirt off of him. When they were both standing naked in front of each other, Xander took Savannah’s hand and they walked into the lake together.

  Savannah had expected the water to be cold and sharp, but despite the sun’s failing rays, the water was warm and soft. It rushed at her from all sides and draped itself around her like a caress. For the first time in what seemed like forever, Savannah felt the stress that had been gripping her for the last few days slip away. She turned into Xander and kissed him passionately, thrilled to find her mind released of worry, no matter how short the reprieve would be.

  “This feels amazing,” Savannah whispered, her lips pressed against Xander’s neck.

  She clung to him as Xander’s hands wrapped around her, and they turned together in the melding mists of color. There was a slight chill of magic in the air, surrounding both of them, tickling their skin lovingly.

  They kissed in the water, long and slow, and then they moved out onto the bank, unwilling to put their clothes on just yet. Xander pushed Savannah back onto
the soft grass gently and then he moved on top of her. The chill clinging to her body died instantly as Xander’s body came over hers, his skin filling her with new heat.

  They kissed under the fading light of day and as Xander entered her gently, Savannah looked up at the bright stars twinkling in the faded midnight-blue sky. There were still edges of color clinging stubbornly to the clouds, but a few rabid rays of moonlight were quickly extinguishing them.

  Afterwards, Xander rested his head against Savannah’s chest and they lay entwined and completely content in the comfortable silence.

  “I wish it could always be like this,” Savannah said quietly.

  “It will be,” Xander assured her, and he kissed her breasts. “Once this is all over, all we’ll have left to do is swim, eat, and make love under the sky.”

  “That sounds perfect.” Savannah sighed. “But what about the pack?”

  She felt Xander tense instantly. “I thought we agreed not to talk about the pack today.”

  “You’re right,” Savannah said slowly. “Forget the question.”

  Xander propped himself up on one elbow and gazed down at Savannah as his fingers traced the contours of her face. Every so often he would bend down and place a kiss on her cheek, brow, or forehead. They lay there until they were both completely dry, and then they dressed slowly, as though they had all the time in the world and no place to go.

  Savannah had just put on her shirt when a flash of light coursed through her field of vision, and she knew a vision was imminent.

  “Savannah?” Xander’s voice sounded worried.

  Savannah ripped her hearing aid off quickly, and closed her eyes. “Something is coming,” she said, concentrating on the wave that was about to hit.

  Savannah gasped when the vision finally came over her, the clearest one she'd ever had. She froze into place, willing herself to ignore everything else and pay attention. She was only mildly aware that Xander was standing next to her, but the moment the next flash of light came, she forgot where she was and whom she was with.

  She saw herself standing in the clearing close to the lake, but the lake was cast in bright sunshine. Savannah could tell the sun she was seeing in her vision was a few days older than the one that had just set. Then she saw Marissa. Her face was contorted in a scowl, and her eyes were ablaze with fury. She was running towards Savannah, a stick in her hand raised in attack.

  Savannah watched in shock as Marissa ran toward her, double-time, and plunged a fiery blue dagger straight into Savannah’s heart.


  Savannah shook herself out of the last remnants of her vision. Even though she was currently herself gazing into Xander’s sad, grey eyes, she could still see Marissa’s fierce beauty as she ran ahead.

  “What did you see?” Xander said.

  Savannah read the words on his lips. Even though she couldn’t hear him, she could sense the concern that was virtually dripping from his aura.

  “I saw what I always suspected would happen,” Savannah said at last.

  “What did you see?” Xander said. Savannah slipped her hearing aid back in.

  “I saw my future,” Savannah said, “clear as day.”

  Xander fell silent and waited for her to continue.

  “I saw my death,” Savannah went on slowly. She glanced at Xander’s eyes, willing him to believe her, fearing that he wouldn’t. “I saw Marissa plunging a knife into my heart.”

  Chapter Eight

  “What?” Xander said blinking at her in shock.

  “Marissa,” Savannah said, her voice colored with anger and bitterness. “I saw her run toward me with a dagger in hand…she plunged it into my heart!”

  Xander stood before her as though he were carved in stone. His eyes turbulent and filled with disbelief. “Say something.” Savannah begged. “Say something.”

  Xander looked her head on, and Savannah knew he was choosing his words carefully. The magic that had engulfed them only moments before seemed to have abandoned them, and Savannah could feel only fear and unease and anger.


  “I saw it!”

  “I know you did,” Xander said calmly as he took a step forward. “I know you think you saw it–"

  “Think?” Savannah repeated as she cringed away from Xander. “Think?”

  “You’re pregnant, and sometimes, that can influence your visions,” Xander said trying to calm her.

  “Don’t do that,” Savannah said angrily. “Don’t treat me as though I was some jealous idiot who can’t control my raging hormones. This has nothing to do with my pregnancy. It’s what I saw and it's what's going to happen soon.”

  “Marissa would never hurt you,” Xander said adamantly.

  Savannah turned and started walking away from him.

  “Savannah,” Xander cried as he ran after her. “Wait! Please stop and talk to me.”

  “You don’t believe me?” Savannah demanded and she turned around to face him again. “And yet you trust her?”

  “I’ve known her my whole life--”

  “And you’ve known me for a fraction of a second in comparison,” Savannah interrupted him. “I know that as well as you do, but it doesn't change what I saw.”

  “What if what you saw was a mistake?” Xander demanded.

  “A mistake?” Savannah asked incredulously. “How can you think that?”

  “Because you yourself have told me that your visions are rare, and when they do come to you they aren’t clear. What if you simply saw what you wanted to see as opposed to what actually is?”

  Savannah stopped short and stared at Xander. “Which is it?” She asked in a thick voice. “You don’t believe me, or you don’t trust me.” For a split second Savannah found herself thinking of Abel and the fact that he would have believed her vision without second thought.

  Xander sighed in frustration. “I do believe you and I do trust you--I just think that, in this instance, I have more information than you do.”

  “And what information do I have?” Savannah demanded.

  “I think you're scared and that fear's clouding your judgement,” Xander said, trying to reach for Savannah’s hand.

  Savannah shook him off and started to walk away from him. Xander followed close behind, imploring her to stay and talk to him. “Savannah please,” he said, “I’m on your side.”

  “Really?” Savannah said, coming to another stop. “Are you really on my side? Because it doesn’t feel that way to me. In fact, it feels like you’re on Marissa’s side.”

  “You don’t understand,” Xander said desperately. “I know Marissa.”

  “Maybe you’re the one who’s blind,” Savannah said hotly as she continued on the winding path down the hill. It was harder to move in the darkness and walking downhill was always more treacherous than walking uphill. Savannah slipped a few times. The last time Xander grabbed her just in time.

  “Slow down Savannah,” Xander cautioned. “You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  “I’m fine,” Savannah snapped, pulling from herself from his grip and resuming her pace.

  When they reached the bottom of the hill, Savannah stood beside Xander’s bike and fixed him with a cold stare.“Just take me home,” she said.


  “Please,” Savannah begged tiredly. “I don’t want to talk anymore. I just want to get home.”

  Xander stared at her a moment longer and then shook his head in defeat. “All right, I’ll take you home,” he said.

  The ride back to the house was filled with a dark silence and Savannah felt every beautiful moment she'd experienced in the last few hours melt away. She felt as though she were alone again, which only served to strengthen her resolve. She was right to have taken matters into her own hands. She was right to have sought help.

  When Xander stopped the bike in front of her house, Savannah got down without saying a word, and started toward the house.

  “Savannah,” Xander called out befo
re she reached the door, “please.”

  Savannah turned around to face him. “Give me some time,” she said. “I need a break.”

  Xander looked at her forlornly for a long moment, and then he nodded once. “If that’s what you need.”

  Savannah turned her back on him and walked into the house. She closed the door on Xander, and for some unfathomable reason, Savannah found herself thinking about Abel as she climbed the stairs to her room.

  Chapter Nine

  Savannah woke early the next day, after a night of shapeless dreams and hidden monsters. She felt the dark circles under her eyes before she saw them, and longed for the soft, cushy pillows of her bed, wishing that she could have just a few more hours of dreamless sleep.

  She put on her oldest and most favorite pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and her most comfortable hoodie, grabbed her backpack, and headed down the stairs.

  “Savannah?” her mother called from the kitchen.

  “Hi, Mom,” Savannah said as she stuck her head in the door. “I’m going out for a bit.”

  “It’s early,” her mother pointed out.

  “It’s not too early for hiking,” Savannah said with a small smile.

  “Wow! You're really into this hiking thing, aren’t you?” her mother said.

  “I know--it’s surprising to me, too,” Savannah replied.

  “Maybe I’ll join you one day and see what all the fuss is about,” her mother said.

  “That would be nice.” Savannah nodded and attempted to leave the kitchen.

  “Hey,” her mother called, “what about breakfast?”

  Savannah stuck her head back in. “What are we having?”


  Savannah went to the table and took a waffle from the plate. She crunched into it and gave her mother a smile. “That should do it,” she said, and then she waved goodbye as she left the kitchen.

  She drove the car to the foot of Grey Mountain and stared up at the steep hill. It looked familiar to her now, despite the fact that she'd only made one journey there before. All of the smells that had been foreign to her the day before were starting to make sense now. She began to climb, glad that her pregnancy still allowed her to be active and limber.


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